Where To Go ? SLOVAKIA | ŠÍRAVA | – Odvrátená strana
Krása Slovenskej prírody. Zemplínska šírava v minulosti nazývaná Zemplínska či Podvihorlatská sĺňava. Je vodná nádrž na východnom Slovensku pod Vihorlatskými vrchmi tiež známa ako Slovenské more. Síce je obľúbenou turistickou destináciou so siedmimi rekreačnými strediskami. Málo kto však pozná jej odvrátenú stranu, práve tú na ktorej sa nachádza nedotknutá krása Slovenskej prírody.
Directed by: Erik Boris –
Study tour across Slovakia 10.-12.06.2015
Project with the name Creation of partner first contact centers in Ukraine and their mutual cooperation is nearing its final phase and we can slowly evaluate it. Within the scale of the project were built and technically equipped two first contact centers, one in the city Kolomia and the second one in the city Iršava. A cycle of personnel training took place in the newly opened First contact centers. This study tour was meant to introduce the new personnel and project team with the activity and work of the counseling centers for businessmen, which are active in Slovakia and in our region. Individual information centers have various subjects of activities. For example in Levoča, it is focused on the development of countryside tourism.
SY: Andrea Hradiská - CPK Levoča- If I should advise our colleagues in Ukraine how to lead their centers or what is important then the first thing is to consider, if financial means or sources from state programs exist, which they could use and if not, it is necessary to consider what human capabilities they posses, because it is important in what region you are situated.
The idea for the establishment of information centers in Slovakia went into realization 20 years ago. In the year 2002 were these centers expanded with offices which act in regions with a high rate of unemployment. Among the most active centers count the regional consultancy - information center in Prešov.
SY: Lucia Krišová - manager of RPIC Prešov - We operate on the market for 20 years now, so the experiences kept pilling up on us. They are experiences with projects, as well as clients, who went through our hands, business plans which we developed and institutions with which we cooperate. Sometimes, we have the feeling, that the public doesn´t know much about us, but we sometimes also feel that all it takes is a seminar or an event where we can present ourselves and the response is instantly bigger. I have to say that our clients try to spread informations about us.
All these informations were processed and submitted to our Ukraine partners, who took the idea, but adjusted it according to Ukraine legislative. They serve as a work manual for newly opened centers in Ukraine.
SY: Vitaliy Galaichuk - director of FCC Kolomia - First I would like to thank mr. Závacký for his invitation and for the possibility to see Michalovce and other cities during our project for the creation of partner first contact centers in Ukraine. We have our own office, we have staff who work and gain european experiences, which we will apply here in the Ukraine working with the first contact centers in Iršava. Michalovce and other cities of Slovakia.
Participants, besides the workshop, had an opportunity to see the beauty of Slovakia. They visited the biggest castle in middle Europe, the Spis castle, they got acquainted with the making of baskets in the village Lacková near Stará Ľubovňa, and they also visited the museum of customs and traditions of north Slovakia in Nestvil park. During the workshop in Stará Ľubovňa, representatives of seven advisory centers presented their activities and the working of their centers. Participants had the opportunity to visit some of the offices and see with their own eyes how the work. From Stará Ľubovňa, Anna Činčárová
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Slovakia trip - 5 days, 1300 km, gopro4
Our trip with my friend around Slovakia. We visited 8 cities and 2 lakes. Started from Partizánske, Bratislava, Košice, Vranov nad Topľou Sedliská, Domaša, Humenné, Šírava, Michalovce, Poprad, High Tatras, Štrba, Tvrdošín.
Special thanx to our friends wich hosted us during our trip.
Slovakia - what a beautiful country
Kaluza camping, Zemplinska Sirava, Slovakia
Kaluža camping, Zemplinska Širava, Slovakia 2016
Camping Kaluza is situated in Kaluza village directly on the lake Zemplinska Širava.
Zemplínska Šírava (sometimes called the Slovak sea (Slovak: Slovenské more)). is a dam and lake in eastern Slovakia, near the town of Michalovce. The name recalls the historical Zemplín region. The dam was built in 1961–1965, covers an area of 33 km2 (13 sq mi), has an average depth of 9.5 m (31 ft), with a maximum depth of 14 m (46 ft). Water from the dam flows into the Laborec river, which in turn flows into the Bodrog river. The area is primarily used for recreation. It also supplies cooling water for the Vojany Power Station.
