Maramures Travel To Europe
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Travel to Europe and discover Maramures,Romania and the beautiful places in this country.
Maramures is one of Europe's best kept secrets, a place where time stands still, a place where rural customs, traditions, and skills (in particular wood sculpting) and, last but not least, human kindness are well preserved.
Close to the Ukrainian border, Maramures covers 3381 sq km of valleys, beatiful villages, hills and mountains (as tall as 2303 m). In this small area can be found 5 UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites (wooden churches), a natural reserve also protected by UNESCO, about 60 villages and small towns, the only narrow gauge industrial steam train still in use in Europe, and many other atractions. Places to visit:
1. Sighetu Marmatiei, with its museums and churches.
2. Vaser Valley, where a unique steam-powered train still runs.
3. The wooden churches protected by UNESCO (Poienile Izei, Ieud-Deal, Budesti-Josani, Desesti and Barsana-Jbar), erected between the 16th and 18th century, in the Maramures gothic style. These churches have been painted hundreds of years ago.
4. The Merry Cemetery in Sapanta, unique in the world, famous for its colourful tombstones with naive paintings describing, in an original and poetic manner, the persons that are buried there as well as scenes from their lives; today a major tourist attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
5. The tallest wooden church in the world (78 m high, erected in Sapanta, between 1995-2003).
6. The Pietrosu Rodnei Natural Reserve, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (listed in 1980, although it was estabilished in 1932), part of the Rodna Mountains National Park; the reserve protects plants and animals such as edelweiss, gentians, marmots, chamois etc.
7. The Maramures Mountains Natural Park, the biggest and wildest natural park in Romania, covering 1480 sq km; the park protects 1260 plant species, bears, wolves, lynxes etc.
8. Breb Village, adopted by the HMS Prince of Wales (who bought here three old wooden houses).
9. Sarbi Village, which hosts a group of water-powered machines (watermills, thresher, alcohol distilleries, whirlpools).
10. Budesti Village, the best-preserved traditional Maramures settlement.
Music by Paula Selig voice, Paul Seling traditional flute, Ştefan Petreus violin, Andrei Petreuş guitar, Mihai Neniţă violin, Ducu Bertzi guitar.
Maramureş - Splendors of the Romanians
Tourist attractions, tradition, Nature, beautiful places, 1001 reasons to visit Romania.
Exclusiv în România: La taifas prin Maramureş (@TVR1)
Ediţia emisiunii Exclusiv în România, difuzată sâmbătă, 27 octombrie, de la ora 13:00, la TVR1, când echipa emisiunii a ajuns în nordul ţării. Am vizitat cea mai înaltă biserică de lemn din Europa, am colindat potecile Munţilor Rodnei şi ne-am oprim şi în staţiunea Borşa.
Valtorile din Maramures - Valea Izei - Botiza .Obiceiuri si atractii turistice.
Atat la Botiza cat si la alte sate de pe Valea Izei se pot admira morile de apa si valtorile , alaturi de care se gasesc intotdeauna horinciile unde se fierb cazanele cu tuica, toate ajutate de forta apei. Morosenii spui ca este pacat sa lasi apa sa curga degeaba la vale. La moara de malai nu prea se mai inghesuie lumea, din cand in cand se mai macina porumb pentru animale. Valtoarea este un vas conic din scanduri asezat pe albia unui rau ,in care sunt spalate cu ajutorul bulelor de aer cergile, sumanele si covoarele. Invatam de la nea Florea cum se face horinca de Maramures pas cu pas observand ca se partreaza inca traditiile de odinioara. Stravechea tara a Maramuresului inca mai pastreaza si astazi ceva din aerul vechi de altadata, iar satele linistite de pe Valea Izei par sa nu fie atat de atinse de suflul modernismului. Maramuresul este un loc de vis care merita vizitat fiind o mare atractie turistica din Romania. Botiza este un sat minunat aflat la poalele muntilor Tiblesului. Botiza este vestita pentru covoarele de lana cu motive traditionale fiind colorate folosind pigmenti vegetali.
Traditii din Maramures
Obiective turistice din Maramures;
Frumusetile din Maramures.
Valtoarea o traditie din Maramures
Moara de malai
Valea Izei atractie turistica
Obiectiv turistic - Valea Izei
Obiceiuri din Maramures.
Viata la sat.
Both Botiza and other villages of the Iza Valley can admire the water mills and rapids, which are always found with horinciile where boilers boil brandy, all aided by water power. Morosenii say it is a shame to let the water flow downhill nothing. The corn mill there is not much clamoring world, occasionally longer grind corn for livestock. Is a conical vortex of planks placed on the bed of a river, they are cleaned using air bubbles rugs, and carpets sumanele. We learn how to do the unexpected Florea horinca of Maramures step noting that the old traditions are still partreaza. The ancient country of Maramures still preserved today some of the old stale air and quiet villages of the Iza Valley seem to not be so touched by the breath of modernism. Maramures is a dream place worth visiting is a big attraction in Romania. Botiza is a lovely village located in the foothills Tiblesului. Botiza is famous for woolen carpets with traditional motifs are colored using natural pigments.
