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The Best Attractions In Paraiba Do Sul

The Paraíba do Sul , or simply termed Paraíba, is a river in southeast Brazil. It flows 1,137 km west to northeast from its farthest source at the source of the river Paraitinga to the sea near Campos dos Goytacazes. The river receives its name when it meets the river Paraibuna at the Paraibuna dam. Its main tributaries are the rivers Jaguari, Buquira, Paraibuna, Preto, Pomba and Muriaé. These last two are the longest and join the main river 140 km and 50 km from the mouth respectively . The valley of the Paraíba do Sul is porrathe latitudes 20°26' and 23°39'S and the longitudes of 41° and 46°30'W and covers an area of about 57,000 km2 distribu...
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