Top 10 Best Things To Do In Licata, Italy
Licata Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Licata We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Licata for You. Discover Licata as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Licata.
This Video has covered top 10 Best Things to do in Licata.
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List of Best Things to do in Licata, Italy.
Marina di Cala del Sole
Spiaggia Mollarella
Faro San Giacomo
Spiaggia di Poliscia
Spiaggia della Rocca di San Nicola
Cala Paradiso
Aziende Agricole Quignones
Torre di Gaffe
Area Archeologica di Monte Sant'Angelo e Castel Sant'Angelo
Torre San Nicola
Top 10 Best Things To Do In Sappada, Italy
Sappada, Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Sappada,. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Sappada, for You. Discover Sappada, as per the Traveller
Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Sappada,.
This Video has covered top 10 Best Things to do in Sappada,.
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List of Best Things to do in Sappada,
Sappada Vecchia
Le Cascatelle
Borgata Cima Sappada
Rifugio Calvi
Passo Del Mulo Dai Laghi D'Olbe
Piccolo Museo della Grande Guerra
Sorgenti del Piave
Orrido Di Acquatona
Laghetto Ziegelhutte
The most beautiful lake of Italy | LAGO D'ORTA
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This video is about the most beautiful lake of Italy called Lago D'orta. Hope you love the view of the lake as we do!
Hi Dear people! Welcome to our YouTube channel. We are Marcella Kramer and Eric van Doorn, two entrepreneurs who sold everything to travel around Europe in a 6 m² camper van that we build ourselves. We'll share videos about:
- Work (Work tips, routines, workspots)
- Conscious living (healthy slow food, routines, (conscious) consuming, oils, off grid systems)
- Travel (nature, great cities, local heroes)
We really like it when you watch our videos, thanks for that! Send us a message especially if you want to get in touch or share beautiful things.
Besides creating YouTube videos, Marcella has a culinary lifestyle marketing agency called Who Media, where they maintain and create marketing for culinary brands and lifestyle brands. Marcella also co-creator of the Dutch website Girls Who Magazine. Eric has his own company specalized in off grid living named studio ECO. He designs and builds systems so people can live anywhere they want.
Il paradiso nascosto dei Bagni San Filippo, le terme naturali nel cuore della Val d’Orcia in Toscana
I Bagni San Filippo sono una medicina per il corpo e per l’anima, un luogo incantato nel cuore verde della Toscana. In Val d’Orcia, in provincia di Siena, c’è un rifugio naturale per chi fugge da stress e preoccupazioni. Le terme prendono il nome dall’omonimo paesino di Bagni San Filippo, e si trovano alle pendici del monte Amiata montagna da sempre famosa per le sue acque curative.Le terme erano infatti note già ai tempi dei romani come testimoniano i diversi ritrovamenti archeologici nella zona. Fu sotto la famiglia dei Medici che divennero grande sito di interesse: Lorenzo il Magnifico in persona le visitò nel 1485, e il Granduca Ferdinando II venne qui nel 1635 per liberarsi di un fastidioso “mal di capo”. Le particolari proprietà di cementazione delle acque di San Filippo furono utilizzate poi dall’architetto toscano Leonardo de Vegni, che inventò così la plastica dei tartari nel XVIII secolo, una tecnica con la quale realizzò apprezzatissime opere d’arte. I bagni sono anche una zona di interesse naturalistico: le formazioni rocciose cambiano colore a seconda della stagione, e passano dal bianco pallido della calda estate al marroncino verdastro dell’inverno ricco di piogge. La roccia più grande e famosa è la Balena Bianca, così chiamata per la formazione calcarea che ricorda la bocca di una balena.
