Diga Campomoro (1990 m + extra: 2010 m) - Bringatúra az Alpokban / Bicycle tour
Reggel : Lagi di Mezzola, majd délután kényelmes tekerés e völgyben fel a duzzasztott tóhoz, abból a célból, hogy újabb aszfaltos úton tekerjek 2000 m fölé.
My aim was to visit another paved road going above 2000 m. By the dam I couldn't do that, but there was a junction, and on the other road (ending on concrete pavement) I reached the level of 2010 m.
Other paved roads, that I cycled above the level of 2000 m /
A túra további meghódított 2000-esei: Breuil Cervinia, Cheneil (2023 m), Val Ferret - Rifugio Elena (2061 m), Col du Petit St Bernard, Les Suches (2200 m), Champillon (2078 m), Col du Grand Saint Bernard (2469 m), Lac View Emosson feletti bucka (2003 m), Alpage Mandelon (2066 m), Zmut tó mellett (2008 m), Lauchernalp (2050-60 m), Weritzalp (2099 m), Passo san Gottardo, Lago della sella (2257 m), Pian Geirett (2010 m), Lago del Naret (2310 m) , Splügenpass (2113 m), Lai da Vons asphalt end (2008 m), road next to Diga Campomoro (2008 m), Passo di Gavia , Rifugio Forni (2176 m), Dosso Galli, Malga Mare (2031 m), Rifugio Cornisello (2120 m), Kühtai (2020 m), Speicher / Diga Finstertal (2350 m)