Chengde Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Chengde in China.
The Qing emperors knew exactly where to shelter during Peking's hot summer months, in the Valley of Coolness, a beautiful forested river valley 250 kilometres northeast of Peking. In former Rehe Province, today's Chengde, is the old summer residence of the Manchu Dynasty that took more than a century to construct.
The Forbidden Palace and its park and gardens are now open to the public. Just as in Peking, the emperor went about his official business in the southern front hall with the royal living quarters situated in the rear section of the complex. The huge garden, with its many ponds and bridges is encircled by a 10 kilometre wall beyond which are several large valleys. The garden covers 560 hectares and is the largest Imperial park complex in China, a unique architectural work of art.
The temple monastery of Xumi-Fushou-Miao is one of the most impressive buildings in the city. Translated, the temple's name is, Happiness and Longevity of the Summer Hill. The temple was built in 1780 to mark the visit to China of a senior Tibetan religious dignitary, the sixth Panchen Lama, and is a replica of what was his own monastery in Tibet.
The Mahayana Pavilion is the centre of Buddhist religious belief, namely, Sumeru Mountain. Thus the five-story building is located in the middle of an architectural mandala. The magnificent opulence of the Pavilion was a reflection of China's vast wealth. Each one of the architectural elements that are situated close to the Mahayana Pavilion adhere to the disciplined structure of the Buddhist Universe.
In the 18th century, China had become the greatest and most prosperous Empire in the world. The magnificent summer residence of the Qing Emperor and its surrounding buildings are a glorious and remarkable demonstration of ultimate power.
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Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Germany | Cologne Cathedral Destination Spot
Top Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Germany | Cologne Cathedral Destination Spot - Tourism in Germany
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Cologne Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Cologne, Germany.
It is the seat of the Archbishop of Cologne and of the administration of the Archdiocese of Cologne.
It is a renowned monument of German Catholicism and Gothic architecture and was declared a World Heritage Site in 1996.
It is Germany's most visited landmark, attracting an average of 20,000 people a day and currently the tallest twin-spired church at 157 m tall.
Construction of Cologne Cathedral commenced in 1248 and was halted in 1473, leaving it unfinished.
Work restarted in the 19th century and was completed, to the original plan, in 1880.
The cathedral is the largest Gothic church in Northern Europe and has the second-tallest spires.
The towers for its two huge spires give the cathedral the largest façade of any church in the world.
The choir has the largest height to width ratio, 3.6:1, of any medieval church.
Cologne's medieval builders had planned a grand structure to house the reliquary of the Three Kings and fit its role as a place of worship for the Holy Roman Emperor.
Despite having been left incomplete during the medieval period, Cologne Cathedral eventually became unified as a masterpiece of exceptional intrinsic value and a powerful testimony to the strength and persistence of Christian belief in medieval and modern Europe.
One of the treasures of the cathedral is the High Altar, which was installed in 1322.
It is constructed of black marble, with a solid slab 15 feet long forming the top.
The front and sides are overlaid with white marble niches into which are set figures, with the Coronation of the Virgin at the centre.
As a World Heritage Site, and with its convenient position on tourist routes, Cologne Cathedral is a major tourist attraction, the visitors including many who travel there as a Christian pilgrimage.
Visitors can climb 533 stone steps of the spiral staircase to a viewing platform about 100 metres above the ground.
The platform gives a scenic view over the Rhine.
As of 1 March 2017, a ban on bags was brought in by the German authorities in light of recent terrorist attacks in the country, meaning visitors are not allowed to carry bags inside the cathedral.
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A Buddha Statue in the Making ~ Dharma Mati Centre, Berlin
The making of the Buddha statue for the new Dharma Mati City Centre in Berlin.
Історія України History of Ukraine (субтитри з перекладом)
про Крим:
39:43 Козаки допомогли Росії відвоювати Крим від Туреччини
56:55 Донбас 2:16:28 Крим переданий Україні
про Росію 12:46 / 31:16
НАРОДЖЕННЯ НАЦІЇ (2008) Єжи Гофман
1:34 Київ (401-500)
2:16 Візантія (330-1453)
2:45 Княгиня Ольга (890 - 969) приймає християнство
3:28 Херсонес
4:06 Володимир Великий (958 - 1015)
4:29 Ярослав Мудрий (978 - 1054)
4:39 Софійський собор (1100 р.)
