✅ TOP 10: Things To Do In Pisa
Things To Do In Pisa Italy, this video breaks down the best things to do in Pisa Italy.
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If you're looking for the top things to do in Pisa, free things to do in Pisa, things to do on a stag weekend in Pisa, weird things to do in Pisa, top 10 things to do in Pisa or the 10 best things to do in Pisa Italy then this video will be of help to you.
We cover both the things to do and see in Pisa Italy and the best things to do in Pisa Italy. If you're wondering what to do in Pisa and are going to visit Pisa then this Pisa travel guide should be of help.
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Top 10 Best Things to do in Pistoia, Italy
Pistoia Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Pistoia. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Luxembourg City for You. Discover Pistoia as per the Traveller Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Isle of Skye.
This Video has covered top 10 Best Things to do in Pistoia.
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List of Best Things to do in Pistoia
Piazza del Duomo
Campanile del Duomo di Pistoia
Cathedral of Saint Zeno
Piazza della Sala
Ospedale del Ceppo
Giardino Zoologico di Pistoia
Pistoia Sotterranea
San Bartolomeo in Pantano
PISA Travel Video
This was a part of my trip to Florence
In this video you find a city guide to PISA with a suggestion of top things to see. I hope it helps you to plan your trip to PISA.
I have spent 1 afternoon in the city
I also took 2 and a half days to visit Florence:
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Places to see in ( Trapani - Italy )
Places to see in ( Trapani - Italy )
Trapani is a city in western Sicily with a crescent-shaped coastline. At the western tip, offering views as far as the Aegadian Islands, is the 17th-century Torre di Ligny watchtower. It houses the Museo di Preistoria e del Mare, with archeological artifacts. North of the harbor, the Chiesa del Purgatorio church holds wooden sculptures that are paraded around the city during Easter’s Processione dei Misteri.
Trapani is a city and comune on the west coast of Sicily in Italy. It is the capital of the Province of Trapani. Founded by Elymians, the city is still an important fishing port and the main gateway to the nearby Egadi Islands.Much of Trapani's economy still depends on the sea. Fishing and canning are the main local industries, with fishermen using the mattanza technique to catch tuna. Coral is also an important export, along with salt, marble, and marsala wine. The nearby coast is lined with numerous salt-pans. The city is also an important ferry port, with links to the Egadi Islands, Pantelleria, Sardinia, and Tunisia. It also has its own airport, the Trapani-Birgi Airport.
Much of the old city of Trapani dates from the later medieval or early modern periods; there are no extant remains of the ancient city. Many of the city's historic buildings are designed in the Baroque style. Notable monuments include:
The Church of Sant'Agostino (14th century), with the splendid rose-window
The Church of Santa Maria di Gesù (15th–16th centuries)
The magnificent Basilica-Sanctuary of Maria Santissima Annunziata (also called Madonna di Trapani) originally built in 1315–1332 and rebuilt in 1760. It houses a marble statue of the Madonna of Trapani, which might be the work of Nino Pisano, and with the museum Agostino Pepoli.
Fontana di Tritone (Triton's Fountain)
The Baroque Palazzo della Giudecca or Casa Ciambra.
The Cathedral (built in 1421, but restored to the current appearance in the 18th century by Giovanni Biagio Amico). It includes an Annunciation attributed to Anthony van Dyck.
Church of Maria SS. dell'Intria, another notable example of Sicilian Baroque.
Church of Badia Nuova, a small Baroque church.
Castello di Terra, a ruined 12th-century castle.
Ligny Tower, a 17th-century watchtower housing an archaeological museum.
Monte Erice is a cable car ride from the city and aside from the cobbled streets and medieval castle, there are views of Tunisia and Africa from up there on clear days. Several beaches run along the coast of Trapani, the best of which are at Marausa about 9 km (6 mi) south of the city.