Tomba Padre Pio, Santa Maria delle Grazie, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Apulia, Italy, Europe
The church of Santa Maria delle Grazie with the adjoining convent is nowadays universally known for being the place where it lived, starting from 28th July 1916, and died Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. The construction of the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie and the convent of San Giovanni Rotondo began in 1538 by the people of San Giovanni Rotondo (province of Foggia) with the approval of the Bishop of Siponto Cardinal Giovanni Maria di Monte San Savino (Pope Julius III). Work began in 1540 and ended on 5 July 1676. On 1 February 1557 it hosted San Camillo de Lellis. Designed by the architect Giuseppe Gentile di Boiano (CB), the construction of the church began on 2 July 1956. The consecration took place on 1 July 1959 (the same day of the inauguration - in 2004 - of the new church of Padre Pio da Pietrelcina designed by the architect Renzo Piano). The next day, 2 July 1959, Cardinal Federico Tedeschini crowned the mosaic of the virgin with the title of Madonna delle Grazie, to which were added the figures of Saint Pio and an angel. On 10 October 2015, the body of the Servant of God Daniele Natale, from the family chapel of the cemetery of San Giovanni Rotondo, was transferred to the church, where he was buried in a niche specially dug in the floor, in the area of the former baptistery, which became a place of prayer and devotion. The church has a rectangular plan with a simple facade, decorated with a portal with a frescoed lunette, a small rose window and a central sail bell tower. Inside it has a single nave, in Baroque style, with four side chapels, decorated by the saints to whom they are entitled. The main altar is decorated with a wooden fresco of the Madonna and Child, surrounded on both sides by St. John the Baptist and the Evangelist. At a second entrance of the convent, towards the remaining cloister, is the cell of Padre Pio, open for visits. Inside the convent there is also the crypt where Padre Pio's body was housed before being transferred to the nearby sanctuary designed by Renzo Piano. From the crypt, through a door located on the parade opposite the stairs, you enter a path that crosses the convent allowing you to visit some of the places where Padre Pio lived, such as the cell and the choir of the ancient church where Padre Pio received the stigmata. The new church has a rectangular plan with three naves: the gabled façade is marked at the base by seven loggias, three of which are open as portals. At the center there is the main window, surrounded on both sides by two rows of rectangular, slender and high windows. On the right there is the sacristy with the concert of bells at the top, which sound like peal of the hammers. The interior is in marble, with three naves, with cross vaults and an altar in red marble, with the mosaic of the Madonna delle Grazie with Child, by Tedeschini. Under the Madonna, Padre Pio is ascending. The pipe organ of the church was built by the Bevilacqua company in 1966 and is connected to the positive mechanical organ, dating back to the 2000s. Located on the choir to the right of the presbytery, it has 73 registers on three manuals and pedal, and is a transmission electricity.
How Expensive Is Ljubljana Slovenia | Is Slovenia Safe?
Hey you guys! Curious to know how expensive it is in Ljubljana, Slovenia? And whether or not it is safe there? In this Ljubljana travel vlog, April and I answer those questions whilst experiencing some of the top things to do in Ljubljana. We also address where to stay in Ljubljana--which, for us, was in an old prison, now Hostel Celica! We visited Ljubljana's Dragon Bridge and Triple Bridge. We wandered some around Metelkova, right next door to Hostel Celica. And we address where to eat in Ljubljana--we ate a traditional Slovenian meal at Gostilna Sokol for dinner and the next morning, breakfast at Slovenian House. It wouldn't be a typical adventure if April didn't eat some ice cream, and in Ljubljana, she found refreshing sorbet at Vigo. Please share our video with a friend, and like always, thank you for living life!
Roma HD. Rome in 4 days. Rome en 4 jours. Řím za 4 dny. [cz,en,fr]
[en,fr,cz] Ability to enable information subtitles on the screen bottom right. Possibilité d'activer des informations sous-titres sur le droit de fond d'écran. Možnost zapnout informační titulky na obrazovce vpravo dole.
