Villa Epecuen - Underwater For 25 Years Until Now!
The Town of Villa Epecuen in Argentina, is a real life Atlantis, it was flooded and under 33 feet of water for 25 Years, until now.
But in 2009, dry conditions in Argentina resulted in the gradual evaporation of the water covering the town.
As the waters receded, Epecuen was revealed as a bleached, mangled, corroded version of its former self, caked in a thick white layer of salt.
The town now looks like it was ravaged by war, every building destroyed and no signs of life, it's now a ghost town.
Although nobody died as a direct result of the flooding, many left the area, never to return.
Only one former resident returned to the village, 84-year-old Pablo Novak, Pablo now lives in a small farmhouse, the only habitable building in the area just outside town.
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Villa Laguna de Epecuén - Buenos Aires, Argentina 1080p HD 2011
Villa Laguna de Epecuén - Buenos Aires, Argentina 1080p HD 2011
Argentines set world record for most people floating at one time
1,941 people waded into Argentina's Lake Epecuen and set a world record.
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Villa Lago Epecuén was the name given to a tourist village that was located in the Adolfo Alsina party, Province of Buenos Aires, located 12 kilometers from Carhué and 570 from the City of Buenos Aires.
This town suffered a terrible flood in 1985 that, with the passage of time, made it disappear literally under water, leaving it completely in ruins and abandoned.
Canal 26 Argentina – Muriega/Mollo – Seronero/Nuevas 7 Maravillas del Argentina
Canal 26: Vive La Tarde. Lunes a Viernes de 15 a 17hs. Actualidad, noticias, economía, turismo. Conducción: Celeste Muriega/Daniel Mollo y Ricardo Seronero en Turismo. La imponente belleza de las 7 maravillas naturales argentinas. Se dieron a conocer las 7 maravillas naturales de la Argentina. La campaña organizada por la fundación New 7 Wonders of the World, la misma que coronó a las Cataratas del Iguazú como unas de las maravillas mundiales, buscó promover la calidad ambiental de la Argentina, fomentar el conocimiento masivo de lugares de imponente belleza natural y difundir el patrimonio cultural con el que cuenta. Rio Mina Clavero – Córdoba. Selva Misionera – Misiones. Glaciar Perito Moreno – Santa Cruz. Bañado La Estrella – Formosa. Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi – Rio Negro/Neuquén. Parque Nacional Talampaya – La Rioja. Salinas Grandes – Jujuy. Emisión 08 de Mayo de 2019. SENTÍ ARGENTINA
Epecuen. A village that once sank under the water
Hey guys! this is Jun from somewhere East.
Check out other videos of my trip
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I've been on budget travel since 06/Jun/17 to see the world, meet people, and eat local food. What's the country is like? Food? Culture? People? What's the life like there? I heard it's dangerous but is it true? I need to go and see rather than just believe everything I hear from TV, people or the Internet.
Subscribe to my channel and follow my journey! I'll show you great cultures and attractions in each place and how awesome traveling is!
I hope you can enjoy my videos and get inspired to go backpacking!!
Check out my Instagram and twitter too! There you can see where I really am at the moment.
I actually have a buddy in Japan.
A group of two.
Jun from somewhere East: backpacker. not very smart. horrible at maps.
Shinikuen ghost: artist. a brain of the group.
Activity details as group: not that much.
Shinikuen twitter
BGM, sound effect sources
「Music is VFR」
Recorriendo el país: Bernardo Larroudé
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Etapa 3: Monte Hermoso - Arenas Verdes
- Ella baila con todos por Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota del album Luzbelito.
- Lava Spout by Blue Wave Theory is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike License.
- A doe running on the beach at dusk by Bisou de l'enfant sauvage is licensed under a Attribution License.
- Bavarian Beach Bar (ID 876) by Lobo Loco is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.
cerro de los enamorados un lugar maravilloso con una vista increible..............