¿VAS A VIAJAR A BERLÍN? Espero que hayas reservado vario días porque la capital de Alemania está llena de lugares que han marcado la historia. #Berlin #Alemania #Reichstag
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Photo: Bleppo
Traducción subtítulos: Rafa Salieto
Hemos viajado hasta Alemania, al corazón de Europa, concretamente a su capital Berlín, una ciudad que fascina a todo el mundo. Toca recordar que hace setenta años Berlín fue destrozada durante los bombardeos de la segunda guerra mundial por lo que apenas queda patrimonio histórico original. La mayoría edificios como la catedral alemana tuvieron que ser totalmente reconstruidos. Una de las pocas edificaciones que se mantuvieron en pie fu la Iglesia Kaiser Biljem WilhJelm declarada monumento protegido que se conserva en estado de ruina como un memorial.
Para ver Berlín se necesitan muchos días. Esto es enorme y hay muchas cosas. Así que la mejor opción es lo que voy a hacer yo. Un tour en bicicleta por la ciudad. Las bicicletas en Berlín son como la arena en la playa, forman parte del paisaje. En esta ciudad moverse en bici es lo más habitual. No importa que sea invierno y haga frío aquí la gente prefiere este medio de transporte limpio. Para fomentar su uso, Berlín cuenta con más de 620 kilómetros de vías para ciclistas y si un día vas en bici y te cansas, ¡no hay problema!. Puedes meter la bici en el metro.
La primera parada de este tour en bici me lleva al edifico del Reichstag. Construido en el siglo 19 en estilo neoclásico es actualmente la sede del parlamento alemán donde destaca esa bella cúpula de cristal de la que ahora no os voy a hablar porque al final del día entraremos a verla. Junto al Reichstag se encuentra otro gran símbolo de la ciudad: La Puerta de Brandeburgo. La puerta fue construida en el siglo 18 en estilo Neoclásico inspirándose en el Acrópolis de Atenas y es una de las piezas más cotizadas de los cazadores de selfies.
Sigo mi paseo en bici para enseñaros dos de mis zonas favoritas situadas en el barrio judío. El primer lugar al que me dirijo es el distrito de Hackesche Höfe. Estos bellísimos patios de estilo Art Nouveau datan de principios del siglo 20 y están declarados monumentos histórico nacional. Hoy en día son una encantadora zona llena de tiendas, cafés y teatros Junto a estos patios tenemos la Haus Schwarzenberg toda un explosión del mejor Street Art. Este callejón no son sólo muros de arte urbano, es un espacio cultural donde donde podemos encontrar numerosos estudios de arte, un cine independiente, un bar y tres museos dedicados a diferentes personalidades de la comunidad judía como Anna-Frank u Otto Weidt, un empresario alemán que protegió escondió a numerosas familias judías en sus fábricas.
Pero sin duda alguna el gran tributo a los judíos asesinado en Europa es este monumento, una obra de 19.000 metros cuadrados formando por losas de hormigón, cuya carga emocional es tan intensa que sobran las palabras. Vamos a visitar otro escenario vinculado a los horrores de la II Guerra Mundial, la BebelPlatz. En esta plaza el 10 de mayo de 1933 se produjo la quema de libros de autores contrarios a la ideología nazi. Para no olvidar este suceso se ha levantado este monumento que representa una sala vacía con estanterías para acoger 20.000 libros, exactamente los libros que fueron quemados aquella noche.
Se me acaba el día y quiero terminarlo conociendo lo mejor de los tiempos actuales, por eso regreso al edificio del Reichstag para visitar la cúpula. Cuando en 1990 se produjo la reunificación Alemana hubo que rehabilitar el edificio para que fuera la sede del Parlamento. La gran aportación de esta reforma fue esta cúpula de vidrio diseñada por el arquitecto Norman Foster que representa la Alemania unida.
