The Most Beautiful Places in Siirt [TURKEY]
00:22 - Botan River
00:33 - Tillo Castle
00:46 - Rasil Hacar Tasbasi
01:04 - The Shrine of Ibrahim Hakki
01:21 - Seyh Muhammed El-Hazin Tomb
01:42 - Paragliding
Botan River and Tillo Castle:
TURKEY Playlist:
Cities in Turkey : SİİRT
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Türkiyenin herhangi bir şehrine tatile gideceksiniz:
Eğer nerede kalalım, nereleri görelim,neler alalım,ne yiyelim,nereleri gezelim diyorsanız bu soruların tüm cevapları ve daha fazlası için Cities in Online seyahat danışmanınız Cities in ekibi olarak sizleri bekliyoruz.
FATİH / Fatih Kadınlar Pazarı Hakkında Bilgi
Fatih İtfaiye Caddesi nde Güneydoğu Lezzetlerini Tadabileceğiniz Satın Alabileceğiniz Dükkanlardan Oluşan Fatih Kadınlar Pazarı Hakkında Bilgi Verdik. Gitmeden Önce Mutlaka Videoyu Sonuna Kadar İzleyin. Ziyaret Bilgileri Aşağıdadır.
ADRES: Zeyrek Mahallesi İtfaiye Caddesi FATİH/İSTANBUL
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The Most Beautiful Places in Sirnak [TURKEY]
Beautiful Sirnak [ Old Video 2015 ]
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#تاريخ_و_حضارة_المدن_التركية - تعرف على مدينة سيرت التركية !!!!
منطقة الأناضول الشرقية منطقة الأناضول الشرقيّة، هي إحدى مناطق تركيا الواقعة في جهتها الشرقيّة، وهي ثاني أكبر المناطق مساحة من حيث التقسيم الجغرافي في الجمهوريّة التركيّة، والأعلى ارتفاعاً أيضاً، ولكنّها الأقل من حيث عدد السكّان، وتضم العديد من المحافظات، وتعدّ مدينة سرت إحدى محافظات منطقة الأناضول الشرقيّة، وهي ما سنوجز الحديث عنها في هذا المقال. مدينة سرت التركية تعتبر مدينة سرت إحدى مدن الجمهوريّة التركيّة، وتحديداً من محافظات شرق الأناضول، حيث توجد المدينة في جهته الجنوبيّة الشرقيّة، وهي من أهمّ المدن للسياحة الطبيّة، والتي يقصدها السيّاح المرضى نظراً لامتلاكها كهفاً يحتوي على مياه كبريتيّة تشفي العديد من الأمراض التي تصيب جسم الإنسان، وأهمّها التهابات المفاصل. ومضة تاريخية عن مدينة سرت التركية تعتبر مدينة سرت التركيّة إحدى المناطق التي تعاقبت عليها كثير من الحضارات، لا سيما الحضارة الفينيقيّة التي تتجسّد في قلعة فينيك، وهي قلعة فينيقيّة البناء والتاريخ، كانت تعدّ مركزاً مهمّاً في المدينة؛ نظراً لموقعها المميّز والاستراتيجي، كما نجد فيها الحضارة الإسلاميّة العريقة، والتي تغلب عليها حتّى وقتنا الحاضر. معالم مدينة سرت التركية تحتوي مدينة سرت التركيّة على العديد من المناطق والمعالم التي تستوجب زيارتها، إن قصدها الشخص زائراً لها، ومن معالم المدينة ما يأتي: كهف المياه الكبريتيّة وهو كهف مشهور في المدينة بمياهه الكبريتيّة، ويقصدها السياح والأتراك قاصدين العلاج من بعض الأمراض: كمرض الروماتيزم، وأمراض النساء، والأمراض العصبيّة وغيرها، ويبعد هذا الكهف المميّز عن مركز سرت حوالي سبعة عشر كيلومتر. سرت منزارسي وهو من أروع الأماكن في مدينة سرت وأخطرها، ويصنّف ضمن المناطق الأثريّة في المدينة، كما يمكن للزائرين ممارسة رياضة التسلّق فيه، لكنّ عليهم الحذر. كهف سرت وهو كهف ذو تعرّجات حجريّة جيريّة، وهو أحد الكهوف القديمة التي كان سكّان المدينة القدماء يستخدمونها. برج الساعة تمّ بناؤه من الحجر المنحوت، ويوجد في منتصف المدينة، وتحديداً في شارع الحكومة، أنشئ وتم بناؤه كاملاً عام 1975 للميلاد. مسجد أولو وهو مسجد يوجد في منتصف المدينة، أسّسه وأشرف على بناءه السلطان السلجوقي محمود في عام 1129 للميلاد. مقام إبراهيم حقي ويبعد عن مركز المدينة حوالي سبعة كيلومترات، وبني وسمّي بهذا الاسم نسبة إلى العالم إبراهيم، الذي نبغ في كثير من العلوم: كعلوم الفقه، والتصوّف، وعلم النفس، والأدب، والطب، والفلك، وغيرها من العلوم، واستحقّ بهذا مقاماً يشهد على وجوده وإنجازاته. قبر الشيخ محمد كازام وهو أحد شيوخ المدينة المعروفين والهامّين في تركيا، حيث درّس العديد من طلبة العلم، ويقع القبر أعلى تلّة مرتفعة، بالقرب من مركز مدينة سرت التركيّة.
