Poland : The Road Of Revival
Torn for centuries between East and West, often a victim of fate, Poland has always been able to overcome adversity. Pierre Brouwers set out with his cameras to discover the traces of the fascinating History and many facets of this country full of surprises. This captivating reportage is the portrait of a Poland in transformation and its people, eager to make up for lost time.
Warsaw. Elblag Canal. The Bison of Borecka Forest. The Storks. Malbork Castle.
Sopot. The Dunes of the Baltic. Kazimierz Dolny. Lublin. Zamosh. Gdansk. Krakow. The
Wieliczka Salt Mines. Auschwitz. Lodz. Zakopane. The Carpathian Mountains.
Debno. The Gorges of Dunajec. Chocholow. The Flower Festival. Ariel Views.
Director : Pierre Brouwers
Editor : MEDIA 9
Mit dem Wohnmobil nach Krakau | WDR Reisen
Von Görlitz aus startet Marco Schreyl seine Reise mit dem Wohnmobil durch Südpolen. Eine Herausforderung in bergiger Landschaft und engen Gassen in den Dörfern, aber der Mühe wert: ein Weltkulturerbe reiht sich an das nächste. Über Riesengebirge und Hohe Tatra erreicht Marco schließlich die Universitätsstadt Krakau mit ihrer glanzvollen Altstadt.
From Görlitz, Marco Schreyl starts his journey by motorhome through southern Poland. A challenge in mountainous countryside and narrow streets in the villages, but well worth the effort: one world heritage site joins the next. Finally, through the Giant Mountains and High Tatras, Marco reaches the university city of Krakow with its glittering old town.
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Unknown Poland - Tatra Mountain - Old Wooden Church in Zakopane
Unknown Poland - Tatra Mountain - Old Wooden Church in Zakopane
Western Poland (#05): Vang Church
Karpacz (German Krummhübel) is a spa town and ski resort in Jelenia Góra County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, south-western Poland, and one of the most important centres for mountain hiking and skiing. Its population is about 5,000. Karpacz is situated in the Karkonosze mountains - a resort with increasing importance for tourism as an alternative to the Alps. Karpacz is located at 480-885 metres above sea level. South of Karpacz on the border to the Czech Republic there is Mount Snežka-Snieska (1,602 m). In Karpacz Górny there is a Norwegian stave church, moved here from Vang, Norway in the mid-19th century.
Wang Church was built at the turn of 12th century in Vang which accounts for its present name. Vang was a settlement at Lake Vang in southern Norway.
Lake Wang (Vangsmjosi in Norway) set 466 m above sea level surrounded by high mountains where Mount Grindafjellet (1724 m above sea level), their most famous peak used to be a dwelling place for Tindull Grindo, a troll, in the olden days. A circle marks a former site of the Wang church.
About a thousand similar wooden (stave) churches were built there then, yet till the present day only thirty one such churches survived in Norway, and this one in Karpacz Górny. Our Twin Parish in Hahnenklee, Germany, has also a wooden church built in 1908 according to the Norwegian designs.
In the nineteenth century Wang Church proved too small and in need of costly renovation, and so a decision to sell it was made. The money was needed to pay back a loan taken for the construction of a new one.
Thanks to the efforts of a Dresden-based Norwegian painter, Professor John Christian Dahl, this great architectural experience of the Vikings was bought for the sum of 427 marks by the then king, Frederick William IV. A royal architect completed the working plan of the church building, and the edifice was taken to pieces so as to be shipped, in boxes, to Szczecin in 1841 and from there - to the Royal Museum in Berlin. The King, however, had abandoned the idea of having it reerected on the Peacock Island near Berlin and started seeking another site for the church to render its religious services.
Video 2011-2-87 ZIELONA GÓRA-ŚWIDNICA-NIWISKA part 1 October 15-th 2011
Replacement video-music has been changed.
My autumn bike trip ZIELONA GÓRA-ŚWIDNICA-NIWISKA on the 15-th of October,distance 48 km!Sunny weather but a bit chilly with temperatures about 10 C degrees.This bike trip of three parts:
Part 1-Start at Wyszyńskiego Street ,go through the housing estate Przyjaźni ,then along Wojska Polskiego Street,Małachowskiego and Szamotowa Street.Next pass the housing estate Brick yard and ride along bike trail until the main road ZIELONA GÓRA-ŻARY.After that go along this road through Wilkanowo village and after 10 km turn left towards Świdnica,a small town with an old church and the museumŚrodkowe Nadodrze
Part 2-Go through Świdnica,pass the church and the museum,next ride along the side road towards the bunkers about 3 km from Świdnica!Here's a wonderful scenery ,dirty road,forest colourfull leaves on the trees blue sky,a quiet and almost empty countryside!Soon reach the bunkers dated from the Second Great War ,they used to be warehouses for German Army.One of the bunkers is empty ,the secong is used by tourists as a sports centre,gym,fitness club,climbing wall and other facilities.Excellent place for Sunday relax,grilling walking mushrooming and sunbathing.
