DISCOVER LAKE ORTA | Best places to visit
Among the corners of Piedmont of the most exciting poem, Lake Orta is certainly the most romantic mirror of water in Italy. Set between rolling hills and green mountains, it stretches from north to south, from the slopes of Mottarone to the extreme north of the Novara plain. Framed by a handful of picturesque villages, some of which leaned along its banks, others higher up on the heights. The village of Orta is indisputably the pearl, overlooking the island of San Giulio dominated by the Benedictine abbey and not by chance defined the island of silence.
Tra gli angoli di Piemonte di più emozionante poesia, il Lago d'Orta è sicuramente lo specchio d'acqua più romantico d'Italia. Incastonato tra dolci colline e il verde dei monti, si allunga da nord a sud, dalle pendici del Mottarone all'estremo nord della pianura novarese. Gli fanno da cornice una manciata di pittoreschi borghi, di cui alcuni appoggiati lungo le sue sponde, altri più in alto, sulle alture. Il borgo di Orta è indiscutibilmente la perla, affacciato sull'isola di San Giulio dominata dall'abbazia benedettina e non a caso definito l'isola del silenzio.
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Orta San Giulio, Italy! (2017)
A visit to the beautiful town of Orta San Giulio, located on the scenic shores of Lake Orta in Italy. For more information on this location, please check out the following link:
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Orta San Giulio: borgo più bello d'Italia // TRAVEL GUIDE
Voglia di una gita romantica vicin a Milano o Torino? Il Lago d'Orta è perfetto! Lago pulito, passeggiate nel verde. Orta San Giulio borgo più bello d'Italia la mia Guida di Viaggio
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Top 10 Places Around the Italian Lakes
Top 10 Places Around the Italian Lakes according to DK
10. Sirmione and Southern Lake Garda
Sirmione is a comune in the province of Brescia. It is bounded by the comunes of Desenzano del Garda (Lombardy) and Peschiera del Garda in the province of Verona and the region of Veneto. It has a historical centre which is located on the Sirmio peninsula that divides the lower part of Lake Garda.
9. Lake Idro and the Valvestino
Lake Idro is an Italian prealpine lake of glacial origin situated largely within the Province of Brescia and in part in Trentino. The lake is surrounded by wooded mountains. The shoreline of some 24 km is shared between four communes: Idro (the frazioni Crone and Belprato), from which the lake takes its name, Anfo, Bagolino (fraz. Ponte Caffaro) and Bondone (fraz. Baitoni).
8. Bergamo
Bergamo is a pretty town of some 120,000 people nestling in the foothills of the Alps. Widely acclaimed as a city of rare beauty, Bergamo is famous for its wealth of artistic treasures and enchanting medieval atmosphere. It is a real life tale of two cities: Città Bassa, the busy and modern lower city, and Città Alta, the upper city with its rich heritage of art and history.
7. Centro Lago and its Villages
At the centre of Lake Como -- the Centro Lago -- where the three branches of the lake meet, stands Bellagio, with its pretty village centre of stepped streets
6. Verona
Verona is a cityin north-eastern Italy's Veneto region most famous as the setting for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Though close to the more popular tourist destination of Venice, many people consider Verona a more relaxed and pleasant place to visit. There are many tourists, but the number of tourists per square meter is lower.
5. Milan
Milan is financially the most important city in Italy. In essence, for a tourist, what makes Milan interesting compared to other places is that the city is truly more about the lifestyle of enjoying worldly pleasures: a paradise for shopping, football, opera, and nightlife. Milan remains the marketplace for Italian fashion -- fashion aficionados, supermodels and international paparazzi descend upon the city twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs.
4. Como
Como has always been an area of intense activity, as it has acted over the centuries as a crossing point between Central Europe and the Mediterranean. Built by the Romans at the end of the Piedmont road, it was an important communication point between Rome and its northern territories. In more recent times Como became famed for its silk.
3. Orta San Giulio
Orta San Giulio is a town and comune in the Province of Novara in the Italian region of Piedmont, located about 100 km northeast of Turin and about 40 km northwest of Novara. The town itself is built on a promontory which juts out from the eastern bank of Lake Orta close to Isola San Giulio, an island which also falls within the municipal boundaries.
2. Northern Lake Maggiore
With a length of 68 km and a coastline of over 150 km the glacial Lake Maggiore stretches from the Swiss canton Ticino in the north into the two major Italian regions Piedmont and Lombardy. Since the climate is mild year-round, the area is filled with Mediterranean vegetation and exotic plants. Surrounded by beautiful lake shore towns and villages with lush botanical gardens, amazing islands and a backdrop of Swiss mountain peaks the Lake Maggiore has become a top tourist destination, mainly for central and northern Europe tourists.
1. Isola Bella
Isola Bella (lit. 'beautiful island') is one of the Borromean Islands of Lago Maggiore in north Italy. The island is situated in the Borromean Gulf 400 metres from the lakeside town of Stresa. Isola Bella is 320 metres long by 400 metres wide and is divided between the Palace, its Italianate garden, and a small fishing village.
Orta San Giulio Italy
Het Ortameer (Italiaans: Lago d'Orta / Cusio) ligt in de Piëmontese provincies Novara en Verbano-Cusio-Ossola. De waterspiegel van het meer ligt 290 meter boven zeeniveau. Water verlaat het meer via de korte rivier deNigoglia die al na enkele honderden meters samenvloeit met de Strona. Deze stroomt op zijn beurt weer uit in het Lago Maggiore. Het Ortameer is het enige grote Noord-Italiaanse meer waarvan het water aan de noordzijde uitvloeit.
