Video tour of a vacation rental on Impasse Saint-Denis in Paris (Les Halles - Le Marais)
Hello and welcome to another New York Habitat video tour of a vacation rental in Paris ( ). Today, we will be taking you on a tour of a nice one-bedroom vacation rental on Impasse Saint-Denis, which is located between Les Halles and Le Marais, in a lovely and vibrant neighborhood in Paris, France.
Do not hesitate to watch other great videos by New York Habitat, like these video tours of Montmartre ( ) and Les Grands Boulevards ( ) for instance.
For more information about this vacation rental (ref. PA-657), feel free to take a look at its comprehensive description on our website ( ).
As you enter the apartment, you will find yourself in the warmly decorated living room. It has two windows offering views of neighboring rooftops. It is furnished with a sofa, a coffee table, an armoire, a small table, and lamps. You will certainly appreciate the artwork and the unique furniture.
Off the living room, you will find the entrance of the bedroom, which is separated by a curtain. It is furnished with a double-sized bed, a small desk, an armoire, a large mirror, and a small TV.
The kitchen has a small window and is equipped with a refrigerator, a microwave, and two stove tops.
The blue-and-green-tiled bathroom is found off the kitchen. It comes with a bathtub with a shower, shelves, and a sink.
Wireless Internet is accessible throughout the apartment and dishware and towels are provided.
This vacation rental apartment is located very close to the famous Rue Montorgueil, where you will find plenty of shopping, boutiques, bars, cafes, and restaurants, and metro stations and other public transportation are conveniently located nearby.
The Musée des Arts et Métiers, which is found in an old abbey, offers a collection of ancient scientific instruments and notable inventions from the past.
A few blocks away, you will find the unmistakable Pompidou Center. With its modern and atypical architecture, it is home of the largest museum of modern art in Europe.
The neighborhood around the Pompidou Center is known as Beaubourg. It is a lively neighborhood with great shopping, French cafes, and pedestrian streets.
Remember that New York Habitat offers hundreds of apartments for rent all over Paris ( ), including vacation rentals ( ), and furnished apartments ( ).
And be sure to check out our blog too! You will find many interesting articles about Paris, like this one on the best music venues in the city ( ) for instance.
Thank you for watching this video tour of a vacation rental in Paris. We hope to see you soon living like a true Parisian in the City of Light!
Temps sur Saint-Denis(Université de La Réunion),Ile de La Réunion.
Lundi 6 Octobre 2014@Université de La Réunion vers 7h00.
Rulers Heere.. Rulers They're
U.N.E. United Nations of Earth
Our Planet 245 United Peoples
1 World 'United We Orbit'
Pub. L. No. 80-357, 61 Stat. 756 (1947)
the district remains under the law and judicial jurisdiction of the United States.
Section 23
The seat of the United Nations shall not be removed from the headquarters district unless the United Nations should so decide.
