Avventure nelle crete senesi • Diari di viaggio della Toscana • Val d'Arbia • Siena
Video stupendi di Siena e il suo territorio.
Alla scoperta della Toscana, una delle più belli regioni d'Italia.
Questo è il primo video della serie #somewhereinsiena a cura di #place2bsiena
Via Francigena in Tuscany : 5 spectacular places not to miss | FrancigenaWays.com
The Via Francigena or Camino to Rome takes pilgrims across some of Europe’s most stunning regions, including Tuscany in Italy. Four sections (12, 13, 14 and 15) of the Via Francigena route cross Tuscany, all the way from Passo della Cissa mountain pass in the Appenines (Via Francigena section 12) to the Val d’Orcia in section 15. However, section 14 from Lucca to Siena remains the most popular stretch of the Camino do Rome, the Via Francigena in Tuscany.
BUONCONVENTO Borgo bello della TOSCANA - Beautiful village of TUSCANY - Full HD
È importante centro agricolo sulla Via Cassia, nel breve piano dove nell'Ombrone confluisce l'Arbia, formatosi come luogo di tappa sulla Via Francigena. Il toponimo, dal latino «Bonus Conventus», luogo felice, si riferisce probabilmente alla fertilità delle sue terre, coltivate a grano e vigne.
Tuttora cinto dalle mura trecentesche, nelle quali si apre l'imponente porta Senese, il borgo ha conservato il tessuto urbano del Medioevo, con qualche bell'inserto liberty. Ne è esempio, lungo la via centrale, palazzo Ricci-Socini, dove ha sede il Museo d'Arte sacra della val d'Arbia, che conserva arredi liturgici, oreficerie, sculture e dipinti di scuola senese dal XIV al XVII secolo.
Lungo le mura, nelle antiche cantine comunali, ha trovato invece allestimento il Museo etnografico della Mezzadria, che ricostruisce gli ambienti e l'usanza della società contadina del recente passato.
La robusta cinta muraria trecentesca, che conserva nella forma architettonica il carattere senese, un tempo racchiudeva tutto il borgo come una farfalla nel bozzolo.
Su di essa non esistevano aperture, all´infuori di due porte di accesso munite di robusti infissi in legno con ferrature: Porta Senese sul lato nord verso Siena, e sul lato sud Porta Romana, distrutta nel 1944 dai tedeschi in ritirata.
Rimasto intatto per secoli, al riparo del fossato e dei merli guelfi del cammino di ronda, il borgo ha subito grandi trasformazioni nell´800, con la costruzione di fabbricati a ridosso delle mura, tra cui il Teatro dei Risorti.
La pieve di Sant'Innocenza a Piana è un edificio sacro che si trova in località Piana nella campagna vicino a Buonconvento.
Documentata dal 1081, si presenta come un organismo fortificato, con i caratteri tipici dell'architettura militare senese del XIII-XIV secolo; uno dei lati è costituito dalla chiesa. Questa, realizzata in cotto, come la maggior parte del complesso, ma con filari di pietra nella semplice facciata, si presenta a un'unica navata con capriate in vista, ma risente già di suggerimenti gotici nella cappella quadrilatera che la conclude, coperta con volta a botte e con monofore ad arco acuto.
STREET VIEW: Colle di Val d´Elsa in der Toskana in ITALY
Wir starten unseren Rundgang durch Colle di Val d`Elsa auf der Piazza Arnolfo und gehen dann den Berg hinauf. Zwischendrin können wir den modernen Lift von Il Baduardo nutzen und am Ende sieht man die Überreste der einstigen römischen Festungsanlage.
We walk through the beautiful city of Colle di Val d`Elsa in Tuscany in Italy with its beautiful houses and its legacies of the Roman Empire.
Crete Senesi - Tuscany - Italy
The Crete Senesi refers to an area of the Italian region of Tuscany to the south of Siena. It consists of a range of hills and woods among villages and includes the comuni of Asciano, Buonconvento, Monteroni d'Arbia, Rapolano Terme and San Giovanni d'Asso, all within the province of Siena.
Crete senesi are literally Siennese clays and the distinctive grey colouration of the soil gives the landscape an appearance often described as lunar. This characteristic clay, known as mattaione, represents the sediments of the Pliocene sea which covered the area between 2.5 and 4.5 million years ago. In the nearby is also the semi-arid area known as Accona Desert.
Perhaps the most notable edifice of this area is the monastery of Monte Oliveto Maggiore.
The region is known for its production of white truffles and hosts a festival and a museum dedicated to the rare tuber.
A Day in Tuscany
A Day in Tuscany, Italy. I stayed in an amazing Bed & Breakfast place Il Vicario near San Gimignano.
