Italian Wonder Ways: Civita Castellana, Lazio, Itália
Italian Wonder Ways: Civita Castellana, Lazio, Itália © Viaje Comigo
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Guias e dicas de viagem no Viaje Comigo da jornalista Susana Ribeiro
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Tuscania, provincia di Viterbo, Lazio, Italia.
Come molti dei comuni limitrofi e come tipico di questa zona del viterbese, sorge su alcuni (in questo caso sette) promontori di roccia tufacea posti tra i fiumi Marta e Capecchio che dominano, permettendone il controllo, la valle del Marta (ovvero un'importante via di comunicazione e transumanza, che univa, fin dalla preistoria il lago di Bolsena con il mar Tirreno nei pressi dell'attuale Tarquinia). Da citare come curiosità le leggende mitologiche sull'origine della città: la prima, riportata dallo storico romano Tito Annio Lusco, vorrebbe Tuscania fondata dal figlio di Enea, Ascanio, sul luogo del ritrovamento di dodici cuccioli di cane (da cui il nome latino Tus-cana) mentre una seconda indica come fondatore Tusco, figlio di Ercole e di Araxe.
Sacile/Italia city tour
Sacile/Italia city tour. In the historic centre of Sacile you can visit some historic and artistic places like; Piazza Duomo, a small Venetian square which is faced by the Duomo di San Nicolò, the sixteenth century Palazzo Ragazzoni with the magnificently frescoed interiors, Piazza del Popolo with the fifteenth century Loggia Municipale and Renaissance buildings, the Chiesetta della Pietà, and the Palazzi Ovio Gobbi and Carli.
While walking and visiting around the city you will notice the river Livenza and the Canale della Pietà. So you can enjoy the beautiful views of the elegant Venetian architecture which is reflected in the calm, clear waters of the Livenza, and definitely you will admire the romantic atmosphere of the many bridges that you can find in the city during your visit.
Celano - Abruzzo, Italy.
Wine Tourism South Africa
For the second year in succession, historic wine estate, La Motte of Franschhoek is South Africa's Best of Wine Tourism champion. The 2013 winner of the annual competition run by the Great Wine Capitals (GWC) once again came out narrowly ahead of Waterkloof Estate, Helderberg's biodynamic winery situated on the slopes of the Schapenberg.The GWC, a network of the world's leading wine-producing countries that shares international best practice to advance standards in wine tourism across the world
GWC's members, in addition to Cape Town-Cape Winelands, include Mainz-Rheinhessen (Germany), Bilbao-Rioja (Spain), Bordeaux (France), Florence (Italy), Mendoza (Argentina), Porto (Portugal), San Francisco-Napa (United States) and New Zealand's Christchurch.
Read more including all the winners :
Credit visuals:
Wine Safari: Warwick
Plated food: Terroir at Kleine Zalze
Ducks: Avondale
Festival: Solms Delta Oesfees
All other footage taken at: La Motte
All Video footage: BottlePlatePillow
Photos: Supplied by the individual wineries
a BottlePlatePillow production on behalf of WOSA
Tiltott kastélyok 3. – Küküllővári Hallerek
Egy falu a Küküllő mentén, Erdély békétlen vidékén, ahol a románság különösen magyarellenes. Egy templom a dombtetőn, ahol levágott és elcserélt fejek kerülnek elő. Egy pap, aki szórványlétben sem ismer lehetetlent. Egy gróf, aki a lovagiatlan XXI. században is lovag maradt. Évekig mindhiába ostromoltuk Küküllővárat, most megkíséreljük bevenni. Amit a vaskos bástyák őriznek, az a sokat látott utazót is szíven üti. Sorozatunk újabb része az erdélyi főnemesség jóvátételi harcáról.
Megvalósult a Magyar Kormány támogatásával: Miniszterelnökség Nemzetpolitikai Államtitkárság, Bethlen Gábor Alap
Panorama (Montefiascone, Province of Viterbo, Italy, 2013-07-31) [R.d.P. Southward]
Panorama (Montefiascone, Province of Viterbo, Italy, 2013-07-31) [R.d.P. Southward]
Description: Panorama of Montefiascone as seen from the gardens adjacent to the Rocca dei Papi (Montefiascone, Province of Viterbo, Italy), facing southward. Filmed using a JVC camcorder during my trip to Europe (2013).
