Togo Faille d'Aledjo / Togo Faille Aledjo
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A country rampid with AIDS HIV, Ebola, Malaria, Prostitution, Poverty, Drugs and Crime.
Liberia, officially the Republic of Liberia, is a country in West Africa bordered by Sierra Leone to its west, Guinea to its north and Ivory Coast to its east. It covers an area of 111,369 square kilometres (43,000 sq mi) and is home to about 3.7 million people. English is the official language and over thirty indigenous languages are also spoken within the country. Its coastline is composed mostly of mangroves, while its more sparsely populated inland consists of forests opening onto a plateau of drier grasslands. The climate is hot and equatorial, with significant rainfall during the May--October rainy season and harsh harmattan winds the remainder of the year. The country possesses about forty percent of the remaining Upper Guinean rainforest.
Liberia is the only country in Africa founded by United States colonization while occupied by native Africans. Beginning in 1820, the region was colonized by African Americans, most of whom were freed slaves. The colonizers (who later become known as Americo-Liberians) established a new country with the help of the American Colonization Society, a private organization whose leaders thought former slaves would have greater opportunity in Africa. African captives freed from slave ships by the British and Americans were sent there instead of being repatriated to their countries of origin. In 1847, this new country became the Republic of Liberia, establishing a government modeled on that of the United States and naming its capital city Monrovia after James Monroe, the fifth president of the United States and a prominent supporter of the colonization. The colonists and their descendants, known as Americo-Liberians, led the political, social, cultural and economic sectors of the country and ruled the nation for over 130 years as a dominant minority.
The country began to modernize in the 1940s following investment by the United States during World War II and economic liberalization under President William Tubman. Liberia was a founding member of the United Nations and the Organisation of African Unity. In 1980 a military coup overthrew the Americo-Liberian leadership, marking the beginning of political and economic instability and two successive civil wars. These resulted in the deaths of between 250,000 and 520,000 people and devastated the country's economy. A peace agreement in 2003 led to democratic elections in 2005. Today, Liberia is recovering from the lingering effects of the civil wars and their consequent economic upheaval, but about 85% of the population continue to live below the international poverty line.
Trip to Assinie| A Kenyan Affaire| Vlog #08
Hey guys!
Welcome to my channel, here is my 4th travel video. Thank you for the positive comments in the previous videos. This was my second time in Assinie, a coastal resort town southeast of Ivory Coast and is a must visit destination while you are here.
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[No Copyright Music] Rock Angel-Joakim Karud
[No Copyright Music] We are one-Vexento
[No Copyright Music] Dreams-Joakim Karud
Togo, Notse: noi là, all'Orphelinat
...e per noi Yovò i bimbi cantano e ballano...e noi come contraccambiamo? Con bonbon, balon, affetto, sorrisi, cuore aperto, piccole cose rispetto a ciò che ricevi...e muovendoci a ritmo (vedi Matteo, con la piccola sulle ginocchia...)
Sources de l'Oum Er-Rbia - Moyen Atlas - Maroc
Coordonnées GPS: 33.051746, -5.412105
Les multiples sources de l'oued Oum Er-Rbia, situées au coeur du Moyen Atlas, sont un attrait touristique majeur pour cette région.
Lorsque nous y sommes arrivés, le stationnement était déjà complet et nous avons dû nous stationner en bordure de la route.
Depuis le stationnement, nous arrivons au bord de la rivière en moins de 10 minutes de marche. De majestueuses falaises escarpées dominent le site.
De multiples huttes bordent chaque côté de la rivière. Elles peuvent être louées et permettent aux visiteurs de s'y reposer et de pique-niquer.
Personnellement, je trouve dommage qu'il y ait autant de huttes aux abords de la rivière car il est maintenant plus difficile d'apercevoir les différentes cascades et d'apprécier ainsi pleinement la beauté du site.
La rivière présente certains parcours parfois très tumultueux, parfois plus calmes, permettant ainsi aux enfants et aux plus grands de s'amuser dans ces eaux rafraîchissantes.
Nous prenons le sentier à droite de la rivière. D'une longueur d'environ 300 m, il mène à la cascade.
Nous empruntons donc plusieurs marches creusées à même le sol et longeons plusieurs boutiques et restaurants.
Nous nous ferons d'ailleurs sans cesse demander si nous aimerions goûter à leur fameuse tajine.
L'accès à la cascade est payant. Cependant, les frais sont très minimes. Je ne me souviens pas exactement du montant, mais ils étaient plus ou moins de 5 dirhams par personne.
Pour s'y rendre, il faut d'abord s'aventurer sur une courte piste très étroite. Et ce n'est vraiment pas le moment de perdre l'équilibre car c'est la baignade assurée.
Et puis, on traverse un petit pont piétonnier qui mène à une série de gros rochers que nous devons contourner pour arriver au pied de la cascade qui est située dans un lieu très pittoresque.
Les eaux de la cascade, d'une hauteur de 20 à 30 m, se déversent d'abord dans un bassin entouré de splendides falaises calcaires, puis elles s'écoulent ensuite pour former une série de petites cascades et de bassins naturels.
