Любимый город в Польше. Гданьск во всей красе
Наш любимый город в Польше это Гданьск. Гданьск один из самых близких городов для нас и наше первое большое путешествие по Польше было в Гданьск. Гданьск уникальный город с неповторимой архитектурой. Польша заботится о своих города и Гданьск не исключение, с каждым разом он становится все больше и красивее.
#польша #гданьск #путешествие
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Cоц сети:
Opuszczona fabryka narkotyków *największa w Polsce* - Urbex History
Wyprawa do największej w Polsce opuszczonej plantacji Marijujany, która była idealnie zamaskowana :)
Wieś licząca 2500 lat - TATRY ZACHODNIE (Ucieczka w Teren #11)
Ukryte skarby narodu pod obecną wsią w Tatrach.
Opuszczona Villa Geurts - URBEX Niesamowite miejsce
kolejna wyprawa okazała się znów sukcesem. Przepiękna willa stanęła przed moim obiektywem. Mam nadzieję,że nie jest ostatnią willą jaką miałem okazje filmować. Zapraszam wszystkich na film
Farma Iluzji - Park edukacji i rozrywki - Trojanów
Park Edukacji i Rozrywki Farma Iluzji zlokalizowany jest między Lublinem a Warszawą, niedaleko Dęblina. Oferuje wiele różnorodnych atrakcji dla dzieci. Pokazy gołębi, pokazy iluzjonisty, zabawy taneczne, iluzje, park z przeszkodami, trasa trapera, labirynt, olbrzymie szachy. Można tu wybrać się z dziećmi na cały dzień i miło spędzić czas. Można zabrać ze sobą jedzenie na grilla. Najciekawszą atrakcją jest krzywy dom, który unoszony jest przez balony.
Miejsca, które odwiedziliśmy w tym filmie:
- Park edukacji i rozrywki Farma Iluzji, Trojanów,
Dokładny adres:
Mościska 9
gm. Trojanów
woj. mazowieckie
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==== ENGLISH ====
Education and Leisure Park Illusion Farm is located between Lublin and Warsaw, near Deblin. It offers a wide variety of activities for children. Pigeons shows, illusionist shows, dancing, illusions park with obstacles, trail trapper, a maze, giant chess. You can take your children for the day and have a good time there. You can bring own food to make the grill. The most interesting attraction is crooked house, which is lifted by balloons.
Places we visited in this film:
- Education and Leisure Park Illusion Farm
Mościska 9 - Trojanów - Mazovian voivodeship
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==== MUZYKA / MUSIC ====
Audionautix: Whatdafunk – na licencji Creative Commons Attribution (
Dukla doorway of the Carpathians
Dukla presents:
Dukla doorway of the Carpathians
Along the wine trial
Great history of the borderland
Places dedicated to St. John of Dukla
Remembering the battle of the Pass
Borderland of Cultures
Historical land of Łemko People
Hiking trails in the Beskidy Mountains
Land of Artists
Dukla region ecological and hospitable
All rights reserved, Urząd Miejski w Dukli
Zapraszam na eksplorację willi Dziada czyli szefa Wołomińskiej mafii.
SKYRanger - Floods route to EPTO
In May 2010 Poland is a catastrophic flood struck. After a heavy rainfall occurred from its shores, most of the rivers. Including the largest...Vistula.
The flood wave was moving north, wreaking havoc almost anywhere. By a huge hole in the floodbank in Świniary over 4 thousand inhabitants, including about a thousand children, to leave their homes. At this point, poured 800 cubic meters of water per second. Flood embankment has been interrupted over a length of 10 meters, then the gap has grown to over 50 meters. Was flooded 25 village near Płock, land area of 8,600 hectares. The site is 916 households.
Main destination flight was an airport in Toruń (EPTO). In the movie, shot during the cruise along the Vistula route: Chrcynno - Wyszogród - Płock (EPPL) - Włocławek (EPWK) - Toruń (EPTO) - Chrcynno shown the main places of the affected ...
#8 Totalna wieś w Korei Północnej na prowincji
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Music from Artlist.io
A-GROUP - Stand
Back To Dream - Keep An Eye
Kamera#1: Sony a6000, 18-105mm/18-200mm/ Sigma 30mm DC 1.4F/ ECM-XYST1M Stereo Microphone
Dron: DJI Spark
Kamera #2: Canon ivis HF G20
Kamera #3: Canon G7X Mark II
Action Kamera: GoPro 5
10 Days in North Korea. Inside the most isolated country in the world
More films about Asia:
RT takes an exclusive look at North Korea, the world’s most closed-off country. Life here is isolated from the outside world and every aspect of existence is regulated by order of the Great Leader, from the art you’re allowed to see, the books you can read, even to your hairstyle.
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is perhaps the least known country in the world today. Based on a political ideology known as ‘Juche’, the socialist government controls every source of information and the national leader, Kim Jong-un, preserves the peace and defends the state’s historical, spiritual and cultural heritage. It’s hard to overestimate the Commander-in-chief’s role in the country: his likeness adorns the streets and squares in every city and village. Through official portraits and statues, he is, literally, everywhere and kindergarten children are taught to sing his praises. Locals adore Kim Jong-un and consider him the Father of the Nation, he encourages everyone to be patriotic and surpass all other nations.
Almost 15% of North Korea’s GDP is reserved for military spending, and long after the Korean War of the 1950s, the country has still not signed a peace treaty with its capitalist southern neighbor. As a result, thousands of families were torn apart by the political divide. The army remains a source of inspiration; it determinates the social structure and stimulates ordinary people to devote their lives to work in the faithful service of the Marshal. The people believe that this military ideology consolidates national spirit and guarantees stability and order.
However, not even tough military methods and an ideological barrier around the country can solve the economic lag or the enormous social and economic gulf between South and North Korea. Self-reliance and self-sufficiency are in stark contrast to the economic reality. Despite developments in labour cooperation, a demilitarized zone, demarcated by a huge wall between the two states, is still amongst the most heavily armed areas in the world.
President of the Korean Friendship Association, Alejandro Cao de Benos explains that due to the generally accepted ideology of the Workers’ Party of Korea, the people will never understand nor accept a western mind-set. From childhood, they are taught to be loyal to their leader and to beware of western values.
For most viewers North Korea remains a mystery but this unique film offers a limited window of opportunity to view Korean lifestyle through the prism of North Korean peoples’ every day cares and joys. RT Doc meets ordinary workers and soldiers to hear first hand, how they lived before being isolated from the whole world.
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