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Flying to Rome from Malaga | Italy Travel Vlog
Join us as we fly to Rome from Malaga in this travel vlog from Italy. Our day started off bright and early with an apartment tour in Granada. Overall it was a great apartment but lacking in central heating which meant we were bundling up inside. Instead flying out from Granada we ended up taking a bus to Malaga airport for a direct flight to Rome. Our ticket was cheaper and with a direct route so it ended up being the best option. Our flight to Rome with Vueling was smooth and scenic with plenty of mountain views to begin with followed by islands as we landed. Instead of having pizza for supper we settled on Chinese food. Regardless, we're excited to be exploring Rome together for the first time.
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Flying to Rome from Malaga | Italy Travel Vlog Video Transcript:
Good morning guys.
It is five forty four. We've been up since before five. Mmmhmm. It is a big travel day for us today. We are leaving Granada. In fact we're leaving Spain. Yes. Our time in Spain has just flown by. Crazy how quick it has gone. Um we only I mean we visited 3 destinations here but we didn't spend a lot of nights in each place. So the time has just flown by. Mmhmm.
Anyways it is time to go to Italy and today we're leaving Granada but we're not actually flying out from the airport here in Granada. No. We found a cheaper and more direct flight to Rome from Malaga. Yes.
So that means we have a two and a half hour bus ride to get to the airport in Malaga.
So yeah we've got a busy day ahead. But before we do that let us show you the apartment. Yes, we're going to do a little tour.
We actually really liked this place. The only downside was that it is so cold here in Granada and this apartment doesn't have central heating.
We were bundled up the whole time that we were here.
We did have heat. I should mention that. Just no central heating. So we had that blowing out air and in our bedrooms we had these little electric heaters. But I mean it got cold here in Granada. It was like. It was minus temperatures in the morning and at night.
And that basically concludes the apartment tour just behind you.
So we're leaving Spain now did you have a good time in Spain?
Well we had 3 destinations. Madrid. Yeah. Valencia and Granada. And each one of them had something different to offer.
Okay so we've made it to the airport. Malaga airport here. We are having brunch.
I got a grand reserve sandwich. It was over 5 Euros. Nothing is ever cheap at the airport is it? Yeah.
For the first hour of that bus I fell asleep. I totally conked. So did you. Same here.
I was tired. That 2 and a half hour bus ride didn't seem that long. By the time we woke up we were like almost halfway done.
So let's enjoy our sandwiches. We also have some Nestea. And I got myself one called rustico.
With jamon, cheese and tomato. We're going to enjoy a little bite.
The biggest tip I have is when you're traveling in Europe depending on where you are staying you don't necessarily have to fly out of that same cities airport. Like you should as a budget tip you should maybe look at somewhere between a 100 or 200 kilometer radius in like all directions to see what other airports are nearby. And just check the different price of flights. Because sometimes it is way cheaper.
We made it! I'm pleased to report that it was a very smooth flight. It was a beautiful flight.
This is our first night in Rome and what are we having Audrey? Sam is fusspotting at the moment. Because we've ended up at a Chinese restaurant in Italy. But you know what? It is a Sunday night. Restaurants don't open for another hour and a half.
This is part of our Travel in Spain video series showcasing Spanish food, Spanish culture and Spanish cuisine.
This is part of our Travel in Italy video series showcasing Italian food, Italian culture and Italian cuisine.
Music by IKSON:
السياحة في ايطاليا معلومات الوصف
اشترك في القناة ليصلك كل ما هو جديد ومفيد
Tuscania, provincia di Viterbo, Lazio, Italia.
Come molti dei comuni limitrofi e come tipico di questa zona del viterbese, sorge su alcuni (in questo caso sette) promontori di roccia tufacea posti tra i fiumi Marta e Capecchio che dominano, permettendone il controllo, la valle del Marta (ovvero un'importante via di comunicazione e transumanza, che univa, fin dalla preistoria il lago di Bolsena con il mar Tirreno nei pressi dell'attuale Tarquinia). Da citare come curiosità le leggende mitologiche sull'origine della città: la prima, riportata dallo storico romano Tito Annio Lusco, vorrebbe Tuscania fondata dal figlio di Enea, Ascanio, sul luogo del ritrovamento di dodici cuccioli di cane (da cui il nome latino Tus-cana) mentre una seconda indica come fondatore Tusco, figlio di Ercole e di Araxe.
Salento e Corfù (Grecia) parte 2
Ultimo giorno del viaggio nel Salento e Corfù, effettuato a fine Settembre 2013.
Le tratte del primo giorno di viaggio sono: Valdera-Celano, Celano-Lavello, Lavello-Maglie con pernottamento al Casale Sombrino... Secondo giorno Maglie-Corfù con visita all'isola e pernottamento a Paleokastritsa... Terzo giorno: Corfù-Lavello, Lavello-Sabaudia via costa Amalfitana, Sabaudia-Valdera.
11h40' di volo - 2150 Km percorsi ad una media di 190 Km/h
Velivoli Tecnam Sierra e Pipistrel Sinus (Alessio Bartoloni)
Il viaggio prevedeva l'arrivo ad Athene, ma la meteo del ritorno ci ha fatto decidere per il rientro anticipato.
Qui la parte 1 del volo:
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