4. Smolenice CastleSmolenice Smolenice Castle is a castle in the eastern slope of the Little Carpathians, near the town of Smolenice, Slovakia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
5. Beckov castleBeckov Beckov Castle is a castle in ruins located near the village of Beckov in Nové Mesto nad Váhom District, Trenčín Region, western Slovakia. It is a natural cultural monument and its present appearance is the result of renovations in the last quarter of the twentieth century and since 2002. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
7. Komarno City CentreKomarno Komárno is a town in Slovakia at the confluence of the Danube and the Váh rivers. Komárno was formed from part of a historical town in Hungary situated on both banks of the Danube. Following World War I and the Treaty of Trianon, the border of the newly created Czechoslovakia cut the historical, unified town in half, creating two new towns. The smaller part, based on the former suburb of Újszőny, is in present-day Hungary as Komárom . Komárno and Komárom are connected by the Elisabeth Bridge, which used to be a border crossing between Slovakia and Hungary until border checks were lifted due to the Schengen Area rules. Komárno is Slovakia's principal port on the Danube. It is also the center of the Hungarian community in Slovakia, which makes up roughly 60% of the town's population... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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