Um dia em um minuto em Dusseldorf, Alemanha |
A cidade é um dos centros industriais e culturais mais agitados do Vale do Reno, com magníficos museus e teatros, e a capital da moda na Alemanha. Se precisa de mais informações sobre Dusseldorf visite e descubra tudo o que Dusseldorf tem para te oferecer.
#SaalfeldSaale #Thüringen #Saale #Touristik #Video #Clip
#Sehenswürdigkeiten #sights
Saalfeld/Saale in Thüringen-historische Sehenswürdigkeiten per Video
Saalfeld Saale in Thüringen. #SaalfeldSaale
Saalfeld/ Saale kann auf eine Geschichte von über 1000 Jahren zurück schauen. In der Innenstadt sind sehr viele denkmalgeschützte Gebäude zu finden.
Saalfeld/Saale ist eine Stadt in Thüringen. Sie ist die Kreisstadt des Landkreises Saalfeld-Rudolstadt im Südosten des Bundeslandes und liegt in einem etwa 250 km² großen Verdichtungsgebiet mit 75.000 Einwohnern, zu dem unter anderem auch die Städte Rudolstadt und Bad Blankenburg gehören.
Die drei Städte kooperieren im Rahmen des „Städtedreiecks Saalebogen“, der eine Städtefusion anstrebt, miteinander. Saalfeld liegt an der Saale in der Mitte des Saalebogens. Südwestlich der Stadt beginnt das Thüringer Schiefergebirge. Bekannteste Sehenswürdigkeit sind die Feengrotten, außerdem besitzt die Stadt Bedeutung als Eisenbahnknoten. Saalfeld ist als Mittelzentrum mit Teilfunktionen eines Oberzentrums eingestuft.
Auf dem Stadtrundgang besuchen wir einige wichtige Sehenswürdigkeiten, wie zB. die noch erhaltenen vier Stadttore.
In der Nähe von Saalfeld liegen sie berühmten Feengrotten.
(Freistaat Thüringen, Bodo Ramelow, Flüchtlinge, Demo)
* Immobilienmakler Thüringen * Immobilien in Thüringen * Immobilienmakler Saalfeld
Immobilienmakler Ulf Zaspel-Immobilienmakler in Thüringen * 997 34 Nordhausen * * Smart Media Zaspel
Dornburger castles. in Germany wmv
Germany is nice, Dornburger castles in june 2012,
Das 10. Landestrachtentreffen von Thüringen in Brotterode
Mit dem Umzug beschlossen 50 Gruppen und über 1000 Mitwirkende das traditionelle Fest in Brotterode.
Vorbei an zwei Festbühnen und tausenden Besuchern zogen über 50 Trachtenvereine aus ganz Deutschland und einige aus Österreich. Diese präsentierten ihre teils praktisch, teils sehr aufwendig ausgestattete traditionelle Bekleidung. Voran marschierten die Gastgeber aus Brotterode mit ihrer Tracht. Ebenso zeigten die Trusetaler im Block des Landesverbandes Thüringer Trachten ihre traditionelle Bekleidung.
Leutenberg Saalfeld
I am continue my tour , and i riding from Leutenberg on road nr 90 to Saalfeld in Thuringen
Austrian Folk Music at the Spring Festival, Vienna, Austria [Travel with Manfred]
The folklore dance group named DrahdiWadln was one of the highlights at the Viennese Spring Festival in the Lainzer Park, a large green outdoor area in the suburbs of Vienna. The day was blessed with fabulous weather, sunshine and 21 degrees C. Perfekt conditions for enjoying a day outdoors, a picnic, and listening as well as participating in Austrian folk dances. The dance groups name DrahdiWadln is Austrian slang and freely translates to turn you lower legs which is just another way of saying let's dance. At the beginning they invited the audience to join them. They kicked their event off with a dance in which kids could participate, followed by another easy dance for anyone who had the desire to join them on the stage. Thereafter the showed off their skills. One of their dances was called Fensterln song. Fensterln refers to the traditional custom of young rural lads bringing a ladder in the evening to their lovers home high in the Alps, to climb up to the window of their persued gal. Window means Fenster, and fensterln is the act of climbing up to the window in order to get a kiss or more from the lover. Music was performed by the band D'Unterdörfler (translates to the ones from the village at the bottom). Both teams played and dances well together presenting Austrian folk music and austrian folk dances at their best. Good fun for young and old.
