Oviedo (Spain) Travel - San Miguel de Lillo
Take a tour of San Miguel de Lillo in Oviedo, Spain -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
The Roman Catholic Church San Miguel de Lillo stands on Naronco Mount in Oviedo, Spain.
It was constructed in pre-Romanesque style in 848, and was originally dedicated to Saint Mary.
When the patronage of Saint Mary was passed to a neighboring castle, this structure was then dedicated to Saint Michael.
The church initially had three separate aisles and a tunnel vault, but part of the building collapsed in the 12th century and was never repaired.
An ornamental lattice on San Miguel de Lillo's facade is a highlighted feature, as it was made from one single stone slab.
Due to its importance and long standing this structure was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.
Places to see in ( Paris - France ) Church of Saint Germain des Pres
Places to see in ( Paris - France ) Church of Saint Germain des Pres
The Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, just beyond the outskirts of early medieval Paris, was the burial place of Merovingian kings of Neustria. At that time, the Left Bank of Paris was prone to flooding from the Seine, so much of the land could not be built upon and the Abbey stood in the middle of meadows, or prés in French, thereby explaining its appellation.
The Abbey was founded in the 6th century by the son of Clovis I, Childebert I (ruled 511–558). Under royal patronage the Abbey became one of the richest in France, as demonstrated by its ninth-century polyptych; it housed an important scriptorium in the eleventh century and remained a center of intellectual life in the French Catholic church until it was disbanded during the French Revolution. An explosion of saltpetre in storage levelled the Abbey and its cloisters, but the church was spared. the statues in the portal were removed (illustration) and some destroyed, and in a fire in 1794 the library vanished in smoke. The abbey church remains as the Église de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, one of the oldest churches in Paris.
In 542, while making war in Spain, Childebert raised his siege of Zaragoza when he heard that the inhabitants had placed themselves under the protection of the martyr Saint Vincent. In gratitude the bishop of Zaragoza presented him with the saint's stole. When Childebert returned to Paris, he caused a church to be erected to house the relic, dedicated to the Holy Cross and Saint Vincent, placed where he could see it across the fields from the royal palace on the Île de la Cité.
In 558, St. Vincent's church was completed and dedicated by Germain, Bishop of Paris on 23 December; on the very same day, Childebert died. Close by the church a monastery was erected. Its abbots had both spiritual and temporal jurisdiction over the suburbs of Saint-Germain (lasting till about the year 1670). The church was frequently plundered and set on fire by Vikings in the ninth century. It was rebuilt in 1014 and rededicated in 1163 by Pope Alexander III to Saint Germain of Paris, the canonized Bishop of Paris and Childeric's chief counsellor. The great wall of Paris subsequently built during the reign of Philip II of France did not encompass the abbey, leaving the residents to fend for themselves. This also had the effect of splitting the Abbey's holdings into two. A new refectory was built for the monastery by Peter of Montereau in around 1239 - he was later the architect of the Sainte-Chapelle.
( Paris - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Paris . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Paris - France
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Vantour entlang des Jakobswegs - Camino Frances u. Camino del Norte
Pre-Romanic and Modern Age
Reise durch Nord Spanien 2016 - REISEROUTE WEITER UNTEN -
Präromanische und romanische Bauwerke entlang des Camino Frances und Camino del Norte
Avon: Grab von Kathrine Mansfield
Fontainbleau: Schloss
Chartres: Kathedrale Notre-Dame de Chartres
St. Jean Pied de Port
Roncesvalles: Pilgerstation
Monasterio de Leyre: ältestes Kloster (1269-1836) in Navarra bei Yesa
Santa Maria de Eunate: romanische Kirche bei Puente la Reina
Puente la Reina: romanische Brücke über den Fluss Arga
anta Maria de Iranzu: ehemalige Zisterziensabtei in Abarzuza bei Estella
Iglesia de San Andres de Learza: präromanische Kirche
Bodega Ysios: bei Laguardia; Architekt Santiago Caltrava
Laguardia: mittelalterlicher Ortskern
Bodega Marquez Rical: in Elciego; Architekt Frank O. Gehry
Logrono: am Ebro gelegen
Clavijo: Castillo de Clavijo; La Riocha Bike Race
Santo Domingo de la Calzada: spätgotische Kathedrale und Hühnerwunder
Museum Salaguti: bei Sasamon wurde vom Maler und Bildhauer Carlos Salazar Gutiérrez („Salaguti“) im Jahr 1977 in Eigenregie erbaut.