Trapani-Birgi Airport is a military-civil joint use airport (third for traffic on the island). Recently the airport has seen an increase of traffic thanks to low-cost carriers from all parts of Europe (i.e. London-Stansted and London-Luton, Paris Beauvais, Dublin, Bruxelles, Munich, Frankfurt, Eindhoven, Stockholm, Malta).
The city is renowned for its Easter related Holy Week activities and traditions, culminating between Good Friday and Holy Saturday in the Processione dei Misteri di Trapani, colloquially simply the Misteri di Trapani (in English the Procession of the Mysteries of Trapani or the Mysteries of Trapani), a day-long passion procession organized and sponsored by the city's guilds, featuring twenty floats of wood, canvas and glue sculptures, mostly from the 17th and 18th centuries, of individual scenes of the events of the Passion. The Misteri are among the oldest continuously running religious events in Europe, having been played every Good Friday since before the Easter of 1612. Running for at least 16 continuous hours, but occasionally well beyond the 24 hours, they are the longest religious festival in Sicily and in Italy. Important also to the cult of the Madonna of Trapani. The city gives its name to a variety of pesto – pesto alla trapenese – made using almonds instead of the traditional pine nuts in Ligurian pesto. Trapani was also used, even if never mentioned by name, but only evidenced in movie scenes, as the base for filming the first serie of La piovra drama miniseries.
( Trapani - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Trapani . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Trapani - Italy
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Италия: Лукка | Italy: Lucca
Лукка (итал. Lucca) — город в итальянском регионе Тоскана, на реке Серкио. Административный центр одноимённой провинции. Проживает ок. 90 тыс. жителей. Покровителем города считается святой Павлин Луккский (итал. San Paolino). Праздник города 12 июля.
В 180 году до н. э. римляне основали селение, согласно каноническому устройству: Кардо Максимус и Декуманус Максимус, которые делят город на кварталы — инсулы — и пересекаются на форуме. Интересно отметить, что и в сегодняшнем устройстве города эти две оси, улицы Филлунго и Ченами, пересекающиеся с улицами Рома и Санта-Кроче, и форум, находящийся на площади Сан-Микеле, полностью соответствуют наиболее людным и богатым торговлей улицам внутри стен Лукки.
Ни один настоящий путешественник не откажется оказаться в городе с многовековой историей, окруженном крепостными стенами XVI века, практически не пострадавшими от времени, среди архитектуры Средних веков и Возрождения, колоритных рынков и магазинчиков с местными деликатесами... Лукка способна удивить, обворожить, заинтриговать и оставить незабываемые впечатления.
Относительно происхождения города Лукка историки высказывают разные мнения: одни считают, что город, возникший в болотистой местности, имеет связь с Лигурией, исходя из кельтско-лигурийского названия «Luk», что означает «болото».
История Лукки состоит из периодов войн и иностранного владычества и сменяющих их годов мира и расцвета.
Лукка и соседняя Пиза долгое время враждовали между собой, и в 1314 году пизанцы наконец установили в Лукке свою власть, что повлекло за собой потерю монополии Лукки на текстильном рынке. В 1370 году Лукка вновь обрела свободу и независимость, а в 1438 году было подписано перемирие с Флоренцией, что вернуло город в состояние экономической и политической стабильности.
В 1799 году в ходе итальянской кампании Наполеона Лукка перешла под его власть. Об этом историческом факте упоминает в своем романе «Война и мир» Лев Толстой, открывая свое знаменитое произведение следующей фразой, произнесенной фрейлиной Анной Шерер в 1805 году: Eh bien, mon prince, Gênes et Lucques ne sont plus que des apanages, des pomestja de la famille Buonaparte... (Ну что, князь, Генуа и Лукка стали не больше, как поместьями фамилии Бонапарте...) В 1815 Лукка стала бурбонским герцогством, а в 1847 году герцог Лукки Карл Людовик Бурбон-Пармский уступил герцогство Лукка Великому герцогству Тосканскому, что привело к потере его независимости.
