Speaker 1: Acton is a phenomenal conference that brings together over 1,000 individuals from over 50 countries representing every branch of Christianity to talk about the major issues of culture and our society. I think the issues that we face are not just local or domestic but they're global and this kind of cross pollination of individuals from every continent, from various countries, socio-economic backgrounds only helps to add nuance and credibility to the conversation. It helps us to think about more robust and effective solutions to the problems that we all want to see our cities overcome.
I've been coming to Acton for over 5 years now and every year I come back with the same level of excitement and anticipation because the topics are fresh and new but because the audience or the group is so large, it's awesome getting a chance to meet new people each and every year. I'm fired up, I'm excited because I know that I'm going to go back home better equipped to provide leadership in my local context.
Speaker 2: We're so blessed to be able to have this in Grand Rapids. Obviously it's easy for us because the Acton Institute is right downtown but if we weren't in Grand Rapids, I'm sure we'd want to travel here because the food is so great, it's easy to show off. This convention center is great because it is right downtown so if people do have some down time they can see the river, they can do downtown and get some great food, they can get some great air, there's lots to do.
Speaker 1: I've got to be honest, part of what brings me back every year is not just the topic or the lectures but it's the city. Grand Rapids is a phenomenal setting for this conference. The restaurants, the places of gathering together, every year I also bring my family with me and we get a chance to go and eat and just experience the downtown. It's also a wonderful time to build new friendships and relationships. I would just highly recommend that people come for the beauty and the setting that you'll experience in Grand Rapids.