Sunny Side of Spirit - E03/03 - Brazil
After a burnout due to stress, Dutch director Sunny Bergman decided to investigate how people deal with spiritual strain and depression in countries that seem less affected by it.
Episode 3/3 - Brasil
In this episode Sunny Bergman visits Brazil where spirituality is very popular. There, feeling normal' doesn't mean the same as it does in The Netherlands. Sunny explores the Afro-Brazilian religion and rituals “Candomble”, where behavior isn't seen as part of your personality, because it's influenced by ghosts. Blurring the frontiers of what is normal or not, making any behavior more easily accepted in society.
Does spirituality contribute to our mental health? Four out of ten people in the Netherlands suffer from depression, insomnia, ADHD and stress. Sunny Bergman studied how people in Ghana, Taiwan and Brazil deal with these psychological symptoms, in an often spiritual way. These 3 countries are just as modern as western countries, but there, traditional rituals are treated as powerful medicine. Does that approach work? And what is a normal mental condition anyway? There is hardly any country in the world that spends so much money on mental health care as the Netherlands. Where do all these mental problems come from? Are they diseases arising from abundance?
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Director: Sunny Bergman
This is a co-production of VPRO and BOS
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.
cidade de Leme SP: Cemitério - Túmulo do Desconhecido
Imagens do Cemitério São João Batista na cidade de Leme-SP - BRAZIL
Neste cemitério existe o famoso Túmulo do Desconhecido
Dia 02 de novembro de 2013 (Finados)
Cemitério é o lugar onde são sepultados os cadáveres . Na maioria dos casos os cemitérios são lugares de prática religiosa.
Por analogia, chama-se cemitério um lugar onde se enterram ou acumulam produtos, tipicamente resíduos e detritos (por exemplo, cemitério de resíduos nucleares). É o mesmo que necrópole ou sepulcrário.
A palavra cemitério (do latim tardio coemeterium, derivado do grego κοιμητήριον [kimitírion], a partir do verbo κοιμάω [kimáo] pôr a jazer ou fazer deitar) foi dada pelos primeiros cristãos aos terrenos destinados à sepultura de seus mortos. Os cemitérios ficavam geralmente longe das igrejas, fora dos muros da cidade: a prática do sepultamento nas igrejas e respectivos adros era desconhecida nos primeiros séculos da era cristã. A partir do séc. XVIII criou-se um sério problema com a falta de espaço para os enterramentos nos adros das igrejas ou mesmo nos limites da cidade; os esquifes se acumulavam, causando poluição e doenças mortais, o que tornava altamente insalubres as proximidades dos templos. Uma lei inglesa de 1855 veio regular os sepultamentos, passando estes a serem feitos fora do centro urbano. A prática da cremação, cada vez mais frequente, permitiu dar destino aos corpos de maneira mais compatível com as normas sanitárias.
Em muitas cidades existem cemitérios onde os ritos funerários são cumpridos de acordo com a respectiva religião (católica, protestante, judaica, islâmica) ou fraternidade (maçônica). Criaram-se também cemitérios nacionais para o sepultamento de chefes militares e figuras notáveis da vida pública, como o de Arlington, perto de Washington DC, EUA.
Alguns cemitérios modernos rompem com a imagem tradicional das necrópoles com jazigos e monumentos de mármore, substituindo-os por parques arborizados (memorial parks), onde simples chapas de metal assinalam local da sepultura.
Outra prática comum, pela questão espacial, é a verticalização dos cemitérios, onde os túmulos são dispostos uns sobre os outros e em andares para as visitações.
A cemetery is a spatially defined area where the remains of dead people are buried or otherwise interred. The word cemetery (from Greek κοιμητήριον, sleeping place[1][2]) implies that the land is specifically designated as a burial ground. Although there are some differences, the word graveyard is generally used interchangeably with cemetery.[3]
The intact or cremated remains of people may be interred in a grave, commonly referred to as burial, or in a tomb, an above-ground grave (resembling a sarcophagus), a mausoleum, columbarium, or other edifice. In Western cultures, funeral ceremonies are often observed in cemeteries. These ceremonies or rites of passage differ according to cultural practices and religious beliefs. Modern cemeteries often include crematoria, and some grounds previously used for both, continue as crematoria as a principal use long after the interment areas have been filled.