Date: 2013, July 31.
Location: Montefiascone, Province of Viterbo, Italy.
Recording Device: JVC Everio HD.
Licensing: Creative Commons - Do as you wish.
super typhoon Mangkhut makes landfall at Luzon, Philippines with gales of up to 200 km/h)
super typhoon Mangkhut makes landfall at Luzon, Philippines with gales of up to 200 km/h)
Translated strings for the selected countries:
Arabic: الإعصار الفائق Mangkhut يجعل اليابسة في Luzon ، الفلبين مع عوامات تصل إلى 200 كم / ساعة
Cebuano: ang super bagyo nga Mangkhut naghimo sa landfall sa Luzon, Pilipinas nga may gales nga may 200 km / h)
Czech: super tajfún Mangkhut dělá landfall u Luzon, Filipíny s bouřkami až 200 km / h)
Danish: super tyfon Mangkhut gør landfall i Luzon, Filippinerne med lyder på op til 200 km / t)
German: der Super-Taifun Mangkhut landet in Luzon auf den Philippinen mit Stürmen von bis zu 200 km / h
Greek: σούπερ τυφώνα Mangkhut κάνει την άφιξη στην Luzon, Φιλιππίνες με φούσκες μέχρι 200 km / h)
Spanish: el súper tifón Mangkhut toca tierra en Luzón, Filipinas con vendavales de hasta 200 km / h)
Persian: منگکوت سوپ تافون باعث فرود در Luzon، فیلیپین می شود تا 200 کیلومتر / ساعت)
French: le super typhon Mangkhut fait son entrée à Luzon, aux Philippines, avec des vents de 200 km / h)
Hindi: सुपर टाइफून मंगखुत लुज़ोन, फिलीपींस में 200 किमी / घंटा तक की गैले के साथ भूमिगत बनाता है)
Hungarian: a szuperkáptalan Mangkhut a Luzonba, Fülöp-szigetekig 200 km /
Indonesian: topan super Mangkhut membuat daratan di Luzon, Filipina dengan angin ribut hingga 200 km / jam)
Italian: super tifone Mangkhut sbarca a Luzon, nelle Filippine, con tempeste fino a 200 km / h)
Japanese: フィリピンのルソン島で最大台風200km / hの巨大地震が発生した。
Khmer: ព្យុះទីហ្វុងម៉ាងឃឺតបណ្តាលឱ្យបាក់ដីនៅលូហ្សុនប្រទេសហ្វីលីពីនដែលមានល្បឿនរហូតដល់ 200 គីឡូម៉ែត្រ / ម៉ោង)
Kannada: ಸೂಪರ್ ಟೈಫೂನ್ ಮಂಗಕುಟ್ ಫಿಲಿಪೈನ್ಸ್ನ ಲುಜಾನ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಭೂಕುಸಿತವನ್ನು ಉಂಟುಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ, ಸುಮಾರು 200 ಕಿ.ಮೀ.
