Ca Gubbio agriturismo near Gubbio in Italy
Agriturismo in Italy near Gubbio (Umbria). There are two properties each with a big pool and stunning views over the green hills. Small restaurant for guests with local produce.
La Locanda del Borgo - Pietralunga
Immagini relative alla
Una breve foto gallery di cosa vi aspetta all'arrivo alla Locanda del Borgo che non ha nulla a che vedere con i tipici alberghi, niente rustico o arredi pomposi, solo atmosfere raffinate e discreta eleganza.
La Locanda del Borgo
Via Roma, 139, 06026, Pietralunga (PG), Umbria.
Tel: 075 9460798
Il Borgo holiday apartments in Central Italy
Il Borgo is a small hamlet with several apartments for holidays in Central Italy (Umbria). There is a big ecological pool, hot tub and sauna.
Gubbio cable car, Gubbio, Umbria, Italy
A group of volunteers of Gubbio, coordinated by Zeno Cipiciani and with the support of all citizens, on the occasion of the eighth centenary of the death of St. Ubaldo decided to equip the Monte Igino of a cable car to make it easier for citizens and tourists visit the shrine of the patron saint of the city of Gubbio. The year was 1959. The construction of the cable car at first glance appeared a 'utopia and a difficult to reach destination. a public subscription was opened (more than 200 accessions) that, together with the aid of institutions, allowed him to achieve the intended purpose. She entered service on December 3, 1960. It was an important demonstration of the creative spirit and unifying the people of Gubbio always careful to show love for their city and St. Ubaldo. From that date until today the system, through various renovations and upgrades functioned without interruption, ensuring the people of Gubbio and the many tourists visiting our city, with easy transit even in winter towards the Monte Igino and the Basilica of St. Ubaldo.
MONTERIGGIONI Borgo Medioevale - Medieval village Tuscany - HD
Situato all’estremità settentrionale del proprio territorio comunale, Monteriggioni occupa la sommità di una dolce collina dalle pendici coltivate a vigne e olivi.
Il castello venne fondato nel secondo decennio del Duecento dalla Repubblica di Siena, con il principale scopo di creare un avamposto difensivo contro la rivale Firenze Per secoli l’insediamento svolse in pieno la funzione per cui era stato creato, respingendo di volta in volta una miriade di assedi e attacchi. La sua funzione militare venne meno a partire dalla metà del Cinquecento, quando l’intero Stato Senese, di cui il nostro borgo faceva parte, venne annesso a quello fiorentino.
Monteriggioni conserva ancora oggi gran parte delle strutture del XIII secolo e si configura come un luogo assolutamente unico nel panorama dei borghi medievali toscani.
La cinta muraria, realizzata in pietra, abbraccia la sommità di una collina con uno sviluppo lineare di circa 570 metri.
Dalla superficie esterna sporgono quattordici torri a pianta rettangolare, mentre una quindicesima è addossata alla cortina interna. La loro imponenza dovette essere assai notevole anche nel Medioevo, tanto da suggerire a Dante una famosa similitudine con i Giganti collocati nell’Inferno: “[…] però che, come su la cerchia tonda / Monteriggion di torri si corona, / così la proda che ‘l pozzo circonda / torreggiavan di mezza persona / li orribil giganti […]” (Inf., XXXI, vv. 40-44).
Located at the northern end of its municipal area, Monteriggioni occupies the top of a gentle hill from the slopes cultivated with vineyards and olive trees.
The castle was founded in the second decade of the thirteenth century by the Republic of Siena, with the main aim of creating a defensive outpost against rival Florence. For centuries, the settlement took place in the middle of the function for which it was created, rejecting each time a myriad of sieges and attacks. Its military function was less from the middle of the sixteenth century, when the whole Senese State, of which our village was part, was annexed to the Florentine.
Monteriggioni still retains much of the thirteenth century structures and is designed as a unique place in the panorama of medieval towns in Tuscany.
The walls, made of stone, embracing the top of a hill with a linear development of about 570 meters.
Fourteen towers protrude from the outer surface with a rectangular plan, while a fifteenth is placed against the inner curtain. Their grandeur had to be very significant in the Middle Ages, much to suggest to Dante a popular similarity with the Giants placed in Hell: [...] However, as of the round / Monteriggion circle is crowned with towers, / so the brink that 'surrounds the well / torreggiavan middle person / giant horrible them [...] (Inf., XXXI, vv. 40-44).
Gubbio - Camminando per la città di pietra
Gubbio - Camminando per la città di pietra - Walking through the Stone Town
Truffle festivals along the Via Francigena and St. Francis Way |
If you are travelling along the Via Francigena or the St. Francis Way in Autumn you cannot miss the chance to taste some good chestnuts, chocolate, wine and of course truffles! There are many different events such as fairs and festivals in northern and central Italy to celebrate the finest mushroom in the world. Going to a truffle fair or ordering a risotto al tartufo, rice with truffle, is a must if you are visiting Italy in Autumn.