Sasamon: Kollegiatskirche Santa Maria la Real
Castrojeriz: Bergdorf
Canal de Castillo: Schleusenanlage bei Formista
Astorga: Kathedrale; Bischofspalast (1889 + 1913) von Antoni Gaudi
Castrillo de los Polvazares: gutes Beispiel für ländliche spanische Architektur
Cruz de Ferro: mit 1500 m höchsten Punkt des Jakobswegs Camino Francés am Monte Irago
El Acebo: pittoreskes Bergdorf
Santiago de Penalba: mozarabische Kirche im Bergdorf eines abgelegenen Hochtals
Santiago de Compostela
Ciudade da Cultura da Galicia: Architekt Peter Eisenman
Punta Candieira: Leuchtturm
Punta Estaca de Bares: Leuchtturm
Taramundi: Bergdorf mit Messerschmieden
Santa Maria del Naranco und San Miguel de Lillo: präromanische Kirchen bei Oviedo
Cabo Penas: Leuchtturm
Gijon - San Vicente de la Barquera
Monesterio de Valdedios + San Salvador de Valdediós: Zisterzienserabtei + präromanische Kirche
San Salvador de Priesca: präromanische Kirche
Santiago de Gobiendes: präromanische Kirche
Cangas de Onis: Puente Romano - romanische Brücke
Santa Maria de Labena: präromanische Kirche im mozarabischen Stil
Fahrt durch den Pic de`Europa
San Juan de Gaztelugatxe: Eremitage auf einer Felseninsel
Laguiole: Besuch Manufaktur Honorè Durand
Nevers: Kathedrale, St. Etienne
3 Wochen und 5.500 km
Musik: Chiocarlia Si Suite von Fanfare Chiocarlia
Camino de la Costa 2013 (8): Sebrayo - Vega de Sariego - Oviedo - Gijón - Avilés
Los videodiarios del Camino, quinta temporada (2013): En el camino de Santiago de la costa, octava parte.
De Sebrayo por Valdediós, Vega de Sariego, Pola de Siero, Oviedo y Gijón a Avilés
(Subtítulos disponibles en español, inglés o alemán)
Ni villas viciosas ni valles de dios. Un monasterio abandonado con un albergue cambiado. Sol y lluvia. La soledad. Ciudades. Oviedo: Decisiones y más desinformaciones. Un encuentro único. Dudas y continuación. Gijón: la playa y el museo del ferrocarril. Avilés: Arquitectura de Niemeyer y el casco viejo. Nuevos encuentros y noticias de otros peregrinos.
The Camino Video Diaries, fifth season (2013): On the Coast Way of St. James, eighth part.
From Sebrayo via Valdedios, Vega de Sariego, Pola de Siero, Oviedo and Gijon to Aviles
(Subtitles available in English, German or Spanish)
Neither vicious towns nor valleys of God. An abandoned monastery a changed albergue. Sun and rain. Loneliness. Cities. Oviedo: Decisions and misinformations. A unique encounter. Doubts and continuation. Gijon: the beach and the railway museum. Avilés: Niemeyer's architecture and the old town. New encounters and news from other pilgrims.
Die Camino-Videotagebücher, fünfte Staffel (2013): Auf dem Küsten-Jakobsweg, achter Teil.
