Delirium Cafe in Brussels, Belgium
Join manager Philippe Vallee on a visit to the renowned beer cafe, Delirium, near the Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium. Video by Owen Ogletree of
Belgium: Antwerpen Berchem, SNCB Class 27 electric locos depart 'top & tail' on a passenger service
Belguim: At Antwerpen Berchem station, SNCB Class 27 electric locos 2751 & 2709 depart on train IC4508, the 0827 Charleroi Sud to Essen formed of single deck 'M4' coaches. The train is operating in 'top & tail' formation with a loco at each end of the train. Recorded 3rd October 2018.
Antwerp (Dutch: Antwerpen, French: Anvers) is a city in Belgium, and is the capital of Antwerp province in Flanders. With a population of 520,504, it is the most populous city proper in Belgium, and with 1,200,000 the second largest metropolitan region after Brussels.
Antwerp is on the River Scheldt, linked to the North Sea by the river's Westerschelde estuary. It is about 40 kilometres (25 mi) north of Brussels, and about 15 kilometres (9 mi) south of the Dutch border. The Port of Antwerp is one of the biggest in the world, ranking second in Europe and within the top 20 globally. The city is also known for its diamond industry and trade.
Both economically and culturally, Antwerp is and has long been an important city in the Low Countries, especially before and during the Spanish Fury (1576) and throughout and after the subsequent Dutch Revolt. Antwerp was also the place of the world's oldest stock exchange building, originally built in 1531 and re-built in 1872.
The inhabitants of Antwerp are nicknamed Sinjoren after the Spanish honorific señor or French seigneur, lord, referring to the Spanish noblemen who ruled the city in the 17th century. The city hosted the 1920 Summer Olympics.
The SNCB Class 27 was the first of the large 1980s family of 144 electric locomotives. The family was made up of Classes 11 (12), 12 (12), 21 (60) and 27 (60). Classes 11, 12 and 21 were nearly twice as powerful as Classes 22, 23 and 25. Class 27 was more than twice as powerful as the 1950s locomotives. This family was heavily influenced by the Class 20² locomotives built in the mid 1970s. This family came into service with M4 and M5 coaching stock and the AM 80 and AM 86 series of EMUs. These four sister classes are visually identical except for a few minor details. Class 11's livery is specific to the Benelux service on which they operated on for most of their service lives.
Class 27 locomotives are the staple power for SNCB/NMBS. They work all over the 3000 volt electrified lines including the occasional trip through to Luxembourg City. The arrival of Class 13 had little impact on Class 27 at the time as the 13s were occupied with trains of I11 coaching stock and goods trains working on newly electrified sections under 25000 volts, 50 HZ where Class 27s could not go. Class 27s were frequently engaged in pulling heavy freights from the Flemish ports to the sorting yard at Montzen, near the German border. They also pulled a number of passenger services including peak hour trains of M5 double deck coaching stock. They have become very active on trains with the newer M6 stock. Locos 2742 to 2760 have been modified with MUX and automatic couplers at one end so they can work in multiple in push-pull trains made up of two Class 27s each with a rake of five M6 coaches running one behind the other. The trains start at separate destinations and join up later to run together as a unit over most of their route. Later they split up and go their separate ways to their final destinations and reverse for the return journey.
Locomotive 2711 currently holds the world record for the longest passenger train ever pulled by a single locomotive. The record was set on 27 April 1991, when the locomotive pulled 70 carriages from Gent to Oostende.
NMBS/SNCB is the national railway company of Belgium. The company formally styles itself using the Dutch and French abbreviations NMBS/SNCB, however it is commonly referred to in English and internationally using just the French abbreviation SNCB. The corporate logo designed in 1936 by Henry van de Velde consists of the linguistically neutral letter B in a horizontal oval.
Belgium has a rail network of 3,602km of main railway lines (or 6,399km of mainline tracks).
The network currently includes four high speed lines suitable for 300 km/h (190 mph) traffic: HSL 1 runs from just south of Brussels to the French border, where it continues to a triangular junction with LGV Nord for Paris Nord and Lille Flandres (and London beyond that), HSL 2 runs from Leuven to Ans and onward to Liège-Guillemins, HSL 3 runs from Liège to the German border near Aachen and HSL 4 connects with HSL-Zuid in the Netherlands to allow services to run from Antwerpen-Centraal to Rotterdam Centraal.
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Belgium: x2 NMBS/SNCB Class 27s leave Bruxelles-Midi (Brussels-South) station
x2 NMBS/SNCB Class 2700s (2701 & 2718) leave Bruxelles-Midi (Brussels-South) station after arriving on train P7401, the 0726 Liege Guillemins to Brussels Midi.
