Maramures Travel To Europe
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Travel to Europe and discover Maramures,Romania and the beautiful places in this country.
Maramures is one of Europe's best kept secrets, a place where time stands still, a place where rural customs, traditions, and skills (in particular wood sculpting) and, last but not least, human kindness are well preserved.
Close to the Ukrainian border, Maramures covers 3381 sq km of valleys, beatiful villages, hills and mountains (as tall as 2303 m). In this small area can be found 5 UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites (wooden churches), a natural reserve also protected by UNESCO, about 60 villages and small towns, the only narrow gauge industrial steam train still in use in Europe, and many other atractions. Places to visit:
1. Sighetu Marmatiei, with its museums and churches.
2. Vaser Valley, where a unique steam-powered train still runs.
3. The wooden churches protected by UNESCO (Poienile Izei, Ieud-Deal, Budesti-Josani, Desesti and Barsana-Jbar), erected between the 16th and 18th century, in the Maramures gothic style. These churches have been painted hundreds of years ago.
4. The Merry Cemetery in Sapanta, unique in the world, famous for its colourful tombstones with naive paintings describing, in an original and poetic manner, the persons that are buried there as well as scenes from their lives; today a major tourist attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
5. The tallest wooden church in the world (78 m high, erected in Sapanta, between 1995-2003).
6. The Pietrosu Rodnei Natural Reserve, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (listed in 1980, although it was estabilished in 1932), part of the Rodna Mountains National Park; the reserve protects plants and animals such as edelweiss, gentians, marmots, chamois etc.
7. The Maramures Mountains Natural Park, the biggest and wildest natural park in Romania, covering 1480 sq km; the park protects 1260 plant species, bears, wolves, lynxes etc.
8. Breb Village, adopted by the HMS Prince of Wales (who bought here three old wooden houses).
9. Sarbi Village, which hosts a group of water-powered machines (watermills, thresher, alcohol distilleries, whirlpools).
10. Budesti Village, the best-preserved traditional Maramures settlement.
Music by Paula Selig voice, Paul Seling traditional flute, Ştefan Petreus violin, Andrei Petreuş guitar, Mihai Neniţă violin, Ducu Bertzi guitar.
Hotel Secret Garden Maramures, Romania. Places to visit.
Hotel Secret Garden shows you places to visit during the holidays in Maramures, Romania.
- Wooden Churches UNESCO
- Merry Cemetery in Sapanta
- folk Art
And stop in a SPA modern Center at Secret Garden Hotel for relaxation.
Chipurile României: Charlie Ottley ne propune o călătorie în Maramureş, la TVR1
Vineri, 11 mai, la TVR1, în penultimul episod „Chipurile României (Flavours of Romania)”, ajungem în nordul ţării: la Baia Mare, la comunitatea din Breb, într-un târg local, dar vizităm şi una dintre cele mai frumoase biserici din lemn din această parte a ţării.
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Visit Maramures, probably the most beautiful area of Romania !
Private Guided Tour in Maramures, HERE
Romania (#11): Harnicesti & Budesti Wooden Churches
The Church of the Birth of the Holy Virgin in Harnicesti ... Year built: during the 17th century. Harnicesti belongs to the commune of Desesti. It is situated 44 km northeast of Baia Mare, and 22 km south of Sighetu Marmatiei. Just as in the case of other churches, the construction has been modified in time so that its original aspect has been preserved only in part.
The church was much enlarged in 1893, when a new pronaos was added. The wall between the old pronaos and the naos was removed, enlarging thus also the naos. In 1911 a porch was added on the south side, in front of the entrance. The old entrance portal, fully decorated with carvings and colours, was moved to the naos entrance. In 1942 the interior was repainted and the old iconostasis replaced with a larger one. In 1972, the tower was moved on the new pronaos.
Tehnică populară, tradiții și horincă în satul Sârbi (Maramureș, România)
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Folk Technique, Traditions and Horinca (Sârbi Village, Maramures, Romania)
Videoclipul este o mică incursiune în lumea satului maramureșean. Ghid ne este chiar meșterul Gheorghe Opriș care aici în satul Sârbi (cumuna Budești, județul Maramureș) a fondat un inedit Muzeu al Tehnicii Populare. Piesele de rezistență ale colecției sunt toate acționate de forța apei. Astfel, diverse angrenaje de lemn și curele acționate de o roată hidraulică pun în mișcare ciocanele de lemn de la o PIUĂ (instalație pentru subțierea și înmuierea țesăturilor groase de lână), o piatră de MOARĂ (cu care se macină cereale) și o veche BATOZĂ (mașină de treierat). Lângă acestea este o VÂLTOARE, un fel de mașină de spălat din lemn, foarte eficientă, putând spăla cu ușurință covoare. Pe malul celălalt, apa este dirijată printr-un furtun la o HORINCIE, instalație de distilare în care se obține HORINCA (denumire locală pentru rachiul de fructe dublu distilat, 50° tărie), aflată în plină activitate. În apropiere de Horincie am vizitat gospodăria MEȘTERILOR PĂLĂRIERI Vasile și Ileana Borodi. D-na Borodi ne-a încântat prin clopurile (pălării mici de paie) realizate, dar și printr-o superbă cameră aranjată în stil tradițional maramureșean. În finalul vizitei revenim la Muzeul Tehnicii Populare și admirăm casa decorată a meșterului Gheorghe Opriș la a cărui poartă monumentală de lemn, sculptată, curge efectiv horinca printr-un robinet de lemn. În casă, Gheorghe Opriș ne mai oferă un recital de voce + tobă .... și nelipsita sticlă de horincă.