Von Sebrayo über Valdediós, Vega de Sariego, Pola de Siero, Oviedo und Gijón nach Avilés
(Untertitel verfügbar auf Deutsch, Englisch oder Spanisch)
Weder lasterhafte Kleinstädte noch Täler Gottes. Ein verlassenes Kloster mit einer veränderten Herberge. Sonne und Regen. Einsamkeit. Städte. Oviedo: Entscheidungen und weitere Fehlinformationen. Eine einmalige Begegnung. Zweifel und Weitermachen. Gijón: Strand und Eisenbahnmuseum. Avilés: Niemeyers Architektur und Altstadt. Neue Begegnungen und Nachrichten von anderen Pilgern.
Camino del Norte * Northern Way * Chemin du Nord * Nordweg * Nadbrzeżną / Północna Droga św. Jakuba * Kystruten / Nordlige ruten * Cammino del Nord * Nordliga vägen * Severská cesta svatého Jakuba * Noordelijke route * Kostaldeko Done Jakue bidea * ノーザン ウェイ * 북부 길
Nápoles - Casco Histórico - P. de la Humanidad -
El centro histórico de Nápoles es un espacio urbano antiguo influenciado por las diferentes culturas que lo ocuparon sucesivamente y que dejaron su marca en la arquitectura y el diseño urbano napolitano. Fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1995.
Situado sobre el golfo de Nápoles y con una superficie de 1700 hectáreas, el Centro histórico de Nápoles conserva las marcas de más de veinte siglos de historia y su ocupación primero griega, luego romana, federiciana, angevina, aragonesa y borbónica. Es el centro histórico más vasto de Europa y tiene la particularidad de conservar casi en su totalidad su unidad y su diseño urbano original. Es aquí donde late el corazón de la ciudad: las callejuelas, los talleres de los artesanos, las innumerables maravillas artísticas que aparecen inesperadamente en las esquinas, las voces de los napolitanos.
Aquí encontramos también el centro “cultural” de Nápoles, con la Universidad, los cafés literarios de la piazza Bellini, las librerías de Port’Alba, el Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici en via Benedetto Croce. Además de sus innumerables edificios históricos y obras artísticas, también es típica la atmósfera ruidosa y animada y el olor a horno de leña de las trattorias nos recuerdan que en este lugar nació la pizza Marguerita, probablemente una de las pizzas más conocidas del mundo. En Navidad, una de las tradiciones seculares es el mercado artesanal. Uno de los elementos típicos del centro histórico es la panni stesi (ropa tendida). Se los puede encontrar todo el año y con cualquier tiempo (sol, lluvia o viento). Visita en Abril de 2015.
The historical center of Naples is an ancient urban space influenced by the different cultures that occupied it successively and that left their mark on the architecture and urban Neapolitan design. It was declared Patrimony of the Humanity in 1995.
Located on the Gulf of Naples and with an area of 1700 hectares, the historic center of Naples retains the marks of more than twenty centuries of history and its first occupation Greek, then Roman, Federician, Angevina, Aragonese and Bourbon. It is the largest historical center of Europe and has the peculiarity of preserving almost its entirety and its original urban design. It is here that the heart of the city beats: the narrow streets, the workshops of the artisans, the innumerable artistic wonders that appear unexpectedly in the corners, the voices of the Neapolitans.
Here we also find the cultural center of Naples, with the University, the literary cafes of Piazza Bellini, the bookstores of Port'Alba, the Italian Istituto per gli Studi Storici in via Benedetto Croce. In addition to its innumerable historical buildings and artistic works, it is also typical the noisy and lively atmosphere and the smell of wood oven of the trattorias remind us that in this place was born the pizza Marguerita, probably one of the most known pizzas in the world. At Christmas, one of the secular traditions is the craft market. One of the typical elements of the historical center is the panni stesi (clothing lying down). They can be found all year round and with any weather (sun, rain or wind). Visit in April 2015.
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