Città di SASSARI | Mini Tour 2017
La città di Sassari è il polo urbano storico del Capo di sopra dell'isola. Con i suoi 546,08 km², è il comune più esteso della regione e il più esteso d'Italia dopo Roma, Ravenna, Cerignola e Noto. Essa sorge su un tavolato calcareo declinante a nord-ovest verso il golfo dell'Asinara e la pianura della Nurra, mentre a sud-est il terreno è prevalentemente collinare. Il territorio urbano e suburbano è caratterizzato da valli e gole che incidono profondamente l'altopiano su cui è adagiata la città. Coltivazioni ortive, oliveti e boschi circondano il centro urbano e costituiscono l'aspetto paesaggistico peculiare di tutto il settore orientale del territorio comunale.
MUSIC: Venice beach by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena.
Pilgrims museum - Museo dell'Arciconfraternita dei Pellegrini
It's not a typical museum. When you think to a museum, it's not unusual to think you'll see a boring place, where works are shown whithout a context or a story. Inside this museum you'll find works and their context, history and culture walking togate.
Pellegrini museum is a group of places (2 churches, an underground cemeter, many rooms) with original art works from XVII to XIX century. Actually it is the place where the founding institution (Pellegrini arci-brotherhood) lives and carries on its. native mission.
So it's not a 'dead' museum, but it's a 'living' museum.
Pellegrini Museum is in Naples, it's in the historical center, next to Piazza del Plebiscito.
Pellegrini Museum was realized from Pellegrini arci-brotherhood, founded in 1579 by six craftsmen. In XVI century the pilgrimage became a social question: pilgrims during their trips lasting months could become sick and they needed care. In XVI and XVII century the line between pilgrims and beggars was not well defined.
That's the reason why six craftsmen decided to realize a new brotherhood caring pilgrims going to or coming back home from Rome.
XVII century Pilgrims arci-brotherhood opened a convalescent home. In XIX and XX century it was mainly involved in improving a sanitary hospital, the same structure you can see today. The hospital today is property of local government because they took its possession in 1970.
You can reach Pellegrini Museum from Piazza Garibaldi station in 15 minutes. Take the metro and get off to Montesanto station. Exit from the Metro and walk along Via Olivella. From Piazza Montesanto, walk along Via Portamedina, until Pellegrini hospital. Go inside Pellegrini hospital and ask for Pellegrini museum.
To visit museum you have to pay 5€ entrance ticket, including guide inside the Museum. For less than 30 people entrance cost is 150 €. The Museum is opened from 9.30 am to 4 pm from Monday to Thursday. On Wednesday and Saturday museum is opened from 9.30 am to 1 pm. On Sunday it is closed.
During May and some period of the year you can visit museum for free.
To book your guide you can send an e-mail to
Pilgrims brotherhood museum is composed of two churches, an holy land and some other rooms.
Your visit probably will start in Materdomini Church. Materdomini is the first church where pilgrims were welcomed. Materdomini was built from Fabrizio Pignatelli, a Neapolitan nobleman, wanting to help pilgrims. When he died, all his property passed to Pilgrims brotherhood, so started the history of this organization. In this church you will see two important statues: the Laurana Our Lady statue and the Fabrizio Pignatelli statue by Michelangelo Naccherino. Laurana statue is one of the most interesting monuments of the Italian Reinassance, while the Fabrizio Pignatelli one has the particularity to be a rare case of a kneeling statue.
Next to the church there's the historical archive, were are served a lot of interesting documents about the city of Naples and the brotherhood.
From the church of Materdomini you can arrive to the Holyland, were convalescent and sick people death were buried.
Here is possible to see one of the burials: a member of the brotherhood dressing the traditional red dress, standing in a niche from the XIX century.
The holyland was realized from a Neapolitan architect, member of the brotherhood, Giovanni Antonio Medrano. He is the same architect realized for example the historical theatre of San Carlo in the near Piazza Plebiscito.
From the holyland your visit will probably get to the second church, Trinity Church. This is a very beautiful church. Originally it was a little oratory (because the the main church of the brotherhood was Materdomini), but soon it became the most important church of the brotherhood, open to the public. In XIX century a lot of liturgies of reignant were celebrated in this church, because kings were part of the Pigrims brotherhood.
The churh is full of treasures: some important paintings from XVII century. You will see some important painting from Giacinto Diano, Andrea Vaccaro, Antonio Farelli), an important sculture of the holy Trinity beside the altar
Your visit will go on into other rooms, where the guide will show the traditional wearing of Pilgrims Brothers they still today dress every Sunday or the showcase were by XVIII century are written the names of brothers.
In the memorial tablet corridor you will see remembering benefactors of the brotherhood are remembered. Some of them are very important for the city of Naples. Michele Arditi, for example, was leader of the actual Archaeological museum. He improved it and made it became one of the most important all over the world in XIX century.