Chiloé Island, Chile trip 2016 (HD 1080p)
Visit Chiloé Island, Chile - Chiloé Island, Chile trip - Chiloé Island, Chile tourism & vacations, Chiloé National Park, Parque Tantauco, Tourist attractions in Chiloé Island
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
When the early-morning fog shrouds misty-eyed and misunderstood Chiloé, it's immediately apparent something different this way comes. Isla Grande de Chiloé is the continent's fifth-largest island and is home to a fiercely independent, seafaring people.
Immediately apparent are changes in architecture and cuisine: tejuelas, the famous Chilote wood shingles; palafitos (houses mounted on stilts along the water's edge); the iconic wooden churches (16 of which are Unesco World Heritage sites); and the renowned meat, potato and seafood stew, curanto. A closer look reveals a rich spiritual culture that is based on a distinctive mythology of witchcraft, ghost ships and forest gnomes.
All of the above is weaved among landscapes that are wet, windswept and lush, with undulating hills, wild and remote national parks, and dense forests, giving Chiloé a distinct flavor unique in South America.
Chiloé Island is the largest island in Chile. It's a popular place to visit especially among Chileans who come to appreciate the island character, the rural landscape, the seafood and the Unesco churches. The best time to visit the island is from December to March. The island's tourist information has a great website in english with lots of information on sites, tours, excursions, dining, events, shopping etc.
See in Chiloé Island, Chile
There are quite a few local sites to be seen throughout Chiloe Island. Since it was separated by water from the mainland, many of the local traditions have been preserved here, instead of merging with the Spanish culture after the conquest.
The Unesco churches of Chiloe can be found mostly in the centre on the eastern side of the island. Built in the 18th and 19th centuries when Chiloé Archipelago was still a part of the Spanish Crown possessions, the churches represent the fusion of European Jesuit culture and local native peoples' skill and traditions: an excellent example of mestizo culture.
The Bay of Caulin offers the chance to see locals actively rounding up seaweed in their daily tasks, being collected by hand and with ox-carts.
The Bay of Ancud also offers great views and chances for kayaking.
An old Spanish battery can also be visited on the North side of the bay.
The Puñihuil Penguin colony is located on the north side of the island along the Pacific coast.
Chiloe's National Park and Ahuenca region are habitat for diverse and abundant wildlife.
Explore the islands of Lemuy, Quinchao and the peninsula of Rilan by bike or car to see some churches and enjoy the quiet rural life.
Do in Chiloé Island, Chile
In January and February many festivals are organised around Chiloe island.
Bike rentals and tours
Local Operators: Ecotours Chile Austral Adventures
US Based Operators: Adventure Life
Chiloé, Chile. Top 10 destinos.
Patagonia Insular. Videos de la Isla de Chiloé con sus principales atractivos turisticos.
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Chiloé Island, Chile (HD)
Visit Chiloé Island, Chile - Chiloé Island, Chile Tours - Chiloé Island, Chile Vacation
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Chiloé Island (Isla de Chiloé), also known as Greater Island of Chiloé (Isla Grande de Chiloé), is the largest island of the Chiloé Archipelago off the coast of Chile, in the Pacific Ocean. The island is located in southern Chile, in the Los Lagos Region.
Chiloe is famous for myths and legends with roots in its native population but with some European influence. Even though the island was Christianized by Spanish conquerors (you can visit many of the Jesuit wooden churches all over the island) its inhabitants are also very superstitious. A singing, fair-haired beauty similar to the German Lorelei is called la pincoya. It is said that if she dances towards the coast the sea will bring a lot of fish. A ghost ship carrying the souls of wrecked sailors, similar to the Flying Dutchman, is called caleuche. And if someone tells you he or she was seduced in the forest, it might have been the fiura or the trauco, which is often blamed for venereal disease or an awkward pregnancy. A very pitiful figure is the invunche; as a baby his orifices, including his eyes, were closed and one leg was sewn to his back, so that he walks on three legs.
There are quite a few local sites to be seen throughout Chiloe Island. Since it was separated by water from the mainland, many of the local traditions have been preserved here, instead of merging with the Spanish culture after the conquest.
The Bay of Caulin offers the chance to see locals actively rounding up seaweed in their daily tasks, being collected by hand and with ox-carts. The Bay of Ancud also offers great views and chances for kayaking. An old Spanish battery can also be visited on the North side of the bay. The Puñihuil Penguin colony is located on the north side of the island along the Pacific coast. Chiloe's National Park and Ahuenca region are habitat for diverse and abundant wildlife.