Первое, что бросается в глаза туристу, решившему осмотреть Лукку, это внушительная крепостная стена, построенная в XV-XVII веках для защиты города, длиной 4223 метра, с 11 бастионами, шестью наружными и тремя внутренними воротами. Уже со второй половины XIX века мощная крепостная стена стала использоваться как место для пеших прогулок. Некоторое время, вплоть до 90-х годов прошлого века, по ней даже ездили автомобили, в том числе и большегрузные – единственный в мире пример подобного использования крепостных стен. Сегодня городские стены – прекрасное место для пешеходных и велосипедных прогулок.
Исторический центр Лукки сохранился практически без изменений со Средних веков – те же узкие улочки, площади с примыкающими к ним башнями и дворцами и около 60 церквей. Город пересекает центральная улица старинной Лукки - Via Fillungo (Виа Филлунго).
Кафедральный собор святого Мартина (Cattedrale di San Martino) был возведен в VI веке епископом Лукки Фридианом, а в последующие века несколько раз перестраивался и свой окончательный вид приобрел в XII веке.
Среди шедевров, которые можно увидеть внутри собора – картина «Мадонна на троне с младенцем и святыми» флорентийского художника XV века Доменико Гирландайо и надгробный памятник Иларии Карретто работы скульптора Якопо Делла Кверча.
Церковь святого Михаила (Chiesa di San Michele in Foro), расположенная на одноименной площади, и базилика святого Фридиана (Basilica di San Frediano) являются яркими примерами пизано-луккской архитектуры.
Башня Гуиниджи (Torre Giunigi) высотой 44 метра является главной и самой высокой башней Лукки – одной из немногих, сохранившихся до наших дней, хотя в начале XIV века в городе насчитывалось более 250 башен и колоколен. Гуиниджи, самое знатное семейство города, решило облагородить свою семейную башню, посадив на ее вершине несколько дубов – символ возрождения.
Площадь Амфитеатра (Piazza dell'Anfiteatro) имеет форму эллипса, поскольку была построена в Средние века на остатках древнеримского амфитеатра, относящегося к II веку. Уровень современной площади на три метра выше, по сравнению с древней ареной. На площадь ведут четверо ворот, только одни из которых, самые низкие, полностью повторяют свой средневековый оригинал.
Дворец Пфаннер (Palazzo Pfanner) XVII века – великолепный пример луккского барокко, окруженный красивым садом.
Florence, Italy: Famous Dome and Bronze Doors
Florence's landmark Duomo (cathedral) is crowned by Brunelleschi's majestic dome — the first Renaissance dome and the model for many domes to follow (climb it for a glorious view). Nearby the Baptistery features Ghiberti's magnificent bronze doors, which Michelangelo called the gates of paradise. These creations help define the Renaissance, when Florence blossomed and classical arts were reborn. Subscribe at for weekly updates on more European destinations.
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10 Things to do in Zagreb, Croatia Travel Guide
Join us we visit Zagreb, Croatia in this travel guide covering some of the top attractions and best things to do in the city. With a great food scene, plenty of green spaces and a charming historic core (Gornji Grad) you'll soon find out what makes Zagreb an underrated capital to visit.
10 Things to do in Zagreb City Tour | Croatia Travel Guide:
Intro - 00:01
1) Markets and Ban Josip Jelačić Square (Zagreb Central Market - Dolac Market) - 00:35
2) Zagreb Cathedral (Zagrebačka katedrala) - 02:14
3) Restaurant Street in the Upper Town (Tkalčićeva Street) - 03:11
4) Museum of Broken Relationships (Muzej prekinutih veza) - 03:40
5) Church of St. Mark (Crkva sv. Marka) - 04:41
6) Promenade Views Upper Town in Zagreb - 05:45
7) Stone Gate in Zagreb (Kamenita Vrata) - 06:19
8) Eating Croatian Food (Truffles) in a Fotic Restaurant in Zagreb - 06:55
9) Zagreb 360 for views of Zagreb, Croatia - 10:31
10) Lenuci’s Horseshoe - 11:45
*Bonus* Ice Hockey game watching Medveščak Zagreb - 13:28
Outro - 14:07
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Our visit Zagreb travel guide documentary covers some of the top attractions including a food guide (Croatian), top sightseeing tourist attractions and the city by day including visiting churches, parks, the old town, quirky neighborhoods, museums and a hockey game. We also cover off-the-beaten-path outdoor activities you won't find in a typical Zagreb tourism brochure, Zagreb itinerary or Zagreb, Croatia city tour also known as Zagreb, Hrvatska.