Ice & Instability NY Times 01.08.08
Iceland Bankrupt NY Times 10.09.08
The song is Here Comes the Nice (A Tribute to The Small Faces: Long Agos And Worlds Apart) by The Buzzcocks
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Full List of Planet Earth's Countries/Nations:
1 Afghanestan
2 Shqiperia
3 Al Jaza'ir
4 American Samoa
5 Andorra
6 Angola
7 Anguilla
8 Antarctica
9 Antigua and Barbuda
10 Argentina
12 Aruba
13 Ascension
14 Australia
15 Österreich
16 Azarbaycan
17 Bahamas
18 Al Bahrayn
19 Bangladesh
20 Barbados
21 Byelarus
22 Belgique/Belgie
23 Belize
24 Benin
25 Bermuda
26 Bhutan
27 Bolivia
28 Bosna i Hercegovina
29 Botswana
30 Bouvet Island
31 Brasil
32 BIOT (British Indian Ocean Territory)
33 Negara Brunei Darussalam
34 Bulgaria
35 Burkina Faso
36 Burundi
37 Kampuchea
38 Cameroon
39 Canada
40 Cabo Verde
41 Cayman Islands
42 Republique Centrafricaine
43 Tchad
44 Chile
45 Zhong Guo
46 Christmas Island
47 Cocos (Keeling) Islands
48 Colombia
49 Comores
50 République du Congo
51 Cook Islands
52 Costa Rica
53 Cote d'Ivoire
54 Hrvatska
55 Cuba
56 Kibris, Kypros
57 Ceska Republika
58 Danmark
59 Djibouti
60 Dominica
61 Dominicana, Republica
62 Ecuador
63 Misr
64 El Salvador
65 Guinea Ecuatorial
66 Hagere Ertra
67 Eesti Vabariik
68 Ityop'iya
69 Islas Malvinas
70 Foroyar
71 Fiji
72 Suomen Tasavalta
73 France
74 Guyane
75 France Métropolitaine
76 Polynésie Française
77 Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises
78 Gabon
79 The Gambia
80 Sak'art'velo
81 Deutschland
82 Ghana
83 Gibraltar
84 Great Britain
85 Ellas or Ellada
86 Kalaallit Nunaat
87 Grenada
88 Guadeloupe
89 Guam
90 Guatemala
91 Guernsey
92 Guinee
93 Guine-Bissau
94 Guyana
95 Haiti
96 Heard and Mc Donald
97 Status Civitatis Vaticanæ
98 Honduras
99 Xianggang
100 Magyarorszag
101 Lyoveldio Island
102 Bharat
103 Indonesia
104 Iran
105 Iraq
106 Éire
107 Isle of Man
108 Yisra'el
109 Italia
110 Jamaica
111 Nippon
112 Jersey
113 Al Urdun
114 Qazaqstan
115 Kenya
116 Kiribati, Kiribas
117 Choson
118 Han-guk
119 Al Kuwayt
120 Kyrgyz Respublikasy
121 Lao
122 Latvija
123 Lubnan
124 Lesotho
125 Liberia
126 Libiyah
127 Liechtenstein
128 Lietuva
129 Luxembourg, Letzebuerg
130 Aomen
131 Madagascar
132 Malawi
133 Malaysia
134 Dhivehi Raajje
135 Mali
136 Malta
137 Marshall Islands
138 Martinique
139 Muritaniyah
140 Mauritius
141 Mayotte
142 Estados Unidos Mexicanos
143 Micronesia
144 Moldova
145 Monaco
146 Mongol Uls
147 Crna Gora
148 Al Maghrib
149 Mocambique
150 Myanma Naingngandaw
151 Namibia
152 Nauru
153 Nepal
154 Nederland/Holland
155 Nederlandse Antillen
156 Aotearoa
157 Niger
158 Nigeria
159 Niue
160 Norfolk Island
161 Northern Mariana Islands
162 Norge
163 Saltanat Uman
164 Pakistan
165 Palestine
166 Belau
167 Filastin
168 Panama
169 Papua Niu Gini
170 Paraguay
171 Peru
172 Pilipinas
173 Pitcairn Island
174 Polska
175 Portugal
176 Puerto Rico
177 Dawlat Qatar
178 Ile de la Réunion
179 Romania
180 Rossiya
181 Rwanda
182 Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis
183 Saint Lucia
184 Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines
185 Samoa
186 San Marino
187 Sao Tome e Principe
188 Al Arabiyah as Suudiyah
189 Senegal
190 Srbija
191 Seychelles
192 Sierra Leone
193 Singapore
194 Slovensko
195 Slovenija
196 Solomon Islands
197 Somalia
198 South Africa
199 Géorgie du Sud et les Îles Sandwich du Sud
200 España
201 Sri Lanka
202 Saint Helena
203 Saint-Pierre et Miquelon
204 As-Sudan
205 Suriname
206 Spitzbergen
207 Swaziland
208 Sverige
209 Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera
210 Suriyah
211 T'ai-wan
212 Jumhurii Tojikiston
213 Tanzania
214 Prathet Thai
215 Bod
216 Timor
217 Republique Togolaise
218 Tokelau
