Maramures Travel To Europe
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Travel to Europe and discover Maramures,Romania and the beautiful places in this country.
Maramures is one of Europe's best kept secrets, a place where time stands still, a place where rural customs, traditions, and skills (in particular wood sculpting) and, last but not least, human kindness are well preserved.
Close to the Ukrainian border, Maramures covers 3381 sq km of valleys, beatiful villages, hills and mountains (as tall as 2303 m). In this small area can be found 5 UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites (wooden churches), a natural reserve also protected by UNESCO, about 60 villages and small towns, the only narrow gauge industrial steam train still in use in Europe, and many other atractions. Places to visit:
1. Sighetu Marmatiei, with its museums and churches.
2. Vaser Valley, where a unique steam-powered train still runs.
3. The wooden churches protected by UNESCO (Poienile Izei, Ieud-Deal, Budesti-Josani, Desesti and Barsana-Jbar), erected between the 16th and 18th century, in the Maramures gothic style. These churches have been painted hundreds of years ago.
4. The Merry Cemetery in Sapanta, unique in the world, famous for its colourful tombstones with naive paintings describing, in an original and poetic manner, the persons that are buried there as well as scenes from their lives; today a major tourist attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
5. The tallest wooden church in the world (78 m high, erected in Sapanta, between 1995-2003).
6. The Pietrosu Rodnei Natural Reserve, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (listed in 1980, although it was estabilished in 1932), part of the Rodna Mountains National Park; the reserve protects plants and animals such as edelweiss, gentians, marmots, chamois etc.
7. The Maramures Mountains Natural Park, the biggest and wildest natural park in Romania, covering 1480 sq km; the park protects 1260 plant species, bears, wolves, lynxes etc.
8. Breb Village, adopted by the HMS Prince of Wales (who bought here three old wooden houses).
9. Sarbi Village, which hosts a group of water-powered machines (watermills, thresher, alcohol distilleries, whirlpools).
10. Budesti Village, the best-preserved traditional Maramures settlement.
Music by Paula Selig voice, Paul Seling traditional flute, Ştefan Petreus violin, Andrei Petreuş guitar, Mihai Neniţă violin, Ducu Bertzi guitar.
Sighetu Marmaţiei (Syhot Marmaroski) - Romania 2017 4K UHD
Sighetu Marmaţiei / Syhot Marmaroski
Romania / Rumunia
Camera: iPhone 7 Plus - 4K UHD
Calator Prin Romania - Maramures
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Vlog de calatorie - Visit Maramures (Ep. 3)
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Historical monuments and attractions in Bucharest (Monumente şi locuri din Bucureşti) -VIII.wmv
Monumente şi locuri interesante din Bucureşti: biserica Sfânta Vineri, monumentul soldaţilor români si italieni din Ghencea, hotel J. W. Marriott, Casa Poporului, fântâna arteziană de la Piaţa Unirii
Descopera locuri frumoase Romania, Filmare aeriana (2)
Revin cu partea a doua din periplul meu cu drona prin Romania, cu ocazia centenarului.
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Locurile din filmare:
0:01 - Apuseni, Fantanele Belis
0:07 - Muzeul Astra Sibiu
0:11 - Paltinis, Judetul Sibiu
0:16 - Lacul Capra, M-tii Fagaras
0:28 - Creasta Fagarasului de la Balea la Podragu
0:38 - Cascada Sipot, Sapanta
0:41 - Sat Apos, Jud Sibiu
0:45 - Biserica Lemn, Sat Plopis
0:52 - Balea Lac, Transfagarasan
1:09 - Creasta Fagarasului de la Balea la Podragu
1:19 - V-ful Iezerul Caprei, M-tii Fagaras
1:23 - Vulcanii Noroiosi, Buzau
1:30 - Cetatea Slimnic, Jud Sibiu
1:37 - Off-Road, M-tii Sureanu
1:43 - Sapanta, Maramures
1:47 - Manastirea Sapanta
1:53 - M-tii Bucegi, Valea Prahovei
1:56 - Cetatea Rasnov
2:01 - V-ful Vanatoarea lui Buteanu, M-tii Fagaras
2:23 - Manastirea Barsana, Maramures
Cea mai mare parte din filmari sunt cadre din filmuletele deja postate pe canalul meu de Youtube. Ce lipseste vine curand!