10 Things to do in Zagreb, Croatia Travel Guide Video Transcript:
Our travels in Croatia brought us to Zagreb known for its lively street markets, vast green spaces, and varied architecture that spans numerous movements, we reached the capital and hit the ground running. In this video we’re going to show you some fun things to do in Zagreb, as well as share our favourite place for sampling the most delicious truffle dishes:
From the main square you have the Flower Market, and if you head up the steps, that leads to Zagreb’s Central Market.
Zagreb Cathedral is one the city’s main landmarks. This is the largest sacral building in the Gothic style southeast of the Alps, and it’s pretty easy to spot the spires wherever you are in the city.
Our walk through the Upper Town eventually lead us to Tkalčićeva. These days you’ll find a lively street lined with restaurants, cafes and bars.
We reached what may be the most memorable museum in the whole world: The Museum of Broken Relationships. The museum is a global crowd-sourced project that deals with heartbreak. Inside you’ll find curious objects with a corresponding story.
St. Mark’s Church bears the medieval coat of arms of Croatia, Dalmatia and Slavonia on the left-hand side, and the emblem of Zagreb on the right.
To enjoy city views of the Lower Town there are some great vantage points along the promenade.
On our way down from the Upper Town, we walked through Zagreb’s famed Stone Gate. Once the eastern gate into the medieval settlement now houses a small chapel.
Let’s take a break from all the sightseeing to introduce you to one of our favourite restaurants in Zagreb when it comes to truffle dishes
And craving more views of the city, we then went up Zagreb 360.
Known as the Green Horseshoe, this park was named after Milan Lenuci who came up with the idea of creating connected green spaces right in the downtown. The horseshoe is home to several museums, galleries and archives.
If you’re into hockey and you visit Zagreb during the season, you can catch a game in the city. We watched Medveščak Zagreb play.
And that’s it for our visit to Zagreb! We hope you enjoyed this travel guide and that you got a few ideas of things to see, eat and do on your own visit.
This is part of our Travel in Croatia video series showcasing Croatian food, Croatian culture and Croatian cuisine.
This is part of our Travel in the Balkans video series showcasing Balkan food, Balkan culture and Balkan cuisine.
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Cosa vedere a PISA: 10 cose da fare e visitare in un giorno a Pisa
Cosa vedere a Pisa? Scopri 10 cose da fare e visitare in un itinerario di 4 km a piedi attraverso il centro storico della città toscana. Info e mappa su
Per via della caratteristica pendenza che l'ha resa celebre in tutto il mondo è simbolo della città e uno dei simboli dell'Italia.
Dove dormire vicino alla Torre pendente
Nota anche come Piazza del Duomo, è il centro artistico, storico e turistico più importante della città tanto che dal 1987 fa parte del patrimonio dell'umanità dell'UNESCO. La piazza è dominata dalla Torre Pendente, il Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta, il Battistero di San Giovanni, il Camposanto Monumentale, le mure medievali, l'antico Spedale di Santo Spirito che ospita il Museo delle Sinopie, il Museo dell'Opera del Duomo e opere minori.
Dove dormire vicino a Piazza dei Miracoli
E' la piazza più famosa di Pisa dopo quella del Duomo. In epoca romana e medievale rappresentava il centro del potere civile, a partire dalla seconda metà del '500 divenne il quartier generale dell'Ordine dei cavalieri di Santo Stefano e oggi è polo culturale per la presenza della Scuola Normale di Pisa e numerosi palazzi storici.
