Top 12. Best Tourist Attractions in Cape Breton Island, Canada
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The most beautiful places and sight in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.
Top 12. Best Tourist Attractions in Cape Breton Island, Canada: Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site, Cabot Trail, Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site, Skyline Trail, Cape Breton Miners' Museum, Highland Village, Middle Head Trail, Uisge Ban Falls, The Big Fiddle, Louisbourg Lighthouse , Ingonish Beach
14 Top Tourist Attractions in Nova Scotia (Canada)
Top Tourist Attractions in Nova Scotia:
Cabot Trail, Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site, Grand Pre National Historic Site, Halifax Harbour, Hall's Harbour, Kejimkujik National Park, Lunenburg, Peggy's Cove, Port-Royal National Historic Site, Ross Farm Museum, Sherbrooke Village, Shubenacadie Provincial Wildlife Park, Halifax Citadel National Historic Site
Fortress of Louisbourg, Nova Scotia - Canada HD Travel Channel
The Fortress of Louisbourg, a recommended destination for the whole family, is on the Cape Breton Island in the province of Nova Scotia and one of the National Historic Sites of Canada. In the true to original rebuilt parts of the town, history comes alive.
Louisbourg was originally founded by the French and expanded into an important port city. For their protection, a fort was built, which was conquered several times by the British. The history of Louisbourg is closely linked to the history of the Acadians; those who did not swear on the crown, were deported to France or had to search for a new home in New England, Quebec and New Brunswick. After the reconquest by the French, the Acadians were allowed to return. Today, their descendants live in New Brunswick, as well as in Nova Scotia and PEI and represent a significant proportion of the population.
The present town is located in some distance from the fort. At the time of the wars, the fort surrounded the former bourgeois town and served as a protection and military defence against the British. A protection that the common people, the peasants and the poor did not enjoy. They had to eke out a living outside the walls.
An inn was reconstructed as an example of a dwelling of the ordinary people; it is surrounded by a wooden scaffold for drying fish.
The Britsh conquered the town twice. After the initial conquest it was awarded to the French in the second Aachen Peace from 1748.
This did not prevent the British from a second attempt of conquest. This time, 15,000 British with 39 warships were confronting 7000 French with 11 ships. The British took the town and destroyed it completely.
The fastening walls and ditches convey the impression of an impregnable town, but the protection of the back country was illusory. From the hills of the British peered out everything that happened in the fort and their artillery reached nearly every point. Once the British had managed to establish a beachhead on land, the town fell after a seven-week siege.
A year later, Quebec City be conquered by the British.
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Die Festung Louisbourg, ein empfehlenswertes Ausflugsziel für Familien, liegt auf der Kap-Breton-Insel in der Provinz Nova Scotia und ist eine der Nationalen historischen Stätten von Kanada. In den ab 1961 originalgetreu wieder aufgebauten Teilen wird die Geschichte wieder lebendig.
Ursprünglich wurde Louisbourg von den Franzosen gegründet und zu einer bedeutenden Hafenstadt ausgebaut. Zu deren Schutz wurde ein Fort gebaut, das mehrere Male von den Briten erobert wurde. Mit der Geschichte Louisbourgs ist die der Akadier verbunden: wer nicht auf die Krone schwören wollte, wurde nach Frankreich deportiert oder musste sich in Neuengland, Québec oder New Brunswick eine neue Heimat suchen. Nach der Rückeroberung durch die Franzosen durften die Akadier wiederkehren. Heute leben ihre Nachkommen in New Brunswick, aber auch in Nova Scotia und P.E.I und stellen einen bedeutenden Anteil an der Bevölkerung.
Die heutige Stadt liegt in einiger Entfernung vom Fort, das zur Zeit der Kriege gegen die britischen Eroberer die damalige bürgerliche Stadt umgab, schützte und militärisch verteidigte. Ein Schutz, den das gewöhnliche Volk, die Bauern und die Armen nicht genossen. Sie hatten das Leben außerhalb der Mauern zu fristen.
Als Beispiel für ein damaliges Wohnhaus der einfachen Menschen wurde eine Gastwirtschaft rekonstruiert, umgeben von einem Holzgerüst zum Trocknen der Fische.
Zweimal eroberten die Briten die Stadt. Nach der ersten Eroberung wurde sie im zweiten Aachener Frieden von 1748 den Franzosen zugesprochen.
Was die Briten nicht von einem zweiten Eroberungsversuch abhielt. Diesmal standen sich 15000 Briten mit 39 Kriegsschiffen und 7000 Franzosen mit 11 Schiffen gegenüber. Die Briten nahmen die Stadt ein und zerstörten sie völlig.
Die Befestigungsmauern und Gräben vermitteln den Eindruck einer uneinnehmbaren Stadt, aber gegenüber dem Hinterland war der Schutz illusorisch. Von den Hügeln aus spähten die Briten alles aus, was in der Festung geschah, und ihre Artillerie erreichte fast jeden Punkt. Nachdem es den Briten gelungen war, einen Brückenkopf an Land zu errichten, fiel die Stadt nach siebenwöchiger Belagerung.
Ein Jahr später konnte dann Québec von den Briten erobert werden.
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Nova Scotia means New Scotland, and the sound of bagpipes is not uncommon here. Early Scottish settlers felt the land resembled home. The most popular excursion is a trip to the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park, an amazing re-creation of a 1744 French fortress. Bird-watchers will want to venture out to Bird Islands to spot the Atlantic puffin and bald eagle. The sinuous Cabot Trail along the coast offers one of the most dramatic drives in North America.
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Travel in time: Canada's national historic sites
Parks Canada manages 171 remarkable and inspiring national historic sites across Canada. Travel in time and explore stories both near and far.
List of National Historic Sites in this video:
Grosse Île and the Irish Memorials (QC), Fortifications of Québec (QC), Fort Langley (BC), Dawson (YT), L'Anse-aux-Meadows (NL), Citadelle d'Halifax (NS), Dawson Historical Complex (YT), Rocky Mountain House (AB), Kluane (YT), Rideau Canal (ON), Lachine Canal (QC), Kejimkujik (NS), Fortress of Louisbourg (NS), Château Frontenac (QC), Gulf of Georgia Cannery (BC), HMCS Haida (ON), Gwaii Haanas (BC), Bar-U Ranch (AB), Prince of Wales Fort (MB), Cape Spear (NL).
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5 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Nova Scotia | Canada Travel Guide
5 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Nova Scotia
Pretty and peaceful, Nova Scotia is Canada's second smallest province, a peninsula on the eastern edge of the Canadian mainland. But its lengthy coastline is dotted with fishing harbors, sandy beaches, and plump islands. The scenery varies greatly, from the foggy Atlantic Ocean in the southeast to the tidal salt marshes of the Bay of Fundy in the west and Gaelic highlands of Cape Breton to the north. In these maritime latitudes, Nova Scotia has a pleasantly breezy if rather damp climate. Summer is bright and sunny, but weather conditions can often cause fog, with snow in winter.
Halifax is the capital and largest city. In 1604 the French, including Samuel de Champlain, settled the Annapolis Valley, founding Port-Royal, the first lasting European settlement north of Florida. They called it Acadia, a name that is now used to refer to all French settlement in the Maritimes. Here, five tourist attractions in Nova Scotia, Canada.
1. Cabot Trail
2. Peggy's Cove
3. Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site
4. Halifax Citadel National Historic Site
5. Cape Breton Highlands National Park
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Heli-Picnic Island Escape with Vision Air Services Inc. in Nova Scotia, Canada.
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