Tuscany and the Faces of Italy I Love
Suvignano, Monteroni d'Arbia, Montalcino, Pienza, Siena
Ancora B&B in Chianti, Tuscany, Italy
In the heart of Chianti Classico, enjoy the best of Tuscany with a rural holiday in a converted farm house with bed and breakfast or apartment farmstay.
Between Florence and Siena, admiring the magnificent scenery of Tuscany our converted farm house offers bed and breakfast as well as self contained accommodation in a young and friendly atmosphere.
Florence is 20 km and Siena is 40 km far: Ancora del Chianti is the ideal base to visit Tuscany.
Laura welcomes guests and will take care of you during your stay. Every morning she serves a continental breakfast with buffet on the shaded terrace overlooking the garden. She has decorated the rooms herself and loves painting the flowers in the garden with watercolours. Filippo has devotes himself to the organic production of Chianti wine and olive oil. Maya is our friendly dog. For more info, visit:
Italy's Best Kept Secrets
Italy's best kept secrets
The Moment one plans to visit Italy, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, and the canals of Venice shall be on top of their must-see list.
But We Now take you around some of the lesser known attractions in the Italian peninsula.
Number 1 - San Gimignano
This walled medieval hill town in Tuscany is known as “the Town of Fine Towers”, and is famed for its medieval architecture. Over a dozen towers, coupled with its hilltop location, gives San Gimignano an enchanting skyline. A favorite of writers, a fictionalized version of the town features in EM Forster’s “Where Angels Fear to Tread” as well John Grisham’s “The Broker”. The Sant'Agostino Church houses some artwork from the Renaissance era for art connoisseurs.
Number 2 - Civita di Bagnoregio
A town in the province of Viterbo, about 120 Kilometers north of Rome. Civita di Bagnoregio, founded 2500 years ago by the Etruscans, is home to only ten people and has no post office, supermarket or hospital. Located atop a plateau overlooking the Tiber valley, this beautiful town has stood tall despite witnessing countless wars.
Number 3 - Salina
This island, which is home to six volcanoes, features on the World Heritage List primarily because of its value to vulcanology. The island has abundant vegetation with ferns, poplars, and chestnut trees of various kinds. It takes quite a while to reach Salina from mainland Italy, which is why it is less popular with tourists than many of Italy's other attractions.
Number 4 - Santo Stefano di Sessanio
A small town in Abruzzo, located in Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga National Park. Many properties in the region have been restored due to the efforts of Swedish-Italian entrepreneur Daniele Kihlgren in the early 2000s: his commitment to preserving the town's ancient architecture has made it a hugely popular destination for Italian tourists.
Number 5 - Castel del Monte
Located in the heart of the Gran Sasso mountain range, the town is set in a steep hillside near the high plain of Campo Imperatore. “La Notte delle Streghe” or “The Night of the Witches” is one of the major tourist attractions of the town, whose population was just above 450 in December 2013.
Number 6 - Bolzano
The capital of Italy’s northernmost region of South Tyrol, it was part of Germany until World War I. The discovery of Otzi – the well-preserved natural mummy of a man who lived around 3,300 BCE – was made in this region. Bolzano is a perfect mixture of Northern European and Mediterranean influences
Number 7 - Calabria
It is located at the toe of the Italian peninsula in Southern Italy. Calabria is bordered to the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea, and to the east by the Ionian Sea. Interestingly, in ancient times the region of Calabria was known as Italy before the name was extended to the entire peninsula. Scilla, Tropea, Capo Vaticano, Gerace, and Squillace are some of the best-known coastal attractions of Calabria.
Number 8 - Selinunte
The abandoned city of Selinunte contains five temples centered on an acropolis, including the historic Temple of Hera. Located on the south-western coast of Sicily, it is considered one of the most impressive ancient sites in the Mediterranean.
Number 9 - Marettimo
One of the Aegadian Islands in the Mediterranean Sea west of Sicily, Marettimo is a haven for scuba divers. Home to 300 people in winter, the number of residents more than doubles in the summer on an island that is also a breeding ground for some very rare species of plants.
Number 10 - Porto Venere
Designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997, along with five nearby villages that make up the Cinque Terre, Porto Venere is located in the province of La Spezia. The Gothic Church of St. Peter, Doria Castle, and the Romanesque church of St. Lawrence are some of the must visits for travelers to the town.
Borgo Argenina Bed & Breakfast (Chianti wine region) Tuscany
This was one of the best highlights of my trip to Italy...Having a dinner party with Elena and the guests and learning how to make Tiramisu at beautiful Borgo Argenina B&B. An experience that I will never forget! :) September 2010.