Pour le retour, nous avons décidé de passer par le sentier qui est situé de l'autre côté de la rivière. Alain a décidé de passer sur les roches placées directement dans la rivière. En ce qui me concerne, j'ai préféré me rendre jusqu'au pont qui enjambe la rivière.
C'est de ce côté que se trouve une grotte d'une profondeur de 15 m. Au fond de cette grotte se trouve de l'eau pure. Il est possible de la visiter moyennant des frais de 10 dirhams. Nous n'en avons pas effectué la visite.
Le sentier est bien tracé et je dirais même qu'il nous permet d'avoir une meilleure vue globale du canyon ainsi que de la rivière.
Le sentier semble se prolonger dans la montagne. Cependant, lorsque nous avons aperçu le stationnement situé de l'autre côté de la rivière, nous avons remarqué qu'il y avait un autre sentier, faiblement tracé, qui descendait vers celui-ci. Nous avons donc décidé de prendre cette direction.
Ce fut une bonne décision car ce sentier mène directement à un escalier que nous devons descendre pour retourner au stationnement.
Nous n'y sommes restés qu'une seule petite heure, le temps nécessaire pour faire le tour du site. Cependant, il faut prévoir beaucoup plus de temps si vous désirez manger sur place et vous baigner.
Song: Ikson - We Are Free (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Les villages Dogons de la falaise de Bandiagara (Mali)
Bandiagara Escarpment and Dogons villages (Mali)
(first Ireli (geolocalization), after Amani and last Tireli)
Les Dogons sont un peuple du Mali, en Afrique de l'Ouest. Leur population est estimée à 700 000 personnes[réf. nécessaire]. Ils occupent la région qui va de la falaise de Bandiagara au sud-ouest de la boucle du Niger. Quelques Dogons sont installés dans le nord du Burkina Faso, d'autres se sont installés en Côte d'Ivoire.
Les Dogons sont avant tout des cultivateurs (essentiellement du mil) et des forgerons. Ils sont réputés pour leur cosmogonie et leurs sculptures. La langue parlée par les Dogons est le dogon qui regroupe plusieurs dialectes. Il existe aussi une langue secrète, le sigi so, langue réservée à la société des masques. Les Dogons sont liés avec lethnie des Bozos par la parenté à plaisanterie. Dogons et Bozos se moquent réciproquement, mais parallèlement se doivent assistance.
Les Dogons seraient venus du Mandé, région située au sud-ouest du Mali au XIVe siècle pour éviter l'islamisation. Ils se seraient installés à Kani Bonzon avant de se disperser sur trois sites que sont la Falaise de Bandiagara (site mis en 2003 sur la liste mondiale du patrimoine de l'UNESCO), le plateau (région de Sangha) et la plaine. Cette falaise était alors habitée par les Tellem, portant aussi le nom de kurumba. D'après les Dogons, les Bana ont précédé les Tellem. Même s'ils ont longtemps subi la domination des divers peuples ayant créé de grands empires ou royaumes, les Dogons ont toujours su conserver leur indépendance à cause de la difficulté d'accès à leurs territoires montagneux isolés. Les Dogons luttèrent farouchement contre les Mossis à l'epoque de l'empire sonhrai, puis contre les Peuls à partir du XVIIe siècle. Les Dogons et les Soninkés sont très liés, les Dogons étaient parfois influencés culturellement et linguistiquement par les Soninkés dont certains se sont mélangés aux Dogons lors de leur grande dispersion après la chute de l'empire du Ghana.
The Dogon are a group of people living in the central plateau region of Mali, south of the Niger bend near the city of Bandiagara in the Mopti region. They number just under 800,000. The Dogon are best known for their mythology, their mask dances, wooden sculpture and their architecture. The past century has seen significant changes in the social organization, material culture and beliefs of the Dogon, partly because Dogon country is one of Mali's major tourist attraction
The principal Dogon area is bisected by the Bandiagara Escarpment, a sandstone cliff of up to 500m (1,640 ft) high, stretching for about 150km (almost 100 miles). To the southeast of the cliff, the sandy Séno-Gondo Plains are found, and northwest of the cliff are the Bandiagara Highlands. The current population is at least 450,000. Historically, Dogon villages have frequently fallen victim to Islamic slave raiders.Neighboring Islamic tribal groups acted as slave merchants, as the growth of cities increased the demand for slaves across the region of West Africa. The historical pattern has included murder of indignenous males by Islamic jihadists and enslavement of women and children. As early as the 12th century the Dogon people fled west to avoid conversion to Islam and enslavement.
At the end of the eighteenth century, the jihads that were triggered by the resurgence of Islam caused slaves to be sought for warfare. Dogon insecurity in the face of these historical pressures caused them to locate their villages in defensible positions along the walls of the escarpment. The other factor influencing their choice of settlement location is water. The Niger River is nearby and in the sandstone rock, a rivulet runs at the foot of the cliff at the lowest point of the area during the wet season.
see :
The highest waterfall in West Africa - Ghana's Wli Falls
Breathtaking, magnificent, unspoiled. The beautifully protected Wli Waterfall in the Volta Region of Ghana will make you feel like you are going back in time. Situated in the Agmatsa Wildlife Sanctuary, the hiking and swimming in the falls will refresh and relax you. Aerial footage taken using the DJI Phantom quadcopter. Fly. High. Africa.