Clip recorded 4th October 2018.
The SNCB Class 27 was the first of the large 1980s family of 144 electric locomotives. The family was made up of Classes 11 (12), 12 (12), 21 (60) and 27 (60). Classes 11, 12 and 21 were nearly twice as powerful as Classes 22, 23 and 25. Class 27 was more than twice as powerful as the 1950s locomotives. This family was heavily influenced by the Class 20² locomotives built in the mid 1970s. This family came into service with M4 and M5 coaching stock and the AM 80 and AM 86 series of EMUs. These four sister classes are visually identical except for a few minor details. Class 11's livery is specific to the Benelux service on which they operated on for most of their service lives.
Class 27 locomotives are the staple power for SNCB/NMBS. They work all over the 3000 volt electrified lines including the occasional trip through to Luxembourg City. The arrival of Class 13 had little impact on Class 27 at the time as the 13s were occupied with trains of I11 coaching stock and goods trains working on newly electrified sections under 25000 volts, 50 HZ where Class 27s could not go. Class 27s were frequently engaged in pulling heavy freights from the Flemish ports to the sorting yard at Montzen, near the German border. They also pulled a number of passenger services including peak hour trains of M5 double deck coaching stock. They have become very active on trains with the newer M6 stock. Locos 2742 to 2760 have been modified with MUX and automatic couplers at one end so they can work in multiple in push-pull trains made up of two Class 27s each with a rake of five M6 coaches running one behind the other. The trains start at separate destinations and join up later to run together as a unit over most of their route. Later they split up and go their separate ways to their final destinations and reverse for the return journey.
Locomotive 2711 currently holds the world record for the longest passenger train ever pulled by a single locomotive. The record was set on 27 April 1991, when the locomotive pulled 70 carriages from Gent to Oostende.
Brussels-South (French: Bruxelles-Midi, Dutch: Brussel-Zuid, IATA code: ZYR) is one of the three major railway stations in Brussels (the other two are Brussels Central and Brussels North) and the busiest station in Belgium. It is located on the territory of the municipality of Saint-Gilles/Sint-Gillis.
The Brussels-Capital Region is bilingual; hence, both the French and Dutch names of the station are official. Outside Belgium, this often leads to the use of combined shorthands; for example in the Thomas Cook European Rail Timetable, Brussels-South is designated as Brussels Midi/Zuid; Dutch Railways announce the station as Brussel Zuid/Midi.
The Belgian railway network grew rapidly during the second half of the 19th century, and the old station quickly became too small, so it was demolished. A new monumental station designed by architect Auguste Payen opened in 1869, a short distance south of the original site. Payen's terminal station was itself demolished in 1949 and replaced on its present site by a through station, as part of the North-South connection project. Most of the current buildings were erected between 1939 and 1954, in modernist style, from plans by architects Adrien and Yvan Blomme and Fernand Petit. The rear part, built in front of the Victor Horta square, and designed in 1992 by architect Marc De Vreese, serves as a terminal for high-speed trains.
NMBS/SNCB is the national railway company of Belgium. The company formally styles itself using the Dutch and French abbreviations NMBS/SNCB, however it is commonly referred to in English and internationally using just the French abbreviation SNCB. The corporate logo designed in 1936 by Henry van de Velde consists of the linguistically neutral letter B in a horizontal oval.
Belgium has a rail network of 3,602km of main railway lines (or 6,399km of mainline tracks).
The network currently includes four high speed lines suitable for 300 km/h (190 mph) traffic: HSL 1 runs from just south of Brussels to the French border, where it continues to a triangular junction with LGV Nord for Paris Nord and Lille Flandres (and London beyond that), HSL 2 runs from Leuven to Ans and onward to Liège-Guillemins, HSL 3 runs from Liège to the German border near Aachen and HSL 4 connects with HSL-Zuid in the Netherlands to allow services to run from Antwerpen-Centraal to Rotterdam Centraal.
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Visit Gent 2013 HD
Gent heeft 1 van de mooiste historische binnensteden van West-Europa en natuurlijk veel in de stijl van de Nederlanden van weleer.
Geweldig mooi en heerlijk om een aantal dagen te bezoeken.
Ibis Opera ligt bijna in het hart van de stad en is een prima hotel om als uitval basis te dienen.
Gent is echt een stad met een geweldige geschiedenis, het ontstond uit Keltische woonkernen in het gebied van de samenvloeiing van de Leie en de Schelde.
In de middeleeuwen groeide Gent onder impuls van een bloeiende wolnijverheid uit tot een van de grootste steden van Europa.
Ook de vlas- en linnennijverheid en het stapelrecht op graan dat Gent verwierf droegen aanzienlijk bij tot haar welvaart.