Korean: 최고 태풍 Mangkhut는 필리핀 루손 (Luzon)에서 육로로 200km / h까지의 강풍을 일으킴)
Lao: ພະຍຸໄຕ້ຝຸ່ນມິງຂຸມເຮັດໃຫ້ເກີດແຜ່ນດິນໄຫວຢູ່ເມືອງ Luzon, ຟີລິບປິນທີ່ມີປະມານ 200 ກິໂລແມັດຕໍ່ຊົ່ວໂມງ)
Maori: he parekura nui a Mangkhut i uta ki Luzon, Philippines me nga taara o te 200 km / h)
Dutch: super tyfoon Mangkhut maakt aan land in Luzon, Filippijnen met stormen tot 200 km / u)
Norwegian: super tyfon Mangkhut gjør landfall på Luzon, Filippinene med lyder på opptil 200 km / t)
Punjabi: ਸੁਪਰ ਤੂਫ਼ਾਨ ਮੰਗਖੂਟ ਫਿਲੀਪੀਨਜ਼ ਦੇ ਲੁਜ਼ੀਨ, 200 ਕਿਲੋਮੀਟਰ / ਘੰਟਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਗਲਾਸ 'ਤੇ ਜ਼ਮੀਨਦੋੜ ਬਣਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ)
Portuguese: super tufão Mangkhut faz landfall em Luzon, Filipinas com ventos de até 200 km / h)
Russian: супер тайфун Мангхут совершает высадку на Лусон, Филиппины с штормами до 200 км / ч)
Sundanese: super Taufan Mangkhut ngajadikeun landfall di Luzon, Filipina jeung gales nepi ka 200 km / jam)
Swedish: super tyfon Mangkhut gör landfall på Luzon, Filippinerna med gales upp till 200 km / h)
Swahili: Manghut kubwa ya dhoruba hufanya maporomoko huko Luzon, Philippines na magari hadi 200 km / h)
Thai: พายุไต้ฝุ่นซูเปอร์เกิดขึ้นที่เกาะลูซอนประเทศฟิลิปปินส์โดยมีพายุเป็นไมล์ไม่เกิน 200 กม. / ชม.)
Filipino: Ang super bagyo na Mangkhut ay bumubuo ng landfall sa Luzon, Pilipinas na may mga gale ng hanggang 200 km / h)
Vietnamese: siêu bão Mangkhut đổ bộ tại Luzon, Philippines với lượng gió lên tới 200 km / h)
Chinese: 超级台风Mangkhut在菲律宾吕宋岛登陆,最高时速可达200公里/小时)
Chinese (Simplified): 超级台风Mangkhut在菲律宾吕宋岛登陆,最高时速可达200公里/小时)
Chinese (Traditional): 超級颱風Mangkhut在菲律賓呂宋島登陸,最高時速可達200公里/小時)
category 5,Philippines,Typhoon Mangkhut,Tufão Mangkhut,Тайфун Мангхут,ਤਿਕੜੀ ਮੰਗਖੂਟ,태풍,ಟೈಫೂನ್ ಮಂಗ್ಕುಟ್,ខ្យល់ព្យុះម៉ាន់ឃាត់,ไต้ฝุ่นมาจุฑา,टाइफून,Typhon Mangkhut,Tifón Mangkhut,Bão,Bagyo nga Mangkhut,اعصار مانخوت,Τυπικό Μανγκκούτ,Taifun Mangchut,Bagyong Mangkhut
Viaggio di una delegazione ufficiale di Castelnuovo Berardenga a Puschendorf, per la celebrazione del 25esimo anniversario del Gemellaggio tra i due Comuni.
In testa tante immagini e nel cuore un sentimento speciale per i nostri amici di Puschendorf. Il nostro gemellaggio, che negli anni si è sempre arricchito e rinnovato, è frutto dell'impegno di tante generazioni di italiani e tedeschi che hanno saputo costruire un legame unico. Grazie a chi ha lavorato, lavora e lavorerà per mantenere vivo il nostro gemellaggio, a chi crede all'Europa dei Popoli costruita su percorsi di pace, aggregazione, socializzazione e integrazione Fabrizio Nepi, Sindaco di Castelnuovo Berardenga.
Sri Lankai bazározás és tuktuk élmény Kandy városában | Dél-Ázsia Vlog Ep04
Egy ártatlan szuvenírvásárlási kísérlet során felfedezzük Kandy bazárnegyedét a régi belváros területén. Ám tipikus ajándékboltok helyett valami egészen mást találunk, különös üzletekkel és rámenős utcai üzletemberekkel :)
Tarts velem Sri Lanka egykori fővárosának utcáin, és nézz körül 360 fokban a bazárnegyedben és azon kívül, majd ülj be velünk a jellegzetes népi taxijukba, a kis háromkerekű tuktukba, amiről kiderül, mire is képes hegymenetben, három személlyel a hátsó ülésén!
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Készítette: Szidor N. Gábor - Gaba VR
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