5 Best Places to Visit in Latvia, Europe | Love Is Vacation
Top 5 Places to Visit in Latvia
Surrounded by Estonia, Russia, Belarus, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea is the nation of Latvia. The country is a blend of urban sights, like the capital of Riga, and scenic landmarks. From waterfalls to national parks, Latvia offers great views and plenty of outdoor activities. Beaches, forests and medieval villages compete for your attention, and the only answer is to see all the best places to visit in Latvia.
1. Gauja National Park
2. Cape Kolka
3. Cesis
4. Rundale Palace
5. Jurmala
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Cape Kolka, Latvia (Мыс Колка, Латвия)
Cape Kolka is the most pronounced horn on the shores of Latvia, and it is where the waves from two seas clash – the open Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. During the bird migration season, dozens of thousands of birds fly over the cape, and this is the best place to start a visit to Slitere National Park.
Мыс Колка – самый выраженный мыс на побережье Латвии, возле которого встречаются волны двух морей – открытого Балтийского моря и Рижского залива. В период миграции птиц здесь можно увидеть десятки тысяч пернатых. Также это место, откуда начинается путешествие по национальному парку Слитере.
Latvia: Roadtrip
In this Video you can see my Roadtrip with a friend passing by some nice spots in Latvia. First the Pilsrundale, then Cape Kolka and the city of Ventspils at the end. It was a funny trip with beautiful impressions. For more Travel-Videos visit my Channel!
Gauja National Park Latvia: A Must Place To Visit
Gauja National Park Latvia | Things to do in Latvia | Best Places To Visit In Latvia
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Follow our adventures discovering the seaside cities of #Saulkrasti and #Jurmala in# Latvia.
- Saulkrasti is a town on the east coast of Riga. The town motto is: The town closer to the Sun. Town which carries the name of the Sun. Saulkrasti carries its present name since 1933, when the villages of east coast of Gulf of Riga were merged into one common municipal structure, and since 1991 is a town.
Saulkrasti is the home to the annual Saulkrasti Jazz Festival.
- Jūrmala is located just 30 minutes from Riga. While Latvia was part of the Soviet Union, Jūrmala was a favorite holiday-resort and tourist destination for high-level Communist Party officials and today remains an upscale tourist attraction.
SONG: Baybreeze - Fortythr33
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Lithuanian Coastline Three Day Hike
Small part of vlogging three day hike of Lithuania coastline. In these three days we walked from Lithuania/Latvia border to Lithuania/Russia border. In total we made about 151,000 steps
For photos and full story, please visit our blog post:
【K】Latvia Travel-Valka[라트비아 여행-발카]에스토니아 국경 도시/Estonia Border
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[한국어 정보]
시내로 진입하는 입구. 이 도시의 특징을 말해주는 표지판이 눈길을 끈다. 발카는 도시를 가로질러 국경선이 나 있다. 에스토니아 쪽은 발가로 불리는데 사실상 같은 이름이다. ‘한 도시, 두 나라’라는 슬로건이 흥미롭다. 리보니아 연방체였던 이 지역은 1920년 제정러시아로부터 독립하면서 라트비아, 에스토니아 두 국가가 생겨났고, 따라서 이곳에도 국경선이 그어지게 된다. 도시 곳곳에 국경검문소의 흔적이 남아 있다. 두 나라 국기가 이곳이 국경임을 나타내고 있다. 이곳 사람들은 매일 국경을 넘나든다. 지금은 국경이 유명무실화 됐지만 센겐 협정 가입 이전만 하더라도 불편함이 많았단다. 한발 치 너머 이웃에 가는데도 보름씩 비자 발급을 기다려야 했다. 한 도시 내에서 나라가 다르고 서로 말이 다른 것은 참 신기한 일이다.
[English: Google Translator]
Entrance to enter the city. These signs tell the eye-catching feature of this city. Valqua have a border or across the city. Estonian side is virtually the same as the name bulrineunde naked. This is interesting slogan of one city, two countries. Livonia This area is the federal body that was established in 1920 as an independent from Russia, Latvia, Estonia two countries have got blossomed, and thus the border to be drawn here. There remains a trace of border checkpoints around the city. The flag indicates that the two countries have a border here. People here every day neomnadeunda the border. Now usually it takes lots of discomfort, even if only Sengen agreement before registering dwaetjiman border yumyeongmusil Tuesday. Drought value also had to wait for a visa every fortnight to go beyond the neighborhood. It is different from other cities within a country is indeed strange things to say to each other.
