TOP 6 LOCATII TURISTICE ROMANIA Top Six Tourist Locations Romania
Este un clip despre 6 locatii frumoase din Romania .
Aici vorbesc despre : Sfinx , Shighisoara, Muntii Retezat, Castel Peles, Delata Dunarii si SalinaTurda.
Is a video recording on 6 beautiful locations in Romania. I'm talking about: Sphinx, Shighisoara, Retezat, Peles Castle, the Danube and SalinaTurda informer.
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The Wooden Churches of Maramureş, Romania
Rogoz, Surdesti, Plopis, Desesti, Budesti, Barsana, Neud, Poienile Izei
The Interior of the Wooden Church in Desesti is amazing.
Romania - Maramures ( Baia Mare )
Ancient names
Dacian: Maramarista
Latin: Marmatia
Maramures' history is ancient, enchanting and beautiful. It is a civilization and culture carved in wood and stone in word and soul.
There is evidence that this region was first settled as far back as 35,000 BC, the Superior Paleolithic era. Archaeological discoveries of this primitive society have been uncovered in the Iza Valley near the village of Nanesti.
Remnants from a Neolithic culture were discovered in many regions of Maramures. Artifacts were found around Sighetu-Marmatiei, Costiui, Oncesti, Cornesti and Giulesti. Some discoveries can be dated to 6,000 BC.
Later, around 2000 BC, the migration of Indo-Europeans occurred. By the Bronze Age the region of Maramures was well settled, though due to the geography the population was quite sparse. Major archaeological discoveries have been found in more than twenty locations from the Bronze Age. This cultural establishment provides the first proof that the settlers of this region were of Gaeto-Dacian ancestry. During this time the lands of Maramures and much of modern Romania was the kingdom of Dacia.
In antiquity the region governed by Thracian tribes, also known as Getae-Dacians. Around 300 BC - 200 BC, the migration of Celts brought Central Europe a more advanced technological culture.
At the beginning of the 1st century BC the latter, under king Burebista, militarily defeated the Celts, forcing them to retreat to the territory of today's Germany. The Dacians during that period built their houses on higher banks of rivers, remains of which still exist at Cetatea (near Ocna Slatina). The salt from this town was also very valuable during that period.
In 107, they established the Roman province of Dacia Superior, with an initial northern boundary along the Someş River, later to be moved further north. Maramureş became a region immediately adjacent to the Roman province.
Although the Roman administration retreated after 168 years , the influence of Rome remained, due to the now linguistically Roman and ethnically (traditions) Daco-Roman locals (romanians), who along with the Empire Dacia became Christian in 325.
At the end of the 7th century until 10th - 11th century the whole surrounding region was under the Avar khanate. The population of Maramureş remained linguistically and ethnically Vlach (Romanians); however, little is known regarding political control over the area.
The social organization of Maramureş during the Middle Ages was also very specific: the people in many mountain villages, where each family by definition had a considerable domain, were called nămeşi [nameshi], i.e. free peasants taking pride in their families. The term points to the belonging to a small clan, from the Romanian neam [bigger old family]. This term has been preserved to this day, both in the areas that remained Romanian
In the middle of the 14th century, Maramureş, still partly preserving the institution of Voevodate, was an important catalyst in uniting the lands to the east of the Carpathian mountains and forming the Moldavian Principality.
The last incursion of the Ottomans into Central Europe proved disastrous to them. In 1683, the Austrians and the Poles defeated the Ottomans at the gates of Vienna. In 1686, they conquered Buda, and in 1690 took over Transylvania, abolishing the principality.
At the end of the World War I, when Austria-Hungary dissimulated/broke down, the nations inhabiting it elected national and/or regional assemblies to determine their fate and to decide the future political configurations. As a result Maramureş County was divided into North and South.
The National Assembly of the Romanians of (inner) Transylvania, Crişana, Banat and Maramureş, composed of 1228 elected members, has decided on December 1, 1918 in Alba Iulia upon their union with Romania.
On December 15, 1918, in Mediaş, the Council of the Transylvanian Saxons and Danubian Swabians (ethnic Germans that moved to live in Transylvania in the 12th-13th, respectively in the 18th centuries) decided to support the Romanians, mainly because of their adversity to the prospect of otherwise living in a Hungarian national state, which was due to the Magyarization policy practiced in the Transleitanian part of Austria-Hungary after 1870 and until World War I
Throughout the summer of 1919, Czech troops began to take control over most of what is today Carpathian Ruthenia, with Romanian troops gaining control of its southern regions (Maramures) in late spring, in their push, at the request of the Versailles Conference, against the Communist Hungarian Republic.