Romania - Maramures ( Baia Mare )
Ancient names
Dacian: Maramarista
Latin: Marmatia
Maramures' history is ancient, enchanting and beautiful. It is a civilization and culture carved in wood and stone in word and soul.
There is evidence that this region was first settled as far back as 35,000 BC, the Superior Paleolithic era. Archaeological discoveries of this primitive society have been uncovered in the Iza Valley near the village of Nanesti.
Remnants from a Neolithic culture were discovered in many regions of Maramures. Artifacts were found around Sighetu-Marmatiei, Costiui, Oncesti, Cornesti and Giulesti. Some discoveries can be dated to 6,000 BC.
Later, around 2000 BC, the migration of Indo-Europeans occurred. By the Bronze Age the region of Maramures was well settled, though due to the geography the population was quite sparse. Major archaeological discoveries have been found in more than twenty locations from the Bronze Age. This cultural establishment provides the first proof that the settlers of this region were of Gaeto-Dacian ancestry. During this time the lands of Maramures and much of modern Romania was the kingdom of Dacia.
In antiquity the region governed by Thracian tribes, also known as Getae-Dacians. Around 300 BC - 200 BC, the migration of Celts brought Central Europe a more advanced technological culture.
At the beginning of the 1st century BC the latter, under king Burebista, militarily defeated the Celts, forcing them to retreat to the territory of today's Germany. The Dacians during that period built their houses on higher banks of rivers, remains of which still exist at Cetatea (near Ocna Slatina). The salt from this town was also very valuable during that period.
In 107, they established the Roman province of Dacia Superior, with an initial northern boundary along the Someş River, later to be moved further north. Maramureş became a region immediately adjacent to the Roman province.
Although the Roman administration retreated after 168 years , the influence of Rome remained, due to the now linguistically Roman and ethnically (traditions) Daco-Roman locals (romanians), who along with the Empire Dacia became Christian in 325.
At the end of the 7th century until 10th - 11th century the whole surrounding region was under the Avar khanate. The population of Maramureş remained linguistically and ethnically Vlach (Romanians); however, little is known regarding political control over the area.
The social organization of Maramureş during the Middle Ages was also very specific: the people in many mountain villages, where each family by definition had a considerable domain, were called nămeşi [nameshi], i.e. free peasants taking pride in their families. The term points to the belonging to a small clan, from the Romanian neam [bigger old family]. This term has been preserved to this day, both in the areas that remained Romanian
In the middle of the 14th century, Maramureş, still partly preserving the institution of Voevodate, was an important catalyst in uniting the lands to the east of the Carpathian mountains and forming the Moldavian Principality.
The last incursion of the Ottomans into Central Europe proved disastrous to them. In 1683, the Austrians and the Poles defeated the Ottomans at the gates of Vienna. In 1686, they conquered Buda, and in 1690 took over Transylvania, abolishing the principality.
At the end of the World War I, when Austria-Hungary dissimulated/broke down, the nations inhabiting it elected national and/or regional assemblies to determine their fate and to decide the future political configurations. As a result Maramureş County was divided into North and South.
The National Assembly of the Romanians of (inner) Transylvania, Crişana, Banat and Maramureş, composed of 1228 elected members, has decided on December 1, 1918 in Alba Iulia upon their union with Romania.
On December 15, 1918, in Mediaş, the Council of the Transylvanian Saxons and Danubian Swabians (ethnic Germans that moved to live in Transylvania in the 12th-13th, respectively in the 18th centuries) decided to support the Romanians, mainly because of their adversity to the prospect of otherwise living in a Hungarian national state, which was due to the Magyarization policy practiced in the Transleitanian part of Austria-Hungary after 1870 and until World War I
Throughout the summer of 1919, Czech troops began to take control over most of what is today Carpathian Ruthenia, with Romanian troops gaining control of its southern regions (Maramures) in late spring, in their push, at the request of the Versailles Conference, against the Communist Hungarian Republic.
