The Best Places to Visit in Brazil
The Best Places to Visit in Brazil
Have you been itching for lush rainforests, fantastic cities, tropical islands, and heavenly beaches? Then you’ve been itching for a Brazilian adventure. Brazil boasts over 70 national parks and dozens of monuments, including one of the Seven Wonders of the New World—Christ the Redeemer, in Rio de Janeiro. Together, these attractions create one of the most appealing and exciting destinations in South America. People come from every part of the world to find silver coasts, dazzling blue oceans, sprawling metropolises, and thick jungles that are home to monkeys, jaguars, and river dolphins. The vast Brazilian landscape holds many prized spots, yet these 10 places below are certainly among the best destinations in Brazil.
1. Rio de Janeiro
2.Iguazu Falls
3.Amazon Jungle
4.Chapada Diamantina National Park
5. Lençóis Maranhenses
6.Fernando de Noronha
7.Jalapao State Park
9.Armação de Búzios
MACAPÁ Top 10 Tourist Places | Macapá Tourism | BRAZIL
Belém (Things to do - Places to Visit) - MACAPÁ Top Tourist Places
City in Brazil
Macapá is a city in Brazil, population 397,913. It is the capital of Amapá state in the country's North Region.
It is located on the northern channel of the Amazon River near its mouth on the Atlantic Ocean. The city is on a small plateau on the Amazon in the southeast of the state of Amapá.
MACAPÁ Top 10 Tourist Places | Macapá Tourism
Things to do in MACAPÁ - Places to Visit in Macapá
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MACAPÁ Top 10 Tourist Places - Macapá, Brazil, South America
Top 10 Poorest States In Brazil 2013
What are the top ten poorest states in Brazil in 2013?
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Why you should visit Maranhão on your holiday
60 seconds that will change your next holiday destination. Watch and find out more about Maranhão State in Brazil!
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Lençóis Maranhenses, Brazil
In August, Travel Tranquilo visited the incredible Lençóis Maranhenses National Park in Brazil which beauty we would like to share with you through this video!
It is one of the most beautiful places we have ever seen and we would like to introduce it to you.
Check it out our blog for more content on the Lençóis Maranhenses
The video has slovak an portuguese subtitles.
Contact us if you will for any extra info you might want =)
The Best of Brazil Uncovered | Lencois Maranhenses and Cabure with AVA TOURISM
Lencois Maranhenses took my breath away in terms of landscapes. It would be hard to find somewhere more beautiful and despite the many safety issues, Barreirinhas is actually very safe. More so than a lot of places in Europe in my opinion. We walked home regularly in the evening with no care in the world.
The tours for here are also child friendly and family friendly. The tours are almost all available for children and it is no incredible necessary to book in advance. However, if you prefer to have exactly what you want, when you want it, then, here are our tour agency's contact information.
(98) 982871854 / 991410793 / 987678140
The only down side to this area is the difficulty to find English speakers, but this company does speak English so you are already ahead.
Um beijinho
Unusual Sand Dunes in Brazil
See the Brazilian sand dunes and lagoons known as Lençóis Maranhenses.
Sand dunes are beautiful, natural wonders. Some of them really stand out.
You'll find them at Lençóis Maranhenses in northeastern Brazil.
There are many mounds of pale sand, yet there are also pools of turquoise speckled waters.
Although it is certainly visually appealing, those water pools are lagoons, which make the site exceptionally rare in regards to the location of the accompanying sand dunes.
Some small fish reside in the pools and every now and then you might spot birds flying over the sand dunes, but aside from that, wildlife is rather sparse in the area. The area is typically described as a desert, however that isn't entirely true.
Apparently, the rainy season causes depressions between the sand dunes, filling them with fresh water every year. Approximately forty seven inches of rain fall in the region every year while a true dessert typically receives less than 10 inches of rainfall.
Located just outside of the Amazon Basin, the area consists of roughly 600 square miles. The landscape transforms each year by the seasonal cycles. Although the lagoons are only temporary bodies of water, some of them can stretch up to 300 feet long with a depth of approximately 10 feet.
Amazon Rainforest - Brazil
- Created at TripWow by TravelPod Attractions (a TripAdvisor™ company)
Amazon Rainforest Brazil
Tour this lush jungle terrain, replete with countless varieties of plant and animal life and home to indigenous Indian tribes and other cultures.
Read more at:
Travel blogs from Amazon Rainforest:
- ... I finally get to see the Amazon rainforest At 11am we started a 3 hour boat journey in the midday heat of the equatorial sun ...
- ... June 9 - Hiking alone and lost in the Amazon Rainforest, I tried putting my camera in my pocket, but it fell and was swallowed by the miserable jungle ...
- ... One thing I will say about Brazil is that, despite the fact we didn't really go anywhere near the Amazon rainforest, it is just SO GREEN ...
- ... We bid farewell to our Amazon riverboat friends and for the time being we said goodbye to the Amazon Rainforest and the River that kept us afloat for the past 10 days ...