[Latvian: Google Translator]
Ieeja ieiet pilsētā. Šīs pazīmes pateikt uzkrītošā iezīme šajā pilsētā. Valqua ir robeža vai visā pilsētā. Igaunijas pusē ir gandrīz tāds pats kā nosaukums bulrineunde kaili. Tas ir interesanti sauklis vienas pilsētas, divas valstis. Livonia Šī joma ir federāla iestāde, kas tika izveidota 1920. gadā kā neatkarīga no Krievijas, Latvija, Igaunija abas valstis ir ieguvuši uzplaukusi, un tādējādi robežu, ko var izdarīt šeit. Joprojām izsekot robežkontroles punktos visā pilsētā.Karogs norāda, ka abas valstis ir robeža šeit. Cilvēki šeit katru dienu neomnadeunda robežas. Tagad parasti tas aizņem daudz diskomfortu, pat ja tikai Sengen vienošanos pirms reģistrējot dwaetjiman robežu yumyeongmusil otrdien. Sausums vērtība arī bija jāgaida vīzas reizi divās nedēļās iet tālāk apkārtnē. Tā atšķiras no citām pilsētām laikā valstī ir patiešām dīvaini lietas, saka viens otram.
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아02-14 에스토니아 국경 도시/Estonia Border
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김성기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2014년 6월 June
유럽,Europe,,라트비아,Latvia,Latvija,Latvijas Republika ,김성기,2014,6월 June
Lettonie - Jurmala'12
Eastern Europe Trip.
July 2012. Jurmala - Latvia
wikipedia :
Jūrmala is a city in Latvia, about 25 kilometers west of Riga. Jūrmala is a resort town stretching 32 kilometres (20 mi) and sandwiched between the Gulf of Riga and the Lielupe River. It has a 33 km stretch of white-sand beach, and a population of 55,580, making it the fifth largest city in Latvia.
While Latvia was a part of the Soviet Union, Jūrmala was a favorite holiday-resort and tourist destination for high-level Communist Party officials, particularly Leonid Brezhnev and Nikita Khrushchev. Although many amenities such as beach-houses and concrete hotels remain, some have fallen into disrepair. Jūrmala remains a tourist attraction with long beaches facing the Gulf of Riga and romantic wooden houses in the Art Nouveau style.
see my eastern europe trip trailer on vimeo.com/47585849
Filmed with Panasonic Lumix TZ 10
edited and created with Magix Video Deluxe Premium.
music : La rupture - David Lohstana
TET Latvija
Latvijos TET maršrutui užteks 3 dienų.
900 Km, nuo Blankefelde pietuose iki Gaujiena šiaurėje, arba atvirkščiai.
Pradėjau Vilniuje pirmadienį iš ankstaus ryto, apie 7 ryto, sėdau ir išvažiavau link Joniškio. Kaip ir Lietuvos TET, papusryčiavau Joniškio Circkle K, užsipyliau kuro, ir 11 val pradėjau Latvijos TET.
Pirma diena panaši į Lietuvos šiaurinį TET- greiti žvyrkeliai, nesunkiai per keletą valandų pasiekiau pajūrį, vėliau Ventspilį, Irbenę ir stovyklavietę.
Antra diena labai turininga, jau nuo pat ryto miško keliukai, vietomis singletrackai, techninės smėlio sekcijos, Rygos miestas. Daug lankytinų objektų, kad viską spėt reiktų planuotis mažiau nei 300 Km šią dieną.
Trečia diena subjektyviai gražiausia. Gaujos nacionalinis parkas puiki vieta važinėtis motociklu. Vasara šeštadieniais ir sekmadieniais Lygatnės miestelyje vyksta ekskursijos po dabar jau uždarytą popieriaus fabriko muziejų.
Pagal maršrutą sudariusį žmogų, Latvijoj TET maršrutui reiktų skirti 4 dienas. Man pavyko per 3 dienas (25 valandas), visgi patarčiau važiuoti per 4 dienas. Dvi iki Rygos ir dvi už.
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