Tradition of Maramures
Landmarks in Maramures;
The beauties of Maramures.
Whirl tradition of Maramures
Corn Mill
Iza Valley attraction
Sightseeing - Iza Valley
Habits of Maramures.
Life in the village.
Maramures - Romania - טיול לרומניה
It is filmed with Panasonic HC-X920 camcorder, manual setting, exposure -3, sharpness -1. Landscapes from Romania, Maramures, Barsana Monastery, Horse Falls, Viseu, Prislop halt.
Edit with Sony Vegas Pro 11 with plugins Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite, AAV Colorlab and renderings thru DebugmodeFrameserver and TMPGEnc in WMV 11 Video File for YouTube
Baia Borsa, Forgotten Gold Mines and Lost Trails of the Toroiaga Mountain 2018
At the foot of the Toroiaga mountain , the highest mountain in Maramures Mountains Natural Park is siting Baia Borsa.
Not so long ago Baia Borsa or Baile Borsa was an important place on the map of the Romanian mining industry.
After the political class played the funeral song of the North Romania`s mining industry a long and heavy silence fell over the place. In the years of Socialist Glory, Baia Borsa mines were providing to the national economy half of the total production of
non-ferrous crude metals from ore. The mining activities were generally carried out by 7 000 workers, to add the auxiliary personnel, it means that at the moment the Town provided over 10 000 workplaces. People were working non stop in rotating shifts. Day by day about 50 worker buses were bringing and carrying people from all over the place, Valea Izei, Valea Viseului till Sigetu Marmatiei.
There were working places even for people from vicinity counties like Bistrita Nasaud and Suceava.
Baia Borsa`s mountains are containing besides complex ore of zinc, copper, lead etc., a vein of gold as well. This can be found, according to local sources, in the Toroiaga Mountain (1929,9 m), the highest peak in Maramuresului Mountains [Muntii Maramuresului]. Here, in the communist era 20.000 tones of gold ore were exploited monthly, which was transformed after processing in 70 kilograms of pure gold. At least this was the Monthly Treasury Statement of the Communist leaders from that time.
Some people claim that the mountain was bought by a reach Irish businessman, others: that a local Romanian businessman owns the place. But, at the moment nobody really knows the truth, nobody gave a sign that there is any intention of reopening the mines, or to make a Tourism Investment of some sort.
La poalele celui mai inalt varf din Muntii Maramuresului se afla Baia Borsa sau Baile Borsei. Pana nu demult, acest loc era un punct important in industria miniera din tara noastra. Dupa ce politicienii au terminat minieritul maramuresan inchizand toate minele chiar si cele productive peste Baia Borsa s-a asezat o tacere de mormant.
In anii gloriei comuniste minele din Baia Borsa ofereau economiei nationale aproape jumatate din productia totala de minereau neferos.. La mine lucrau peste 7.000 de oameni, la care se poate adauga personalul auxiliar, cei care lucrau in diverse servicii asta insemnand ca Baia Borsa detinea la vremea respectiva peste 10.000 de locuri de munca. Se lucra aproape non-stop, in trei schimburi. Zilnic foarte multe autobuze aduceau si duceau muncitori de pe toata Valea Izei, pana la Sighetu Marmatiei, Valea Viseului si din alte cotloane ale Maramuresului. Mai mult decat atat, industria miniera din zona asigura un loc de munca si pentru oamenii din judetele invecinate: Bistrita-Nasaud si Suceava. Unii din borsenii care au trait acele vremuri marturisesc ca nici macar nu le-a trecut prin cap faptul ca intr-o buna zi toata industria miniera din zona va disparea si odata cu ea bunastarea si siguranta zilei de maine.
Baia Borsa detine pe langa minereul complex de zinc, cupru, plumb etc., si un filon de aur. Acesta se afla, dupa cum povestesc oamenii, in masivul Toroiaga (1930 m), fiind cel mai inalt varf din Muntii Maramuresului. Aici, pe vremea comunismului, se exploatau lunar aproximativ 20.000 tone de minereu aurifer, care se transforma dupa prelucrare in 70 kilograme de aur, care intrau in visteria tarii. Cel putin asa se publica la nivel oficial si in rapoartele Republicii Socialiste Romania.
Unii localnici sustin ca muntele afost cumparat, dupa caderea regimului comunist, de catre un irlandez foarte bogat care detine o companie miniera in Europa altii ca ar fi in proprietatea unui om de afaceri originar din zona. Dar pana in prezent nici reprezentanti ai unor companii private nici statul roman nu au dat vreun indiciu ca ar dori sa redeschida minele sau sa faca vreo investitie, in domeniul turismului din aceasta zona atat de frumoasa si deosebita.
