The Spanish Language and What Makes it The Coolest
This video is all about the Spanish language! Come learn about one of the world`s most important languages, spoken in Europe, Latin America, Africa, and beyond.
Subscribers, thanks for waiting for this one. This week I flew back home from Canada and I`m in the middle of moving to a new apartment so I`ve had a lot of delays. But things should be back to normal soon.
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Flamenco Rhythm by Sunsearcher: Used under Creative Commons License.
Intro music: Sax Attack by Dougie Wood. Courtesy of Youtube Audio Library.
Outro music: Circular by Gunnar Olsen. Courtesy of Youtube Audio Library.
London's unfinished motorways (Unfinished London ep2)
In the 70s, an ambitious road-building project called 'Ringways' was cancelled and London narrowly escaped a fate much worse than traffic jams.
BackStage WorkShop Konduki Natalia Komarova 2018 Кондуки Тула Наталья Комарова
Студия YagoDa (#YagoDa) Денис. 8-920-635-21-88
Cardiac Conduction System and Understanding ECG, Animation.
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©Alila Medical Media. All rights reserved.
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The cardiac conduction system consists of the following components:
- The sinoatrial node, or SA node, located in the right atrium near the entrance of the superior vena cava. This is the natural pacemaker of the heart. It initiates all heartbeat and determines heart rate. Electrical impulses from the SA node spread throughout both atria and stimulate them to contract.
- The atrioventricular node, or AV node, located on the other side of the right atrium, near the AV valve. The AV node serves as electrical gateway to the ventricles. It delays the passage of electrical impulses to the ventricles. This delay is to ensure that the atria have ejected all the blood into the ventricles before the ventricles contract.
- The AV node receives signals from the SA node and passes them onto the atrioventricular bundle - AV bundle or bundle of His.
- This bundle is then divided into right and left bundle branches which conduct the impulses toward the apex of the heart. The signals are then passed onto Purkinje (pur-KIN-jee) fibers, turning upward and spreading throughout the ventricular myocardium.
Electrical activities of the heart can be recorded in the form of electrocardiogram, ECG or EKG. An ECG is a composite recording of all the action potentials produced by the nodes and the cells of the myocardium. Each wave or segment of the ECG corresponds to a certain event of the cardiac electrical cycle.
When the atria are full of blood, the SA node fires, electrical signals spread throughout the atria and cause them to depolarize. This is represented by the P wave on the ECG. Atrial contraction , or atrial systole (SIS-toe-lee) starts about 100 mili-seconds after the P wave begins.
The P-Q segment represents the time the signals travel from the SA node to the AV node.
The QRS complex marks the firing of the AV node and represents ventricular depolarization:
- Q wave corresponds to depolarization of the interventricular septum.
- R wave is produced by depolarization of the main mass of the ventricles.
- S wave represents the last phase of ventricular depolarization at the base of the heart.
- Atrial repolarization also occurs during this time but the signal is obscured by the large QRS complex.
The S-T segment reflects the plateau in the myocardial action potential. This is when the ventricles contract and pump blood.
The T wave represents ventricular repolarization immediately before ventricular relaxation, or ventricular diastole (dy-ASS-toe-lee).
The cycle repeats itself with every heartbeat.
All images/videos by Alila Medical Media are for information purposes ONLY and are NOT intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Mental Illness and Psychiatry in Russia: Diagnosis, Management, Treatment, History
Early in the 20th century in the United States, a mental hygiene movement developed, aiming to prevent mental disorders. Clinical psychology and social work developed as professions. More:
World War I saw a massive increase of conditions that came to be termed shell shock.
World War II saw the development in the U.S. of a new psychiatric manual for categorizing mental disorders, which along with existing systems for collecting census and hospital statistics led to the first Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) also developed a section on mental disorders. The term stress, having emerged out of endocrinology work in the 1930s, was increasingly applied to mental disorders.
Electroconvulsive therapy, insulin shock therapy, lobotomies and the neuroleptic chlorpromazine came to be used by mid-century. An antipsychiatry movement came to the fore in the 1960s. Deinstitutionalization gradually occurred in the West, with isolated psychiatric hospitals being closed down in favor of community mental health services. A consumer/survivor movement gained momentum. Other kinds of psychiatric medication gradually came into use, such as psychic energizers (later antidepressants) and lithium. Benzodiazepines gained widespread use in the 1970s for anxiety and depression, until dependency problems curtailed their popularity.
Advances in neuroscience, genetics and psychology led to new research agendas. Cognitive behavioral therapy and other psychotherapies developed. The DSM and then ICD adopted new criteria-based classifications, and the number of official diagnoses saw a large expansion. Through the 1990s, new SSRI-type antidepressants became some of the most widely prescribed drugs in the world, as later did antipsychotics. Also during the 1990s, a recovery approach developed.