Few tour companies offer guided tours on Chiloe Island, as most Lakes District tourism activity takes place in the areas around Osorno Volcano, Lake Llanquihue, and Pumalin Park further northeast from the island.
US Based Operators: Adventure Life Local Operators: Ecotours Chile, Austral Adventures
Puerto Montt: Turismo, naturaleza y tradicion | Chile #12
Bienvenidos a Puerto Montt, comienza nuestra aventura por la Región de los Lagos, conoceremos el centro la ciudad, recorreremos 45 km de la carretera austral, caminamos 8 km en el Parque Nacional Alerce andino para finalmente terminar en Angelmó...
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#PuertoMontt #Angelmo #AlerceAndino
Este esta es la pregunta; ¿QUE RECORRER EN PUERTO MONTT?
Este video resumen te explicará que puedes recorrer desde un fin de semana que sería la manera rápida hasta una semana en puerto Montt y sus alrededores
El Lago Llanquihue es el segundo lago más grande de chile, con una extensión de 877 kilómetros cuadrados, el Lago Llanquihue es el recurso hidrográfico más grande del país después del Lago General Carrera. Su vegetación siempreverde de olivillos, lengas, alerces, coigües, arbustos y helechos, son uno de sus principales atractivos, además de sus hermosas aguas aptas para la práctica de deportes náuticos. La fauna es también característica y cuenta con zorros, güiñas, chingues, cernícalos y torcazas. Si visita el Lago Llanquihue, también podrá disfrutar de las bellezas arquitectónicas de la zona, sobre todo de la arquitectura de rasgo alemán en Puerto Varas, Puerto Octay y Frutillar y también de playas.
Templado de tipo lluvioso. Las precipitaciones tienen lugar durante todo el año y aumentan de norte a sur. La amplitud térmica asciende hacia el interior y son moderadas a causa de la influencia del mar.
Puedes llegar Vía aérea al Aeropuerto El Tepual en Puerto Montt y a los aeródromos en Frutillar y Puerto Varas.
Vía terrestre por Ruta 5
RECORRIENDO CHILOÉ EN UN DÍA | CHILE | Diego y Karola Recorriendo el Mundo
Nuestra aventura continua en uno de los lugares más hermosos de Chile y que siempre habíamos querido conocer, no te pierdas este capitulo y descubramos la Isla de Chiloé.
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Sunny Island (VLOG) by Scandinavianz
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
Wanderlust by Scandinavianz
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
Song: Ikson - Paradise (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Un viaje por la carretera Austral de Chile y la Isla de Chiloe / Austral Road Chile
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Un recorrido en coche y ferri por la Carretera Austral de Chile y la isla de Chiloe para explorar uno de los paisajes más sorprendentes y de difícil acceso de la Patagonia Chilena. A la Carretera Austral de Chile se la considera la carretera más espectacular de Sudamérica: lagos, ríos turbulentos, los Andes patagónicos y la presencia de campos de hielo y glaciares por todas partes. Un recorrido de más de 1000 km tan abrupto que muchos tramos hay que hacerlos en ferri. Comienza en Puerto Montt y discurre por lugares fantásticos como el parque nacional Pumalin, Chaiten, las termas del amarillo, el río Futaleufú, el parque nacional Queulat, Puerto Cisnes, Puerto Aysen, Cohaique, el lago General Carrera, las catedrales de marmol...etc. De camino a Chiloe el ferri pasa por la isla de Melinka, Puerto Gala y otros destinos hasta llegar a Chiloe donde finalmente terminamos nuestro recorrido.
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Música compuesta por Carlos Nuñez Medina
Con la colaboración de Naviera Austral
Agradecimientos a Margarita, Felipe y Carla por su ayuda.
A route for the Austral road in Chile and the Chiloe Island.
Castro y sus maravillas - Chiloe | Chile
Llegamos a Castro, capital de la Isla Grande de Chiloe, descubramos juntos las maravillas de esta ciudad, excelente gastronomía, un patrimonio de la humanidad, sus clásicos palafitos y mucho mas..
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#Castro #Palafitos #Chiloe
Chile - Castro on Chiloé
Castro is the largest town on the island of Chiloé in Chile. Much of the traditional life of fishermen still can be found on Chiloé. Famous are the UNESCO listed wooden churches and its colorful wooden houses on poles.
We visited Castro during our overland trip from the Netherlands to South Africa and from there on to South America.