BRAZIL best tourism destinations
Brazil tourism is a giant yet to be awaked,the Brazilian government is now giving the first steps to unfold and explore this multibillion dollar a year industry. Big events like the world cup of 2014 and Olympic Games of 2016 sure promises to open up the windows of this giant display of natural wonders and magnificent land what is Brazil. Brazil is the one of the seven economic super powers in the world and is on the works to free its power on this competitive financial, industrial and commercial world we live today..
Beware These Worst Beaches for Shark Attacks!
Shark attacks seem to be on the rise in many parts of the world, therefore, you might want to steer clear of the following known shark-infested waters. Statistically, these are among the most dangerous beaches for deadly shark attacks.
1. Pernambuco, Brazil
The shockingly high attack rate in these waters appears to be due to over-fishing. Without enough food supply, the sharks have begun to sample other forms of fare to satisfy their relentless hunger.
2. Second Beach, South Africa
The beach is popular among shark-seeking tourists and cage divers. Tour operators dump boatloads of bloody chum in the water order to entice the great whites. You definitely don’t want to surf or swim anywhere near these boats and their chum lines.
3. New Smyrna Beach, Florida
More than 238 shark attacks have been documented at Florida’s (surprisingly) popular New Smyrna Beach. In fact, 15% of worldwide shark bites have occurred here. Most of the bites are courtesy of baby bull sharks that favor these waters. To date, none of the recorded attacks here have been fatal.
4. Velzyland Beach, Hawaii
About 41 different shark species that frequent Hawaii’s waters including aggressive specimens like bull sharks and great whites. The last fatal shark attack at this beach occurred in 1994 when a tiger shark attacked a surfer. More recent attacks on surfers have been reported, but none fatal.
5. New South Wales, Australia
This region, which includes famous Bondi Beach, has recorded more than 170 unprovoked shark attacks and more than 50 fatal attacks, and great white shark encounters are more common here than in other parts of the world. Due to the position of the continental shelf, swimmers and surfers are in close proximity of deep waters where these potential predators cruise.
6. Fletcher Cove, California
Fletcher Cove may be picturesque, but it is also the scene of 142 unprovoked shark attacks, including some recent fatalities. Scientists are convinced that the fish-strewn waters in this region are ideal feeding grounds for large predators like the great white.
7. Reunion Island, Indian Ocean
This island has had more than 10 attacks in a recent two-year period, three being fatal. This has prompted island officials to close the beaches to swimmers and surfers. Experts aren’t sure why the sharks are biting people with greater frequency.
8. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Since 2005, there have been more than fifty attacks. In fact, researchers have claimed that South Carolina’s waters are just as dangerous as Florida’s when comparing the swimmer-to-attack ratio. Their waters are attractive to species like tiger sharks and bull sharks.
9. Coffin Bay, Australia
The name says it all. Don’t swim here unless you fancy a meeting with a great white. Recently an abalone diver was attacked and killed by two great white sharks. His body was never recovered.
10. Surf Beach, California
A nineteen-year-old surfer was attacked and killed a few years ago by a great white shark believed to be 18 feet in length. The waters here are home to seals, which attract great whites in large numbers.
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PORTUGAL: Statue Christ the King - viewpoint Almada /Lisbon
The Sanctuary of Christ the King (Portuguese: Santuário de Cristo Rei) is a Catholic monument and shrine dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ overlooking the city of Lisbon situated in the city of Almada, Portugal.
It was inspired by the Christ the Redeemer statue of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, after the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon visited that monument.
The project was inaugurated on 17 May 1959, while Portugal was ruled by António de Oliveira Salazar who gave his final permission for the project. The giant statue in cement was erected to express gratitude that the Portuguese were spared the horrors and destruction of World War II.
In 1941 the land which was used to construct the monument was acquired. The construction project began in 1949 and took ten years to complete. But it was only in 1952 that the first construction started.
The first inauguration of the complex officially was on 17 May 1959. On the 25th anniversary of the Shrine in 1984, the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace was inaugurated. A new plan was approved to recondition the grounds of the Shrine and also to build a Sanctuary, which included a rectory, a chapel, administration and meeting halls and exhibition galleries.
In order to support pilgrimage to the site, in June 2004 new spaces in the Sanctuary building were inaugurated, including a dining room for 150 people and two segregated dormitories. This was followed on 17 May 2005, with the inauguration of a 150-person dining area and 80-person meeting hall, in addition to two segregated dormitories, dining room and kitchen.
Improvements to the monument and sanctuary of Christ the King began in 2006. By 17 May of that year, the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace was inaugurated. In the following year (17 May 2007), the Pope John XXIII hall was opened, containing eight oil paintings.
The monument was erected on an isolated clifftop 133 m above the sea, overlooking the Tagus River left bank.
It is the highest point in Almada, on a plateau dominated by the 25 de Abril Bridge, and close to the Estação Elevatória e Reservatório do Pragal.
It is accessible from Lisbon by car (over the 25 de Abril Bridge east of the crossing), by train through station in Pragal and by ferry over the Tagus, through the port of Cacilhas in Almada.
The monument consists of a trapezoidal pedestal of 82 metres (269 ft) height, formed by four arches and a flat platform, supporting the 28 metres (92 ft) image of Christ.
Its base was designed by architect António Lino in the form of a gate, while the statue of Christ the King was designed by sculptor Francisco Franco de Sousa.
The four arches of the pedestal are oriented in the directions of the compass rose. The figure of Christ, comparable to the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, forms a cross, with its arms extended out facing the city of Lisbon, as if to embrace the city. Due to issues of security and safety, the monument was sufficiently distanced from the cliffs on which it predominates.