Part 3-go through the forest towards the next village called Piaski,next pass this place and then go along the dirty road ,pass the ostrich farm.After that ride about 8 km through the forest!Deep in the wood there's is a fantastic place for tourists;a hunter glade with different needed facilities and a place for making a fire.This place is surrounded by spruce trees,farther there're pine trees!Next go back through Jeleniów village towards Ochla along the main road Ochla-Niwiska!From here there's about 18 km to Zielona Góra.
Music:see the credits at the end of each part!
Have a nice watching!Amnas2011
Moja wycieczka rowerowa na trasie:Zielona Góra-Świdnica-Niwiska długości 48 km dniav 15-go pażdziernika 2011.Pogoda słoneczna,prawie bezchmurne niebo,jednak chłodno około 10C!Wycieczka ta została przedstawiona w 3-ch częściach:
Część 1-Wyjazd z Zielonej Góry z ulicy Wyszyńskiego,kieruję się w stronę osiedlaPrzyjaźni a następnie ulicą Wojska Polskiego,Małachowskiego dostaję się w rejon osiedla domków jednorodzinnych Cegielnia.Stąd ścieżką rowerową docieram do szosy Zielona Góra-Żary i udaję się w kierunku Świdnicy odległej około 10 km od startu!Po drodze mijam miejscowość Wilkanowo i do centrum Świdnicy dostaję się skręcając z głównej drogi.
Część 2 -Przejeżdżam przez centrum Świdnicy,widoczny stary kościół z lewej ,po prawej mijam Muzeum Środkowego Nadodrza.Następnie boczną drogą udaję się w kierunku bunkrów.Po drodze piękny krajobraz wiejski,las,nieliczne zabudowania,piękne stare drzewa z kolorowymi jesiennymi liśćmi ,korony drzew oświetlone przez poranne słońce na tle błękitu nieba.Do tego cicha i spokojna okolica.Po przebyciu około 3-ch km
docieram wąską brukowaną drogą do pierwszego bunkru z czasów II-giej Wojny Światowej zbudowanego przez Niemców w którym mieściły się magazyny obecnie niezagospodarowany.W odległości kilkuset metrów znajduje się drugi bunkier tej samej wielkości w którym wnętrze zagospodarowano jako sportowe z salą do koszykówki na parterze i z siłownią na pierwszym piętrze!Na zewnątrz ścianka dla młodzieży do wspinania!Wokół urządzony teren dla potrzeb turystów.
Część 3-Opuszczam bunkry i ścieżką leśną dostaję się do wsi Piaski w której znajduje się strusia ferma a z tamtąd lasem docieram na polanę myśliwską położoną głęboko w lesie około 5 km od najbliższych zabudowań.Ten odcinek prowadzi przez las i jest długości około 10 km!Następnie po dojechaniu do głównej szosy Ochla--Niwiska udaję się w drogę powrotną do Zielonej Góry!
Dziękuję za uwagę i zapraszam do obejrzenia wszystkich 3-ch odcinków mojej jesiennej wycieczki.Amnas2011.
Romania (#15): Wooden Churches, Ieud Deal
Ieud ... along the Ieud River, 40 kilometers from Vadu-Izei, is the ancient and beautiful village of Ieud. Archaeological discoveries show this village dates back to the Bronze Age. Ieud also has two distinctive wooden churches which have been declared historical and architectural monuments.
The first one is 'The Birth of Virgin Mary ' Church on the hill, built in 1364 and it is the oldest church in Maramures. It is built from pine and fir wood with small windows, double roof and a single, impressive steeple. The paintings are original, dating from the 15th -16th century and their condition is relatively good. The church also has a collection of glass painted icons. Inside, the stairs to the tower are carved in one piece of wood. 'Zbornicul' or ' The Book of Laws' was discovered in the attic, unique in the country and the oldest manuscript in the Romanian language printed in 1543 in Brasov. The church was closed for visitation.
Ieud is known for the preservation of its traditional customs as well as its traditional architecture. The people here dress and act the same as they did hundreds of years ago. Every year in July the people of Ieud celebrate with a multi-day festival of traditional culture called Ieud Cultural Days. Ieud is the place where a divorce and abortion has never been recorded.
O tym jak rajcy dzwon odlali. Kto smyknął wskazówkę? O krzyżackich uczynkach jak wieża krzywych. Dlaczego Kopernik dla Torunia zbyt małym był? O pół Szwedzie, pół Niemcu, który słownik polskiego napisał.
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Wojciech Nowakowski
Marek Januszewicz
Michał Łukaszyk
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Michał Łukaszyk
Agnieszka Childs
w obrazkach z przeszłości
Stanisław Szmit
Copyright © 2015 by MAX LOOK Michał Łukaszyk
WITCH MOUNTAIN KYIV KIEV (Bald Mountain, Castle Mountain, Zamkova Gova, Lysa Gora)
Went up to Bald Mountain in Kyiv - a site known for being the gathering place of witches, pagan rituals and other creepy-crawly stuff for the past couple centuries. Most recently, it has been the place of black masses for Ukraine's satanic sects. Much thanks to my friends for their acting debut in the mini-film that introduces it - I'll be adding a couple more scenes in the other Paranormal Kyiv sites that I'll record and probably do a master-cut at the end. SUBSCRIBE!