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Hayal Edince - Turkish Airlines
Güzel şeyler #hayaledince başlar. Türkiye'nin havayolu, Türkiye'nin hayalleriyle büyüyor.
About Turkish Airlines:
Established in 1933 with a fleet of five aircraft, Star Alliance member Turkish Airlines is the airline that flies to more countries and international destinations than any other airline in the world. Turkish Airlines has a fleet of over 300 (passenger and cargo) aircraft flying to over 300 destinations worldwide.
Since April 2019, Turkey’s national flag carrier is operating from its new hub, Istanbul Airport, which is set to be the world’s largest with an annual passenger capacity of 200 million once all phases are complete. Recognized for its excellent products and services around the globe, Turkish Airlines bridges cultures and continents from its hub in Istanbul, with Turkish hospitality at its heart. More information about Turkish Airlines can be found on its official website or its social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
Türk Hava Yolları Hakkında:
1933 yılında 5 uçaktan oluşan mütevazı bir filo ile kurulan Star Alliance üyesi Türk Hava Yolları, bugün 300’den fazla (yolcu ve kargo) uçak yer alan filosu ile dünyada 300’den fazla noktaya uçan havayolu şirketidir. Türkiye’nin bayrak taşıyıcı havayolu Nisan 2019’dan bu yana, tüm aşamaları tamamlandıktan sonra yıllık 200 milyon yolcu kapasitesiyle dünyanın en büyük havalimanı olacak İstanbul Havalimanı’nda faaliyet gösteriyor.
Dünya genelindeki mükemmel ürün ve hizmetleri ile tanınan Türk Hava Yolları, Türk misafirperverliği ile İstanbul'daki merkezinde kültürleri ve kıtaları birbirine bağlıyor. Türk Hava Yolları ile ilgili daha geniş bilgiye web adresinden veya Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn ve Instagram hesapları üzerinden ulaşılabilir.
The Most Beautiful Places in Karaman [TURKEY]
00:18 - Stone Castle – Taskale
00:43 - Karadağ
01:02 - Manazan Caves
01:19 - Ermenek Zeyve Pazari
01:36 - Incesu Cave
TURKEY Playlist:
Kevin MacLeod sanatçısının Canon in D Major adlı şarkısı, Creative Commons Attribution lisansı ( altında lisanslıdır.
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İstanbul - Salzburg
Ayşe ve Vedat'ın Mottosiklet Günlüğü
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Turkey /Şanlıurfa / (Beautiful old city&bazaar) Part 12
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Şanlıurfa,in ancient times Edessa (Έδεσσα in Greek), is a city with 482,323 inhabitants in south-eastern Turkey, and the capital of Şanlıurfa Province. It is a city with a mixed Arab, Kurdish and Turkish population. Urfa is situated on a plain about eighty kilometres east of the Euphrates River. Urfa's climate features extremely hot, dry summers and cool, moist winters.
Climate:Şanlıurfa has a semi-arid climate. Şanlıurfa is very hot during the summer months. Temperatures in the height of summer usually reach 41.5°C (107°F). Rainfall is almost non-existent during the summer months. Winters are cool and wet. Frost is common and there is sporadic snowfall. Spring and autumn are mild and also wet.
