Top 10 Places To visit in Ukraine | Ukraine sights and attractions | Ukraine Tourist Attractions
Top 10 Places To visit in Ukraine | Ukraine sights and attractions | Ukraine Tourist Attractions
1. Odesa
Odessa is a port town on the Black Sea in southern Ukraine. it's perceived for its seashores and nineteenth century building, which incorporate the Odessa Melodic dramatization and Ballet Theater. The earth shattering Potemkin Stairs, revered in The Battleship Potemkin, lead down to the waterfront with its Vorontsov Lighthouse. strolling parallel to the water, the awesome Primorsky road is a broadly known promenade settled with estates and milestones.
2. Myrhorod
Myrhorod is a town in the Poltava Oblast of central Ukraine. Filling in as the administrative familiarity with the Myrhorod Raion, the city itself is moreover doled out as an exceptional raion inside the oblast, and is situated on the stream Khorol. Wikipedia
3. Chernihiv
Chernihiv generally called Chernigov, a splendid city in northern Ukraine, fills in as the administrative familiarity with the Chernihiv Oblast, furthermore, comparably of the encompassing Chernihiv Raion inside the oblast. Wikipedia
4. Chernivtsi
Chernivtsi is a city in western Ukraine, sorted out on the top way of the River Prut. Chernivtsi is the administrative point of convergence of Chernivtsi Oblast – the northern, Ukrainian bit of the recorded Moldavian zone of Bukovina. Wikipedia
5. Bakota
Bakota is a magnificent submerged settlement of the Rus state, cutting zone Khmelnytskyi Oblast in western Ukraine. The town lies underneath the Dniester River and is arranged inside the certifiable Podillia area. Wikipedia
6. Uzhhorod
Uzhhorod is a city situated in western Ukraine, at the edge with Slovakia and close to the border with Hungary. Wikipedia
7. Kamyanets-Podilskyi
Kamianets-Podilskyi is a city at the Smotrych River in western Ukraine, at the north-east of Chernivtsi. Wikipedia
8. Lviv
Lviv is a city in western Ukraine, cycle 70 kilometers from the edge with Poland. suggestions of its Polish and Austro-Hungarian legacy are evident in its designing, which blends huge and jap eu styles with those of Italy and Germany. In inordinate post Park, the
stature remains of a fourteenth century royal residence convey sweeping perspectives of the city's green-domed homes of love and the encompassing slants.
9. Yalta
Yalta is an inn town at the south shore of the Crimean Peninsula incorporated through the Black Sea. It fills in as the administrative point of convergence of Yalta Municipality, one of the locales inside Crimea. populace: seventy six,746 . Wikipedia
10. Slavske
Slavske this is a city-sort settlement in Skole Raion, Lviv oblast, Ukraine. it is resolved six hundred meters above sea level near the city of Skole, a hundred thirty kilometers southwest of Lviv. Wikipedia
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Краєзнавча практика в НУ Львівська Політехніка на кафедрі туризму. За 5 днів ми відвідали такі об'єкти:
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Major Jewish Sights of Belarus
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Jewish history is an integral, and, sadly, almost forgotten part of Belarus. We must remember about the history and culture of the neighbours of our ancestors - like our own! - because only this way we will be able to create a country of our own.
(3) Adolf Hitler`s Headquarters Werwolf, Water Pool, (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)
Private guide in Ukraine Sergey Tsarapora
Private tours to Ukraine
Guided Tours, Excursions, Transfers in Ukraine and Crimea.
Führerhauptquartier Werwolf was the codename of one of Adolf Hitler's WW2 Eastern Front military headquarters. It was located in an oak forest about 12 kilometers (7.5 mi) north of Vinnytsya in Central Ukraine. It was used in 1942-1943. It was one of a number of Führer Headquarters throughout Europe, and the most easterly ever used by Hitler in person. As we know, he used it 3 times. In 1942 he spent here about 100 days.
Hitler's accommodation at Werwolf consisted of a wooden house (cottage), a private courtyard and its own concrete bunker. The rest of the complex consisted of about 20 wooden cottages and barracks, and several conсrete bunkers (for guests, Nazi leaders, security). As we know, there was a tea house, a barber shop, a bathhouse, a sauna, a cinema and even an open water pool. Hitler never once swam in it (according to other information it was for the fire safety). Also was a vegetable garden under the control of the German agricultural company Zeidenspiner (for a secure supply of food for Hitler). Two artesian wells supplied the site with water, and the site had its own power generation facilities (according to other information the water was pumped from South Bug river).
As we know, just on several hundred meters from Hitler`s personal cottage on the agriculture field, was constructed the special airfield for very small personal Hitler`s airplane (for his fast evacuation if necessary to the nearest German military air base in Kalynivka town, about 20 km).
The special underground phone and telegraph cable was laid to that town.
AEGEE Travel Summer University Wild West Ukraine - Kiev Lviv Uzhhorod - Part I - by Guarani
Ukraine, Kiev + Kozyn 2017 May
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Тернопольская область. Почаев. Почаевская Лавра. Ternopil Oblast. Pochaiv. Pochaiv Lavra.
Картографические данные: Google, DigitalGlobe
Map data : Google, DigitalGlobe
Тернопольская область (Украина). Город Почаев.
Свято-Успенская Почаевская Лавра.
Ternopil Oblast. (Ukraine). City Pochaiv. Pochaiv Lavra.
Видео создано из моих авторских фотографий во время поездки в Почаев и Свято-Успенскую Почаевскую Лавру
The video was created from my author's photos during a trip to Pochaiv and Pochaiv Lavra
Субтитры к данному видео опубликованы по материалам статьи из Википедии.
Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Subtitles for this video posted on the article from Wikipedia.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Свято-Успе́нская Поча́евская ла́вра (укр. Свято-Успенська Почаївська лавра) — православный монастырь (лавра) в Почаеве (Тернопольская область), Украина. Крупнейший православный храмовый комплекс и монастырь на Западной Украине и второй на Украине после Киево-Печерской лавры.
Согласно преданию, монастырь основали монахи Киево-Печерской лавры, которые бежали от нашествия татар в 1240 году. Первое летописное упоминание датируется 1527 г.
В 1597 году монастырь получает в дар от местной помещицы Анны Гойской значительные земельные угодия, имения и чудотворный образ Божьей Матери.1649 на средства Домашевских Федора и Евы построен новый каменный храм монастыря.
2 августа 1675. пятидесятитысячное турецко-татарское войско под руководством хана Нурредина подступило к Почаеву. Все, кто только в силе был держать оружие, как из числа монахов, так и из числа мирян, стали на защиту обители. По преданию, во время чтения акафиста перед иконой Почаевской Божьей Матери, на небе вдруг расступились тучи и над собором появилась сама Богородица в блестящем сиянии, окруженная ангелами, а рядом с ней молящийся Иов Почаевский.
C 1713 по 1831 год Почаевский монастырь был греко-католическим.
В 1831 г., после подавления польского восстания 1830—1831 гг., монастырь указом императора Николая I передают Русской Православной Церкви, большинство монахов василиан вынуждены покинуть обитель. 1833 г. обитель получила статус лавры с присвоением ей четвёртого места в числе тех, что существовали в Российской империи. В соборном храме над царскими вратами разместили чудотворную Почаевскую икону Божей Матери.
С 1997 года Лавра имеет статус ставропигии, то есть канонически прямо подчинён юрисдикции Блаженнейшего митрополита Киевского и всея Украины Украинской Православной Церкви (Московского Патриархата).
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Kaunas castle ruins
In Sep 2005, I took some footage of the local castle ruins