Portland, Maine Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia (4K)
Portland, Saco, Cape Porpoise and Kennebunkport sit on the southern coastline of Maine. Part of Portland’s great charm is its working waterfront.
Amble down Commercial Street and spend a few hours drifting around the many wharves and piers. Then, follow the salty breezes through the streets and lanes of the historic port district.
Tour the ornate rooms of Victoria Mansion, and visit the historic home of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, one of America’s most beloved poets. Head west along Congress Street to the Portland Museum of Art. Many of the artists whose works feature here were inspired by Portland’s coastline, including one of the giants of American Art, Winslow Homer.
Cross the Fore River to South Portland and peer through the gun ports of Historic Fort Preble. Just below the fort is the Spring Point Ledge Light, one of the smaller of Maine’s 57 active lighthouses, while just a few miles south, on Cape Elizabeth, stands one of New England’s most beautiful, Portland Head Light.
Seven miles south of Portland is Scarborough, where families have been returning to sleepy havens like Higgins Beach for generations. From here, let the bend of Saco Bay sweep you further south to Saco, Cape Porpoise and Kennebunkport.
On your way back to Portland, grab a ticket and take a ride at the Seashore Trolley Museum, the largest collection of streetcars in the world.
Welcome to Portland. It’s more than just a city by the sea, it’s a song.
Италия: Лукка | Italy: Lucca
Лукка (итал. Lucca) — город в итальянском регионе Тоскана, на реке Серкио. Административный центр одноимённой провинции. Проживает ок. 90 тыс. жителей. Покровителем города считается святой Павлин Луккский (итал. San Paolino). Праздник города 12 июля.
В 180 году до н. э. римляне основали селение, согласно каноническому устройству: Кардо Максимус и Декуманус Максимус, которые делят город на кварталы — инсулы — и пересекаются на форуме. Интересно отметить, что и в сегодняшнем устройстве города эти две оси, улицы Филлунго и Ченами, пересекающиеся с улицами Рома и Санта-Кроче, и форум, находящийся на площади Сан-Микеле, полностью соответствуют наиболее людным и богатым торговлей улицам внутри стен Лукки.
Ни один настоящий путешественник не откажется оказаться в городе с многовековой историей, окруженном крепостными стенами XVI века, практически не пострадавшими от времени, среди архитектуры Средних веков и Возрождения, колоритных рынков и магазинчиков с местными деликатесами... Лукка способна удивить, обворожить, заинтриговать и оставить незабываемые впечатления.
Относительно происхождения города Лукка историки высказывают разные мнения: одни считают, что город, возникший в болотистой местности, имеет связь с Лигурией, исходя из кельтско-лигурийского названия «Luk», что означает «болото».
История Лукки состоит из периодов войн и иностранного владычества и сменяющих их годов мира и расцвета.
Лукка и соседняя Пиза долгое время враждовали между собой, и в 1314 году пизанцы наконец установили в Лукке свою власть, что повлекло за собой потерю монополии Лукки на текстильном рынке. В 1370 году Лукка вновь обрела свободу и независимость, а в 1438 году было подписано перемирие с Флоренцией, что вернуло город в состояние экономической и политической стабильности.
В 1799 году в ходе итальянской кампании Наполеона Лукка перешла под его власть. Об этом историческом факте упоминает в своем романе «Война и мир» Лев Толстой, открывая свое знаменитое произведение следующей фразой, произнесенной фрейлиной Анной Шерер в 1805 году: Eh bien, mon prince, Gênes et Lucques ne sont plus que des apanages, des pomestja de la famille Buonaparte... (Ну что, князь, Генуа и Лукка стали не больше, как поместьями фамилии Бонапарте...) В 1815 Лукка стала бурбонским герцогством, а в 1847 году герцог Лукки Карл Людовик Бурбон-Пармский уступил герцогство Лукка Великому герцогству Тосканскому, что привело к потере его независимости.
Первое, что бросается в глаза туристу, решившему осмотреть Лукку, это внушительная крепостная стена, построенная в XV-XVII веках для защиты города, длиной 4223 метра, с 11 бастионами, шестью наружными и тремя внутренними воротами. Уже со второй половины XIX века мощная крепостная стена стала использоваться как место для пеших прогулок. Некоторое время, вплоть до 90-х годов прошлого века, по ней даже ездили автомобили, в том числе и большегрузные – единственный в мире пример подобного использования крепостных стен. Сегодня городские стены – прекрасное место для пешеходных и велосипедных прогулок.
Исторический центр Лукки сохранился практически без изменений со Средних веков – те же узкие улочки, площади с примыкающими к ним башнями и дворцами и около 60 церквей. Город пересекает центральная улица старинной Лукки - Via Fillungo (Виа Филлунго).