Dove dormire vicino a Piazza dei Cavalieri
Via Borgo Stretto con i suoi negozi, portici e palazzi storici rappresenta una delle vie più frequentate della città e collega Piazza Garibaldi alla più larga Via Oberdan nota anche come Borgo Largo. Tra Via Borgo Stretto e Piazza Sant'Omobono troviamo Piazza delle Vettovaglie voluta nel 1544 da Cosimo I de' Medici.
Dove dormire vicino a Piazza delle Vettovaglie
Lungarno Mediceo si estende per quasi 600 m tra Ponte di Mezzo e Ponte della Fortezza. Il suo nome deriva dalla presenza di Palazzo dei Medici. Altre attrazioni culturali sono Palazzo Toscanelli, Palazzo Roncioni e il Museo Nazionale di San Matteo ospitato nell'omonimo convento medievale.
Dove dormire vicino al Museo Nazionale di San Matteo
Ponte della Fortezza congiunge Lungarno Mediceo ad un'antica fortezza pisana, oggi chiamata Giardino Scotto, un tempo nota come Cittadella Nuova per distinguerla da quella più vecchia.
Dove dormire vicino a Giardino Scotto
Lungarno Galiliei è intitolato all'omonimo illustre scienziato pisano, lungo il suo tracciato possiamo ammirare Palazzo Lanfranchi, Palazzo dei Consoli del Mare o dei Fiumi e Fossi, Palazzo Pretorio con la sua Torre dell'Orologio e infine la romanica Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro.
Dove dormire vicino alla Chiesa del Santo Sepolcro
Lungarno Gambacorti è la prosecuzione di Lungarno Galileo e si estende per poco più di 500 m tra Ponte di Mezzo e Ponte Solferino. All'imbocco di Ponte di Mezzo si possono vedere le Logge dei Banchi e poco oltre Palazzo Gambacorti. Altro storico palazzo è Palazzo Giuli Rosselmini Gualandi o Palazzo Blu. Nei pressi troviamo la longobarda Chiesa di Santa Cristina e la gotica Chiesa di Santa Maria alla Spina.
Dove dormire vicino alla Chiesa di Santa Maria della Spina
Piazza Chiara Gambacorti, nota anche come Piazza della Pera a causa del cippo etrusco a forma di pera che si trova all'angolo con Via San Martino, è dedicata alla figlia del Podestà di Pisa. A pochi metri troviamo Corso Italia ovvero la via dello shopping che al numero 85 ospita la Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine.
Dove dormire vicino a Piazza della Pera
Sulla piazza si affacciano il Palazzo della Camera di Commercio e i neogotici palazzi di Poste e Provincia. Sulla parte occidentale, in continuità con la piazza, si apre la Piazzetta di Sant'Antonio celebre per il murale Tuttomondo di Keith Haring.
Dove dormire vicino a Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II
Più in generale ecco dove dormire nei dintorni di Pisa
Rocca del Brunelleschi - Vicopisano Pisa. Must See Sights italy
La rocca è composta da un mastio con i lati lunghi circa 15 metri e una torre angolare nel punto più alto dell'abitato, alta 31 metri; una muraglia collega il mastio con una delle torri delle mura, la Torre dei Selvatici. Tramite un muraglione lungo settanta metri si poteva raggiungere la Torre del Soccorso, alla base del colle di Vicopisano, la quale era in comunicazione con l'Arno in modo da poter ricevere aiuti durante gli assedi. La cerchia vera e propria ai piedi della collina è fortificata da torri a base circolare e quadrata, ma ne resta solo il tratto settentrionale. Anticamente nella muraglia di collegamento si apriva un ponte levatoio. Il mastio, dove abitavano il comandante e le sentinelle, ha al suo interno ambienti originali del Quattrocento su sei livelli.
[Fonte wikipedia]
Giornata splendida con vento leggero e a tratti forte, alcune parti del video sono stare stabilizzate in post proprio a causa del vento.
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realizzato per la televisione Web della regione autonoma del FVG - realizzato da MGP, prodotto da Penelope Folin