Romania (#11): Harnicesti & Budesti Wooden Churches
The Church of the Birth of the Holy Virgin in Harnicesti ... Year built: during the 17th century. Harnicesti belongs to the commune of Desesti. It is situated 44 km northeast of Baia Mare, and 22 km south of Sighetu Marmatiei. Just as in the case of other churches, the construction has been modified in time so that its original aspect has been preserved only in part.
The church was much enlarged in 1893, when a new pronaos was added. The wall between the old pronaos and the naos was removed, enlarging thus also the naos. In 1911 a porch was added on the south side, in front of the entrance. The old entrance portal, fully decorated with carvings and colours, was moved to the naos entrance. In 1942 the interior was repainted and the old iconostasis replaced with a larger one. In 1972, the tower was moved on the new pronaos.
Trip up the Transfagarasan Highway Romania
A road trip up the Transfagarasan Highway ( as seen on Top Gear ) whilst on holiday in Romania..
A beautiful country and friendly people.
A brilliant place to go for an interesting break and easy to get around on public transport or by car.
Lacul SFANTA ANA Lake (Harghita County, Romania)
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Sfânta Ana Lake (in Hungarian: Szent Anna-tó) meaning Saint Anne Lake is the only crater lake in Romania located near Tușnad in the Natural Reserve of Mohoș - Sfanta Ana, Harghita County, Romania. Palynology studies concluded that the history of Lake Saint Anne began about 9,800-8,800 years ago, at the stage of peat bog and shallow lake. It has an oval form and an area of 220,000 m². According to measurements made in 2005, the maximum depth of the lake is 6.4 m. The lake is supplied exclusively from precipitations, therefore the degree of mineralization of the water is very low. The water purity approaches of that of distilled water. In winter, the lake is covered with a layer of ice of up to 1 m. Near the lake there is a Roman Catholic chapel dedicated to Saint Anne.
Lacul Sfânta Ana se găsește în Munții Harghita, la 55 Km (pe drum) de Miercurea Ciuc, dar aproape de Băile Tușnad. La lac se poate ajunge din Băile Tușnad pe cărări foarte abrupte sau pe un drum modernizat care ocolește muntele. Este singurul lac din România instalat pe fundul unui crater vulcanic. Împreună cu tinovul (turbăria) Mohoș situat în craterul învecinat, formează o rezervație naturală complexă. Lacul are o formă aproape circulară (diametrele maxime și minime fiind de 620 m, respectiv 460 m). Oglinda lacului este la cota de 949 m, iar culmea care formează marginea craterului este cu 120-350 m mai sus.
Turiștilor amatori de plimbare pe apă le sunt puse la dispoziție bărci din fibră de sticlă și echipament (veste) de salvare. Pe marginea lacului sunt amenajate locuri pentru picnic, dar și panouri de avertizare privind prezența urșilor. În zona Mohoș - Sfânta Ana sunt peste 20 de urși.
Suprafața apei este de circa 20 hectare. Adâncimea maximă a lacului este de circa 6,5 m. Specific lacului este că acesta nu se alimentează din izvoare sau pârâiașe, ci numai din precipitații. Din această cauză și apa este foarte slab mineralizată
(0,0029 mg/l ?) aproape ca apa distilată. Slaba mineralizare a apei și emanațiile de gaze mofetice prin fundul lacului fac ca apa să aibă o capacitate trofică redusă. Fauna lacului este redusă, totuși am văzut cârduri de pești în zona pontonului cu bărci.
În crater se poate remarca ușor fenomenul de inversiune a vegetației: coniferele sunt lângă lac, iar deasupra foioasele. Situația este datorată microclimatului mai rece și mai umed din zona de fund a craterului.
La marginea nord-estică a lacului, apare o zonă de tinov cu mușchi, rogoz și roua cerului. În apropiere este o capelă catolică cu hramul Sfânta Ana.
