Jersey Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia (4K)
100 miles from the coast of Britain and just 14 off the coast of France is Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands. Jersey is compact, making it easy to explore. Country lanes and walking trails lace the island, ensuring Jersey’s attractions are never far away.
After exploring the picture-perfect capital, St. Helier, head off to explore the island. Each of Jersey’s four coastlines has its own distinctive personality. Head eastward to La Hougue Bie, one of the world’s oldest buildings, and the port of Gorey, with its iconic medieval castle.
Be sure to take in a few sections of the North Coast Path, which offers some of the island’s most dramatic views. Then head south along the west coast to St. Ouen’s Bay, where surfers will find some of the island’s best waves and history buffs can explore the Channel Islands Military Museum. On the southern coast, don’t miss the sheltered sands of St. Brelade, the WW2 German command bunker at Noirmont Point, the tiny islet of Janvrin’s Tomb, and St. Aubin’s Fort.
While the coastline serves up Jersey’s finest views, the island’s interior offers plenty for visitors too, such as the Jersey War Tunnels, the Hamptonne Country Life Museum, the Pallot Steam and Motor Museum and the Jersey Zoo.
If you’re looking for history, adventure, incredible food, and total relaxation, Jersey weaves it all together into something truly magical. It’s not quite British and it’s not quite French, but Jersey is 100% unique.
Basilique cathédrale de Saint-Denis
Aux abords de Paris et au beau milieu de Saint-Denis, la nécropole gothique des rois de France constitue un lieu historique encore très vivant. Découvrez ce monument sur le site du Nouveau Paris Ile-de-France :
Quirinale ** ROMA ** italian President palace
Quirinale palace is now open for visit.... this video show the inside of the President residence.
(Riprese RAI - video non a scopo di lucro, ogni diritto di copyright appartiene al legittimo proprietario)
La residenza del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana è una struttura di grande valore storico, artistico, monumentale, che ora può essere visitata TUTTI I GIORNI escluso Lunedì e Giovedì, feste natalizie e mese di Agosto. Occorre PRENOTARE la visita.
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Questo video vi accompagna all'interno ....buona visione!
L'imponente complesso fu eretto come residenza estiva dei Papi intorno al 1600 sul più alto colle di Roma, il quirinale appunto. Solo in un secondo momento fu costruito il lato destro del Palazzo per una lunghezza totale di circa mt 360 (la cosiddetta Manica lunga), ed infine vennero erette delle mura sul perimetro dei giardini a completamento della attuale struttura.
Con la fine del potere temporale dei Papi, il palazzo dal 1870 divenne residenza dei Savoia re d'Italia ed infine del Presidente della Repubblica a partire dal 1946.
L'enorme complesso ha un cortile interno, uno scalone d'onore, numerose sale, sfarzosi saloni, appartamenti, salottini, studi, due grandi cappelle affrescate ed infine spaziosi giardini.
Gli interni ospitano capolavori di numerosi artisti fra cui Botticelli, Lorenzo Lotto, Melozzo da Forlì, Claude Lorrain, Guido Reni, Pietro da Cortona, Carracci.
Per non parlare degli arredi, dei pregiati lavori artigianali, dei numerosi arazzi di inestimabile valore ed infine di una consistente serie di carrozze d'epoca.
La sicurezza del Presidente è affidata ai famosi Corazzieri, corpo di élite per addestramento e coreografia facente parte dell'arma dei Carabinieri.
Mantua Italy • Including a Visit to the Palazzo Ducale Mantova Italia
Mantua Italy Including a Visit to the Palazzo Ducale Mantova Italia. Our cruise has a dramatic approach to Mantua, home of the poet Virgil, artists Mantegna and Donatello and a captivating lakeside setting. Mantua displays extraordinary neo-classical and baroque architecture, portrayed in the 14thC Ducal Palace housing some 15 gardens and courtyards, a museum, basilica and theatre. The intricate frescoes, Gallery of Mirrors and exquisite Rivers Room and 12,000 paintings and sculptures all create a Grand Finale to our Italian Renaissance adventure.
The imposing capital of Lombardy, Mantua (or Mantova) is a beautiful, historic city surrounded on three sides by artificial lakes created during the 12th century. Mantua's historic power and influence under the wealthy Gonzaga family made it one of the main artistic, cultural and musical hubs of Northern Italy. Mantua's most famous ancient citizen is the poet Publius Vergilius Maro, Virgil, who was born near the city in 70 BC. revolt backed by the House of Gonzaga led to the election of Luigi Gonzaga as the Captain General of Mantua. The Gonzagas built new walls with five gates and renovated the architecture of the city in the 14th century. During the Renaissance, the Gonzaga family raised the level of culture and refinement. In 1627, the Gonzaga line came to an end, and the town slowly declined under the new rulers.
Palazzo Ducale, the home of the Gonzaga family from the late 13th to early 17th centuries, is a huge complex of buildings, courtyards, a museum, basilica, theatre and 15 gardens. There are over 500 rooms and some 12,000 paintings and sculptures. The most famous room is the Camera degli Sposi with frescoes from 1474 painted by Mantegna.
The Duomo, the Cathedral of San Pietro, was first erected on the site of a Palaeo-Christian structure that was destroyed by a fire in 894. The church was rebuilt in 1395-1401 with the addition of side chapels and a magnificent Gothic façade. After another fire in the 16th century, the interior was remade. In 1756-1761 the façade was replaced by the Baroque one in Carrara's marble.
