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Top 10 Interesting Places in Northern Italy
Tuscany Tours ( presents our Enchanting Northern Italy tour, a small group, escorted tour of Northern Italy. 9 amazing days exploring Venice, Verona, Lake Como, and many points in between.
Here are our Top 10 Most Interesting Places in Northern Italy. From the Grand Canal to Lake Como, see our list in this video.
Our Enchanting Northern Italy: Venice, Verona, and Lake Como tour is scheduled to depart April 23 - May 1, 2019, and October 3-11, 2019. Beginning in Venice on the northeast coast of Italy and concludes nine days later in Bellagio on the beautiful Lake Como.
In Venice and its surrounding islands, you will be immersed in history as Roman and medieval monuments abound. We'll visit Torcello, one of the oldest islands situated in the lagoons, as well as Burano, famous for its artisan lace makers and its picturesque canals lined with brightly colored houses.
Over the course of our tour of Northern Italy, we will make our way from the coast of the Adriatic Sea to the lakes resting at the foot of the Alps, from the Byzantine cathedral of Venice to the spectacular Roman amphitheater of Verona, then west to the romantic village of Bellagio, the Pearl of the Lake on Lake Como.
After basking in the glories of Venice, our tour travels along the Soave Wine Road through the famous wine region that stretches between Venice and Verona. We'll stop to spend a couple days enjoying Verona, one of Northern Italy's most elegant cities—and the settings of three of Shakespeare's plays: Romeo and Juliet, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and The Taming of the Shrew.
For the grand finale of our tour of Northern Italy, we'll be based in the village of Bellagio on the shores of the breathtaking Lake Como. We'll have beautiful lake-view rooms to enhance the feeling of being high in the Alps and to appreciate the allure of the deep blue colors of the water. From the comfort of a private boat, we'll have the opportunity to visit many of the villas situated along the lakeside. Join us on this incredible adventure. This small-group, escorted tour is available in the spring and summer. See you in Northern Italy!
To learn more and request a free itinerary, visit:
Verona, Italy Travel Video Guide
Have a look around 'fair Verona' and the stunning town of Sirmione situated on Lake Garda.
In Verona we take a tour up famous Torre dei Lamberti towering over Piazza Erbe. It was built by the Lamberti Family in 1172, and stands as one of the tallest building in all of Verona. With a dominating position the view is incredible if you mange to make it up all 368 steps, or if you are not feeling up to it, there is a lift.
Following on is the stunning Basilica di San Zeno Maggiore, dating all the way back to 4th century, its exterior is a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture, the striped brick and stone basilica was built in honour of the city’s patron saint. As with anything in Verona, it is also tied to the Shakespeare classic Romeo & Juliet, as its crypt was the setting of Romeo & Juliet’s secret wedding.
Possibly the most famous, must-see attraction in the city is the Arena di Verona. It is a true Roman amphitheatre situated in Piazza Bra and was built back in the first century. It is still used today for operas and music concerts. It has been renovated and now has a capacity of 15,000, half as much as it could hold back ancient times.
A trip to Verona would not be compete without visiting Juliet’s Balcony or Casa di Giulietta. This was built as a memorial and museum to celebrate what is quite possibly the most famous love story ever written. If you enter the museum you can step out onto the balcony, or the is a statue of Juliet in the courtyard, it is supposed good luck to touch her right breast.
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Travel Italy - Visiting Sirmione Castle
Take a tour of Sirmione Castle in Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Sirmione Castle sits on a spit jutting out into the waters of Lake Garda, on the shore of an Italian commune of the same name.
The castle was built in the thirteenth century and displays many elements from the High Middle Ages, including crenellated walls and towers.
A highly visited feature of this structure visit is the main tower from which the lake and castle courtyard are visible.
The moat surrounding the castle is now the wading ground of ducks and swans, and is not used for defensive purposes.
A unique feature of this already singular castle is its fortified port, used both for access to the castle and for deploying ships into battle.
Medieval Sirmione Castle is a perfect platform for viewing the landscape and surrounding city.
Veneto: Verona, Vicenza, Padua - Italy Day 2 - Juliet's Balcony, Verona Arena, Olympic Theater
Exploring the medieval towns of il Veneto: Verona, Vicenza and Padua on day two of our twelve day tour across northern and central Italy.
Today we would explore three medieval Italian towns in El Veneto, the northeastern region of Italy surrounding Venice.
Riding the train from Milan to Padua, we would explore street markets, piazzas and a cathedral. In nearby Vicenza, we would visit the Olympic Theater, one of the oldest in the world. In Verona, where we would climb the steps of an ancient colosseum, the Verona Arena, and see the famed balcony of Romeo and Juliet.
