Hranice, Czech Republic
There are three towns called Hranice in the Czech Republic. This one is in Moravia, in the east and in German was called Weißkirchen or Mährisch Weißkirchen when it was part of the Austro Hungarian Empire. My arrival was by accident, it was part of a jouney, a route I was following and I decided to stop and see. However it is well worth planning to go there. The main square is dominated by an enormous church but the view from the river rather than being dominated by a church, is dominated by a synagogue which survived the Nazi occupation by having the fortune to be designated a museum in 1940.
The town grew in the nineteenth century thanks to small industry, in particular the production of water pumps. The town had the largest factory for water pumps in Austria-Hungary.
The first Jews came at the beginning of the 17th century, receiving in 1637 the right for a self-governed Jewish quarter, around the present Janáčkova street (previously called Jew's street - ut. Židovská). Besides those 17 houses, they were not allowed to purchase houses elsewhere. The community reached 802 people in 1857, which was one eighth of the population of the town.
You can see more about the town in the film!
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OLOMOUC-Město duchovna
Olomouc (rod ženský, v místním úzu i mužský,[4] hanácky Olomóc nebo Holomóc, německy Olmütz, polsky Ołomuniec, latinsky Eburum nebo Olomucium) je statutární a univerzitní město v České republice, centrum Olomouckého kraje, metropole Hané a historická metropole celé Moravy.
Ve městě o rozloze 10 336 ha žije zhruba 100 tisíc obyvatel.[1][2] Olomouc je podle počtu obyvatel šesté největší město České republiky. Užší aglomerace Olomouce dosahuje 110 tisíc obyvatel,[5] velký územní celek olomoucké aglomerace má 480 tisíc obyvatel.[6]
Olomouc byla ve středověku centrem Moravy, do třicetileté války druhým největším městem Českého království po Praze a největším městem na Moravě.[7] Dnes je sídlem arcibiskupství a metropolity moravské církevní provincie, je i centrem pravoslavné církve na Moravě.[8]
【K】Czech Travel-Jesenik[체코 여행-예세니크]레포츠의 도시 예세니크/Leport/Mountain bike/Trecking
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[한국어 정보]
오스트라바를 떠나 마지막 여행지인 예세니크로 향했다. 산악지방인 이곳은 바다가 없는 체코사람들에게 인기 있는 휴양지다. ‘여기는 자전거 여행가들이 다니기 좋습니다. 아래로 내려가면 볼거리도 있고요.’ ‘여기는 정말 자연 그대로예요. 그러니까 다 자연이고 인공적인 것이 없죠 아름다워요.’ 특히 겨울에는 스키장이 성시를 이룬단다. 스키장 앞에서 자전거 타고 오는 한 무리의 고등학생들을 만났다. 어디 놀러 가는 줄 알았는데 수업의 일부란다. 이 시기에 예세니크에서 즐기는 레포츠는 트레킹과 산악자전거. 자전거 행렬을 따라 가다 보니 어느 새 산 속이다. 원래 사냥꾼들이 이용하던 길이었는데 산악자전거코스로 개발했다고 한다. 울퉁불퉁하고 가파른 길을 잘도 올라간다. 자연을 음미하고 싶은 노인들을 위해 꼬마전기열차도 운행되고 있었다. ‘이곳은 울퉁불퉁한데 걸으면 시원합니다. 좀 더 느끼시고 싶으면 이렇게 돌 위에서 뛰어도 됩니다.’
[English: Google Translator]
Leaving Ostrava headed Croix For the last Senigallia travel. This is a mountainous region which is popular resorts in the Czech Republic who do not have a sea. Here is a bike travelers are recommended to carry around. Go down I got some things to see. '' Here's a really natural. So it is natural and beautiful eopjyo artificial. Especially in winter you wear a ski resort achieved a burg. I met a bunch of high school students coming ski bike ride earlier. Where just a part of the lesson I thought we were going to play. During this period, enjoying leisure sports yese Dubrovnik is trekking and mountain biking. Bike along the procession go chisel saw some new mountains. Eotneunde length was originally developed by hunters reportedly use mountain bike course. Bumpy and steep road up jaldo. There is also little electric train runs to the elderly want to enjoy the nature. This is a cool walk together bumpy. If you want more neukkisigo This is ttwieodo on the stones. '
[Czech : Google Translator]
Odchod Ostrava v čele Croix V posledním Senigallia cestování. To je hornatá oblast, která je populární středisek v České republice, kteří nemají moře. Tady je motocykl cestující se doporučuje nosit. Jděte dolů Mám pár věcí k vidění. Tady je opravdu přirozené. Takže je přirozené a krásné eopjyo umělé. Zejména v zimě budete nosit lyžařské středisko dosáhl Burg. Potkal jsem spoustu středoškolských studentů přicházejících ski jízda na kole dříve. Kde jen část hodiny jsem si myslel, že budeme hrát. Během této doby se těší volný čas, sportovní yese Dubrovník je trekingová a horská kola. Jeďte podél dlátem průvod cestách viděl některé nové hory. Eotneunde délka byla původně vyvinuta lovci údajně použít na horském kole kurz. Hrbolatá a strmá cesta vzhůru jaldo. K dispozici je také malý elektrický vlak jede ke starším lidem chtějí užít přírodu. To je v pohodě chůze spolu hrbolatá. Pokud budete chtít více neukkisigo To je ttwieodo na kamenech.
■클립명: 유럽113-체코04-19 레포츠의 도시 예세니크/Leport/Mountain bike/Trecking
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김동훈 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 9월 September
산,mountain,산맥, 봉우리, mountains, ravine, gorge, hill, berg, mountains, berg, mountain chain, peak, trekking, cable car, climbing, cliff,평원,plain,고원, 평야, 들판, 목초지, open land, plateau, meadow, grassland,도로,road,highway, lane, driving, drive,레포츠,체험,,leisure, sports,leports,기차,탈것,,train,지하철, rail, subway, station, metro,유럽,Europe,동유럽,체코,Czech,Česko,,김동훈,2015,9월 September,올로모우츠 주,Olomouc Region,Olomoucky kraj,