*** Rome is a city and special comune (named Roma Capitale) in Italy. Rome is the capital of Italy and also of the homonymous province and of the region of Lazio. With 2.8 million residents in 1,285.3 km2 (496.3 sq mi), it is also the country's largest and most populated comune and fourth-most populous city in the European Union by population within city limits. Between 3.2 and 3.8 million people live in the urban area, and 4,194,068 in Rome metropolitan area.The city is one of Europe's and the world's most successful city brands, both in terms of reputation and assets. Its historic centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
*** Rome est la capitale de l'Italie depuis 1871. Elle se trouve dans la région du Latium, dans le centre du pays. Avec 2 783 300 habitants établis sur 1 285 km² (4 103 250 habitants avec l'agglomération en 2009).Rome est la troisième destination touristique la plus visitée d'Europe derrière Londres et Paris et son centre historique est classé par l'Unesco comme site du patrimoine mondial.
*** Řím se rozkládá na ploše 1285 km2 a leží na sedmi pahorcích -- Aventin, Celio, Esquilin, Kapitol, Palatin, Quirinal a Viminal. Městem protéká řeka Tiber, která ústí do Tyrhenského moře. Počet obyvatel: 4 mil. Podle historických pramenů byl Řím založen v roce 753 př.n.l.. Tento letopočet byl také historiky přijat za tradiční datum založení Říma. První sídla však na pahorcích Kapitol a Palatin vznikla pravděpodobně již v 10. století př.n.l. Později se osady rozšířily i na ostatní pahorky a jejich postupným spojováním začalo vznikat město.
Sacro Speco di San Francesco - Saint Francis of Assisi, The Holy Cave
Lo Speco di San Francesco è uno dei santuari più importanti del francescanesimo costruito in prossimità delle grotte ove il santo di Assisi soleva ritirarsi in preghiera, situato nelle vicinanze di Narni a circa 600 m s.l.m. è meta di numerosissimi pellegrinaggi.. Lo speco è una spaccatura lunga 60 m che scende quasi verticalmente nella vallata sottostante.
Fu fondato da San Francesco nel 1213 ma il luogo fu probabilmente abitato già dall'anno mille, ad opera dei benedettini, che gestivano la Cappella di San Silvestro. Ora vi vivono i Frati minori, nel convento fatto costruire da san Bernardino da Siena.
Bellissima la piccola cappella con affreschi raffiguranti episodi che qui ebbero luogo, la piccola cella dove dormì il Santo, il letto del Santo, il castagno nato dal bastone del santo, il chiostro del '400, la splendida Cappella di San Silvestro con affreschi del '300, il pozzo di cui parlano i Fioretti di San Francesco e Tommaso da Celano dove fu attinta l'acqua che S.Francesco malato trasformò in vino.
Negli orti e nel chiostro di tale Santuario Pier Paolo Pasolini girò alcune scene di Uccellacci e uccellini.
Al di là della motivazione religiosa che spinse San Francesco ad una scelta così radicale, quello che mi interessa di un luogo tanto particolare è la sensazione di assoluto che si respira all'interno dela grotta, nella cella, nel magnifico castagneto, una pace ed un silenzio che hanno accompagnato la vita di un uomo che ha saputo trovare in se stesso e nella fede un valore così profondo da rinunciare a tutto il resto. Sarebbe bello che ognuno di noi trovasse un valore altrettanto forte, non necessariamente legato alla fede religiosa, qualcosa in cui credere così profondamente da darci uno slancio verso l'asssoluto della vita, non per spogliarci delle vesti quotidiane, ma per arricchirle di passione e forza....
Francis of Assisi (Giovanni Francesco Bernardone; born 1181/1182 October 3, 1226) was a friar and the founder of the Order of Friars Minor, more commonly known as the Franciscans.
He is known as the patron saint of animals, the environment and Italy, and it is customary for Catholic churches to hold ceremonies honouring animals around his feast day of 4 October.
In 1209 Francis heard a sermon that changed his life. The sermon was about Matthew 10:9, in which Christ tells his followers that they should go forth and proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven was upon them, that they should take no money with them, nor even a walking stick or shoes for the road. Francis was inspired to devote himself to a life of poverty. The Holy Speco is the place where he lived for a long time.
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