At the base of the statue is the observation deck, at 82 metres (269 ft), which enables panoramic views of the city of Lisbon, the Tagus River and the 25 de Abril Bridge.
Under the statue, occupying a fifth of the pedestal's height, is the Chapel of Our Lady of Peace (Nossa Senhora da Paz) with an entrance from the northern facade. This space is distinctly different with its masonry stone, the northern facade surmounted by cross and the other facades containing narrow doors.
Inside two of the pillars is an elevator system with access to the terrace; the statue is 79.30 metres high, and overlooks the Tagus (192 metres above the river).
To the south of the monument is the Sanctuary building, comprising a rectangular body of three wings, with facades covered with masonry brick.
June 17, 2017
#1 Thing You Must Know About Sosua Before Going | Dominican Republic Series
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Nordeste - Principais Pontos Turísticos
Nordeste - Principais Pontos Turísticos
Salvador, Praia do Forte, Arraial d´Ajuda, Trancoso, Recife, Olinda, Porto de Galinhas, Fernando de Noronha, Maceió, Fortaleza, Jericoacoara, Natal, São Luís e Lençóis Maranhenses
A Região Nordeste é uma das cinco regiões do Brasil definidas pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) em 1969. Possui área equivalente à da Mongólia ou do estado do Amazonas, população equivalente à da Itália e um IDH médio, comparável com El Salvador (dados de 2010). Em comparação com as outras regiões brasileiras, tem a segunda maior população, o terceiro maior território, o segundo maior colégio eleitoral (36 727 931 eleitores em 2010), o menor IDH (2010) e o terceiro maior PIB (2009).
O Nordeste é a região brasileira que possui o maior número de estados (nove no total): Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Paraíba, Piauí, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe. Em função de suas diferentes características físicas, a região é dividida em quatro sub-regiões: meio-norte, sertão, agreste e zona da mata, tendo níveis muito variados de desenvolvimento humano ao longo de suas zonas geográficas.
A região Nordeste foi o berço da colonização portuguesa no país, de 1500 até 1532, devido ao descobrimento por Pedro Álvares Cabral e a posterior colonização exploratória, que consistia, em suma, na extração de pau-brasil, cuja tinta da madeira era utilizada para tingir as roupas da nobreza europeia. Com a criação das capitanias hereditárias, foi fundada a Vila de Olinda, e, anos mais tarde, deu-se o início da construção da primeira capital do Brasil, Salvador, em 1549. Desde o início, foi criado o governo-geral no país com a posse de Tomé de Sousa. O Nordeste foi também o centro financeiro do Brasil até meados do século XVIII, uma vez que a Capitania de Pernambuco foi o principal centro produtivo da colônia e Recife a cidade de maior importância econômica.
O litoral é o principal atrativo da região. Milhões de turistas desembarcam nos aeroportos nordestinos. Há alguns anos os estados vêm investindo intensivamente na melhoria da infraestrutura, criação de novos polos turísticos, e alguns no desenvolvimento do ecoturismo.
Segundo a pesquisa Hábitos de Consumo do Turismo Brasileiro 2009, realizada pelo Vox Populi em novembro de 2009, a Bahia é o destino turístico preferido dos brasileiros, já que 21,4% dos turistas optaram pelo estado. Pernambuco, com 11,9%, e São Paulo, com 10,9%, estão, respectivamente, em segundo e terceiro lugares nas categorias pesquisadas.
Entre as praias mais procuradas do Nordeste estão: Arraial d'Ajuda e Morro de São Paulo, na Bahia; Atalaia e Pirambu, em Sergipe; Pajuçara e Maragogi, em Alagoas; Porto de Galinhas e Itamaracá, em Pernambuco; Cabedelo e Tambaba, na Paraíba; Genipabu e Pipa, no Rio Grande do Norte; Jericoacoara e Canoa Quebrada, no Ceará; Coqueiro e Pedra do Sal, no Piauí; e Curupu e Atins, no Maranhão.
O arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha está ganhando destaque nacional e mundial. Pelas ilhas é possível avistar os golfinhos saltadores. Destaque também para a Chapada Diamantina na Bahia, que encanta seus visitantes e surpreende pela quantidades de grutas, cavernas, cachoeiras e trilhas que possui, sendo um excelente local de visitação em qualquer época do ano.
Outro lugar de destaque é o Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses, um complexo de dunas, rios, lagoas e manguezais. Na Bahia, encontram-se a Costa do Sauípe, maior complexo turístico do Brasil, e o Arquipélago dos Abrolhos, que possui excelente área para mergulho autônomo e livre além de atrações como a temporada das baleias jubarte, que se inicia no mês de julho. No Piauí, encontram-se os parques nacionais Sete Cidades, Serra das Confusões e da Serra da Capivara com formação rochosa e pinturas rupestres; além de seu litoral possuir o Delta do Parnaíba. Outros destaques são o maior cajueiro do mundo e o Forte dos Reis Magos, ambos no Rio Grande do Norte.
A cultura da região é também um atrativo para o turista. Todos os estados tem folguedos e tradições diferentes. Olinda, em Pernambuco, com vestígios do Brasil Neerlandês; São Luís, no Maranhão, com os da França Equinocial; São Cristóvão, em Sergipe, e sua Praça de São Francisco, rodeada de imponentes edifícios históricos; Salvador, na Bahia, com os da sede político-administrativa do Brasil Colonial; e Porto Seguro e Santa Cruz de Cabrália, também na Bahia, com as marcas históricas da chegada das esquadras do descobrimento do Brasil; são alguns dos principais atrativos histórico-culturais da região, sendo os quatro primeiros considerados patrimônios culturais da humanidade pela UNESCO.
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