The Basilica di Sant'Andrea was begun in 1462 on a site occupied by a Benedictine monastery and finished 328 years later. The Benedictine bell tower from 1414 still remains. The church holds the tomb of the painter Andrea Mantegna and a much-disputed relic said to hold the blood of Christ.
The 11th century Rotonda of San Lorenzo, the most ancient church in the city, is believed to be on the site of a Roman temple to Venus. Deconsecrated, it was used for dwellings, shops and stores. Later it was restored and the external additions removed.
In 2008 Mantua became a UNESCO World Heritage Site based on its Renaissance planning and architecture.
For more information see:
*Music by Daze Audio -
Civic Temple of the Crowned Madonna in Lodi
The Civic Temple of the Crowned Madonna is one of the main historical monuments and a real jewel of the town of Lodi. It can be considered the first Renaissance building with a compact central plan in northern Italy. The octagonal scheme is extremely important because it has symbolic, philosophical and theological value.
The temple is decorated with frescoes, paintings on wood and canvas by the best artists between the 15th century and the beginning of the 19th century: the decoration of the church is dominated by the Piazza Family.
Rotary Club Adda Lodigiano has promoted and sponsored a fund raising for a new restoration work, because if we save our artistic heritage at the same time we can keep our memory alive.
Discovering Lodi is a program created by Vaghi per il mondo ( written and directed by Fabrizio Vaghi, featuring Laura D'Angiolella and Fabrizio Vaghi, produced by Domenico Bardelli ( and dubbed by Wall Street English Lodi (
Official channel: subtitles are available in Italian, French, German, Polish, Latin and English; the Italian edition of the video is available here:
All rights reserved.
Viseu Portugal
I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
conoce méxico, ciudad de Querétaro
Querétaro es uno de los treinta y un estados que, junto con la Ciudad de México, forman los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Su capital y ciudad más poblada es Santiago de Querétaro. Está ubicado en la región centro norte del país, limitando al norte con Guanajuato y San Luis Potosí, al sur con Hidalgo y Estado de México y al oeste con Michoacán. Con 11,684 km², es el quinto estado menos extenso —por delante de Colima, Aguascalientes, Morelos y Tlaxcala, el menos extenso— y con 156.45 habitantes / km², el séptimo más densamente poblado, por detrás del Estado de México, Morelos, Tlaxcala, Aguascalientes, Guanajuato y Puebla. Fue fundado el 23 de diciembre de 1823.
Es un estado con un creciente índice de desarrollo industrial y acelerado desarrollo empresarial. Contiene varios sitios declarados Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 1996, y se considera Cuna de la Independencia de México. Es la entidad donde se redactó la Constitución de 1917, vigente.
Se divide en 18 municipios. Su capital es la ciudad de Santiago de Querétaro (ubicada a unos 200 km al noroeste de la Ciudad de México), de quien toma su nombre. Otras localidades importantes son San Juan del Río, Peña Miller, Jalpan de Serra, Amealco de Bonfil, Tequisquiapan, Ezequiel Montes, San Joaquín, Tolimán, Landa de Matamoros, Arroyo Seco.
México: cuyo nombre oficial es Estados Unidos Mexicanos, es un país de América, ubicado en la parte meridional de América del Norte. Su capital es la Ciudad de México. Políticamente es una república democrática, representativa y federal compuesta por 32 entidades federativas (31 estados y la Ciudad de México).
El territorio mexicano tiene una superficie de 1 964 375 km², por lo que es el decimocuarto país más extenso del mundo y el tercero más grande de América Latina. Limita al norte con los Estados Unidos de América a lo largo de una frontera de 3155 km, mientras que al sur tiene una frontera de 958 km con Guatemala2 y 276 km con Belice; las costas del país limitan al oeste con el océano Pacífico y al este con el golfo de México y el mar Caribe, sumando 9 330 km, por lo que es el tercer país americano con mayor longitud de costas.
La presencia humana en México se remonta a 14 000 años antes del presente.17 Después de miles de años de desarrollo cultural, surgieron en el territorio mexicano las culturas mesoamericanas, arido americanas y oasisamericanas. Tras casi 300 años de dominación española, México inició la lucha por su independencia política en 1810. Posteriormente, durante cerca de un siglo el país se vio envuelto en una serie de guerras internas e invasiones extranjeras que tuvieron repercusiones en todos los ámbitos de la vida de los mexicanos. Durante buena parte del siglo XX (principalmente la primera mitad) tuvo lugar un período de gran crecimiento económico en el marco de una política dominada por un solo partido político.
Según la Organización Mundial del Turismo, México es el principal destino turístico de América Latina y el noveno más visitado del mundo. Esto se debe en gran medida a los 32 sitios culturales o naturales que son considerados por la Unesco como Patrimonio de la Humanidad, y es en este sentido el primero en el continente y sexto en el mundo. En términos macroeconómicos, por producto interno bruto es la decimocuarta economía mundial y la undécima por paridad del poder adquisitivo; en escala regional, es la segunda economía de América Latina y la cuarta del continente. Según el informe de 2015 de desarrollo humano de la ONU, tiene un índice de desarrollo humano alto de 0,762 unidades, y ocupa el lugar 77.º en el mundo, con lo que ha logrado grandes avances al lado de países como Indonesia, Turquía, Tailandia y Sudáfrica, considerado el hecho de que en 1980 contaba con un índice de desarrollo humano de 0,598 unidades. México también es uno de los países con mayor diversidad de climas en el mundo, considerado uno de los 12 países mega diversos del planeta, es hogar del 10-12 % de la biodiversidad mundial y alberga a más de 12 000 especies endémicas.
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