5:31 Анна - королева Франції (1030 - 1075)
6:41 Володимир Мономах (1053-1125)
7:20 Ю Долгорукий (1099 - 1157)
7:26 Москва (1147)
7:37 монголи (1223) Чингісхан + (1237) хан Батий
Монгольська імперія
10:16 Гал-Вол Князівство або Королівство Русі
11:43 падіння Київської Русі - 10:49 Львів (1240)
Золота Орда (1240 - 1502)
помирає останній Гал Вол Князь
Польща забирає територію
Литва забирає територію
Литовські князі заміняють Рюриковичів (приймають православ'я)
12:37 знищена Візантійська імперія (1453)
Термін МАЛОРОСІЯ: початок 14 cтоліття
12:42 Іван III Грозний (1440-1505) скидає орду + одружується з дочкою останнього імператора Візантії
12:46 Міф про Росію (Третій Рим)
13:07 Крим Після занепаду Римської імперії (27 д.н.е. - 453)
Херсонес з округою і Пантікапей успадкувала Візантійська імперія. (330-1453) після розпаду Золотої Орди (1240–1502)
Кримське ханство (1441)
13:53 Роксолана (1502 - 1558)
1569 році Польща і Литва об'єднуються в люблінській унії
15:20 польське кріпацтво братства + відродження православ'я
17:14 Запорізька Січ (1556)
18:33 УКР змінює назву РУСЬ
18:40 козак
20:15 Брестський союз (1596)
20:18 уніати - Східні катол церкви
визнали верховенство Риму
відлучили православних від церкви
21:08 Гетьман Сагайдачний (1570 - 1622) допомагав Польщі
23:05 Православ'я
22:05 Києво-Могилянська академія (1632)
23:28 Я. Вишневецький (1612 - 1651) переходить до католиків
Русь втрачає знані роди
23:31 католицизм / повстання козаків
24:54 Б Хмельницький (1595 - 1657)
з татарами проти Польщі (1648) перемоги козаків - заплатив хану невільниками
1651 поразка у битві в Берестечко хан тікає - Богун
польсько - українська війна - після зради хана
Хмельницький шукає союзника
30:04 Переяславська Рада (
Afghanistan on the hippie trail in the 1960s &70s - A lost paradise. With English subtitles
This 2016 documentary shows us an Afghanistan back in time that might never return: a safe and beautiful place for travellers. What seems unthinkable today: Places in Afghanistan like Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Band-e Amir or Bamiyan were dream destinations for travellers on the so-called ´hippie trail´ in the 1960s and 1970s. With lots of original footage, we see how enchanted Westerners felt in a country that was hospitable, relaxed and landscapes. With lots of film material from those days, we can understand how breathtaking this country once was. Many different travellers tell us about their experiences, starting with Tony and Maureen Wheeler, founders of famous traveller´s bible ´Lonely Planet´, singer Donovan who searched enlightenment in the East, or a former leftist terrorist from Germany who became all peaceful in a country that is torn by wars today.
Drugs unfortunately were another reason why people loved to stay in Afghanistan, but in these days, even science wasn´t fully aware yet how dangerous some drugs could be, like LSD. No wonder that there are numerous tombstones of young Western travellers in places like Kabul. (Please note that I absolutely don´t want to propagate any use of drugs. It was unfortunately a part of the youth movement in the 1960s and 1970s and as we know today, took too many lives of young people who only wanted to experience freedom.)
Istanbul / Turkey is also shown as a stop-over of the hippie trail. What an amazing route, from Western Europe into Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan on to India, Nepal and finally reaching far-eastern countries like Thailand. Travelling was easy, cheap and safe. Entering Afghanistan became impossible after the military coup in 1978, and that was the end of the hippie trail. Will peace and safety ever come back to this region?
No copyright infringe intended. I do not own anything in the video, everything belongs to its respective owners.
David Bowie is dead
David Bowie is dead, rest in peace, King of glam rock has died of cancer 10 january 2016
David Bowie died, David Bowie, David Bowie rest in peace, rest in peace,rip, David Bowie died,english,singer,songwriter,multi-instrumentalist, record producer, arranger, painter, actor, glam, rock, glamrock, iconic, flamboyant, androgynous, Ziggy Stardust, Mars,British, cancer, , Oddity, china girl, let's dance, under pressure, heroes, lodger,David Robert Jones, cult, popular, music, musical, reinvention, innovation, visual ,presentation, guitar, pianist, cult heroe, rock music,
David Bowie (/ˈboʊ.i/;[1] born David Robert Jones; 8 January 1947 – 10 January 2016)[2] was an English singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, arranger, painter, and actor. Bowie was a figure in popular music for over four decades, and was known as an innovator, particularly for his work in the 1970s. His androgynous appearance was an iconic eleglamrock,ment of his image, particularly in the 1970s and 1980s.[3][4]
Bowie's first hit song, Space Oddity, reached the top five of the UK Singles Chart after its release in July 1969. After a three-year period of experimentation, he re-emerged in 1972 during the glam rock era with the flamboyant, androgynous alter ego Ziggy Stardust, spearheaded by the hit single Starman and the album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars. Bowie's impact at that time, as described by biographer David Buckley, challenged the core belief of the rock music of its day and created perhaps the biggest cult in popular culture.[5] The relatively short-lived Ziggy persona proved to be one facet of a career marked by reinvention, musical innovation and visual presentation.
In 1975, Bowie achieved his first major American crossover success with the number-one single Fame and the hit album Young Americans, which the singer characterised as plastic soul. The sound constituted a radical shift in style that initially alienated many of his UK devotees. He then confounded the expectations of both his record label and his American audiences by recording the electronic-inflected album Low, the first of three collaborations with Brian Eno. Low (1977), Heroes (1977), and Lodger (1979)—the so-called Berlin Trilogy albums—all reached the UK top five and received lasting critical praise. After uneven commercial success in the late 1970s, Bowie had UK number ones with the 1980 single Ashes to Ashes, its parent album Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps), and Under Pressure, a 1981 collaboration with Queen. He then reached a new commercial peak in 1983 with Let's Dance, which yielded several hit singles. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Bowie continued to experiment with musical styles, including blue-eyed soul, industrial, adult contemporary, and jungle. He stopped touring after his 2003–2004 Reality Tour, and last performed live at a charity event in 2006. Bowie's last studio album, Blackstar, was released on 8 January 2016, his 69th birthday, just two days before his death following a months-long battle with cancer.
David Buckley said of Bowie: His influence has been unique in popular culture—he has permeated and altered more lives than any comparable figure.[5] In the BBC's 2002 poll of the 100 Greatest Britons, Bowie was placed at number 29. Throughout his career, he has sold an estimated 140 million records worldwide.[6] In the UK, he has been awarded nine Platinum album certifications, eleven Gold and eight Silver, and in the US, five Platinum and seven Gold certifications. In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked him 39th on their list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time and 23rd on their list of the best singers of all time. He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996.
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