Cardeñosa is a municipality located in the province of Ávila, Castile and León, Spain. According to the 2011 census , the municipality has a population of 513 inhabitants. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. Segovia AqueductSegovia The Aqueduct of Segovia is a Roman aqueduct in Segovia, Spain. With the Pont du Gard in France, it is one of the best-preserved elevated Roman aqueducts. It is the foremost symbol of Segovia, as evidenced by its presence on the city's coat of arms. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Hoces del Rio Duraton Natural ParkSepulveda Hoces del Rio Duratón Natural Park is a natural park of 5,037 hectares 1,2 km West from Sepúlveda, Segovia. Its name refers to the Duratón River. Las Hoces refers to the series of 100m high gorges that were formed by the Duratón.Saint Fructus established himself here as a hermit in the 8th century; a monastery dedicated to him also exists within the park. The park encompasses the towns of Sepúlveda, Sebúlcor and Carrascal del Río.It is home to a population of griffon vultures, along with Egyptian vultures, common kestrels, and peregrine falcons. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
4. The Four PostsAvila Spain , officially the Kingdom of Spain , is a country mostly located on the Iberian Peninsula in Europe. Its territory also includes two archipelagoes: the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, and the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The African enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla make Spain the only European country to have a physical border with an African country . Several small islands in the Alboran Sea are also part of Spanish territory. The country's mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar; to the north and northeast by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west and northwest by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean. With an area of 505,990 km2 , Spain is the largest country in Southern Europe... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
5. Basilica de San VicenteAvila The Basilica de los Santos Hermanos Mártires, Vicente, Sabina y Cristeta, best known as Basilica de San Vicente, is a church in Ávila, Spain. It is one of the best examples of Romanesque architecture in the country. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Camino de Levante 2012 (3): San Bartolomé - Ávila - Gotarrendura
The Camino Video Diaries IV-03
Los videodiarios del Camino, cuarta temporada (2012): En el Camino de Levante, tercera parte
De San Bartolomé de Pinares a Gotarrendura. A través de las montañas: el punto más alto del camino. Lluvia y niebla. Ávila, completamente rodeada por sus murallas. Una ciudad: Hay mucho que ver. Una etapa de soledad. Confusión interna. Adiós a un amigo. Un museo etnológico. Casi siguiendo el rastro de Santa Teresa de Jesús.
Versión original con subtítulos en castellano (disponibles por la función de subtítulos debajo de la pantalla)
The Camino Video Diaries, fourth season: On the Camino de Levante, third part
From San Bartolome de Pinares to Gotarrendura. Across the mountains: the highest point of the hiking tour. Rain and fog. Avila encircled entirely by its walls. Big town: A lot to see. Lonely stage. Inner turmoil. Farewell to a friend. An ethnological museum. Almost on the trail of St. Teresa of Avila.
Original version with English subtitles (available through the subtitles-closed captions tool)
Die Caminovideotagebücher, vierte Staffel (2012): Auf dem Camino de Levante, dritter Teil
Von San Bartolomé de Pinares nach Gotarrendura. Über die Berge: der höchste Punkt der Wanderung. Regen und Nebel. Ávila, ganz von seiner Stadtmauer umfasst. Viel zu sehen. Eine einsame Etappe. Innerer Aufruhr. Abschied von einem Freund. Ein ethnologisches Museum. Fast auf den Spuren der heiligen Teresa von Ávila.
Originalversion mit deutschen Untertiteln (verfügbar über die Untertitel-Funktion unten rechts am Flashplayer)
00:06 en el hotel: preparaciones y desayuno 00:52 San Bartolomé de Pinares 02:23 Herradón de Pinares 05:03 Puerto de El Boquerón 06:52 Tornadizos de Ávila 07:50 en Ávila 07:56 iglesia de Santiago 08:50 en la plaza del Mercado Chico 10:11 en el albergue de pereginos 10:51 el verraco de las Cogotas: monumento a los vetones 11:20 murallas de Ávila 11:47 monumento a Teresa de Jesús 11:51 catedral del Salvador 12:13 basílica de San Vicente 12:28 iglesia de San Pedro 12:37 Ávila de noche 13:44 Narrillos de San Leonardo; vacas y terneros 15:42 calzada antigua 16:38 Cardeñosa 16:59 Milano real (milvus milvus) - red kite - Rotmilan 17:32 Peñalba de Ávila 18:15 Gotarrendura 19:01 museo etnográfico de López Berrón 20:11 el palomar de Santa Teresa
Salamanca - my Salamanca crib
Salamanca 2011 - Just some little peak inside the apartment where I lived for a month.