10 Best Places to Visit in Hungary
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10 Best Places to Visit in Hungary.
While Hungary is famous for its goulash and paprika (which, by the way, originated in the New World), it’s known for much more than that, including world-class fine wines and its pear liqueur, an orange-colored sweet dessert treat, sometimes known as palinka.
Visitors to Hungary quickly learn it is a land of many cultures, having been ruled over by the Romans, Ottomans, Mongols, Magyars, Czechs and the Soviets. Remains of Roman fortifications can be found as can utterly spectacular buildings dating back to the Middle Ages. Hungary also is the land of the beautiful blue Danube River; no trip here would be complete without a boat ride on it. An overview of the best places to visit in Hungary:
10. Gyor
9. Hortobagy National Park
8. Debrecen
7. Heviz
6. Aggtelek National Park
5. Pecs
4. Sopron
3. Eger
2. Lake Balaton
1. Budapest
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Balaton lake, Hungary
The Hungarian sea, from Siòfok
WOW Hungary – Wellspring Of Wonders
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Galyatető Turistacentrum és Bivak / Tourist Centre and Bivouac at Galyatető
Hortobágyi Halastó Major / Hortobágy Great Fishponds
Csopak, Balaton-part / Shore of Lake Balaton at Csopak
Tihanyi Bencés Apátság / Tihany Benedictine Abbey
Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park / Hortobágy National Park
Lillafüred, Hámori Vízesés / Szinva waterfall in Lillafüred
Hercegkút, Gombos-hegyi Pincesor / Gombos-hegyi Cellars, Hercegkút
Fertőrákos, Fertő tó part / Fertőrákos and the shore of Lake Neusiedl
Balatonföldvár, Balaton part / Shore of Lake Balaton at Balatonföldvár
Sopron Storno Ház / Storno House in Sopron
Fertőd Eszterházi Kastély / Esterháza Palace in Fertőd
Hortobágy Kilenclyukú híd / Nine-holed Bridge at Hortobágy
Lillafüredi Kisvasút állomás / Narrow-gauge train station, Lillafüred
Poroszló, Tisza tavi vízi sétány / Lake Tisza Educational Trail in Poroszló
Balaton-felvidéki tanúhegyek / Buttes of the Balaton Uplands
Hortobágy, Halastavi Kisvasút / Narrow-gauge train at Hortobágy Fishponds
Hollókő / Hollókő
Pécsely Vászoly között félúton / halfway between Pécsey and Vászoly
Lillafüred, Hámori tó / Lake Hámori, Lillafüred
Sopron, belváros / City centre of Sopron
Fonyód, Emberpár szobor / Statue in Fonyód
Poroszló, Tisza tó / Lake Tisza at Poroszló
Kisoroszi szigetcsúcs / Island-tip at Kisoroszi
Mátraszentimre Bagolyirtás / Bagolyirtás at Mátraszentimre
Fertőrákosi Kőfejtő / Quarry of Fertőrákos
Salföldi Major – Balatonfelvidéki Nemzeti Park / Salföld Manor - Balaton Uplands National Park
Debrecen, Békás-tó / Lake Békás, Debrecen
Egri Főszékesegyház / Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Apostle
Szt. István Bazilika / St. Stephen's Basilica
Magyar Bencés Kongregáció Pannonhalmi Főapátság / Pannonhalma Archabbey
Mádi Zsinagóga / Synagogue in Mád
Sárospataki Református Kollégium Tudományos Gyűjteményei Nagykönyvtár / Scientific Collections Of The Reformed College of Sárospatak
Tákos Református Templom / Reformed Church of Tákos
Sarród, Fertő Hanság Nemzeti Park / Fertő-Hanság National Park at Sarród
Nagyhegyes, Tuba Tanya / Tuba Tanya at Nagyhegyes
Debrecen, Ikon Étterem / Ikon Restaurant in Debrecen
Fertőrákos, Ráspi Étterem / Ráspi Restaurant, Fertőrákos
Encs, Anyukám Mondta Étterem / Restaurant Anyukám Mondta, Encs
Lillafüredi Pisztrángtelep és Erdei Halsütöde / Lillafüred Trout Farm and Restaurant
Dobó István Egri Vármúzeum és Vár / Eger Castle and István Dobó Castle Museum
Visegrádi Vár / Visegrád Castle
Boldogkő Vára / Boldogkő Castle
Egri Dobó tér / Dobó Square, Eger
Sopron, Csoszogi Úr Schuszter Műhelye / Mr. Csoszogi's Shoemaker Workshop in Sopron
Sárvár belváros / City centre, Sárvár
Sopron Tűztorony / Fire Tower in Sopron
Balatonfüred, Annagora Aquapark / Annagora Aquapark in Balatonfüred
Sárvár Spirit Hotel / Hotel Spirit, Sárvár
Tarcal, Andrássy Rezidencia / Andrássy Rezidencia in Tarcal
Tapolcai-tavasbarlang / Lake Cave Tapolca
Abádszalók, Tisza-tó / Lake Tisza at Abádszalók
Kis-Balaton, Kányavári-híd / Kányavári Bridge, Lake Balaton Minor
Balatonfüred, Wakeboard Centrum / Wakeboard Centre in Balatonfüred
Badacsony, Laposa Borbirtok / Laposa Winery, Badacsony
Mád, Holdvölgy Borászat és Pincerendszer / Holdvölgy Winery and Cellars
Tarcal, Szt. Teréz Kápolna / St. Teresa Chapel in Tarcal
Fertőrákos és Balf közötti szőlőárusok / Grape vendors between Fertőrákos and Balf
Eger, Gál Tibor Fúzió Pincészet és Borbár / Gál Tibor Winery, Eger
Noszvaj, Lombházak / Treehouses in Noszvaj
Tiszadob, Andrássy Kastély / Andrássy Palace in Tiszadob
Hévízi Tófürdő / Lake Hévíz
Noszvaj, Nomád Hotel és Glamping / Nomad Hotel and Glamping in Noszvaj
Keszthely, Festetics-kastély / Festetics Palace in Keszthely