The Central AFRICAN Republic History and ECONOMY
This is more or less like going Around The World in 80 Days From A to Z.
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Travel the world's many wonders that has little known places of interest to visit and enjoy:
Central African Republic
The Central African Republic is a landlocked country that is located in Central Africa. It borders Sudan to the northeast, Chad to the north, South Sudan to the south east and the Democratic Republic of Congo to its south. It covers about 240,000 square miles in area and has a population of an estimated 4,4 million people. The capital city of Central African Republic is Bnagui. Two thirds of the country lies Ubangi river basin while the remaining third on River Chari's basin.
5 Facts You Might Not Know
The country is landlocked meaning that it does not have a coastline. Much of its land consists of flat rolling plateau savannah. At 240,000 square miles, the Central African Republic is the world's 42nd largest country. It has am 8% of forest cover which is much dense in the south region.
The CAR as it is abbreviated relies mostly on agriculture to support its economy. The most common foods cultivated in the Central African Republic are; cassava, peanuts, maize, millet, sorghum and maize among others. The GDP of the country is just over 3%. The country's largest import partner in international trade is South Korea by 20% followed by France and Cameroon among others.
In 1960, the population of the Central African Republic was just 1, 232,000. However, many years after independence, the population has quadrupled to 4,422,000 according to 2009's estimates by the United Nations. The country is divided into 80 ethnic groups which make up the several languages that are ethnic. The largest is Baya by 33%, Banda by 28%, Mandjia and Sara among others respectively.
Most of the people in Central African Republic are Christians forming 80% of the entire population. The other part of the population is believed to be affiliated to indigenous beliefs. However, there are Muslim followers who make about 10% of the population as well. This has enabled many missionary groups to set up projects in the region.
There is free public education in Central African Republic and it actually compulsory for children between 6 years and 14 years. However, almost half of the adult population is considered illiterate.
The capital of Central African Republic is Bangui. The currency of Central African Republic is the CFA Franc BEAC ‡(XAF) Flag of
Central African Republic is an African country
The Country dialling code of Central African Republic is +236, and the TLD (Top-level domain) of Central African Republic is .cf
Map of Central African Republic
Languages spoken in Central African Republic
French, Sango
Animals native to Central African Republic / which animals live in Central African Republic?
Coordinates (in Latitude & Longitude) of Central African Republic
7 00 N, 21 00 E
Kilometers of coastline
0 kilometers
Square kilometers of land
622,984 square kilometers
Square kilometers of water
0 square kilometers
Birth rate
33.52 / 1000 population
Death rate
18.46 / 1000 population
Irrigated land
20 sq km
The Central African Republic (CAR; Sango: Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka; French: République centrafricaine pronounced [ʁepyblik sɑ̃tʁafʁikɛn], or Centrafrique [sɑ̃tʁafʁik]) is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Chad to the north, Sudan to the northeast, South Sudan to the east, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the south, the Republic of the Congo to the southwest and Cameroon to the west. The CAR covers a land area of about 620,000 square kilometres (240,000 sq mi) and had an estimated population of around 4.6 million as of 2016.
Most of the CAR consists of Sudano-Guinean savannas, but the country also includes a Sahelo-Sudanian zone in the north and an equatorial forest zone in the south. Two thirds of the country is within the Ubangi River basin (which flows into the Congo), while the remaining third lies in the basin of the Chari, which flows into Lake Chad.
What is today the Central African Republic has been inhabited for millennia; however, the country's current borders were established by France, which ruled the country as a colony starting in the late 19th century. After gaining independence from France in 1960, the Central African Republic was ruled by a series of autocratic leaders, including an abortive attempt at a monarchy; by the 1990s, calls for democracy led to the first multi-party democratic elections.
Ce diaporama est composé de photos prises en 2012, lors d'un voyage en Islande, je suis partie en avion avec un vol low cost, et j'ai parcouru ce pays merveilleux avec mon sac à dos, en utilisant les bus qui le sillonnent j'y est retrouvé mes amis. Tous ces paysages sont gravés dans ma mémoire, que démotions devant la puissance, la beauté et la pureté des éléments.
La distance qui nous sépare du monde subtil semble ici s'effacer.
La vie est partout, dans le cœur de ses volcans, recouverts de leurs glaciers pour calmer le feu qui les anime, dans ces cascades majestueuses qui charrient dans un grondement d'une puissance inouïe l'eau de la fonte des glaces, dans les fumerolles, dans ces geysers qui explosent en larmes brûlantes, et cette odeur de soufre qui vous envahit...
La nature y est en perpétuelle création.
Je tenais à remercier de tout cœur Est motorcycles qui a dynamisé ce voyage.
A la découverte de notre si belle France ..