Annecy, la Venise des Alpes, le coup de cœur de Peggy - Bienvenue chez vous !
Annecy ville des Alpes par excellence... Souvent appelée la Venise des Alpes de par ses somptueuses ruelles au bord du Thiou. Entre lac et montagnes, un havre de paix, une ville à taille humaine, immense par sa beauté...
Annecy :
© Rhône-Alpes Tourisme/Wemotion/Beegoo/G. Dardenne/Musique L. Voloch
Annecy, France
La città è capoluogo dell'omonimo arrondissement e di tre cantoni che riuniscono tutti i tredici comuni dell'agglomerazione: nel cantone di Annecy-Centro si trova una parte del capoluogo con circa quindicimila abitanti; nel Cantone di Annecy-Nord-Est si trova un'altra parte di città con circa 20 000 abitanti; nel cantone di Annecy-Nord-Ovest invece si trovano, oltre alla periferia del capoluogo, i comuni di La Balme-de-Sillingy, Choisy, Épagny, Lovagny, Mésigny, Metz-Tessy, Meythet, Nonglard, Poisy, Sallenôves e Sillingy, con un totale di quasi 50 000 abitanti.
Starting as the capital of the county of Geneva, after the demise of the counts of Geneva, it became integrated into the House of Savoy's possessions in 1401. In 1444, it was set up by the Princes of Savoy as the capital of a region covering the possessions of the Genevois, Faucigny and Beaufortain. With the advance of Calvinism in 1535, it became a center for the Counter-Reformation and the bishop's see of Geneva was transferred here.[1]
The Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall)
During the French Revolution the Savoy region was conquered by France. Annecy became attached to the département of Mont Blanc, of which the capital was Chambéry. After the Bourbon Restoration in 1815, it was returned to the Kingdom of Sardinia (heir of the Duchy of Savoy). When Savoy was sold to France in 1860, it became the capital of the new département of Haute-Savoie.
Francis of Sales was born at the nearby castle of Sales in 1567. He was bishop of Annecy from 1602 to 1622.
Annecy was the site of the second round of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) talks in 1949.
Frangy Serrasson Bonlieu D1508 France 6.10.2015
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.