Romania. Maramures County
What is Romania like? Spotlight Maramures County, Romania -
Baia Borsa, Forgotten Gold Mines and Lost Trails of the Toroiaga Mountain 2018
At the foot of the Toroiaga mountain , the highest mountain in Maramures Mountains Natural Park is siting Baia Borsa.
Not so long ago Baia Borsa or Baile Borsa was an important place on the map of the Romanian mining industry.
After the political class played the funeral song of the North Romania`s mining industry a long and heavy silence fell over the place. In the years of Socialist Glory, Baia Borsa mines were providing to the national economy half of the total production of
non-ferrous crude metals from ore. The mining activities were generally carried out by 7 000 workers, to add the auxiliary personnel, it means that at the moment the Town provided over 10 000 workplaces. People were working non stop in rotating shifts. Day by day about 50 worker buses were bringing and carrying people from all over the place, Valea Izei, Valea Viseului till Sigetu Marmatiei.
There were working places even for people from vicinity counties like Bistrita Nasaud and Suceava.
Baia Borsa`s mountains are containing besides complex ore of zinc, copper, lead etc., a vein of gold as well. This can be found, according to local sources, in the Toroiaga Mountain (1929,9 m), the highest peak in Maramuresului Mountains [Muntii Maramuresului]. Here, in the communist era 20.000 tones of gold ore were exploited monthly, which was transformed after processing in 70 kilograms of pure gold. At least this was the Monthly Treasury Statement of the Communist leaders from that time.
Some people claim that the mountain was bought by a reach Irish businessman, others: that a local Romanian businessman owns the place. But, at the moment nobody really knows the truth, nobody gave a sign that there is any intention of reopening the mines, or to make a Tourism Investment of some sort.
La poalele celui mai inalt varf din Muntii Maramuresului se afla Baia Borsa sau Baile Borsei. Pana nu demult, acest loc era un punct important in industria miniera din tara noastra. Dupa ce politicienii au terminat minieritul maramuresan inchizand toate minele chiar si cele productive peste Baia Borsa s-a asezat o tacere de mormant.
In anii gloriei comuniste minele din Baia Borsa ofereau economiei nationale aproape jumatate din productia totala de minereau neferos.. La mine lucrau peste 7.000 de oameni, la care se poate adauga personalul auxiliar, cei care lucrau in diverse servicii asta insemnand ca Baia Borsa detinea la vremea respectiva peste 10.000 de locuri de munca. Se lucra aproape non-stop, in trei schimburi. Zilnic foarte multe autobuze aduceau si duceau muncitori de pe toata Valea Izei, pana la Sighetu Marmatiei, Valea Viseului si din alte cotloane ale Maramuresului. Mai mult decat atat, industria miniera din zona asigura un loc de munca si pentru oamenii din judetele invecinate: Bistrita-Nasaud si Suceava. Unii din borsenii care au trait acele vremuri marturisesc ca nici macar nu le-a trecut prin cap faptul ca intr-o buna zi toata industria miniera din zona va disparea si odata cu ea bunastarea si siguranta zilei de maine.
Baia Borsa detine pe langa minereul complex de zinc, cupru, plumb etc., si un filon de aur. Acesta se afla, dupa cum povestesc oamenii, in masivul Toroiaga (1930 m), fiind cel mai inalt varf din Muntii Maramuresului. Aici, pe vremea comunismului, se exploatau lunar aproximativ 20.000 tone de minereu aurifer, care se transforma dupa prelucrare in 70 kilograme de aur, care intrau in visteria tarii. Cel putin asa se publica la nivel oficial si in rapoartele Republicii Socialiste Romania.
Unii localnici sustin ca muntele afost cumparat, dupa caderea regimului comunist, de catre un irlandez foarte bogat care detine o companie miniera in Europa altii ca ar fi in proprietatea unui om de afaceri originar din zona. Dar pana in prezent nici reprezentanti ai unor companii private nici statul roman nu au dat vreun indiciu ca ar dori sa redeschida minele sau sa faca vreo investitie, in domeniul turismului din aceasta zona atat de frumoasa si deosebita.
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Music was provided by epidemic sound:
ES_The Mystic Dream - Andreas Ericson
ES_Heroes - Marc Torch
ES_Fugitive Drone - Amir Sharifi
ES_Epic Orchestral Adventure 3 - Gavin Luke