Places to see in ( Oberstdorf - Germany )
Places to see in ( Oberstdorf - Germany )
Oberstdorf is a town in Germany's Allgäu Alps known for skiing and hiking. Nebelhorn cable car climbs the slopes of Nebelhorn mountain. In summer, Fellhorn mountain's cable cars have views of alpenroses. Cross-country skiing trails and footpaths traverse the valleys. Walkways lead past waterfalls in the Breitach gorge. Erdinger Arena and Eissportzentrum Oberstdorf host winter sports like ski jumping and ice skating.
Spectacularly situated in the western Alps, the Allgäu region feels a long, long way from the rest of Bavaria, both in its cuisine (more Spätzle than dumplings) and the dialect, which is closer to the Swabian of Baden-Württemberg. The Allgäu’s chief draw is the car-free resort of Oberstdorf, a major skiing centre a short hop from Austria.
Oberstdorf is a well-known holiday resort in the Allgäu High Alps . Located at 800 altitude location offers a variety of attractions and offers. Oberstdorf is a popular starting point for mountain bikers to cross the Alps by mountain bike. Every year hundreds of mountain bikers from Oberstdorf set off to cross the Alps on the Heckmair Route or the Joe Route . The goal of most mountain bike tours from Oberstdorf is Lake Garda in Italy.
A lot to see in Oberstdorf such as :
Nature reserve Allgäu High Alps
Heini Klopfer ski jump
Allgäuer Hochalpen
Riedberger Horn
Ofterschwanger Horn
Großer Daumen
Eichhörnchenwald Fischen
Christlessee Oberstdorf
Bergbahnen Ofterschwang- Gunzesried GmbH & Co. KG
Heimatmuseum Oberstdorf
Hinanger Wasserfall
Allgäu Coaster (toboggan run)
Alpenwildpark Obermaiselstein Berghof Schwarzenberg
Sigiswanger Horn
Bolsterlanger Horn
( Oberstdorf - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Oberstdorf . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Oberstdorf - Germany
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Places to see in ( Leipzig - Germany ) Volkerschlachtdenkmal
Places to see in ( Leipzig - Germany ) Volkerschlachtdenkmal
The Monument to the Battle of the Nations is a monument in Leipzig, Germany, to the 1813 Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of the Nations. Paid for mostly by donations and the city of Leipzig, it was completed in 1913 for the 100th anniversary of the battle at a cost of six million goldmarks.
The monument commemorates Napoleon's defeat at Leipzig, a crucial step towards the end of hostilities in the War of the Sixth Coalition. The coalition armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria and Sweden were led by Tsar Alexander I of Russia and Karl Philipp, Prince of Schwarzenberg. There were German speakers fighting on both sides, as Napoleon's troops also included conscripted Germans from the left bank of the Rhine annexed by France, as well as troops from his German allies of the Confederation of the Rhine.
The structure is 91 metres (299 ft) tall. It contains over 500 steps to a viewing platform at the top, from which there are views across the city and environs. The structure makes extensive use of concrete, and the facings are of granite. It is widely regarded as one of the best examples of Wilhelmine architecture. The monument is said to stand on the spot of some of the bloodiest fighting, from where Napoleon ordered the retreat of his army.
Between 16–19 October 1813, the Battle of the Nations was fought by the coalition armies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden against the French army of Napoleon aided by Polish and Italian troops as well as German-speakers from the Confederation of the Rhine. Napoleon's army was defeated and compelled to return to France while the Allies invaded France early the next year. Napoleon was forced to abdicate and was exiled to Elba in May 1814.
In 1814 proposals to build a monument to commemorate the battle were made. Among the supporters of the project, author Ernst Moritz Arndt called for the construction of a large and magnificent (monument), like a colossus, a pyramid, or the cathedral of Cologne. Architect Friedrich Weinbrenner created a design for the monument that ultimately was not used.
Restoration of the monument started in 2003, and is expected to be completed in 2019. The Monument of the Battle of Nations is located in the southeast of Leipzig and can be reached by tram lines 15 and 2 at Völkerschlachtdenkmal.