The Quakers, the Dutch, and the Ladies: Crash Course US History #4
In which John Green teaches you about some of the colonies that were not in Virginia or Massachussetts. Old New York was once New Amsterdam. Why they changed it, I can say; ENGLISH people just liked it better that way, and when the English took New Amsterdam in 1643, that's just what they did. Before the English got there though, the colony was full of Dutch people who treated women pretty fairly, and allowed free black people to hold jobs. John also discusses Penn's Woods, also known as Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was (briefly) a haven of religious freedom, and William Penn dealt relatively fairly with the natives his colony displaced. Of course, as soon as Penn died, the colonist started abusing the natives immediately. We venture as far south as the Carolina colonies, where the slave labor economy was taking shape. John also takes on the idea of the classless society in America, and the beginning of the idea of the American dream. It turns out that in spite of the lofty dream that everyone had an equal shot in the new world, there were elites in the colonies. And these elites tended to be in charge. And then their kids tended to take over when they died. So yeah, not quite an egalitarian paradise. In addition to all this, we get into the Salem Witch Trials, the treatment of women in the colonies, and colonial economics. Oh yeah, one more thing, before you comment about how he says we're talking about the American Revolution next week, but the end screen says Seven Years War, consider that perhaps the Seven Years War laid the groundwork for the revolution to happen.
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What do Kandinsky and Kanye West have in common? | Cyrus North
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Ever wonder how sound tastes? When your senses are crossed, how do you experience the world? Cyrus North investigates the 4.4% of the population that have crossed senses.
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Artworks credits:
Impression III - Kandinsky - Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus and Kunstbau
Study for Painting with White Form - Kandinsky - Detroit Institute of Arts
Der Blaue Reiter - Kandinsky - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
#KanyeWest #Art #Painting #GoogleArts
Das Phänomen Bruno Gröning – Dokumentarfilm – TEIL 1
Der erste Teil dieses aufwendigen Dokumentarfilms zeigt die Geschehnisse um Bruno Gröning im Jahr 1949. Die dramatischen Ereignisse von Herford, die aufsehenerregenden Menschenansammlungen am Rosenheimer Traberhof, aber auch die wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen in Heidelberg.
Die Sensation von 1949
Im Jahre 1949 entsteht ein großer Rummel um einen Mann namens Bruno Gröning, der in den Medien als Wunderheiler bekannt wird. Alles beginnt in Herford in Westfalen. Immer wieder hört man von neuen unglaublichen Heilungen. Selbst als unheilbar Diagnostizierte schwören auf seine Heilkraft. Doch Gröning wird dies von den Behörden untersagt. Er zieht sich nach Bayern zurück. Einige Journalisten finden ihn jedoch auch dort und machen seinen neuen Aufenthaltsort publik. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit pilgern täglich bis zu 30.000 Menschen zum Rosenheimer Traberhof. Und wieder werden unglaubliche Heilungen bekannt. Gröning wird zum Mittelpunkt öffentlichen Interesses.
Heute wieder hochaktuell
In etwa 100 Ländern wurde DAS PHÄNOMEN BRUNO GRÖNING bereits im Kino oder in öffentlichen Vorführungen gezeigt – fast 13.000 Mal. Jetzt ist er auch auf YouTube zu sehen. Die Premiere findet am 18. Januar 2019 um 19 Uhr MEZ statt, und ab dem 19. Januar sind dann alle drei Teile auf YouTube abrufbar.
Der sorgfältig recherchierte Film soll das Geschehen von damals wieder in das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit bringen. 50 Zeitzeugen kommen zu Wort, viele Fotos, Dokumente und einige Filmaufnahmen aus der Zeit lassen das Geschehen und das Phänomen Gröning vor Ihren Augen lebendig werden. Schauspielszenen ergänzen dort, wo Bildmaterial aus der damaligen Zeit fehlt.
Ein außergewöhnliches Zeitdokument – jetzt in voller Länge auf YouTube.
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Power of Silence - The Story of Braco. FULL documentary film. With subtitles available!
Experience Braco's Gaze Live Online - Coming up soon!
At Official Website
Power of Silence - The Story of Braco. FULL documentary film with Subtitles available!
With special contribution by Paulo Coelho & Rabbi Jack Bemporad.
narrated by Armand Assante
directed by Jakov Sedlar
WATCH VIDEO from the film premiere in New York City with Naomi Campbell:
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About Braco:
Braco freely shares his gift equally with everyone who visits him. The silent gift he offers is shared without the necessity of words, and he does not promote any teaching or give a philosophy about life. Braco has also never given a media interview. His sole focus is upon people and sharing his gift where he is invited. People are meant to judge his work for themselves.
Although scientists and doctors have discussed about his work, the majority of people find the many testimonials and personal stories shared by visitors a compelling way to understand the possibilities offered to those who come to experience this gift for themselves.