Кафедральный собор святого Мартина (Cattedrale di San Martino) был возведен в VI веке епископом Лукки Фридианом, а в последующие века несколько раз перестраивался и свой окончательный вид приобрел в XII веке.
Среди шедевров, которые можно увидеть внутри собора – картина «Мадонна на троне с младенцем и святыми» флорентийского художника XV века Доменико Гирландайо и надгробный памятник Иларии Карретто работы скульптора Якопо Делла Кверча.
Церковь святого Михаила (Chiesa di San Michele in Foro), расположенная на одноименной площади, и базилика святого Фридиана (Basilica di San Frediano) являются яркими примерами пизано-луккской архитектуры.
Башня Гуиниджи (Torre Giunigi) высотой 44 метра является главной и самой высокой башней Лукки – одной из немногих, сохранившихся до наших дней, хотя в начале XIV века в городе насчитывалось более 250 башен и колоколен. Гуиниджи, самое знатное семейство города, решило облагородить свою семейную башню, посадив на ее вершине несколько дубов – символ возрождения.
Площадь Амфитеатра (Piazza dell'Anfiteatro) имеет форму эллипса, поскольку была построена в Средние века на остатках древнеримского амфитеатра, относящегося к II веку. Уровень современной площади на три метра выше, по сравнению с древней ареной. На площадь ведут четверо ворот, только одни из которых, самые низкие, полностью повторяют свой средневековый оригинал.
Дворец Пфаннер (Palazzo Pfanner) XVII века – великолепный пример луккского барокко, окруженный красивым садом.
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Barumini
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Barumini
Barumini is a comune in the Province of South Sardinia in the Italian region of Sardinia, located about 50 kilometres north of Cagliari and about 15 kilometres northeast of Sanluri. Barumini borders the following municipalities: Gergei, Gesturi, Las Plassas, Tuili, Villanovafranca. It is home to Su Nuraxi di Barumini, a Nuraghe complex listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
At the center of the Marmilla , in the valley of the river Mannu , at the foot of the Giara , there is a special atmosphere: since prehistoric times Barumini was the main center of a very rich territory, today, populated by about one thousand and 300 inhabitants, it is one of the of the island's most fascinating culture. At the entrance of the town stands a monumental complex that made it famous in the world: on Nuraxi, the only archaeological site in Sardinia declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO (1997).
Not only the most impressive (and best preserved) of the thirty nuraghic sites nearby, but above all the most precious legacy that the Nuragic civilization has left us. The archaeological excavations were conducted in the mid-twentieth century by Giovanni Lilliu. The 'father' of Sardinian archaeologists has been named the cultural center a few steps from the nuraghe, where events, concerts and exhibitions (permanent and temporary) of archeology and crafts alternate in an inimitable scenario. Su Nuraxi, entirely made of blocks of basalt, has a stratification of two thousand years, from the sixteenth to the seventh century AD It is a complex nuraghe, consisting of a bastion with a central tower (18 meters high) and four corners, and around a labyrinth of 50 huts (dating back to the Bronze Age), wells and cisterns.
The prehistoric origins of Barumini are also witnessed by another trilobed nuraghe, in the center of the village, dating back to the XVI century BC, the Nuraxi and 'Cresia (' church nuraghe ') come to light during the restoration of Casa Zapata, splendid residence of Aragonese barons (arrived in Sardinia in 1323), built in the middle of 1500, rare example of Hispanic civil architecture of Renaissance inspiration. Since 2006, the noble palace, together with garden and courtyard, are home to a museum pole, which houses two towers of the nuragic monument, visible from above thanks to suspended walkways and transparent floors. In the archaeological section of the museum (managed by the Barumini Sistema Cultura Foundation), 180 artefacts found in nearby Nuraxi are on display .
( Sardinia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sardinia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sardinia - Italy
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Tourism in Slovenia - Best Tourist Attractions
Tourism in Slovenia - Best Tourist Attractions
Slovenia is a nation state located in southern Central Europe. The country is located at the crossroads of main European cultural and trade routes. It is bordered by Italy to the west, Austria to the north, Hungary to the northeast, Croatia to the south and southeast, and the Adriatic Sea to the southwest. It covers 20,273 square kilometers (7,827 sq mi) and has a population of 2.06 million. It is a parliamentary republic and a member of the United Nations, European Union, and NATO. The capital and largest city is Ljubljana.
The territory is mostly mountainous with a mainly continental climate, with the exception of the Slovene Littoral, which has a sub-Mediterranean climate, and the northwest, which has an Alpine climate. Additionally, the Dinaric Alps and the Pannonian Plain meet on the territory of Slovenia. The country, marked by a significant biological diversity, is one of the most water-rich in Europe, with a dense river network, a rich aquifer system, and significant karst underground watercourses. Over half of the territory is covered by forest. The human settlement of Slovenia is dispersed and uneven.