Circumferința actuală a lacului Sfânta Ana ar fi de circa 1620 m, dar la începutul secolului XX era de circa 1750 m. Conform unei descrieri de la mijlocul secolului XIX, era atunci mult mai mare, coincizând cu cărarea care înconjoară acum lacul. Vechimea lacului nu a fost determinată cu exactitate. Cele mai recente erupții vulcanice sunt presupuse a fi avut loc, după diverși autori, acum 10.000-40.000 ani. Consider însă că acestea au fost de mică amploare și nu s-au desfășurat obligatoriu prin actualul crater. Studiile palinologice (făcute probabil pe spori de plante din în cele mai vechi sedimente) relevă vârsta 9.800-8.800 ani. Evoluția lacustră ar fi început ca turbărie și lac puțin adânc, urmat de adâncirea apei până la 12 m acum 2.700-700 ani
Conform unei legende, numele lacului provine de la o fată, Ana, care s-a aruncat în apă nevrând să se mărite cu tânărul impus de părinți. Conform altei legende lacul s-a format datorită blestemelor unei fete care împreună cu surorile ei a fost înhămată la o caleașcă. În urma blestemului, s-a deschis pământul iar castelul tiranului s-a prăbușit în flăcări, în locul acestuia apărând lacul.
Vulcanii noroioși - FILIAȘ - Mud Volcanoes (Harghita County, Transylvania, Romania)
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Rezervația geologică înființată în anul 1980 și legiferată în 2000 avea patru conuri de vulcani noroioși distribuiți pe o suprafață de un hectar situată la sud-vest de satul Filiaș, component al orașului Cristuru Secuiesc (județul Harghita, Transilvania). Vulcanii noroioși ar fi apărut în 1913 în urma unei explozii de gaze (hidrocarburi). Vulcanii noroioși (sens strict) sunt formațiuni geologice foarte tinere, dinamice și instabile formate din depuneri fine (praf, argilă), generate de emanații reci de ape noroioase și gaze, neavând nicio legătură cu vulcanii propriu-ziși. Vulcanii noroioși (sens strict) se formează pe baza depunerilor noroioase aduse la suprafața pământului de către apa antrenată într-o mișcare ascendentă datorită gazelor care reușesc să evadeze pe accidente tectonice (falii) din unele acumulări de hidrocarburi aflate în adâncime sub presiune. Noi am reușit să identificăm și să analizăm la Filiaș (vezi subtitrarea) numai trei vulcani noroioși. Din punct de vedere morfologic, conform unei teze de doctorat (Gál Andrea, 2010) unul este con vulcanic (format prin depuneri succesive), altul este un dom vulcanic (format prin bombarea crustei solide ce acoperă punga de material noroios), iar al treilea, o calderă noroioasă extinsă, dar mai puțin înaltă. Toți trei vulcanii prezintă slabe emanații de ape noroioase, dar nu și gaze. Nu am reușit să identificăm al patrulea vulcan, el fiind probabil inactiv de mai mulți ani și deja distrus. De asemenea, Gál Andrea (2010) amintește de prezența la Filiaș a încă doi vulcani sub formă de bazine noroioase, fără con, dar care, de asemenea, nu ne-au atras atenția.
The geological reserve, established in 1980 and legislated in 2000, had four cones of mud volcanoes spread over an area of one hectare at southwest of the village of Filiaş, component of the city of Cristuru Secuiesc (Harghita County, Transylvania). The mud volcanoes would have appeared in 1913 following a gas explosion (hydrocarbons). The mud volcanoes (strict sense) are very young, dynamic and unstable geological formations made up of fine deposits (dust, clay) generated by cold emanations of muddy waters and gases, having no connection with the proper volcanoes. The mud volcanoes (strict sense) are formed on the basis of the muddy waters moved upward by the gases escaped on the tectonic accident (faults) from the accumulations of hydrocarbons under pressure. We have managed to identify and analyze at Filiaş (see subtitle) only three mud volcanoes. From a morphological point of view, according to a doctoral thesis (Gál Andrea, 2010), one is a volcanic cone (formed by successive deposits), another is a volcanic dome (formed by the camber (bulginess) of the crust covering the bag of muddy material), and the third, a muddy caldera, large but less high. All three volcanoes have mild emanations of muddy water, but not gas. We have not been able to identify the fourth volcano, being probably idle for many years and already destroyed. Also, Gál Andrea (2010) reminds of the presence in Filiaş of two more volcanoes in the form of muddy basins, without cone, but which also did not attract our attention.
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Wooden Churches from Maramures 2
Wooden Churches were built very high, their verticality demanding specific solutions as it can be observed in the structuring of the framework and the steeples, with watch-towers, that also house the bell-tower. They are covered by a cupola prolonged towards the sky, having on top a wrought iron cross elaborately shaped.
These buildings are remarkable not only by the ingenious technical solutions, but also by the motifs visible on the surface of the portals and jambs - sustained by high pillars - symbolizing elements of vegetal, zoomorphic and geometrical nature, created by chiseling, indenting, scraping and fret-sawing.