In het meer ligt een relatief groot eiland, het Isola San Giulio, hierop staat een aantal gebouwen waaronder een 9e-eeuwse basiliek. Het eiland is met een bootdienst te bereiken vanuit Orta San Giulio, het toeristische epicentrum van het meer. Het historische centrum van deze plaats is zeer goed bewaard gebleven. Bij de plaats ligt de Sacro Monte, een wandelweg leidt via 21 kapelletjes gewijd aan het leven van Franciscus van Assisi naar de top waar een aantal abdijgebouwen staan. Aan de west- en oostzijde is het meer omgeven door bergen. De hoogste berg aan de oostzijde is de Mottarone (1491 m) waarvan de top met een weg te bereiken is voor automobilisten. Het westelijke bergland (hoogste top 1249 m) vormt de scheiding met het Valsesia.
Lake Orta (Italian: Lago d'Orta) is located in the Piedmontese provinces of Novara and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola. The water level of the Lake is 290 metres above sea level. Water leaves the Lake through the short River deNigoglia which already after a few hundred meters the Strona. This in turn flows from Lago Maggiore. Lake Orta is the only major Northern Italian Lake whose water flows out on the north side. In the Lake is a relatively large island, Isola San Giulio, with a number of buildings including a 9th-century Basilica. The island is with a boat service to reach from Orta San Giulio, the tourist epicenter of the Lake. The historic centre of this place is very well preserved. Near the village is the Sacro Monte, a hiking trail leads through 21 chapels dedicated to the life of Francis of Assisi to the top where a number of Abbey buildings. On the west and East side of the Lake is surrounded by mountains. The highest Mountain on the East side is the Mottarone (1491 m) of which the top can be reached with a road for motorists. The Western mountain country (highest peak 1249 m) forms the separation with the Valsesia.
Musica:Nocturne di zero-project. Orta San Giulio (Òrta in piemontese e in lombardo) è un comune italiano di 1.161 abitanti della provincia di Novara, inserito nella lista dei i borghi più belli d'Italia ed insignito della bandiera arancione da parte del Touring Club Italiano.Orta è situata a metà della sponda orientale dell'omonimo lago, all'estremità di un promontorio collinare che digrada verso la riva, a 45 chilometri dal capoluogo Novara.Il nucleo principale dell'abitato sorge in riva al lago di fronte all'Isola di San Giulio, parte anch'essa del territorio comunale.Orta è sempre stato il centro principale della Comunità della Riviera, un autonomo consorzio di comuni esistito dal medioevo fino a metà settecento. La città ebbe anche un sistema di fortificazioni distrutte nel 1311 e mai ricostruite in quanto la posizione appartata garantiva adeguata sicurezza, nella sua storia subì infatti un solo saccheggio, nel 1524, ad opera degli Sforza.Il centro di Orta, completamente pedonalizzato, è caratterizzato da viuzze strette molto pittoresche.Al centro del paese si trova Piazza Motta, vero e proprio salotto affacciato sul lago, dalla quale partono le imbarcazioni dirette all'Isola di San Giulio. La piazza è circondata su tre lati da edifici ben proporzionati allo spazio, per buona parte porticati. Sul lato nord si trova il broletto o Palazzo della Comunità della Riviera di San Giulio, risalente al 1582, costituito da un portico al piano terra, usato per il mercato, ed una sala riunioni al primo piano; qui si esercitava il potere legislativo, oltre che esecutivo per mezzo del Consiglio Generale (composto dai deputati del feudo vescovile) ed è considerato il simbolo del lungo periodo di autogoverno della regione. La costruzione è un connubio di elementi classici e rustici come gli affreschi sulla facciata e l'irregolare scala esterna, le piccole colonne del portico ed il tetto in beole. L'edificio culmina con una piccola torre campanaria.Fa parte del comune di Orta San Giulio l'unica isola del Lago d'Orta, l'Isola di San Giulio che dista circa 400 metri dalla riva. L'isola è dominata dall'edificio dell'ex seminario, costruito nel 1844 sulle rovine del castello. Il seminario ospita oggi il convento di suore benedettine di clausura Monastero Mater Ecclesiae. Sull'isola si trova anche la Basilica di San Giulio, il più importante monumento romanico del novarese.
Orta San Giulio is a town and comune (municipality) in the Province of Novara in the Italian region of Piedmont, located about 100 km northeast of Turin and about 40 km northwest of Novara.The town itself is built on a promontory which juts out from the eastern bank of Lake Orta close to Isola San Giulio, an island which also falls within the municipal boundaries.(Tratto da Wikipedia)
Video promozionale del Lago d'Orta
Video promozionale del Lago d'Orta
Lago d'Orta - visita il lago a volo di uccello con drone 4k
Lago d'Orta - in volo di uccello sul lago d'Orta con drone 4k. Magic image + web solution, agenzia di comunicazione, ha girato questo video in alta definizione per raccontare in un video anteprima, il lago d'Italia più romantico e misterioso.
The most beautiful lake of Italy | LAGO D'ORTA
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This video is about the most beautiful lake of Italy called Lago D'orta. Hope you love the view of the lake as we do!
Hi Dear people! Welcome to our YouTube channel. We are Marcella Kramer and Eric van Doorn, two entrepreneurs who sold everything to travel around Europe in a 6 m² camper van that we build ourselves. We'll share videos about:
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Besides creating YouTube videos, Marcella has a culinary lifestyle marketing agency called Who Media, where they maintain and create marketing for culinary brands and lifestyle brands. Marcella also co-creator of the Dutch website Girls Who Magazine. Eric has his own company specalized in off grid living named studio ECO. He designs and builds systems so people can live anywhere they want.
Lago d'Orta - Isola San Giulio
Da visitare assolutamente è la piccola Isola di San Giulio, raggiungibile in battello o in motoscafo, dominata dalla basilica romanica, dal palazzo vescovile e dall'abbazia.