The video is a small trip into the world of the Maramuresan village. Our guide is even the master Gheorghe Opris who here in the village of Sârbi (Budesti Commune, Maramures County) founded a Folk Technique Museum. The main pieces of the collection are all operated by water. Thus, a variety of wooden gears and belts driven by a hydraulic wheel move the wooden hammers from a FULLING MILL (a plant for thinning and soaking thick wool fabrics), a MILL STONE (with which cereals are ground) and an old THRESHER (threshing machine). Next is a WHIRPOOL, a kind of wooden washing machine, very efficient, that easely wash carpets. On the other bank the water is routed through a hose to a HORINCIE (fruit-brandy distillery), distillation plant where is made HORINCA (local name for double distilled fruit brandy, 50% ABV), in full activity. In the vicinity of Horincie we visited the household of the HATMASTERS Vasile and Ileana Borodi. Mrs. Borodi delighted us through the CLOPS (small straw hats) she made, but also through a magnificent room arranged in a traditional Maramuresan style. At the end of the visit, we return to the Museum of Folk Technique and admire the decorated house of master Gheorghe Opris. At his monumental wooden carved gate flows Horinca through a wooden faucet. Inside the house, Gheorghe Opris gives us a voice + drum recital ... along with the customary Horinca bottle .....
World Heritage Sites in Romania
Medieval towns, fortified churches, painted monasteries, wooden masterpieces and ancient Dacian ruins are just some of the attractions that make up Romania's exceptional cultural heritage. 25 of its beautifully preserved architectural gems have been included by UNESCO in the World Cultural Heritage in acknowledgement of their natural, scenic and monumental appeal.
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The Wooden Churches of Maramureş, Romania
Rogoz, Surdesti, Plopis, Desesti, Budesti, Barsana, Neud, Poienile Izei
The Interior of the Wooden Church in Desesti is amazing.
Descopera locuri frumoase Romania! Filmare aeriana (1)
Descopera locuri minunate din Romania, locul care pentru mine inseamna acasa. Sper sa iti placa acest filmulet cu locuri frumoase din tara noastra. Locurile filmate sunt descrise mai jos. Este partea 1, revin!
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0:01 - Cabana Suru - M-tii Fagaras
0:10 - M-tii Parang
0:14 - Localitatea Jina - Jud. Sibiu
0:18 - Cheile Latoritei - M-tii Lotrului
0:22 - M-tii Bucegi
0:25 - Localitatea Jina - Jud. Sibiu
0:28 - Cheile Latoritei - M-tii Lotrului
0:29 - Cascada Scorusu - M-tii Lotrului
0:34 - Cetatea Enisala
0:39 - Plaja Sf. Gheorghe - Delta Dunarii
0:43 - Castelul Bran
0:47 - Delta Dunarii, Brat Sf.Gheorghe
0:51 - Plaja Sf. Gheorghe - Delta Dunarii
0:55 - Varful Peleaga, M-tii Bucegi
0:59 - Delta Dunarii
1:03 - Sfinxul Muntii Bucegi
1:08 - Delta Dunarii
1:11 - Muntii Parang urcare din Groapa Seaca
1:15 - Delta Dunarii
1:17 - Baraj Bradisor - Valea Lotrului
1:21 - Lacul Albastru - Baia Sprie
1:24 - Biserica Fortificata Biertan
1:28 - Delta Dunarii
1:32 - Transalpina - Pasul Urdele
1:36 - Cetatea Cisnadioara - Judetul Sibiu
1:41 - Manastirea Barsana
1:45 - Transalpina - Pasul Urdele
1:48 - Manastirea de lemn Budesti, Maramures
1:53 - Biserica Fortifica Viscri
1:57 - Mocanita Viseul de Sus, Maramures
2:02 - Varful Peleaga, M-tii Bucegi
2:09 - Delta Dunarii
Cea mai mare parte din filmari sunt cadre din filmuletele deja postate pe canalul meu de Youtube. Ce lipseste vine curand!
ziua 7 - Insula Sacalin 2
Turul Deltei Dunarii pe bicicleta - Expeditia Buhaiul de balta 2011