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Best places to visit - Priverno (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Sezze (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
MILAN downtown - Italy
A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority, from his not having seen what it is expected a man should see. Samuel Johnson
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Ferentino (Fr) : A walk through history
Ferentino is a town and comune in Italy, in the province of Frosinone, Lazio, 65 km southeast of Rome.
The Cathedral of Ferentino.It is situated on a hill 400 m above sea-level, in the Monti Ernici area.
Ferentinum was a town of the Hernici; it was captured from them by the Romans in 364 BC and took no part in the rising of 306 BC. The inhabitants became Roman citizens after 195 BC, and the place later became a municipium. It lay just above the Via Latina and, being a strong place, served for the detention of hostages.
From 1198 to 1557 it was the seat of the Papal rectorate of Campagna and Marittima province.
After World War II Ferentino experienced a strong industrial growth.
Ferentino still possesses considerable remains of ancient fortifications. The lower portion of the outer walls, which probably did not stand free, is built of roughly hewn blocks of a limestone which naturally splits into horizontal layers; above this in places is walling of rectangular blocks of tuff. Two gates, the Porta Maggiore, a double gate constructed entirely of rectangular blocks of tuff, and the Porta Sanguinaria (with an arch with tuff voussoirs), are preserved. Outside this gate is the testament of Aulus Quinctilius Priscus inscribed in the rock.
The highest part of the town, the acropolis, is fortified also; it has massive retaining walls similar to those of the lower town. At the eastern corner, under the present episcopal palace, the construction is somewhat more careful. A projecting rectangular terrace has been erected, supported by walls of quadrilateral blocks of limestone arranged almost horizontally; while upon the level thus formed a building of rectangular blocks of local travertine was raised. The projecting cornice of this building bears two inscriptions of the period of Sulla, recording its construction by two censors (local officials); and in the interior, which contains several chambers, there is an inscription of the same censors over one of the doors, and another over a smaller external aide door. The windows lighting these chambers come immediately above the cornice, and the wall continues above them again. The whole of this construction probably belongs to one period.
Ferentino è un comune di 20.985 abitanti della provincia di Frosinone.
Le origini di Ferentino sono antichissime ed avvolte nel mito; la leggenda ne ascrive la fondazione al dio Saturno che, scacciato dallOlimpo, si insedio in questo territorio ubertoso ove fondò città e diffuse le arti e le tecniche.
Letimologia stessa del nome Ferentinum (participio presente del verbo latino fero: produrre) fornisce una idea precisa riguardo la fertilità del luogo e lingegnosità delle gente che lo abitava. Ferentino gode di una posizione geografica eccezionale, sulla sommità di un colle che domina lampia vallata del fiume Sacco, crocevia di importanti vie di comunicazione sia nella direttrice Nord-Sud (dal Lazio alla Campania) che Est-Ovest (dal Tirreno allAdriatico) .
Per questo motivo è sempre stata al centro dei più importanti fatti della storia, dai tempi antichissimi sino ai nostri giorni: di qui sono passati i grandi eserciti della storia e qui hanno soggiornato molti Papi ed Imperatori.
Font : Wikipedia
Life in Italy
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Driving to the Madonna della Civita Sanctuary in Itri, Latina (Italy) - 04 February 2012
A great day to drive up to the mountains around Itri, Latina (Italy)
Villa Giannina Acuto Italy
Country villa to rent south of Rome. Video shows pictures of the vineyard and inside the house plus views and places to walk to.
Sezze (Latina) - Borghi d'Italia (TV2000): Anteprima puntata del 18 aprile 2011
Appuntamento con il comune di Sezze il 18 aprile 2011 ore 10.00 ( e in replica domenica 24 aprile ore 13.40 circa). TV2000 è visibile sul digitale terrestre canale 28 e 801 di sky.
Alto Vastese. Amore a prima visita. English
The south-eastern end of the mountainous Abruzzo region is one of the most hidden areas. From the southern part of Abruzzo and the southern Adriatic regions, the Frentani Mountains act as a natural doorway to the protected natural reserves of the Apennine region and the Great Natural Parks.
The Alto Vastese aera is a land of frontier and for this reason it holds an ancient heritage. Here the landscape, still hilly in many stretches of land, never becomes truly mountainous, but the tall wooden hills and the winding roads, lead higher and higher towards remote villages.
There are 8 municipal districts in the Alto Vastese region, stretching over the hills that face the Trigno River. In the past, the territory was literally studded with small villages and farmhouses that still prove, from an archaeological standpoint, the diffused presence of tiny rural settlements in the territory.
Every hill or mountain, however small, was occupied by an often dense network of sentry posts, watch towers, isolated towers, fortified farmhouses, all linked by a system of triangular networks that made the entire territory easy to change very quickly.
The open nature of the territory and the diffused structure of the settlements are at the base of the elevated trade economy with neighboring Molise, from which dynasties of crafters come from (stonemasons, organ-builders), all of whom gave a recognizable footprint to the territory's religious architecture.
The journey through the towns that make up the Alto Vastese area can begin from Torrebruna, considered the city of truffle where every year a festival is held that brings in tourisms from all over Italy. Honey, truffles, mushrooms, jams, excellent extra virgin olive oil, cheese, and of course cold meats: these are the products of excellence of this territory, worth a visit even just to enjoy its old-fashioned flavors as part of an oenograstronomic tour.
However, the Alto Vastese area offers also one of the most interesting emerging archaeological finds: in the neighborhoods of Schiavi di Abruzzo it is possible to find the Sacred Area of Italic Temples, which holds some of the best Samnite architectural finds.
Passing through Carunchio, classified as one of the Most beautiful villages of Italy, a little further down due south, about 2km from Fraine, an itinerary along the path of religious places cannot miss the Sanctuary of Mater Domini, immersed in the silence of an extraordinarily charming natural environment, and Bosco Vicenne, the green heart of the area, along with Abetina di Castiglione Messer Marino.
Abbazia di San Giovanni Battista - Lucoli - L'Aquila - Abruzzo - Italia
Riprese aeree della Abbazia di San Giovanni Battista nei pressi di Lucoli (XI secolo).