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Slovakia Start-up Hub 2018 Launches in India
Slovakia Start-up Hub 2018 Launches in India
~ Powered by BVK Group and Indian Chamber of Commerce in the Slovak Republic~
Chennai, 22 November 2018: Slovak Republic in collaboration with the Indian Chamber of Commerce and BVK Group hosting the Slovakia Hub on 22nd & 23rd November 2018 in Chennai, India. The hub is aimed at strengthening the relationship between Indian and Slovak start-up ecosystem.
The Hub aims to be a dynamic and interactive platform that will facilitate learning and development, networking, mentorship, and funding the start-ups. The idea behind the platform is to aggregate different offerings of the ecosystem and enable discovery by the right audience.
The Indian Chamber of Commerce has set the goal of supporting the development activities of mutual Slovak-Indian relations and trade between the Republic of India and the Slovak Republic as well as technical and economic cooperation between entrepreneurs of the two countries and provide information and assistance to all who choose them and their shareholders. The Slovakian Republic has around 90 start-ups and has received $48,042,274 of total funding in the last 12 months.
His Excellency Ivan Lancaric, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovakia Republic to India said, “We are happy to collaborate with Indian Chamber of Commerce for the Slovakia Hub Innovation Summit 2018. This Slovakian start-up hub will aim to bring in new, unique and innovative ideas which help in addressing the challenges we face in an emerging economy like India. We are proud to support the ‘Make in India’ initiative through this Summit by encouraging investments into India and also contributing to the nation’s GDP.
Mr. Rakesh Taurani, President of Indian Chamber of Commerce said, “The importance and large-scale nature of the Slovakian Hub Innovation Summit 2018 is bringing the business community closer. This summit is the latest example of how we are working together to advance the promise of an increasingly digital world and the remarkable entrepreneurial skills of our people to promote economic prosperity among the business community.”
Mr. Bala V Kutti, Chairman, BVK Group stated, “Considering the global consumerism with increasing internet penetration, the funding in marketplace for disruptive start-ups has been growing strongly, Travel industry absorbing technology at rapid pace, the Fintech start-up markets picking up with Digital Payments emerging are the key focus areas for investors. Our vision is to upgrade investments in FinTech, Renewable Energy, Branded Organic Agriculture, Real Estate, Cold Storage, Biotech, Education, Hospitality & Medical Tourism sectors across the global market”.
Slovakia Hub Innovation Summit 2018 serves as a platform bringing together various key stakeholders to deliberate and agree on ways that can effectively influence the Economic, Industrial, Educational and Social Development of the country. The Summit aims to open up opportunities to provide financial facilitation, guidance and assistance to entrepreneurs. Established industry leaders will be using this platform to provide motivation and guidance to start-ups and budding entrepreneurs by sharing their valuable experiences on how they have overcome challenges.
Haličská Motorkáreň - Haličsky motozraz
Haličská Motorkáreň - Haličsky motozraz
YouTube - SLOVENSKO ZHORA - Tipy na výlety po Slovensku.
Slovakia from above - tips for hiking.
Hi, I live in Europe - Slovakia, and love YouTube.
It topped Lonely Planet’s Best in Europe list for 2019, which highlights the most exciting places to visit across the continent.
Visit Slovakia High Tatras, Low Tatras and other mountains in Slovakia.
Welcome to Slovakia.
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ZOO Bratislava 2018
Abecedný zoznam Hrady, Zámky, Kaštiele a Zrúcaniny na Slovensku ktoré som pre vás navštívil.
Castles and castle ruins in Slovakia - Europe from above.
Bratislava - turistický sprievodca mestom.
Lanovka na Lomnický štít - Lanovka na Skalnaté pleso - Vysoké Tatry
Kompa cez Dunaj
Hrady, zámky, kaštiele a krásy Slovenska.
Tips for Trips Around Slovakia.
Pozrite sa na svet z výšky.
Look at the world from a height.
Enjoy a birds eye view from the top.
Najkrajšie miesta na Slovensku.
The most beautiful places in Slovakia.
Tourism in Slovakia.
Cestovanie po Slovensku. Kam na víkend.
Traveling in Slovakia.
Prírodné krásy a zaujímavosti.
Zaujímavé kultúrne podujatia, udalosti a akcie.
Pamiatky a zaujímavé miesta.
Enjoy Castle from a bird's eye view.
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Словакия (Slovakia) в HD качестве (1080p)
Видео-экскурсия по замечательной Словакии