Most others were buried in graveyards again divided by social status. Mourners who could afford the work of a stonemason had a headstone engraved with a name, dates of birth and death and sometimes other biographical data, and set up over the place of burial. Usually, the more writing and symbols carved on the headstone, the more expensive it was. As with most other human property such as houses and means of transport, richer families used to compete for the artistic value of their family headstone in comparison to others around it, sometimes adding a statue (such as a weeping angel) on the top of the grave.
Those who could not pay for a headstone at all usually had some religious symbol made from wood on the place of burial such as a Christian cross; however, this would quickly deteriorate under the rain or snow. Some families hired a blacksmith and had large crosses made from various metals put on the place of burial.
In many countries, cemeteries are places believed to hold both superstition and legend characteristics, being used, usually at nighttimes, as an altar in supposed black magic ceremonies or similarly clandestine happenings, such as devil worshipping, grave-robbing (gold teeth and jewelry are preferred), thrilling sex encounters or drug and alcohol abuse not related to the cemetery aura (see below).
In the Afro-Brazilian urban mythos (such as Umbanda), there is a character loosely related to cemeteries and its aura: the Zé Pilintra (in fact, Zé Pilintra is more related to bohemianism and night life than with cemeteries, where the reigning entity is Exu Caveira or Exu Cemitério, similar to Voodoo Baron Samedi).
Tríade Brasil Ayahuasca Retreat - Meet the place
Meet the amazing and peacefull country house where our retreat will take place.
The ayahuasca retreat will take place from February 24 to March 1, 2015. It will be aimed at providing all interested people, Brazilians and foreigners, with six days of full relaxation, self-consciousness and physical, mental and spiritual healing. In spite of the suggestive name of this encounter, we will not use only ayahuasca in our retreat, but also other plants with healing power and drinks which are not usually used in other retreats, such as snuffs and “jurema”, which are exclusively prepared for the Triad’s rituals.
Our Differential:
The Triad has thought about offering this retreat to its colleagues from abroad because we strongly believe that umbanda and modern shamanism, through their ayahuasca rituals, may help people from the whole world to achieve a happier life, focused specially on the true energy so that they can make wiser choices. The money from these retreats will help us build the Triad’s countryside center and our future shamanic hospital – these dreams we have long cherished with great affection. To differentiate our retreat from the existing ones, we have included other activities which will certainly allow for better benefits from individual and collective experiences and insights, in addition to offering a more affordable price. In addition to the rituals with ayahuasca and other powerful drinks, you will also be able to be counseled by our spiritual entities, receive access to supporting therapies and use our oracles.
Sexy Pool Party in Bali
Learn how to build your brand and get paid to travel:
We throw our first pool party in Bali! The luxury villa company we've partnered with asked us to throw a party to showcase one of their villas, and that's exactly what we did! We invited 50 content creators and travel influencers who were in Bali for a night of fun, fire dancing, food, and bonding. We honestly had such a good time we're looking to throw another party very soon! What should we do for the next one?!
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- Ryker
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- Parker
- Kenzo
- Justis
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Special thanks to Cafe Moonlight Bali for lunch!
Huge Thanks to Nagisa-Bali for the incredible Villas!
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Festival de Cultura e Gastronomia de Tiradentes | Chef Tereza Paim (Salvador)
Proprietária do restaurante Casa de Tereza, em Salvador, a chef leva no currículo uma série de prêmios nacionais e internacionais. Atualmente ela dedica seu trabalho e sua pesquisa aos ingredientes locais, mas cercados de influências da Espanha, Portugal e Itália.
Mensagem 14 - Filipenses (5) - Sacrifício aceitável e aprazível a Deus
Conferência Internacional – Fevereiro 2018
Realizada na Estância Árvore da Vida entre os dias 10 a 18 de fevereiro de 2018
Tema Geral: A Fé do Evangelho
Mensagem 14 - Filipenses (5) - Sacrifício aceitável e aprazível a Deus
Leitura Bíblica: Fp 2:25, 30; 4:15-18
Preletor(es): Pedro Dong
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