Slovenia has historically been the crossroads of West Slavic, South Slavic, Germanic, Romance, and Hungarian languages and culture. Although the population is not homogeneous, the majority is Slovene. The South Slavic language Slovene is the official language throughout the country. Slovenia is a largely secularized country, but its culture and identity have been significantly influenced by Catholicism as well as Lutheranism. The economy of Slovenia is small, open, and export-oriented and has been strongly influenced by international conditions. It has been severely hurt by the Eurozone crisis, started in the late 2000s. The main economic field is services, followed by industry and construction.
Historically, the current territory of Slovenia was part of many different state formations, including the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Carolingian Empire and the Holy Roman Empire, followed by the Habsburg Monarchy, Republic of Venice, French-administered Illyrian Provinces, Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary. In October 1918, the Slovenes exercised self-determination for the first time by co-founding the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. In December 1918, they merged with the Kingdom of Serbia into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (renamed Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929). During World War II, Slovenia was occupied and annexed by Germany, Italy, and Hungary, with a tiny area transferred to the Independent State of Croatia, a Nazi puppet state. Afterward, it was a founding member of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, later renamed the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a communist state which was the only country in the Eastern Bloc which was never part of the Warsaw Pact. In June 1991, after the introduction of multi-party representative democracy, Slovenia split from Yugoslavia and became an independent country. In 2004, it entered NATO and the European Union; in 2007 became the first formerly communist country to join the Eurozone; and in 2010 joined the OECD, a global association of high-income developed countries.
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Tourism in Croacia:
Eastern Europe - Tourist Attractions:
Athens Riviera best of: Luxury Paleo Faliro Mansions | Greece Guide
The area came to be known as old Phaleron in the later 19th century, following the development of the settlement of Neo Phaleron in 1850-1860, now a suburb of Piraeus. Before 1920 old Phaleron was a small seaside village where the houses were few and between which there were long stretches of wheat, barley and oats as well as many vineyards. Some of the men were fishermen, but most were farmers, shepherds and stock breeders. In 1883 the first public transport connecting old Phaleron with Athens was inaugurated, a horse-drawn tram line. In 1890 steam trams were introduced and it was later electrified.
In the western ‘Delta’ area a sea plane airport was started in August 1926, with the first international route Brindisi - Faliro - Istanbul.
Many Greeks from Istanbul (Constantinople) came to live in Palaio Faliro, especially after 1974, and now form a very active and prominent community.
What is a Golden Visa? Every third country national who obtains a Golden Visa, as well as all the members of his/her immediate family (spouse, children under 21 years of age, parents of both spouses) are entites to the following benefits:
• The right to enter Greece and the EU for five (5) years
• The right to reside in Greece for five (5) years
• The right to renew Golden Visa every five (5) years (when conditions are met)
• The right to travel freely and stay for over 180 days per year in European countries that are also members of the Schengen Agreement, within or outside the European Union. A Golden Visa currently permits travel to Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
The right to access the Greek public education system.
In order to obtain a Golden Visa in Greece the following requirements must be met:
He/She shall have entered Greece legally
He/She shall have the full ownership, possession and occupancy or a percentage of undivided ownership of one or more real estate properly/ies in Greece, the total value of which should amount to at least two hunded and fifty thousand euros (€250.000).
Alternatively, he shall have signed a timeshare agreement (lease) for a minimum of 10 years for hotel accommodations or furnished tourist residences in integrated tourist resorts according to article 8, paragraph 2 of Law 4002/2011 (Government Gazette 180A’), provided the minimum cost of the lease also amounts to two hundred and fifty thousand euros (€250.000).
Alternatively, he/she shall purchase a plot of land or acreage and proceed to erecting a building, provided that the cumulative value of the land purchased and the contract with the construction company also amounts to at least two hundred and fifty thousand euros (€250.000).
In cases of joint ownership, where the value of property is €250.000 or more, the residence permit is only granted if the owners are spouses with undivided ownership of the property. In all other cases of joint ownership, the residence permit is only granted if the amount invested by each of the joint owners is at least €250.000.
If the owner has acquired the property through a legal entity, the applicant shall own 100% of the company shares.
The holder of Golden Visa is entitled to extend all the benefits of their Golden Visa to the immediate members of his/her family, who will each acquire a separate Golden Visa by submitting their own separate applications. Immediate family members include:
The applicant’s spouse
His/Her children, as well as the spouse’s children
His/her parents, as well as the spouse’s parents.
In all cases outlined above, the value of the real estate property shall be determined based on the value of the property, or the lease, indicated in the contract of purchase. It should be made clear that the value of the property, according to law 4251/2014, is the amount which has been paid for its purchase, and which is stated explicitly in the contract. The objective, or assessed, value of the property is not relevant, unless it corresponds to the amount which was, according to the contract, paid for the purchase of the property.