( Leipzig - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Leipzig . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Leipzig - Germany
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Breitenbach Potucky CZ & Johanngeorgenstadt Kreis Schwarzenberg Aue DDR 10.8.2013
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
A town in the hills
Just uploading this to let you know that I'm back from my journey. This is a small hillside town called Triesenberg, located in Liechtenstein, that small country between Austria and Switzerland in the Alps. Not only is the town really beautiful, but it also offers a spectacular view of the valley and surrounding mountains, and of course The Rhine, which flows through the valley on its way to the North Sea. If you ever find yourself travelling through Europe, make sure not to miss out on this lovely place!
Sorry about the focusing sound.
Filming location: 47.117204,9.545950
Berlin Potsdamer Platz am Abend
Der Potsdamer Platz ist eine der großen Touristenattraktionen in Berlins neuer Mitte. Das Video zeigt Europas größte mobile Rodelbahn, den 4000 qm großen überdachten Platz des Sony Center, den Boulevard der Stars sowie die acht Meter hohe und fünf Meter breite Maske beim Festival of Lights.
БЕРЛИН ᛫ Дворики Берлина • Лучшая еда в городе • Знаменитые баухаусы • Вайн Шорле и Радлер
Какой Берлин изнутри? Где можно попробовать самые вкусные завтраки? Что такое баухаусы и вайн шорле?
VDVOEM в Берлине с Kate Tarabukina!
Это двойная, даже тройная бомба! Мы не просто выбрали самые апетитные и вкусные места Берлина, не просто прошлись по всем самым нетуристическим дворикам и барахолкам города, а еще и нырнули в жизнь горожан вместе с лучшим проводником в Берлине!
Катя 5 лет тому переехала в Берлин, влюбившись в него с первого раза. Эта Любовь с первого взгляда однозначно отвечает взаимностью ей. Я был много раз в Берлине до этой поездки, проехал даже на байке в Берлин на концерт DM из Киева, но, до этого дня с Кейт я не знал Берлин совершенно!
Итак, як тебе не любыты, майнен БерлинbyKate?
Самый не немецкий город в Германии. Самый космополитичный город в дойчеленд. Мы предлагаем вам лучшее, что мы нашли в Берлине. Мы предлагаем вам прогулку по Берлину с berlinbykate.com.
Содержание [кликабельно]:
01:00 - Какие ощущения дарит Берлин? | Наше знакомство с Катей
03:15 - Прогулка по дворовому Берлину | История характера города | Что такое баухаус? | Самый известный баухаус в Берлине
06:00 - Промышленные дворы и их история | Двор Hackesche Hofe
07:22 - Двор архитекторов и дизайнеров Sophie Gips Hofe | Отдыхаем в заведении Father Carpenter Coffee | Мороженое с солью и оливковым маслом
09:50 - Район магазинов с историей | Сеть магазинов Pomobo | Витрина с ампельманом
11:14 - Утренний кофе в The Barn | KW Institute | Студенческий кафетерий в выставочном зале | Что такое вайн шорле и радлер?
14:19 - Едим пастрами в кафе Mogg | Откуда в Германии появился дурум (донер/шаурма)
17:20 - Сквот Haus Schwarzenberg | История второй волны сквоттирования в Берлине | Кинотеатр во дворе
21:30 - Берлинское метро | В следующей серии
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Munich Things To Do
Hi friends!
On this video you will watch our trip to Munich Germany.
We stayed at Hotel Mercure Munich City Center. It is a very good place to stay in Munich. If you are looking for an affordable place to stay in Munich, this is a good place. The location is perfect. Very centrally located. Dont look for the best place to stay in Munich. This can easily be the right address.
Our day has started with a good breakfast in Munich. Food in Munich is very delicious and to be honest we like in general food in germany. Food in Germany is usually affordable and very tasty.
Munich is a Shopping Paradise! There are a lot of shops and department stores. But unfortunately the shops were closed. So our shopping trip in Munich became a Tourist Trip :)
We took the map and tried to explore the Munich Attractions.
In this video, you will find top attractions in Münich like:
Marienplatz (Marien Square) is the central square in the heart of Munich and holds the Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall of Munich). The tower of the New Town Hall houses the Glockenspiel, a beautiful chiming clock that is over 100 years old. Come here at 11:00 or noon to hear the Glockenspiel ring and watch the 32 life-sized figures reenact historical Bavarian events. Watch for the golden bird that chirps 3 times to mark the end of each show.