~ Multumesc pentru vizionare!~
Music was provided by epidemic sound:
ES_The Mystic Dream - Andreas Ericson
ES_Heroes - Marc Torch
ES_Fugitive Drone - Amir Sharifi
ES_Epic Orchestral Adventure 3 - Gavin Luke
Maramures - traditions and folklore
Located in the heart of Europe, Maramures is a land of wooden churches, legendary treasures, breathtaking landscapes and ancient traditions. In Maramures remained intact the culture and traditional peasant life of the past. The History of Maramures is transmitted through the wooden churches. UNESCO has included eight of these churches monuments of world cultural heritage.
Day 1: Arrival in Bucuresti
Arrival to Bucharest. Transfer to a 4* hotel, centrally located.
Day 2 : Departure to Cluj-Napoca
Departure to Cluj. Stop-over in Sibiu. Lunch. Arival in Cluj-Napoca - one of the historical capitals of Transylvania. Walk in the historical center. Dinner and accommodation
Day 3 : Departure to Moisei -- Viseul de Sus
Breakfast. Departure to Moisei. Visit the Heroes Monument and Moisei Monastery, built in 1600. Departure to Borsa. Lunch. Departure to Viseu de Sus. Dinner and accommodation
Day 4: Departure to Salistea de Sus -- Botiza
Breakfast. Mocanita boarding - a small train pulled by steam locomotive - for a superb ride on Vaser Valley. On the way, stop for lunch picnic. Continue journey by coach to visit Salistea de Sus where can be visited the wooden church (1736) and then to Botiza. Dinner and accommodation
Day 5 : Departure to Poienile Izei -- Ieud -- Botiza
Breakfast. Visit the wooden church Botiza (1796), Budesti Josani (1643) - included on the UNESCO list, Izei Meadows (1632) - included on the UNESCO list. Lunch at Botiza. Then visit wooden churches Lleud Hill - included on the UNESCO list, leud Ses and Bogdan Voda. Return to Botiza. Dinner and accommodation
Day 6: Departure to Rozavlea -- Barsana -- Vadul Izei
Breakfast. Departure to Vadul Iza. On the way visit to the wooden churches Rozavlea, Calinesti, Barsana Monastery - built in 1761 and included on the UNESCO list. Lunch near the monastery. Departure to Vadul Iza. Dinner and accommodation
Day 7 : Departure to Sapanta -- Tara Oasului -- Vadul Izei
Breakfast. Departure to Sapanta. Visit the Merry Cemetery. Departure to Oas - one of the most original and beautiful ethno-folk areas in Romania, attested since 1270. Lunch at Negresti Oas. Visit the Museum of Oas. Return to Vadul Iza. Dinner and accommodation
Day 8 : Departure to Cluj -- Sibiu (European Capital of Culture in 2007)
Breakfast. Departure to Cluj. Lunch and walk in the historical center. Departure to Sibiu city that was European Capital of Culture in 2007, together with Luxembourg. Dinner and accommodation
Day 9 : Departure to Bucuresti
Breakfast. We will visit the Museum Bruckenthal where there is a significant art collection. Paltinis mountain resort trip. Lunch. Departure to Bucharest
Day 10 : Bucuresti
Breakfast. Transfer to the airport.
Romania (#10): Desesti Wooden Church
Desesti ... this village is 20 kilometers away from Vadu Izei by National Road 18. The oldest document mentioning this settlement is from 1360. Desesti has a fine example of the traditional Maramures wooden church. It was built in 1770 and named The Pious Paraschiva. (left) The interior was painted by Radu from Ungureni and Gheorghe Zugravul, The Painter in 1780. The paintings were some of the finest ever done in Maramures. These paintings were restored in the mid 1990's. The church also contains an excellent collection of painted icons from the nineteenth century on both wood and glass.
Romania (#11): Harnicesti & Budesti Wooden Churches
The Church of the Birth of the Holy Virgin in Harnicesti ... Year built: during the 17th century. Harnicesti belongs to the commune of Desesti. It is situated 44 km northeast of Baia Mare, and 22 km south of Sighetu Marmatiei. Just as in the case of other churches, the construction has been modified in time so that its original aspect has been preserved only in part.
The church was much enlarged in 1893, when a new pronaos was added. The wall between the old pronaos and the naos was removed, enlarging thus also the naos. In 1911 a porch was added on the south side, in front of the entrance. The old entrance portal, fully decorated with carvings and colours, was moved to the naos entrance. In 1942 the interior was repainted and the old iconostasis replaced with a larger one. In 1972, the tower was moved on the new pronaos.