Balatonfűzfő, Balatoni Bob Szabadidőpark / Balaton Bob Leisure Park, Balatonfűzfő
Gyöngyös, High Tech Sportok Bázisa / High Tech Sports' Centre, Gyöngyös
Budapest, Sziget Fesztivál / Sziget Festival, Budapest
Zamárdi, Balaton Sound / Balaton Sound Festival, Zamárdi
Sopron, Volt Fesztivál / Volt Festival, Sopron
Balatonboglár, Gömbkilátó / Sphere Lookout, Balatonboglár
Balatonfüred, Black Swan Koktélbár / Black Swan Cocktail Bar, Balatonfüred
Dunakanyar / Danube Bend
Magyarország turisztikai országmárka: Graphasel Design Studio
Tervezőgrafikus: Héjja Luca, Pintér János, Szőke Péter
Kreatívigazgató: Ördögh László
Művészeti vezető: Drozsnyik Dávid
Kampány Creative Supervisor: Bársony Bence
Magyarország turisztikai imázsfilm:
Recordline Production
Producer: Méray Levente
Rendező-vágó: Horváth Andrea
Operatőr: Szecsanov Martin, Rácz Daniel, Bernáth Milán
Zeneszerző: Genser András, Zságer Balázs
Gyártásvezető: Méray Levente
Rendezőasszisztens: Togay Jónás
Fővilágosító: Galgóczi Szabolcs
Stilyst: Pásztor Viktória
Hangmérnök: Somló Pál
Location manager: Szabó Béla
Felvételvezető: Való Gábor
Casting vezető: Vonnák Mónika
Dróncsapat: Derzsy András, Jannis Jorgopulos, Grüll Péter, Gáll Péter
Colorist: Vándor Ádám
Sound design: Ivancsics Bence
Balatonfüred-Lake Balaton-Hungary
The other great oppotunity next to Budapest! Balatonfüred is the capital of the Lake Balaton's region and it has a rich history also! There are great promenades, great mood and nice beaches also! Füred isn't enough? No problem! In the region there are more famous and nice city, so you can visit them also!
I hope I can make a good video about this nice city!
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Fonyod Hill on the Shores of Lake Balaton, Hungary - Amazing places
World Travel
Balaton, Hungary Travel Guide
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Fonyod Hill, the highest point of the South shores which consist 207 meter
high Sipos-hill and the 233 meter high Castle- hill. Its visitors can enjoy a delight of view from the peaks but even the way up to the top is spectacular since Fonyod is just opposite by the joint.
Visit Fonyod on the Shores of Lake Balaton, Hungary
The highest point of the South shores is the twin peak Fonyod hill consisting of the 207 meter high Sipos-hill and the 233 meter high Castle- hill. Of course we can enjoy a delight of view from the peaks but even the way up to the top is spectacular since Fonyod is just opposite by the joint.
Fonyod consists of four resorts, Fonyódliget, Sándortelep, Bélatelep, also Bélatelep. The latter two renamed after Count- who parceled out his own state in order to create holiday resorts. The former villa of composer Yena Husca is also situated in Bélatelep. The main side of the town is the beautifully reconstructed water fortress surrounded by the deep mode dating back to Turkish times.
Turn them usually organized here in August, in this region where stones are abundant to build a fork meant modern earth stamp between stakes in the ground with marshy reedy areas lying where on the locals were familiar with the right way. Opposite the castle spelled of sparkling mineral water of Fonyod which is available bottled in every supermarket.
The one and only remaining folk monument is the wine press house with four columns and a triangular façade operating as a country in today.
Tags: Visit Fonyod Hill on the Shores of Lake Balaton,fonyod hill in hungary,Hungary Travel Attractions,Hungary travel guide,hungary travel information,hungary travel tips,Lake Balaton in Hungary,shepherd entertainment,the shores of lake balaton in hungary,world travel,shepherdfilm
Mais bitte! (Siofok 2010)
mobile Maisverkäufer am Balaton in Ungarn
Siófok is a city in Hungary on the eastern shore of Lake Balaton in Somogy county, about 120 kilometers southwest of Budapest.
With almost 25,000 inhabitants, the city is the largest community on the lake.
Apartment Fonyod 1O, Fonyod, Hungary - Best Prices
Cheap Hotels with Top Ratings Apartment Fonyod 1O
Located 2 km from Szent Istvan Chapel, Apartment Fonyod 1O offers accommodation in Fonyód. Guests benefit from terrace. The kitchen is equipped with a microwave and a fridge and there is a private bathroom.
Continent: Europe,
County: Hungary,
City: Fonyod,
Location Address: ,
Map: 46.734 17.5431
Best Hotels and Resorts in Siofok, Hungary
Hotel Guide of Siofok. MUST WATCH. Best Hotels in Siofok.
Our travel specialists have listed best hotels and resorts of Siofok.
It's not the Ranking of Best Hotels and resorts in Siofok, it is just the list of best hotels.
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Listed Hotels
Mala Garden Design Hotels
Residence Balaton Conference & Wellness Hotel
Hotel Azur
Janus Boutique Hotel & SPA
Hotel Yacht Wellness & Business Siofok
La Riva
Sungarden Wellness & Conference Hotel
Apartman Bella Hotel Siofok
Panorama Hotel
Hotel Lido