Italy’s best: BORGHETTO | Silvio Defant
There’s a list called “Italy’s best villages”. We don’t know who wrote it, but we can imagine what are the standards and requirements to make the fit. Borghetto, a tiny village in Northern Italy, near Verona, has what it takes.
Music: At the Rainbow’s End - Sebastian
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VERONA, ITALY : Textures of Verona (DIX TRIPS - Vol.19)
Let me loose with a camera for an afternoon in a beautiful city and this is what happens.
Music: Starmen 2011 by Nigel Dick c.dickwords & music (BMI)
VERONA (Veneto-Italy) - TOUR DELLA CITTA' nel periodo natalizio -
Verona è un comune italiano di 257 946 abitanti, capoluogo dell'omonima provincia situata in Veneto. È la seconda città della regione per popolazione dopo il capoluogo, Venezia.Nota per essere il luogo della tragedia di Romeo e Giulietta, Verona si è sviluppata progressivamente e ininterrottamente durante duemila anni, integrando elementi artistici di alta qualità dei diversi periodi che si sono succeduti, tra i quali si ricordano in particolare il governo della famiglia Della Scala tra i secoli XIII e XIV, e il dominio della Repubblica di Venezia tra l'inizio del quattrocento e la fine del settecento; per la sua arte e architettura e per la sua struttura urbana, eccellente esempio di città fortificata, Verona è stata dichiarata patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO. La città sorge lungo le rive del fiume Adige, nel punto in cui questo entra nella pianura Padana e forma un caratteristico doppio meandro, a una trentina di chilometri a est del lago di Garda. È situata a 59 m sul livello del mare, ai piedi dell'appendice meridionale dei monti Lessini: il colle San Pietro. Inoltre si trova nell'unico punto in cui l'arco alpino meridionale (o italiano) diventa convesso rispetto ai 3 grandi archi concavi presso Cuneo, Varese e Udine. L'area urbana scaligera è al centro di un hinterland che al 2001 conta circa 482.000 abitanti. È, dopo Catania, la 2ª città italiana più popolosa non capoluogo di regione. Anticamente la città era un punto nodale di tutti i sistemi di trasporto terrestre e acquatico dell'Italia nord-orientale. Al tempo dei Romani, infatti, era il punto di incontro di quattro strade consolari: la via Gallica, la via Claudia Augusta, il vicum Veronensium e la via Postumia. Ancora oggi Verona costituisce un importante nodo geografico - stradale, ferroviario e autostradale - al crocevia tra le direttrici che collegano l'Italia centrale e nord-occidentale con il passo del Brennero.
Per quanto riguarda il rischio sismico, Verona è classificata nella zona 3, ovvero a bassa sismicità, anche se vi sono notizie storiche di gravi terremoti nel Medioevo. Si ringrazia la ragazza sul balcone di Giulietta che non siamo riusciti a rintracciare .Il video non ha scopo di lucro ed e' stato elaborato, solo ed esclusivemente per valorizzare il patrimonio artistico e culturale italiano,dal Circolo del Viaggiatore Lioni,associazione culturale no profit.
Verona restaurant: La Bottega della Gina, Italy
On a recent trip to Verona, Italy, we searched tripadvisor for Verona restaurant recommendations and within the top 5 was this little gem: La Bottega della Gina, which isn't really a proper Italian restaurant since rather than tables and chairs, it's more like a couple of high bar-type tables and bar-stools, and you eat off paper plates... but the pasta - they specialize in tortellini / tortelloni - is home-made with a wide range of fillings, it's fresh and absolutely delicious! So if you're looking for restaurants in Verona Italy, I'd say it's definitely worth checking this one out!
This video captures a small glimpse into what it's like to visit and eat at this great Verona food stop. I'd highly recommend it! And nope, this wasn't a sponsored video or anything like that - I'm just a regular foodie tourist who really enjoyed eating here! :)
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Music credits:
Ghosts of California by Wes Hutchinson
Trieste - Piccola Grande Italia
Fulcro della regione storico-geografica della Venezia Giulia, Trieste, fa da ponte oggi come in passato tra Europa continentale e mediterranea.Un grande fascino che scaturisce da una storia antica.
In queste terre abitate sin dal II millennio a.C si insediarono Veneti e Romani e l'antica Tergeste consolidò la propria fama sino a divenire uno dei più importanti porti dell'Adriatico come certificato dai resti archeologici rinvenuti sul Colle di San Giusto.