Die Volkstanzgruppe DrahdiWadln aus dem Nasswald begleitet von der Musikgruppe D'Unterdörfler stellten traditionelle österreichische Volkstänze am Wiener Frühlingsfest im Lainzer Tiergarten vor. Jung und alt war eingeladen das Tanzbein zu schwingen.
Summer Festivals in Europe are Fun
Free video about summer festival. This free video was created for you by and can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of as the original author of this summer festival video.
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A festival is a series of events where artists occur. A festival often takes several days. In the field of so-called. high culture, esp. Music and theater are also festivals often Festspiele called. The term festival is derived from the Latin adjective festivus from for festive, solemn or cheerful. Festivals are often associated with artistic competitions connected their genre or carry themselves competitive nature.
As a theater festival is called a regular (usually annual) held cultural events. A food festival is a regular (usually annual) held cultural event where in one place different dishes and specialties are presented. Music festivals are annually recurring musical big events generally. The term festival is very similar to the term festival. This refers to events that single out by the place and its design out of the ordinary commonplace actionable concerts. They are distinguished by their social significance, its size and by its musical diversity. Festivals today frequently recorded high numbers of visitors and may extend over a longer period. They are mostly focused on a particular genre or interest group and can integral part of youth culture.
In ancient Greece, theater performances were staged as part of Festival. Even kings and princes were known for their festivals. The era of courtly festivities lasted from 1450 to 1750. The first castle festival was in 1665 at the court of Heidecksburg in Rudolstadt instead. Such events were often politically motivated and served for the demonstration of power and influence.
From music festivals in honor of God developed starting in 1784 by London that now popular composer was courted by a festival. Cathedrals have been converted into concert halls, where also Festspiele charitable nature took place. Birthdays and death days have been committed according to the occasion with a tribute or dirges. The bourgeoisie pursued by musical events for a humanitarian objectives, on the other hand took it over the musical cooperating cities alliances its national zeal. Groups consisting of merchants, industrialists, musicians and students came together from different places to attend performances by different composers. Customary at such events were music competitions. Furthermore, could be world exhibitions or events industrialist background for a music festival.
In addition, the unveiling of monuments or tributes occasion for such festivals, such as in 1842 in honor offered Mozart in Salzburg. 1877 arrived there for the first time the idea, modeled on the Bayreuth Festival perform Mozart Festival. During World War concepts for such festivals by the Salzburg Festival community have been developed that have been implemented in 1920 for the first time. In addition to Mozart were operas Another composer and plays performed at different locations. In 1887 the construction of a Festspielhaus for 1500 people was planned, which was implemented until 1925. 1960 were Salzburg Festival moved to a new Grosses Festspielhaus. Under the by the poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal to bring peace and renewal of the European art tradition developed around 1918 leitmotif, tries the artistic direction has always been thus implement the festival.
The gateway to Europe was for the Open Air Festival England. Without a doubt, are here parallels the development of popular music to find itself. Since the late 1960s, see open-air festivals in Europe instead. Among other lesser-known festivals in 1968 the first Isle of Wight Festival organized, which is a great success to this day. In the second year, the festival attracted a visitor amount of approximately 120,000 to 150,000 visitors and was used as the Woodstock of Europe called. In 1970 there were already 600,000 viewers, and the musical program was with the previous festivals from America on an equal footing. This was followed by successful models such as the Reading Festival and Glastonbury Festival. Starting from the UK, the open-air format expanded over the rest of Europe. In 1965, reached Germany.
As summer festival celebrations are called, which are organized without any particular reason in a loose framework. It may be solid for invited guests or publicly available celebrations. They often take place at the beginning of summer or late summer, so if many people are not even in summer, or have returned from this.
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Leutenberg 1
The centrum of the old city of Leutenberg
Feengrotten Saalfeld Fairy Caves
The Feengrotten are described as the most colourful caves in the world in the Guinness Book of Records. Located just outside Saalfeld in Germany, these caves are partially natural and partially man-made. Alum slate was mined here from the 16th century until 1846 when the conditions became unsuitable. Due to the dripping water in the caves, all manner of colourful stalactites and stalagmites have been formed. The caves are open to the public. Many people come here for treatments of minor health complaints.
Music: Gustavo Santaolalla -- When Our Wings Are Cut
Traditional Norwegian Dancing
The dance where the guy has to impress the girl, dance-off style!