Read these blogs and more at:
Photos from:
- Manaus, State of Maranhao, Brazil
- Manaus, Amazon River, State of Amazonas, Brazil
Photos in this video:
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 11167 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 1165 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 166 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 34 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 37 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 44 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 45 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 71 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 33 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 12 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 17 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 18 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 19 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 10 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 16 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 23 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 75 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 3 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Manaus, Amazon rainforest trip 1 by Rolls from a blog titled Week 25 - Manaus to Belem
- Amazon rainforest by Benyclaire from a blog titled Heading deep into the Amazon Jungle
Nordeste - Principais Pontos Turísticos
Nordeste - Principais Pontos Turísticos
Salvador, Praia do Forte, Arraial d´Ajuda, Trancoso, Recife, Olinda, Porto de Galinhas, Fernando de Noronha, Maceió, Fortaleza, Jericoacoara, Natal, São Luís e Lençóis Maranhenses
A Região Nordeste é uma das cinco regiões do Brasil definidas pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) em 1969. Possui área equivalente à da Mongólia ou do estado do Amazonas, população equivalente à da Itália e um IDH médio, comparável com El Salvador (dados de 2010). Em comparação com as outras regiões brasileiras, tem a segunda maior população, o terceiro maior território, o segundo maior colégio eleitoral (36 727 931 eleitores em 2010), o menor IDH (2010) e o terceiro maior PIB (2009).
O Nordeste é a região brasileira que possui o maior número de estados (nove no total): Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe. Em função de suas diferentes características físicas, a região é dividida em quatro sub-regiões: meio-norte, sertão, agreste e zona da mata, tendo níveis muito variados de desenvolvimento humano ao longo de suas zonas geográficas.
A região Nordeste foi o berço da colonização portuguesa no país, de 1500 até 1532, devido ao descobrimento por Pedro Álvares Cabral e a posterior colonização exploratória, que consistia, em suma, na extração de pau-brasil, cuja tinta da madeira era utilizada para tingir as roupas da nobreza europeia. Com a criação das capitanias hereditárias, foi fundada a Vila de Olinda, e, anos mais tarde, deu-se o início da construção da primeira capital do Brasil, Salvador, em 1549. Desde o início, foi criado o governo-geral no país com a posse de Tomé de Sousa. O Nordeste foi também o centro financeiro do Brasil até meados do século XVIII, uma vez que a Capitania de Pernambuco foi o principal centro produtivo da colônia e Recife a cidade de maior importância econômica.
O litoral é o principal atrativo da região. Milhões de turistas desembarcam nos aeroportos nordestinos. Há alguns anos os estados vêm investindo intensivamente na melhoria da infraestrutura, criação de novos polos turísticos, e alguns no desenvolvimento do ecoturismo.
Segundo a pesquisa Hábitos de Consumo do Turismo Brasileiro 2009, realizada pelo Vox Populi em novembro de 2009, a Bahia é o destino turístico preferido dos brasileiros, já que 21,4% dos turistas optaram pelo estado. Pernambuco, com 11,9%, e São Paulo, com 10,9%, estão, respectivamente, em segundo e terceiro lugares nas categorias pesquisadas.
Entre as praias mais procuradas do Nordeste estão: Arraial d'Ajuda e Morro de São Paulo, na Bahia; Atalaia e Pirambu, em Sergipe; Pajuçara e Maragogi, em Alagoas; Porto de Galinhas e Itamaracá, em Pernambuco; Cabedelo e Tambaba, na Paraíba; Genipabu e Pipa, no Rio Grande do Norte; Jericoacoara e Canoa Quebrada, no Ceará; Coqueiro e Pedra do Sal, no Piauí; e Curupu e Atins, no Maranhão.
O arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha está ganhando destaque nacional e mundial. Pelas ilhas é possível avistar os golfinhos saltadores. Destaque também para a Chapada Diamantina na Bahia, que encanta seus visitantes e surpreende pela quantidades de grutas, cavernas, cachoeiras e trilhas que possui, sendo um excelente local de visitação em qualquer época do ano.
Outro lugar de destaque é o Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses, um complexo de dunas, rios, lagoas e manguezais. Na Bahia, encontram-se a Costa do Sauípe, maior complexo turístico do Brasil, e o Arquipélago dos Abrolhos, que possui excelente área para mergulho autônomo e livre além de atrações como a temporada das baleias jubarte, que se inicia no mês de julho. No Piauí, encontram-se os parques nacionais Sete Cidades, Serra das Confusões e da Serra da Capivara com formação rochosa e pinturas rupestres; além de seu litoral possuir o Delta do Parnaíba. Outros destaques são o maior cajueiro do mundo e o Forte dos Reis Magos, ambos no Rio Grande do Norte.
A cultura da região é também um atrativo para o turista. Todos os estados tem folguedos e tradições diferentes. Olinda, em Pernambuco, com vestígios do Brasil Neerlandês; São Luís, no Maranhão, com os da França Equinocial; São Cristóvão, em Sergipe, e sua Praça de São Francisco, rodeada de imponentes edifícios históricos; Salvador, na Bahia, com os da sede político-administrativa do Brasil Colonial; e Porto Seguro e Santa Cruz de Cabrália, também na Bahia, com as marcas históricas da chegada das esquadras do descobrimento do Brasil; são alguns dos principais atrativos histórico-culturais da região, sendo os quatro primeiros considerados patrimônios culturais da humanidade pela UNESCO.
Música: Getz Me to Brazil - Doug Maxwell
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Ouro Preto (Brazil) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Ouro Preto in Brazil.
Around five hundred kilometres north of Rio De Janeiro, deep within the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, is a most remarkable place. Ouro Preto was discovered at the end of the seventeenth century by Portuguese gold prospectors. They found black gold which changed colour due to its iron content. Thus a prosperous gold town was born with fascinating Baroque and rococo architecture that has survived right up to the present day. The region’s substantial mineral resources helped to create numerous magnificent buildings such as the Igreja De São Francisco De Assis that was completed by the Franciscan Order in 1820. It is one of the most impressive Baroque churches in Latin America. Cleverly, and rather than pay excessive taxes to the Portuguese crown, the town’s colonials successfully hid much of their gold in the artwork of Ouro Preto’s sacred buildings. Thus the treasures created by human hand live on and are now the fabulous legacy of a truly golden past!
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