#realestate #architecture #greece
Italian Fiscal Code (Codice Fiscale) - How to get one / Overview
The Italian fiscal code (Codice Fiscale) is absolutely vital to live in Italy. It doesn't matter if you've gone through the whole Jure Sanguinis Italian Citizenship process or you're moving to Italy for work or because it's your dream.
Mobile phone service in Italy video that I mentioned:
Bari - Italy
Bari is the capital city of the province of Bari and of the Apulia (or, in Italian, Puglia) region, on the Adriatic Sea, in Italy. It is the second most important economic centre of mainland Southern Italy after Naples, and is well known as a port and university city, as well as the city of Saint Nicholas. The city itself has a decreasing population of about 320,000, as of 2009, over 116 km², while the fast-growing urban area counts 653,028 inhabitants over 203 km². Another 500,000 people live in the metropolitan area.
Bari is made up of four different urban sections. To the north is the closely built old town on the peninsula between two modern harbours, with the splendid Basilica of Saint Nicholas, the Cathedral of San Sabino (1035--1171) and the Swabian Castle built for Frederick II, which is now also a major nightlife district. To the south is the Murat quarter (erected by Joachim Murat), the modern heart of the city, which is laid out on a rectangular grid-plan with a promenade on the sea and the major shopping district (the via Sparano and via Argiro).
Modern residential zones surround the centre of Bari, the result of chaotic development during the 1960s and 1970s replacing the old suburbs that had developed along roads splaying outwards from gates in the city walls. In addition, the outer suburbs have developed rapidly during the 1990s. The city has a redeveloped airport named after Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyła Airport, with connections to several European cities. ( source Wikipedia )
Barumini - Sardinia - Italy Unesco World Heritage Site
Ferries to Sardinia:
Barumini is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Medio Campidano in the Italian region Sardinia, located about 50 km north of Cagliari and about 15 km northeast of Sanluri.
Barumini borders the following municipalities: Gergei, Gesturi, Las Plassas, Tuili, Villanovafranca.Monuments and places of historical and cultural interest in Barumini [edit]
* On Nuraxi, the symbol par excellence of the country of Barumini
* On Nuraxi'e Cresia
* Centre for Communication and Promotion of Cultural Heritage John Lilliu
* The convent of the Capuchin Friars
* Palazzo Zapata
* Town Library
* House of Zappata, with Gothic and Renaissance elements
* Parish in the late Gothic style
On Nuraxi [edit]
Main article: Main article: On Nuraxi.
Zapata building and Su Nuraxi'e Cresia [edit]
Barumini - Area museum Palais Zapata
In downtown Barumini you can admire Palazzo Zapata, a former home that the Marquis, in the early 600, they built on the highest point of the country.
Only recently, during the restoration of the palace, was made a discovery of great significance: the Zapata palace was built over the well preserved remains of a settlement called by the archaeologist John nuragico Lilliu (already discovered the Su Nuraxi complex) Nuraxi 'and because Cresia near the parish church.
Thanks to a project of architectural restoration of great visual impact and a strong suggestion (developed with great sensitivity by the architect Peter Royal) and the Palace of the marquis that the underlying nuraghe, properly brought to light, are now home to a magnificent museum complex - divided into three sections: archaeological (scientific project developed by the archaeologist Dr. Roberto Sirigu), historical (scientific project developed by Dr. Rosa M. Lai and Ms. Patricia M. Mameli the Archive Superintendence of Sardinia) and ethnographic ( scientific project developed by the architect. Liliana Fadda) - which was opened July 29, 2006
Traveler's choice beaches awards 2013
'Traveler's Choice Beaches Awards 2013' : premiate cinque spiagge sarde
TripAdvisor, sito di recensioni di viaggi tra i più seguiti sul web, ha reso noto i vincitori 2013 dei Traveller's Choice Beaches Destinations Awards. Con una spiaggia nella Top 10 europea e ben 5 nella Top 10 italiana, la Sardegna si distingue per il numero dei premi ottenuti.
Things to do in Toronto, Canada - Day 2 | Travel vlog
Wondering what to do and where to go in Toronto, Ontario? I spent 2 days in town. In my second travel vlog, I visited the most well-known attractions, like the CN Tower and Casa Loma. Hope you like!
Detailed info about all activities:
Day 1:
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Cameras: I combine all these for different purposes:
+ Main camera (general images):
+ Supporting camera (when my husband and I shoot together - one of us uses the main camera and the other the secondary):
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+ Phone (yes, even the phone):
+ Drone:
Microphones (depending on the camera)
+ Shotgun:
+ Lavalier for everyday shoots:
+ Lavalier for select projects:
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