#Italie les paysages de la #Sardaigne authentique
( Merci de noter cette vidéo ) Deuxième plus grande île de la Méditerranée , la #Sardaigne apparaît comme une terre sauvage, presque impénétrable dès que l'on s'éloigne de ses côtes. Sa position centrale ainsi que ses richesses naturelles en ont pourtant fait depuis des millénaires un point de passage et un enjeu stratégique pour les Phéniciens, les Piémontais, les Génois face aux Pisans, puis les Espagnols. En témoignent son riche héritage mégalithique, antique et médiéval, ses nombreuses églises romanes, gothiques ou baroques. Mais la Sardaigne recèle d'autres trésors : des plages parmi les plus belles de la Méditerranée, des gorges spectaculaires et des massifs préservés qui en font le paradis des randonneurs ; et, enfin, une gastronomie raffinée,cette terre rude et fière demeure l'une des dernières surprises de la Grande bleue. ---------( english)--------- Second largest Mediterranean island, Sardinia appears as a wild, almost impenetrable when one moves away from its shores. Its central location and its natural resources have yet been for millennia a transit point and a strategic issue for the Phoenicians, the Piedmontese, Genoese face of Pisa, then the Spanish. Evidenced by its rich megalithic ancient and medieval, its Romanesque churches, Gothic and Baroque. But Sardinia has other treasures of the most beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean, spectacular gorges and beds that are preserved paradise for hikers and, finally, refined cuisine, this harsh land and remains proud of One of the surprises of the last Great blue. ----------( deutsch )--------
Zweitgrößte Insel im Mittelmeer, Sardinien erscheint als ein wildes, fast undurchdringlich, wenn man weg von seinen Ufern bewegt. Seine zentrale Lage und seine natürlichen Ressourcen noch für Jahrtausende ein Transitland und eine strategische Herausforderung für die Phönizier, dem Piemont, Genuesen Gesicht von Pisa, dann die spanische worden. Belegt durch seine reiche megalithischen Antike und des Mittelalters, die romanischen Kirchen, gotische und barocke. Aber Sardinien andere Schätze der schönsten Strände des Mittelmeers hat, spektakuläre Schluchten und Betten, die Paradies für Wanderer erhalten sind, und schließlich bleibt raffinierte Küche, diesem harten Land und stolz Eine der Überraschungen der letzten großen blau. ------------------------(italiano)-------------- La seconda più grande isola del Mediterraneo, la Sardegna appare come un selvaggio, quasi impenetrabile quando ci si allontana dalle proprie coste. La sua posizione centrale e le sue risorse naturali sono ancora state per millenni un punto di transito e di una questione strategica per i Fenici, i piemontesi, volto genovese di Pisa, poi gli spagnoli. Evidenziato dal suo ricco megalitiche antica e medievale, le sue chiese romaniche, gotiche e barocche. Ma la Sardegna ha altri tesori delle spiagge più belle del Mediterraneo, spettacolari gole e letti che si conservano paradiso per escursionisti e, infine, una cucina raffinata, questa terra aspra e resta orgoglioso di Una delle sorprese del blu ultimo Grande. -
Sardina, Italy Travel
Sardina, Italy Travel - Located closer to Africa than Italy, Sardinia’s turquoise sea and white sandy beaches rival the tropics. Sant'Antioco & San Pietro, off the coast of Southwestern Sardinia, are charming islands as yet unspoiled by too much tourist development. The seaside resort of Santa Teresa di Gallura offers all the attractions of the coast without the sometimes-soulless glitz of the Costa Smeralda. Further east, Palau & Arcipelago di la Maddalena are pretty laidback, too: the archipelago itself comprises a national park with loads of island-hopping opportunities.
Away from the coast, the scenery can be similarly stunning with a pastoral quilt of forested mountain peaks, valleys of citrus groves and pastures of happily grazing cattle and sheep. In contrast, the urban scene can be disappointing. Some towns are, frankly, dull and depressing with breeze-block buildings and graffiti. Others, like medieval Bosa in the west, are impossibly picturesque with their pink-and-golden buildings flanking the river. Alghero, in Northern Sardinia, has a fascinating Catalan history (the language is still spoken here) and a delightful old centre; the lively town of Iglesias also retains an appealing Spanish legacy. Calgliari is historic and cosmopolitan at the same time, while the equally historic Oristano is quietly elegant. Traditional culture thrives most vigorously in the heartland where the elderly women are still draped in black; here tourists are rare – stared at – but ultimately welcomed.
Across the landscape are scattered 7000 nuraghi, strange conical stone fortresses seemingly built by a Sardinian Fred Flintstone. Curious temples, tombs, mysterious menhirs and remains of entire Bronze Age villages complete the prehistoric cartoon.
Sardinia distinguishes itself in the kitchen with hearty pastas and a love for pungent local cheeses, like pecorino and smoked ricotta. Sardinians also produce notable wines and a head-splitting firewater, filu e ferru.
Avoid visiting during broiling, crowded July and August, as well as in winter when the island goes into hibernation and many restaurants and hotels are closed. The best times of the year to visit are in the spring, when the wildflowers are in bloom, and during the early autumn when the temperatures are still pleasantly warm and most of the tourists have left.
Enjoy Your Sardina, Italy Travel!
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