From here, you can also explore some of the city's most historic buildings, churches and landmarks such as the Mariensäule (Marian Column) which is topped with the golden statue of Virgin Mary
The Catholic Cathedral of Our Blessed Lady is the most identifiable landmark of Munich and the city's largest church; it holds up to 20,000 people.
Together with the Rathaus (Town Hall), the sturdy twin towers of the Cathedral shape Munich's skyline and make it a great point of orientation. You can also climb the steps of the towers - the view of Munich's city scape and the Bavarian Alps is breathtaking. The architectural style of the brick-built cathedral is late Gothic and is from the 15th century. The famous domes that top each tower were modeled on the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.
3-Residence Palace of Munich - Residenz
At the edge of Munich's old town lies the Residence, the former royal palace of the Bavarian monarchs. Today the Residence houses one of the best European museums of interior decoration. The Residence, whose first buildings were constructed in 1385, consists of ten courtyards and beautiful historical gardens. The museum itself displays 130 rooms with antique furniture, art, porcelain, and tapestries that span the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and the neoclassical era.
4-The English Garden
Just a few blocks northeast of the Munich Residence is the English Garden, Munich's largest park. Bigger than Central Park in New York, this green oasis is a wonderful place to explore: Rent a paddle boat, stroll along the wooded paths, visit one of its traditional beer gardens, and watch the German answer to surfing on the currents of the waterway called Eisbach.
5-The Hofgarten
The garden was built in 1613–1617 by Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria as an Italian style Renaissance garden. In the center of the garden is a pavilion for the goddess Diana, built in 1615 by Heinrich Schön the elder. A path leads from each of the eight arches. On the roof of the Diana pavilion is the replica of a sculpture of Bavaria by Hubert Gerhard, created in 1623. The original is in the Kaisersaal of the Residenz.
The Hofgarten is a very popular spot, shown here on the first sunny weekend in spring
6-The Hofbräuhaus am Platzl
The Hofbräuhaus am Platzl is a beer hall in Munich, Germany, originally built in 1589 by Bavarian Duke Maximilian I as an extension of the Staatliches Hofbräuhaus in München brewery.
The Hofbräuhaus opens daily at 9 a.m., including Christmas and other major holidays. Closing time is 11:30 p.m.
The Bavarian Evening in the Festival Hall begins at 6:30 p.m., when the doors open and beer is served. The band starts playing at 7 p.m., when the buffet is served, and the folklore show beging at 7:45 p.m.
Enjoy Watching the video!
Kutna Hora (Czech Republic) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic.
Kutna Hora is situated close to Prague and historically is one of the most important cities in the Czech Republic. In the Early Middle Ages the city gained its wealth from the mining of silver ore. In its heyday in the fourteenth century, the city had a population of around a hundred thousand and each year ten thousand miners extracted three million kilograms of silver from seven hundred metres below ground, which was equal to one third of the mined silver in the ancient world. In 1142 a Cistercian monastery was founded in today's Sedlec district along with the adjoining Gothic church of St. Mary, an imposing building with five naves and seven choir chapels. Following the demolition of the church by the Hussites in 1421, it lay in ruins for three hundred years until, in 1699, reconstruction in Baroque Gothic style began. Close to the monastery a cemetery chapel contains a crypt with a bone house that accommodates around forty thousand human skeletons that have been formed into numerous macabre works of art: pyramids, chandeliers, monstrances and the coat of arms of Prince Schwarzenberg are a reminder of the transience of life on Earth. However, in 1713 the Black Death arrived which marked the tragic end of the city’s prosperity that had already begun to decline when the city was twice destroyed by fire during the Hussite Wars and was further crippled due to cheap imports of silver from America. Nevertheless, Kutna Hora still shines resplendent even today.
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St. Martin Umzug 2014 in Auerbach / Vogtland
Der diesjährige Lampionumzug führte von der St. Laurentiuskirche zum Neumarkt.