Cuisine:As the city of Urfa is deeply rooted in history, so its unique cuisine is an amalgamation of the cuisines of the many civilizations that have ruled in Urfa. Dishes carry names in Arabic, Armenian, Syriac, and Turkish, and are often prepared in a spicy manner. It is widely believed that Urfa is the birthplace of many dishes, including Raw Kibbé (Çiğ Köfte), that according to the legend, was crafted by the Prophet Abraham from ingredients he had at hand.
Urfa is also known throughout Turkey and the bordering Syria for its very rich kebab culture, making extesive use of lamb meat, fat and offal. The offal has also a primordial place in the regular Urfa cuisine, being prepared in more than two hundred different ways.
Urfa's meze menu is also very rich, and carries a great variety, mostly unknown in other parts of Turkey, such as the Ağzı Yumuk or the Semsek.
Many vegetables are used in the Urfa cuisine, such as the 'Ecır, the Kenger, and the İsot, the legendary local red capsicum that is a smaller and darker cultivar of the Aleppo pepper that takes a purplish black hue when dried and cured. It is used to flavor many dishes, even a variety of ice cream.
The cuisine also makes an extensive use of the eggplant with more than a hundred recipes containing eggplant.
Unlike most of the Turkish cities that use different versions of regular butter in their regional cuisine, Urfa is, together with Antep, Mardin and Siirt a big user of clarified butter, made exclusively from sheep's milk, called locally Urfayağı (Urfabutter). Other than that, Urfa is a heavy consumer of quality Olive oil, that mostly arrives into the city from nearby Syria.
Among Urfa's classic sweets is the Şıllık, a coarse walnut ground covered in sweet pastry, the Kahke, flavored with aniseed and baked in a steamer, and the Külünçe, a masonry oven-baked pastry item similar to the Iraqi Kleyça.
The bitter Arab coffee Mırra and the coffee substitute drink made from wild terebinth Menengiç kahvesi are among the most common hot beverages of Urfa.
The birthplace of the prophet Abraham -- a cave to the south of the lake
Urfa castle -- built in antiquity, the current walls were constructed by the Abbasids in 814 AD.
The legendary Pool of Sacred Fish (Balıklıgöl) where Abraham was thrown into the fire by Nimrod. The pool is in the courtyard of the mosque of Halil-ur-Rahman, built by the Ayyubids in 1211 and now surrounded by the attractive Gölbaşı-gardens designed by architect Merih Karaaslan. The courtyard is where the fishes thrive. A local legend says seeing a white fish will open the door to the heavens.
Rızvaniye Mosque -- a more recent (1716) Ottoman mosque, adjoining the Balıkligöl complex.
'Ayn Zelîha -- A source nearby the historical center, named after Zulaykha, a follower of Abraham.
The Great Mosque of Urfa was built in 1170, on the site of a Christian church the Arabs called the Red Church, probably incorporating some Roman masonry. Contemporary tradition at the site identifies the well of the mosque as that into which the towel or burial cloth (mendil) of Jesus was thrown (see Image of Edessa and Shroud of Turin). In the south wall of the medrese adjoining the mosque is the fountain of Firuz Bey (1781).
Ruins of the ancient city walls.
Eight Turkish baths built in the Ottoman period.
The traditional Urfa houses were split into sections for family (harem) and visitors (selâm). There is an example open to the public next to the post office in the district of Kara Meydan.
The Temple of Nevali Çori -- Neolithic settlement dating back to 8000BC, now buried under the waters behind the Atatürk Dam, with some artefacts relocated above the waterline.
Göbekli Tepe -- The world's oldest known temple, dated 10th millennium BC (ca 11,500 years ago)
Siirt: Doğduğum Topraklar - Coşkun Aral Anlatıyor
Göbeklitepe'den öncesine uzanan Gusir Höyük, Anabasis'in yazıldığı Botan, Geleceğe uzanan fikir ve buluşlarıyla Fakirullah, İbrahim Hakkı, Veysel Karani,... Zengin bir mutfak ve giyim kültürü...
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binlerce yıllık geçmişi ve bugünüyle Siirt'i anlatıyor.