Na een korte calvinistische periode kende de stad een zeker verval dat pas keerde tegen het einde van de 18e eeuw, toen de katoennijverheid Gent tot een van de eerste industriesteden van het Europese vasteland maakte.
In het Hof ten Walle, het latere Prinsenhof, werd op 24 februari 1500 de latere keizer Karel V geboren. In de stad werden ook de Pacificatie van Gent (1576) en de Vrede van Gent (1814) ondertekend.
Gent wordt ook wel de Fiere Stede of de Arteveldestad genoemd. Wegens zijn ligging in een uitgestrekt gebied van bloemen- en plantenkwekerijen wordt Gent ook de Bloemenstad genoemd (zie Gentse Floraliën).
De inwoners van Gent heten Gentenaars en dragen de bijnaam Stroppen (Stroppendragers). In Gent spreekt men het Gents, een dialect dat behoorlijk sterk van de andere Oost-Vlaamse dialecten afwijkt.
Na het jaar 1000 was Gent gedurende honderden jaren de grootste stad van de Nederlanden (tot rond 1550). Gent was groter dan Londen of Keulen.
Buiten Italië was enkel Parijs groter.
Keizer Karel zei van Gent Je mettrai Paris dans mon Gant/-d (Ik zou Parijs in mijn handschoen/Gent steken). In de 13e eeuw telde de stad zo'n zestigduizend inwoners.
Midden op de Vrijdagmarkt staat een standbeeld van Jacob van Artevelde die op het plein op 26 januari 1340 koning Edward III van Engeland ontving.
Vijf jaar later vermoordden wevers en volders elkaar op dit plein als voorspel voor de moord op Jacob van Artevelde, de wijze man van Gent.
Zijn zoon, Filips van Artevelde, die de Gentenaars aanvoerde tegen het Franse leger onder leiding van Lodewijk II van Male en Karel VI van Frankrijk, sneuvelde in 1382 in de Slag bij Westrozebeke.
Gent was altijd een rebelse stad. De burgers vochten er honderden jaren tegen de vorsten om hun privileges of vrijheden te vrijwaren. In de zestiende eeuw speelde Gent een belangrijke rol in de opkomst van het Calvinisme. Tussen 1577 en 1584 was er in Gent een Gentse Calvinistische Republiek gevestigd. Toen werd ook de eerste Gentse (theologische) universiteit opgericht (in het Pand, vandaag gerestaureerd en eigendom van de Universiteit Gent). Na 1584 weken vele Calvinisten uit naar Nederland.
Gent zou in de 17e en 18e eeuw weer de grootste stad van België worden en dat blijven tot de hongersnood van 1845-1848.
Aan het eind van de 18e eeuw zou het als eerste stad van het vasteland industrialiseren, vooral door de invoering van de gemechaniseerde linnen- en katoennijverheid en onder meer nadat Lieven Bauwens een spinmachine, de Mule Jenny, uit Engeland naar Gent smokkelde. Gent was van dan af een belangrijke industriële textielstad.
Gent zou wel varen onder de Franse en Nederlandse tijd (met onder andere de bouw van het Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen), omdat het met zijn textielindustrie grote markten kon bedienen. Na 1830 bleef een groot deel van de Gentse burgerij Oranjegezind, hoewel de meerderheid van de orangisten liefst Frans sprak. Na 1848 gingen de orangisten op in de Liberale Partij.
Gent is ook de stad waar de eerste moderne vakbonden van België het licht zagen, en waar de Belgische socialistische beweging ontstond. Edward Anseele, de leider van de Gentse socialisten, zou echter eerst in Luik verkozen worden als parlementslid.
Gent was verder gaststad van de wereldtentoonstelling van 1913, de tentoonstelling werd georganiseerd in het zuiden van de stad.
Blankenberge 4K
Blankenberge, Belgium
May 2017
Brunswick Maine Restaurant REVIEW - Ebenezer's Brew Pub II - World's Best Beer Bar
Brunswick Restaurant: 112 Pleasant Street, Brunswick, Maine
Chris and Jen Lively's Ebenezer's beer bar and restaurant in Brunswick, Maine, is the second restaurant location. Like the first restaurant location in Lovell, Maine, (which is now world-famous among craft beer fans) Ebenezer's Brew Pub Restaurant in Brunswick Maine serves an huge selection of beers and fantastic food to go with it.
Chris Lively is considered to be one of the world's top beermeisters with a passion for Belgian beers. His Lovell, Maine restaurant receives visitors from all over.
The Brunswick, Maine restaurant is fashioned to bring a similar experience to the mid-coast Maine area. Ebenezer's gets great reviews on Yelp, TripAdvisor and other sites in Brunswick.