Mariolina De Robertis (harpsichord) Claudio Merulo and Marco Facoli
Mariolina De Robertis (harpsichord) Claudio Merulo (1533-1604) 'Nove Canzoni A Quattro', Marco Facoli (XVI secolo) 'Balli d'Arpicordo'
Released 1980 by Italia ITL70068
Mariolina De Robertis, clavicembalo, Direttore della registrazione: Edoardo Ogando, Produzione: Studio Axon
Thanks to Daniël, who let me browse the famous Daniël Beuman harpsichord collection (never ever seen this great recording!)
Lato 1
Claudio Merulo (1533-1604) NOVE CANZONI À 4 (1592)
00:00 1. Canzon à 4, dita La Bovia [2'45]
02:46 2. Canzon à 4, dita La Zambeccara [3'22]
06:15 3. Canzon à 4, dita La Gratiosa [3'45]
10:04 4. Canzon à 4, dita La Cortese [3'38]
13:46 5. Canzon à 4, dita La Benvenuta [3'10]
17:05 6. Canzon à 4, dita La Leonora [3'00]
20:09 7. Canzo n à 4, dita L'Albergata [3'53]
Lato 2
24:10 8. Canzon à 4, dita La Rolanda [2'12]
26:32 9. Canzon à 4, dita Petit Jacquet [3'40]
30:23 1. Pass'e mezzo Moderno [6'25]
36:54 2. Saltarello del Pass'e mezzo ditto [2'18]
39:14 3. Padoana prima dita Marucina [1'30]
40:55 4. Padoana seconda dita la Chiareta [1'36]
42:39 5. Padoana terza dita la Finetta [1'40]
44:21 6. Padoana quarta dita Marchetta [2'45]
Claudio Merulo, one of the most fascinating
and complex figures of Italy's Renaissance
music, was born at Correggio, near
Reggio Emilia, in 1533. He carried out his
activities at Brescia and Venice, and in
the latter city, from 1556 he held the post
of .second organist at Saint Mark's, to
pass on in 1567 to that of first organist
(the second organ post was filled by a
musician of the stature of Andrea Gabrieli).
After a stay in Mantua, he entered the
service of the Duke of Parma in 1586, filling
the post of organist at the Cathedral
in 1587 and the Church of the Steccata
in 1591, which he held until his death in
1604. Merulo was a famous keyb0ard virtuoso
and a highly-prized composer of instrumentai
music. He also.Ieft a great
amount of both sacred and profane vocal
music. In his music for La Tragedia by C.
Frangipane, performed in Venice in 1574,
we find some of the first examples of the
monodic style, and these examples probabIy
found echo among the Fiorentine musicians
of the Camerata, since Merulo
took part in the musical activities of that
city in 1579, on the occasion of the wedding
of Francesco de Medici and Bianca
Cappello. The Chansons in Organ Intabulation
in the French Manner were published
in Venice in three collections edited
in 1592, 1606 and 1611 respectively. They
total 23 pieces, only 5 of which directly
refer to the French chanson models: Petit
Jacquet (Book I, n. 9, perhaps based on a
composition of Courtois); Petite Camusette
(Book II, n. 1), Languissans, Content,
Suzanne un giour (all in Book III, the first
two by Crecquillon, the third based on a
very famous chanson by Orlando di Lasso).
The other 19 are in all probability
arrangements for organ or other keyboard
instruments of pieces originally
written by the composer to play on every
sort of instrument, that is for mixed instrumentai
ensembles, following a stylistic
line of that epoch which involved composers
like Nicola Vicentino, Marc'Antonio
Ingegneri and Florentio Maschera.
Veglia davanti al carcere di Belluno
10.10.2012 - Veglia organizzata dai Radicali davanti al carcere Baldenich a Belluno dove un detenuto tunisino si è suicidato ed un altro maghrebino, rinchiuso nella stessa cella,è stato salvato dagli agenti della polizia penitenziaria. Una veglia per il diritto alla vita e la vita del diritto. Il diritto che viene calpestato ogni giorno dallo Stato che costringe a vivere in condizioni disumane i suoi detenuti, e gli agenti di polizia penitenziaria a non essere in grado di svolgere il loro lavoro arrivando essi stessi al suicidio. Alla manifestazione ha aderito Ristretti Orizzonti, Associazione Estramenia. Il servzio di TeleBelluno