Le Parc National des Pyrénées est constitué de la zone centrale de ce massif immense, frontière entre la France et l’Espagne.
En savoir plus sur voyage.fr
#7 VISITE DE NOTRE VAN 4x4 // Traverser Afrique en couple
English Subtitles available !
➡ Abonne-toi
Dans cette video nous vous présentons notre Land Rover defender 130 que nous avons construit nous-mêmes et dans lequel nous vivons à 6.
Nous sommes une famille en voyage à travers le continent américain.
Nous avons tout vendu pour vivre notre rêve , voyager en famille.
Nos équipements ici :
Tous les dimanches un vlog voyage et tous les mercredis une vidéo pratique concernant le voyage avec son véhicule, avec des enfants ou avec des chiens !
À bientôt les gosses !
Martin, Rose, Jill & Clem
Nous partageons notre quotidien ici :
Instagram : instagram.com/raised_on_the_road
Facebook : facebook.com/raisedontheroad
about us : raisedontheroad.com
Musique proposée par La Musique Libre
Nekzlo - Heading Home :
Nekzlo :
Van aménagé Durban et Melbourne par Stylevan Emotion
Le Durban est présenté dans une version luxe, sublimé par une carrosserie bi-tons et des jantes aluminium de 18 pouces, des commandes au volant, un allumage automatique des feux de route et des essuie-glaces, un autoradio et son écran 5’’, et plein d'autres accessoires.
Le Stylevan Melbourne se démarque par sa polyvalence et sa modularité. En effet, il est posé sur des rails ce qui permet de charger jusqu’à 6 personnes pour un usage quotidien, ou de retirer complètement les sièges pour charger un vélo ou de plus gros objets.
Pour en savoir plus sur Stylevan Emotion :
Location de vans aménagés en France et en Europe :
⇩⇩⇩ Liens utiles juste dessous en rapport avec la vidéo que tu viens de regarder ⇩⇩⇩
QUAND ON VIT EN AUSTRALIE, on réalise rapidement que ça risque d’être EXCLU DE RENTRER EN FRANCE POUR LES VACANCES DE NOËL ! Et puis vue que c’est les vacances scolaires pendant plusieurs semaines TOUT COUTE CHER A CETTE PERIODE.
Alors je te propose 10 TRUCS POUR DEGOTER LE BILLET D’AVION LE MOINS CHER, avoir des vacances cheap, trouver des destinations à un prix raisonnable – Se faire de super vacances de Noël quoi !
Denmark and the law of Jante - Light on the North
Denmark has been number one in the global Happiness Index for years. Everything seems to be right in Denmark. It is clean, there is equality and prosperity. But isn't it too good to be true? Is it so 'lykkelig' in Denmark? To really understand the Danes you have to know the 'law of Jante'.
In this episode Jensen investigates the influential law of Jante in Denmark. From the beginning, this law teaches Danish children that they are no better than anyone else. The law is a code of conduct consisting of ten lines, written by the writer Aksel Sandemose. The basic idea of Jante's law is: you can not put your head above the ground level. Jante is the fictional name of the town Nykøbing on the island of Mors in the northwest of Denmark where Sandemose grew up. The law is an explanation for the low social inequality in Denmark.
In Light on the North, Stine Jensen gauges one after the other the Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish and Danish souls.
'The good Scandinavian life is of course relative. As soon as you start to look at it from different eyes, the image topples.'
In four episodes, the philosopher Stine Jensen, who was born in Denmark but grew up in the Netherlands since her first year, is looking behind Scandinavia's clichés of emancipation, prosperity, natural beauty and space.
Presented by: Stine Jensen
Director: Hans Pool
Editor: Matthieu Hes
Producers: Rosan Boersma, Karin Vermeulen, Jan de Ruiter, Niek Koppen
© VPRO November 2013
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
more information at VPRObroadcast.com
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast:
VPRO Metropolis:
VPRO Documentary:
VPRO World Stories:
VPRO Extra:
VPRO VG (world music):
VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music):
VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories):
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.
Voyage : Trésors vus du ciel - Spot 30''
Best Restaurants in Giulianova, Italy
Giulianova Food Guide. MUST WATCH. We have sorted the list of Best Restaurant in Giulianova for you. With the help of this list you can try Best Local Food in Giulianova. You can select best Bar in Giulianova.
And Lot more about Giulianova Food and Drinks.
It's not the Ranking of Best Restaurants in Giulianova, it is just the list of best Eating Hubs as per our user's ratings.
Don't forget to Subscribe our channel. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of updates Immediately.
List of Best Restaurants in Giulianova
Mille Idee Risto'
All'osteria Da Massimo - Bevessimo E Magnassimo
Birreria degli Acquaviva
Bistrot 900
Ristorante Laguna Blu
Ristorante Lucia
L' Angoletto Mare e Vino
Pizzeria dal Cilentano
Osteria Dal Moro
Crisis on the Volga River - From Moscow to Murmansk
Jelle Brandt Corstius travels North to South along the biggest river of Russia: the Volga river.
He begins his trip in Nizhny Novgorod, also known as the detroit of Russia.
Original title: Crisis on the Volga
In the first series: From Moscow to Magadan, Jelle Brandt Corstius traveled from West to East, focusing on the endless Russian countryside and the villages. In this second series: From Moscow to Murmansk, he travels from North to South along the largest river of Russia: the Volga River. A trip along the relatively unknown cities like Murmansk, Volgograd, Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod, but also to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Through topics like women in Russia, new censorship, the environmental problem from Russian perspective and the ideological vacuum, a relatively unknown side of Russia is once again exposed.
Presented by: Jelle Brandt Corstius
Final editor: Gert-Jan Hox
Directed by: Hans Pool
© VPRO August 2012
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series.
This channel offers some of the best travel series from the Dutch broadcaster VPRO. Our series explore cultures from all over the world. VPRO storytellers have lived abroad for years with an open mind and endless curiosity, allowing them to become one with their new country. Thanks to these qualities, they are the perfect guides to let you experience a place and culture through the eyes of a local. Uncovering the soul of a country, through an intrinsic and honest connection, is what VPRO and its presenters do best.
So subscribe to our channel and we will be delighted to share our adventures with you!
more information at VPRObroadcast.com
Visit additional youtube channels bij VPRO broadcast:
VPRO Broadcast:
VPRO Metropolis:
VPRO Documentary:
VPRO World Stories:
VPRO Extra:
VPRO VG (world music):
VPRO 3voor12 (alternative music):
VPRO 3voor12 extra (music stories):
English, French and Spanish subtitles by Ericsson and co-funded by the European Union.
Laponie Suédoise, construction d´un chalet en rondins
Ce film retrace l´aventure de la construction du lieu rêvé de vos vacances : une cabane en bois rond au cœur de la Laponie. Notre site internet : wilderness-latitude.com/ pour découvrir nos séjours chiens de traîneau et nos voyages de pêche ou simplement louer la cabane.
Avec les arbres de la forêt environnante, une tronçonneuse et un tracteur, en 6 mois, nous avons réalisé ce gîte de vacances. Découvrez toutes les étapes de la construction d´une fuste : abattage des arbres, débardage au tracteur, taille à la tronçonneuse, pose des fenêtres et de la toiture végétale.
Nous vous y accueillons en couple, en famille ou entre amis, pour des séjours avec nos chiens de traîneau, pour des raids et des expéditions dans les grands espaces enneigés. En été, pêche à la mouche ou au brochet, randonnée ou canoë seront au programme. A méditer au coin du feu.. en admirant la taïga sous les aurores boréales..