219 Tonga
220 Trinidad, Tobago
221 Tunis
222 Turkiye
223 Turkmenistan
224 Turks and Caicos Islands
225 Tuvalu
226 Uganda
227 Ukrayina
228 Al Imarat al Arabiyah al Muttahidah
229 United Kingdom
230 United States
231 U.S. Minor Outlying Islands
232 Republica Oriental del Uruguay
233 Uzbekiston Respublikasi
234 Vanuatu
235 Status Civitatis Vaticanæ
236 Venezuela
237 Viet Nam
238 Îles Vierges Britanniques
239 Virgin Islands
240 Wallis et Futuna
241 Sahara Occidental
242 Al Yaman
243 Zaire
244 Zambia
245 Zimbabwe
Prague HD.Prague in 4 days.Prague en 4 jours.Praha za 4 dny.[en,fr,cz,de,pl,ru]
[en,fr,cz,de,pl,ru] Ability to enable information subtitles on the screen bottom right. Possibilité d'activer des informations sous-titres sur le droit de fond d'écran. Možnost zapnout informační titulky na obrazovce vpravo dole. Untertitel - unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm. Napisy - w prawym dolnym rogu ekranu. Субтитры - в правом нижнем углу экрана.
***Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.It is the fifteenth-largest city in the European Union. The city is home to about 1.24 million people. Since 1992, the extensive historic centre of Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. Prague is widely considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Prague is the fifth most visited European city after London, Paris, Istanbul and Rome.
***Prague est la capitale de la République tchèque. Il est la ville du XVe plus grand dans l'Union européenne. La population de Prague s'élevait à 1 257 158 habitants. Depuis 1992, le centre ville historique est inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial par l'UNESCO. Prague est largement considéré comme l'une des plus belles villes d'Europe. Prague est la cinquième ville européenne le plus visité après Londres, Paris, Istanbul et Rome.
***Praha je hlavní a současně největší město České republiky a 15. největší město Evropské unie. V současnosti se rozkládá na území 496 čtverečních kilometrů a má přes 1,2 milionu obyvatel. Od roku 1992 je rozsáhlé historické centrum Prahy zahrnuto do seznamu UNESCO. Praha je všeobecně považována za jedno z nejkrásnějších měst v Evropě. Je to páté nejnavštěvovanější město Evropy, po Londýně, Paříži, Istanbulu a Římu.
***Prag ist die Hauptstadt der Tschechischen Republik. Es ist der fünfzehnte größte Stadt der Europäischen Union. In der Hauptstadt Prag wohnen ca. 1,2 Millionen Menschen. Seit 1992 ist die umfangreiche historischen Zentrum von Prag in die UNESCO-Liste des Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen worden. Prag gilt als eine der schönsten Städte in Europa. Prag ist die fünfte meistbesuchte europäische Stadt nach London, Paris, Istanbul und Rom.
***Praga– stolica Czech, położone w środkowej części kraju, nad Wełtawą. Jest to piętnasty co do wielkości miasto w Unii Europejskiej. Według danych z 2008 r. liczba ludności miasta wynosi 1 226 697 osób. Praga jest uważana za jedno z najpiękniejszych miast w Europie z 1100 roku historii. Od 1992 r. zabytkowe centrum miasta znajduje się liście światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO. Ze względu na bogactwo atrakcji, należy do najchętniej odwiedzanych miast Europy. Praga jest piątym najczęściej odwiedzanym miastem europejskim, po Londynie, Paryżu, Stambule i Rzymie.
***Прaга— город и столица Чехии. Это пятнадцатый по величине город в Евросоюзе. Население — 1,3 млн человек (2013 год). Исторический центр внесён в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Прага считается одним из самых красивых городов в Европе. Прага пятый самый посещаемый европейский город после Лондона, Парижа, Стамбула и Риме.