You have the biggest chance of finding truffles in the regions of Piedmont, Tuscany, Umbria and Le Marche. The tartufo bianco, white truffle, is the most common kind of truffle found in the region. There are in fact many fairs in these regions where you can buy and taste it. At these fairs you can taste good Italian cuisine for much less than you would pay in a restaurant and even without tasting or buying anything you would enjoy the strong and delicious smell of truffles in the air. After some minutes, we guarantee, it's impossible not to taste or buy anything.
You will also find other regional products such as cheese, salami, honey, wine, oil and so on at these fairs.
The most famous white truffle fair is hosted 100km from the Via Francigena from Vercelli, in the region of Piedmont in a village called Alba. It takes place on weekends from early October through mid-November and it's particularly unique since there is plenty of entertainment, beside the markets. The fair is introduced with a night of concerts and gastronomic stands and it's concluded with the truffle world auction and a white truffle walk for tourists.
Right on the Via Francigena and St. Francis Way we can find some different and pretty famous truffle fairs as well:
San Miniato
Along the section 14 of the Via Francigena in Tuscany, you can enjoy the white truffle fair of San Miniato La Sagra del Tartufo Bianco. The medieval town has hosted this fair for over 40 years during three weekends of November, the second, third and fourth ones. There are food and craft stands and entertainment. Besides, restaurants feature reasonably priced truffle menus.
San Giovanni d'Asso
San Giovanni d'Asso, 17km from San Quirico D'orcia along section 15 of the Via Francigena, has a good truffle festival as well, the second and third weekends of November. In the town you can also find a truffle museum open on weekends.
Cittá di Castello & Pietralunga
Along section 2 of the St. Francis Way, in the region of Umbria you can find a fair dedicated to truffles and forest products in Cittá di Castello in November while at the following stage there is the Mostra Mercato del Tartufo, Trade fair of Truffles, in Pietralunga in mid-October.
From the end of October to the beginning of November, in Gubbio, next stage after Pietralunga along section 2 of the St. Francis Way, you can also find a good truffle fair, Mostra del tartufo di Gubbio. Both white and black truffles are in sale while entertainment and chefs hold cooking demonstrations to let you then taste some good Italian cuisine.
To book your Truffle Fair holiday, or for further information, visit or call +353 (0) 1-525-28-86
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La Rondinaia, Holiday Villa Near Citta di Castello, Umbria, Italy
La Rondinaia is a well appointed anne beautifully finished 3 bedroom holiday villa in northern Umbria, Italy. It is in beautiful countryside between the small towns of Citta di Castello and Pietralunga. From here you can visit most of Umbria and much of Tuscany and Le Marcjhe.
© CLAUDIO MORTINI™◊ Situato sulla sommità di un colle, Castiglion Fiorentino consente l'affaccio su panorami splendidi sia verso la Val di Chio sia verso il Preappennino, argentato, fino a certe quote, da bellissimi oliveti.
La sua collocazione strategica in prossimità del percorso Arezzo-Chiusi e del collegamento tra la Val di Chiana e la Valtiberina ha fatto sì che il nucleo abitato si sviluppasse in epoca etrusca (VI-V sec. a.C.) e che avesse quindi una continuità di vita fino a diventare importante castrum nel periodo medievale.
Il centro storico, dominato dalla torre del Cassero e circondato dalle mura, conserva infatti l'impianto medievale e preziose testimonianze storico artistiche a partire dall'epoca etrusca. La sua posizione di terra di confine tra la Toscana e l'Umbria lo colloca in una posizione ideale da cui raggiungere le principali città del centro Italia.
Il turista può trovare inoltre una cucina tipica genuina e produzioni biologiche locali, oltre alla produzione di artigianato artistico.
ACQUASPARTA Borgo Medioevale - Umbria - HD
E' posta su di un colle a circa 350 m s.l.m. da cui domina la valle del Naia, affluente del Tevere.
E' al centro di un vasto territorio tra il variare delle colline e dei monti prospicienti, ricco di vegetazione e di sorgenti di acque curative e da tavola.
La ricchezza dal punto di vista idrico del suo territorio ne ha da sempre caratterizzato la vocazione termale, tanto che proprio per le sue acque già in epoca romana essa trasse il suo nome: ACQUAS PARTAS, ad indicare la sua posizione tra le sorgenti dell'Amerino e Furapane.
Conserva ancora l'aspetto di un centro medioevale con una suggestiva cinta muraria e una caratteristica Porta Vecchia che nei secoli passati consentiva l'accesso al paese.
Tutt'oggi si può ammirare la piazza restaurata davanti al Palazzo Cesi Il Palazzo Cesi risale alla seconda metà del XVI secolo e all'interno sono conservate iscrizioni romane derivanti dalle rovine di Carsulae. Galileo fu in questo palazzo ospitato dal duca Federico Cesi.
la bellezza del paesaggio, la ricchezza di acque, il clima felice, le memorie storiche ed i monumenti artistici fanno di Acquasparta un luogo di soggiorno ideale.