LOST PLACES | verlassene Orte Deutschland | das verlassene DDR STASI KRANKENHAUS mitten im Wald
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Was sind eigentlich Lost Places? Lost Places sind längst verlassene Orte an denen sich (meistens) kein Mensch mehr aufhält. An diesen Orten holt sich die Natur das zurück, was ihr einst gehörte.
Lost Beauty:
PJ Adventure:
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Moin Moin Leute! In diesem Video befinde ich mich zusammen mit Denise, Paul, Norman, Michael und Marcel in einem alten DDR Stasi Krankenhaus. Der erste Blick auf das Krankenhaus, nachdem wir einen kleinen Fußmarsch durch den Wald zurückgelegt hatten, war atemberaubend! Regnerische Stimmung, absolute Stille... Hinter den Bäumen kam langsam eine graue Wand aus Beton zum Vorschein. Ganz im damaligen Baustil lag das verlassene Krankenhaus nun vor uns. Schwierig gestaltete es sich nicht sonderlich auf das Gelände zu kommen. Vorsicht war allerdings dennoch geboten, denn ein Sicherheitsdienst, mit dem wir beinahe auch in Kontakt kamen, bestreift das Gelände regelmäßig. Das Wetter an diesem Tag passte perfekt zur Stimmung auf dem Gelände. Trist, grau, regnerisch... Alte zugewachsene Wege und zugewucherte Fenster... Endzeitstimmung! Einfach atemberaubend! Von außen definitiv eins der eindrucksvollsten Lost Places die ich bisher gesehen habe. Innen hat der Vandalismus trotz der guten Bewachung leider aber keinen Halt gemacht... Wie das trotz Sicherheitsdienst und Bewegungsmeldern möglich ist? Das Frage ich mich auch... Aber wenn ihr Lust habt, schaut euch das Video an und erfahrt ein wenig mehr über diesen verlassenen Ort aus DDR Zeiten!
Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints
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Intro: Rebirth Cinematic Motivation Music / No Copyright Free Music
Cataclysmic Molten Core
YouTube Audio- Bibliothek
♩♫ Epic and Emotional Music ♪♬ - Last Dawn ( Copyright and Royalty Free )
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Waxwork museum uses celebrity models for nativity scene
1. Wide shot of Nativity scene with David and Victoria Beckham in centre
2. Tilt up from baby Jesus to Beckhams, with pop singer Kylie Minogue as angel overhead
3. Close up of David Beckham, pan down to Victoria
4. Close up of Kylie Minogue as angel
5. Three Wise Men - British Prime Minister Tony Blair, US President George W. Bush and Prince Philip (husband of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II)
6. Close ups of Blair and Bush
7. Shepherds - US actor Samuel L Jackson, British actor Hugh Grant, Irish comedian Graham Norton
8. People look at tableau and take photographs
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Diana Moon, Madame Tussauds:
Posh and Becks are incredibly famous. They're the couple of the moment in this day, like Mary and Joseph were the couple of that moment. I think they were the perfect choice. The Vatican is fairly upset, and it's certainly not our intention to upset anybody. So we're sorry if we have offended anybody. But it's all supposed to be very tongue in cheek, a satirical look at the Nativity scene, and most people think it's very funny.
10. Exhibition hall crowded with waxworks and visitors
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Voxpop:
I like it. I'm not interested in the Vatican. They talk too much.
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Voxpop:
I'm a great believer in the Lord, but I don't think He worries about things like this.
13. SOUNDBITE (English) Voxpop:
What I'm more concerned about is that George Bush appears to be a Wise Man.
14. SOUNDBITE (Italian) Voxpop:
The Vatican talks a bit too much. But if people want to see this, then why not?
15. SOUNDBITE (English) Voxpop:
I go to church every Sunday. I know what I'm doing, and I'm OK. It doesn't bother me one bit.
16. Crowded exhibition hall with tableau in background
London's waxwork museum - Madame Tussauds - defied the Vatican on Wednesday over its controversial wax tableau of the Nativity scene - in which Mary and Joseph are supplanted by England footballer David Beckham and his pop star wife Victoria.
The Vatican was quoted as saying the tableau - unveiled in London on Tuesday - was if not blasphemous, then in very poor taste.
A spokeswoman for Madame Tussauds said she was sorry if the model had caused offence, but insisted it would not be withdrawn before Christmas.
The Beckhams were the perfect choice, she said, because - like Mary and Joseph before them - they were the couple of the moment.
The tableau includes US President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair among the Three Wise Men, actors Samuel L Jackson and Hugh Grant as shepherds, and pop star Kylie Minogue as an angel.
The revelation that the Beckhams were now part of the New Testament story was broadly welcomed by tourists at the waxworks.
An Italian visitor accused the Vatican of interfering. Churchgoing tourists from the United States and Australia said they liked the model. The only complaint came from a British visitor who wanted to know why George W. Bush was being portrayed as a Wise Man.
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Schattengesicht von Antje Wagner
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