Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Itatiaia (Brazil) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Brazilian Waterfall Is A Natural Waterslide
The Cachoeira do Escorrega, or Escorrega Waterfall, in Itatiaia National Park, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, forms a fun, natural waterslide for anyone willing to hike the 1.5 miles to get there.
New Zipline Flies Over The Vegas Strip
9 Things To Add To Your Puerto Rico Bucket List
43 Places To Add To Your 2019 Bucket List
#Brazil #Waterfall #INSIDER
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Brazilian Waterfall Is A Natural Waterslide
Climbing at Itatiaia national park!
we went to the top of Agulhas Negras. The highest mountain in the state of Rio de Janeiro. this was 26/04/2019
Hey guys! this is Jun from somewhere East.
Check out other videos of my trip
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I've been on budget travel since 06/Jun/17 to see the world, meet people, and eat local food. What's the country is like? Food? Culture? People? What's the life like there? I heard it's dangerous but is it true? I need to go and see rather than just believe everything I hear from TV, people or the Internet.
Subscribe to my channel and follow my journey! I'll show you great cultures and attractions in each place and how awesome traveling is!
I hope you can enjoy my videos and get inspired to go backpacking!!
Check out my Instagram and twitter too! There you can see where I really am at the moment.
I actually have a buddy in Japan.
A group of two.
Jun from somewhere East: backpacker. not very smart. horrible at maps.
Shinikuen ghost: artist. a brain of the group.
Activity details as group: not that much.
Shinikuen twitter
BGM, sound effect sources
「Music is VFR」
Brazil for Travelers - Atlantic Rainforest
The forgotton rainforest. Full of hidden treasures. Wonderful beaches closeby. Chapter 5 of BfT. For locations see BfT Facts and Credits.
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Itatiaia (Brazil) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Rio de Janeiro - Cidade Maravilhosa
Many tourists who plan to visit Rio de Janeiro are attracted by its beaches and large parties. Who never heard of the beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema, Barra da Tijuca and so many others? Carnaval in the Wonderful City is also known worldwide.
In addition to its most famous attractions, such as the Cristo Redentor and the Pão de Açúcar (Sugar Loaf), the city offers endless nature, adventure, religion, history and cultural attractions, such as walks through the Botanical Garden and the Santa Teresa street tram, visits to the Metropolitan Cathedral and the Modern Art Museum, and the possibility of flying over the city by jumping from Pedra Bonita.
But there is much more to be seen and enjoyed in Rio. The coastline is one of the most beautiful of Brazil, with islands scattered all along the coast – just in the region of Angra dos Reis there are 365 of them. The parks, such as Itatiaia and Serra dos Órgãos, are excellent for sports such as hiking and rappelling.
Brazil: Pantanal Matogrossense National Park (2010)
Our journey through the Pantanal Matogrossene National Park (2010).
Sorry for the bad video quality, it has been recorded with a mobile phone.
Horseriding, biking and hiking in the Pantanal: searching for Jabiru, giant otter, giant anteater, roseate spoonbill, howler monkeys, jaguar, crested screamer, wildfowl such as muscovy duck and whistling ducks, Hyacint macaws, amazon parrots, greater rhea, horned owls, sunbittern, plumbeous ibis and much more.
Conheça os Parques Nacionais dos Estados Unidos
Conheça os Parques Nacionais dos Estados Unidos
Yellowstone, Yosemite e Grand Canyon
Os Estados Unidos possuem 59 áreas de proteção ambiental categorizadas como parques nacionais sob administração do Serviço Nacional de Parques (em inglês: National Park Service - NPS), uma agência de seu governo federal. As áreas dos parques nacionais são designadas como tal pelo Congresso dos Estados Unidos. O primeiro parque nacional a ser criado, Yellowstone, foi estabelecido pelo Presidente Ulysses S. Grant em 1872. Em seguida, foram criados os Parques Nacionais de Mackinac (em 1875) e Rock Creek, Sequoia e Yosemite (em 1890). O Ato Orgânico de 1916 criou o Serviço Nacional de Parques com a finalidade de conservar o cenário e os objetos naturais e históricos, bem como a vida selvagem por estes abrigada e prover o aproveitamento dos mesmo de maneira que possa ser aproveitável e apreciado pelas futuras gerações. Muitos dos atuais Parques Nacionais foram criados primeiramente como Monumentos Nacionais. Sete Parques Nacionais (dos quais seis estão situados no Alasca) são catalogados como Reservas Naturais, áreas com diferente nível de proteção e consideradas como unidade de conservação diferenciada.
O critério de seleção de uma área como Parque Nacional gira em torno de beleza natural, geologia única, ecossistema raro e oportunidades de lazer e recreação que a área oferece. Os Monumentos Nacionais, por outro lado, costumam ser selecionados por sua significância história ou arqueológica. Catorze dos Parques Nacionais são simultaneamente Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO, enquanto outros vinte são designados Reservas da Biosfera.
Vinte e sete estados dos Estados Unidos abrigam Parques Nacionais, assim como os territórios da Samoa Americana e Ilhas Virgens Americanas. A Califórnia é o estado com maior número de áreas protegidas (9), seguida por Alasca (8), Utah (5) e Colorado (4). O maior parque nacional do país é Wrangell-St. Elias, no Alasca, com mais de 8 milhões de acres (32.375 km²), sendo superior em área a cada um dos nove menores estados. O menor dos Parques Nacionais é Hot Springs, no Arkansas, com pouco menos de 6 mil acres (24 km²). A área total protegida pela rede de Parques Nacionais é de aproximadamente 52 milhões de acres (211 mil km²).
Hounds - Silent Partner
Hertland - Silent Partner
Assista também:
Conheça os Estados Unidos:
Turismo no Canadá:
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Turismo Sul -Brazil Uruguaiana -Fronteira da Argentina.
Turismo Sul -Uruguaiana RS-Cidade Fronteira da Argentina-BorinProduciones.
Serra do Mar Tyrant-Manakin - Neopelma chrysolophum - Intervales, Brazil
Video from my SUPERB 1 month trip to Brazil in October 2013:
I received an invitation from my friend Steve Bird to join him and Gina Nichol on one of his Pantanal trips so I did... a no brainer! - great fun birding with Steve and Gina and their groups is always guaranteed (enhanced with Eduardo Patrial as a suber guide and cool cara) and this was not the exception adding a LOAD of lifers for me plus the orgasmic Jaguar experience!
After 10 or so days in Pantanal, Chapada dos Guimaraes and Serra das Araras with the Zoothera lovely group, I did Atlantic Forest birding Intervales State Park for a week with Luiz one of the greatest guides and finest birders in the area for a week adding those badly wanted big antbirds plus a PLETHORA of Atlantic Forest endemics.
To end a great trip, I traveled with my Colombian mate Gustavo Bravo towards Resende where we meet and enjoyed our days with Luciano Lima (AKA Luciano Passarinho!) birding the highlands and lowlands of the Serra da Mantequeira mainly at Itatiaia National Park and also the Serra do Mar looking for really rare and hidding-jewel birds thanks to Luciano endless bird-knowledge of his region!... loads of fun, some beers and great birds again for a week!
550 species of birds recorded from which 285 were life-birds for me... what a marvelous fuck@#ng trip!!!
Short photo-report of our Pantanal leg of the trip by Gina Nichol from Sunrise Birding: