2. Slovak Paradise National ParkSpisska Nova Ves Slovak Paradise National Park is one of the nine national parks in Slovakia, situated in East Slovakia. The National Park protects the area of the Slovak Paradise mountain range, which is located in the north of the Slovenské rudohorie Mountains . The National Park covers an area of 197.63 km2 , and the buffer zone around the park covers an area of 130.11 km2 ; 327.74 km2 together. Eleven national nature reserves and eight nature reserves are situated in the park. The park offers about 300 km of hiking trails, often equipped with ladders, chains and bridges. The Slovak Paradise contains about 350 caves, but only the Dobšinská Ice Cave, which is since 2000 a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is open to the public. The headquarters of the park are located in Spišská Nová Ves. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Orava CastleOravsky Podzamok Orava Castle , is situated on a high rock above Orava river in the village of Oravský Podzámok, Slovakia. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful castles in Slovakia. The castle was built in the Kingdom of Hungary in the thirteenth century. Many scenes of the 1922 film Nosferatu were filmed here, the castle representing Count Orlok's Transylvanian castle.Orava Castle stands on the site of an old wooden fortification, built after the Mongol invasion of Hungary of 1241. Its history since then reveals a familiar pattern of construction, destruction, reconstruction, fire, various ownerships and territorial squabbles. The original design was in Romanesque and Gothic style; it was later reconstructed as a Renaissance and Neo-Gothic structure, hugging the shape of the 520-metre spur on... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Slovakia Travel Video - Ancient castle ruins, traditional villages and mountainous national parks: visiting Slovakia is about experiencing a place where age-old folkways and nature still hold sway. In this compact country you can hike beside a waterfall-filled gorge one day and see nailless wooden churches in a village museum the next. The small capital, Bratislava, may not have the superlative sights of nearby Prague or Budapest, but its abuzz with development, each new riverfront dining and entertainment complex vying to outdo the next. The rabbit-warren Old Town centre is well worth a day or two of cafe hopping.
Just make sure you also venture east. In the countryside, fortresses tower over cities and rivers, hiking trails cover the hills and well-preserved medieval towns nestle below rocky peaks. Pull up a plate of bryndzove halušky (sheeps-cheese dumplings) with a glass of slivovica (firewater-like plum brandy) and drink a toast for us -- nazdravie!
Amazing Slovakia Travel Video...
Bratislava Slovakia
Why not make Bratislava Slovakia your next vacation destination
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BUBO premietanie: Chile, Peru, Bolívia - Peter Hliničan
Na čo vlastne slúžilo slávne Machu Picchu? Je pravda, že sa ho chystajú už čoskoro zavrieť pre turistov? Podľa legendy je jazero Titicaca miestom pôvodu všetkých amerických kultúr, je naozaj bezodné ako mnohí miestni ľudia veria? V Bolívii sa nachádza najväčšia soľná planina na svete, družice na nej kalibrujú svoje prístroje - čo na nej ale hľadáme my turisti? O Chile sa u nás hovorí len málo, aspoň kým nezapadnú baníci v chilskej bani, alebo FC Barcelona nekúpi najdrahšieho futbalistu sveta. Ako vyzerá tento „tiger regiónu dnes? Ak sa chcete zúčastniť expedície cez pamiatky Inkov, prejsť na terénnych autách druhú najväčšiu náhornú plošinu na svete, dať si pivo na najsuchšej púšti sveta a vidieť moderné Santiago de Chile, sledujte video a môžete to mať všetko v jednom, v rozprávaní Petra Hliničana.